Stop youtube from showing more videos once mine is done - youtube

I want to show a video on my company website, but once the video is done, it previews other videos.
How can I stop YouTube from displaying additional videos?
The link addition is only good if I link people to the video...but if they go to the video on their own, they are still subject to the additional videos.

to your Youtube video URL. Example:


Can I play Youtube Offline Videos in my App

I am trying to make an video app that will have a button on whose click I can save the video in Youtube offline mode and can play that video from my app.
This might be illegal:
You could use an API like this YoutubeExtractor which allows you to download the videos.
See the original (your question is a duplicate) post

How do music service pages retrieve YouTube video URL?

Music sites like Playmoss and Submissionhub manage to retrieve the YouTube video file URL from the standard player watch URL. When a user pasts a YouTube URL like this into their service, the get the video file URL like this and save them in their system. This is necessary to later reproduce the media files with an external audio player like SoundManager2.
I learned that it's possible to retrieve the info from command line but that's impossible to do so from embedded YouTube videos.
Any idea how the mentioned sites manage to do that?
It is impossible (and illegal) to retrieve YouTube video URL. Music sites like the mentioned in the question seem to play YouTube files controlling the embedded videos. This can be done using Javascript as described here.

Play vimeo video in VIMVideoPlayer

I need to develop an app which will play vimeo videos. Now, Vimeo officially provide a class named VIMVideoPlayer to play videos. (
I also wondering if there is any other way to get success but videos with vimeo url like '' not working with it. I need to achieve this. Please provide your help to get over on this.
VIMVideoPlayer only works with direct links to video files. If you are a Vimeo PRO user, and own the video, you can get direct link access, but those links are not accessible to other users videos.

How can I link my private videos on YouTube to be played on my website?

How can I link my private videos on YouTube to be played on my website. The point is to bring more viewers to my site by making videos available on my site, yet private on YouTube.
You should set your videos to "unlisted" instead of "private". That
way the video does not show up on your channel or on any search
results but anyone with a link to the video can see it and you can
embed the video on any site.
I didn't try this workaround yet but theoretically it should work, you need to use YouTube API V 3 and follow the below steps:
Set the video's privacy status to unlisted through API.
Embed the video via API in a hidden div.
Use onPlayerStateChange event to check if the video player is currently playing the video, use the API to pause the video at the first second.
If the state changed to "playing" then send an AJAX request to a server side script to revert the the video's privacy status to be private, once you get a confirmation message display the video and use the API to play it.
This should keep the video private even if the user copy & paste the URL in another tab, s/he should get a message that the video is private.
PHP - How to change privacy status of a youtube video through Youtube API v3?

Youtube video player

Is this possible to allow just a specific website to display a youtube video
with the iframe embeded code? or with the api
With the iframe code alone it is not possible. Your youtube-video displayed on the youtube website. As long as anyone can view this video by going to youtube like this
for example, anyone can embedd it using an iframe.
What you could do is limit the acces to this video itself. As far as I remember you could specify whether anyone or just your friends can whatch your video.
The latter case may not keep people from embedding your video, but it will keep them from viewing it as long as they are not logged in to youtube and are your friends there.
