Orchard CMS Recent Blog Post Widget Alternate View - asp.net-mvc

I'm new to Orchard CMS and MVC so please forgive my ignorance. I've done a search and not found anything apparently relevant....
In one of the Footer Quad zone on my Orchard site I want to show the 5 most recent blog posts, just by title. At present it show the title, post, tags etc all in their unformatted state(Ive not style the blog yet).
Using the tracing tool I've created an alternate view called;
However the only content in this view is;
Which -unlike other installed widgets Ive edited alternate views for- doesn't give me anything to play around with to create the layout I'm needing to create.
Have I selected the wrong shape / view, or do I need to get stuck in with some coding???
As I say, I'm new to both MVC and Orchard but very keen to learn. Any help on this will, as always, be greatly appreciated.

I got the exact same problem while trying to differentiate recent blog posts layout from blog summary posts. I followed this concept
and created Parts.Blogs.RecentBlogPosts alternate. Then while navigating through the model using shape tracing tool I found all elements I was looking for and put them in my new shape. I know that my approach might not be the most appropriate one but it works. Maybe it would be a starting point for someone who would need to do similar thing:
<div class="last-news">
#foreach (var item in Model.ContentItems.ContentItems.Items)
var max = (item.ContentItem.BodyPart.Text.Length > 100) ? 100 : item.ContentItem.BodyPart.Text.Length;
<li>#Display(Html.Raw(item.ContentItem.BodyPart.Text.Substring(0, max)))</li>

It does deserve an explanation. Model.ContentItems here really is a List shape. When you call Display with it, it will locate the most appropriate template for a list shape (and that can be an alternate) and renders it. The default List rendering just renders UL/LI and in each LI calls Display on the individual Content shape for the list element, but with the Summary display type. When that in turn gets rendered, the system locates the most relevant Content template, which usually renders a bunch of zones, inside of which the parts get pushed according to placement. So there is a lot going on, in quite a few nested levels.
Still, it is possible to override the whole thing at any level. The difficulty is to know what to put there. The easiest for this is to explore the Model in shape tracing and see what you can use.
This article shows how to override list rendering in a particular situation and take it over entirely:

The Parts.Blogs.RecentBlogPosts view displays Parts_Blogs_BlogPost_List shape (Parts.Blogs.BlogPost.List.cshtml) which displays BlogPost content items. (You can see it in RecentBlogPostsPartDriver.cs). BlogPost content type consists of TitlePart and BodyPart parts which has their own shapes and views (or templates in Orchard terminology).
So to make some corrections for those templates you could try to alternate Parts_Blogs_BlogPost_List, Parts_Common_Body_Summary and other shapes.
Please see the following instructions on Orchard docs page especially:
Accessing and Rendering Shapes


Orchard CMS web Themes Aside not in the Aside .. why

I am using the ThemeMachine and also trying the CustomThemeMachne themes - they reveal I should have an aside1, 2, and 3 .. I was under the impression that Aside was Aside of the main content and not underneath the main content; and that is where they show up now - right under the main content. What I would like to have is my Aside1 to the Left Side of the Entire Page for various content such as article links and Adverts and also an Aside on the Right side of the Entire Page. See the picture below where RED Rectangle is the page menu / main content / etc , the Blue rectangles are the Aside 1 and Aside 3
I am having some difficulty in figuring out how to do that - since I am really new to Orchard and my skill sets with MVC model are limited.
I would like some guidance or an example of exactly how I can accomplish this with either of these two themes after an example or really good info I feel I will be able to figure out what I need to do.
The rectangles are called zones. These are defined in the Theme.txt. Search for a line that starts with Zones:, it states each zone in a simple comma separated list, for example:
Zones: Navigation, Content, UserDisplayName, ...
The actual render order of the zones is defined by HTML markup in the Layout.cshtml, for example:
Func<dynamic, dynamic> Zone = x => Display(x); // Zone as an alias for Display to help make it obvious when we're displaying zones
You are logged in as #Zone(New.UserDisplayName())
This is all well documented at http://docs.orchardproject.net/en/latest/Documentation/Anatomy-of-a-theme/

Umbraco 7 Dynamic Template Block contents

Hi i need some help with umbraco to define dynamic block template. I've the structure described in the image below
i want to create a dinamic structure for the investor area like in the next screenshot
i try to create benefit template as child of investor template and investor template child of Investors template. In that way my customer can dinamically add or remove benefit from investor and investor from Investors. I watched all umbraco tv videos but i don't know how to solve this problem! I'm searching in something similar to:
#foreach(var page in CurrentPage.Children){
I found a way! Simple i don't need any template! only partial view that contains block code! and then i can use #html.partial to render them! it was really simple and in the correct mvc way!

Where should I put chart-drawing code in Rails?

I've got some custom Ruby code for generating a chart (which will generally be displayed as an inline SVG in a "show" view) based on the contents of the model.
I'm wondering where I should put the drawing code. As I see it, I could:
Put it in the model, so I can call #my_object.chart_as_svg in my view ... but this would diverge from MVC
Put it in a view, like show.svg.erb, and let my controller respond to format.svg
Put it in the controller as a separate action
Put it in a helper...
What's the prevailing wisdom on this?
If you think you might reuse the charting code for other things, make it a class, put it in lib and set it up so you can do something like this in your controller:
#chart = MyChart.new(:data => #my_object.data_method, :title => 'Foo Chart', ....)
send_data #chart.to_svg, ...
This way you can extend it with other options, add .to_png, etc without mucking up your model.
IMO: A little bit of everything! Going down your list:
Your object has charts, so you should definitely have #obj.chart, but the chart isn't a part of the model - it may be created using model data, but it's not something that's a) restricted to that model or b) required by that model - so you do want it as part of a different package/module/object/etc
The Ruby object of the chart, IMHO, shouldn't "know" how to turn itself into an HTML view. That's the job of a partial - _chart.svg.erb, _chart_typeB.svg.erb - but it should "know" how to transform its information - counts, averages, percentages, etc etc. Partials then consume those different "formats".
I'm going to bet that at some point, you'll want to access the chart data directly via an API. Maybe you're turning your stuff into a platform, maybe you're doing AJAX updates to the current page; doesn't matter - you're going to eventually want some controller actions to directly access the chart data.
You should take anything complex out of the view partial and turn them into helpers, but the partial should still be responsible for the "styling". That is, the partial should generate the smallest atomic view of the chart - just the chart, nothing but the chart - but the partial should be whatever else you generally want to show when you want to include the chart in a web page.
Edit: Reading the other answer a bit, I've got a different assumption: I'm assuming your taking the chart information and generating the picture via Javascript on the webpage, rather than generating a picture on the server and serving it. If you are doing the latter, I'd make it as part of the chart class - it's a different "format" into which the data can be transformed.

MVC change image button image on the view from the controller

I am new to MVC . I am creating a bookstore webpage application using aspx, and mvc. I have a database of books that says available or sold out. When a user clicks a dropdownlist they choose a book, it shows an image next to the book that is either supposed to show a green check mark if it is available or a red X if its not available. That information is all pulled from a database. My question is how do I change the image once a book becomes available. By the way my images are stored in my Content folder under imgs.
I have been searching for a while and haven't found a good answer. Any help or any websites you can suggest would be great thanks.
My image says this
<asp: Image ID = "Book_Availability" runat = "server" />
When I mean change, I mean change the ImageURL so that it points to a different picture. On the server side I have value of 0 or 1. When I get a 1 i want to update the image URL to point to a different ImageURL from the controller, so that its from a X to a check mark. I am not sure how to accomplish this using MVC
Check out this link on Razor syntax. You could achieve what describe with something like:
string availableImage = Url.Content("~/Images/availableImage");
string unavailableImage = Url.Content("~/Images/unavailableImage");
<img src= "#(Model.IsAvailable ? availableImage : unavailableImage)" alt="" />
You could perhaps add an click event handler onto the dropdown using jQuery. This could in turn do a $("#myimagewrapperexample").load() event against an action on some controller i.e BooksController
The action could return a partial view containing the books current image for example. Or it could return true, false depending on the books availability and you toggle the image in your javascript. All the action would need to be passed would be the id of the book and you could then look it up to determine it's status.
I've never used asp tags in a MVC project so can't comment on your usage there. AlexC suggestion of looking into the Razor syntax if your using MVC 3 is a good idea. Otherwise you might want to look into creating views using MVC 2. This Microsoft link might help you out on that front.

Multiple layouts vs css trickery vs partials in a rails app for dynamic page layout

I was wondering if anyone could comment on which way is better and WHY?
Here is a simplified version of what I have ( in HAML):
= yield
= context_navigation
The problem:
I want #sidebar to display on some pages to show context menu, such as on the account page to show links to profile, password, order history. On the product page show links to product specifications, description, "send link", etc. But not on other pages - such as on the home page I need to use the whole width of #root for #content to show news or featured items.
Solution & Question:
I have several ideas on how to implement it, but I was looking for some input at to which one you think is better and please explain WHY? The main objective is maintainability of code.
Here are some ideas:
CSS \ SCSS trickery - make the sidebar a collapsible div if there context navigation is empty
Use an else/if to load different partials depending on which part of the site I'm in.
Create a separate layout (seems like an overkill - as I understand layouts are to be used mostly for different media such as screen vs. print vs. pdf vs. mobile - etc)
Any other ideas?
Thank you,
You could use nested layouts to get this working:
Different views might serve you well... you may need to rethink your controller also to make them more use case specific. Going along this route will make you app more dynamic, increase cohesion amongst all of the components and allow for greater extensibility.
