i wanna ask how to change title in
so i want to make link name copy to title automatic
so if i make this code
title link
title link
how to do that in php or javascript
i know some in php
but need to make all words in link at database or make for every link variable $
can some one help me in that?
I'd suggest:
function textToTitle(elem, attr) {
if (!elem || !attr) {
// if function's called without an element/node,
// or without a string (an attribute such as 'title',
// 'data-customAttribute', etc...) then returns false and quits
return false;
else {
// if elem is a node use that node, otherwise assume it's a
// a string containing the id of an element, search for that element
// and use that
elem = elem.nodeType == 1 ? elem : document.getElementById(elem);
// gets the text of the element (innerText for IE)
var text = elem.textContent || elem.innerText;
// sets the attribute
elem.setAttribute(attr, text);
var link = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, len = link.length; i < len; i++) {
textToTitle(link[i], 'title');
JS Fiddle demo.
And since it seems traditional to offer a concise jQuery option:
$('a').attr('title', function() { return $(this).text(); });
JS Fiddle demo.
If you don't want to use a library:
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Since you wanted to do all this to one element on the page, consider using something like this:
var allLinks = document.getElementById('myelement').getElementsByTagName('a'); // gets all the link elements out of #myelement
for ( int i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++ ){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Actually, this is roughly the same as before but we are changing the input elements.
Or, assuming you use jQuery, you could do something like this:
$('a').each(function(){ // runs through each link element on the page
$(this).attr('title', $(this).html()); // and changes the title to the text within itself ($(this).html())
In JQuery you can change an attribute by knowing the current tag and using the .attr() feature. Something like $('a').attr('title', 'new_title'); http://api.jquery.com/attr/
Is there a way to tell the count of characters of all text fields in some of our content items? We need to estimate a translation price for our content items.
You can use Delivery API to retrieve your items and run a quick javascript to count the characters for you. First, get all your items (or a subset, depending on what you need) with the call excluding all the modular content (linked items) like this:
Then you can use browser console to run this piece of code:
var response = JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].textContent);
var noOfChars = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < response.items.length; x++) {
var p = response.items[x].elements;
for (var key in p) {
if (p[key].type=='rich_text' || p[key].type=='text') {
noOfChars += strip(p[key].value).length;
function strip(html)
var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
tmp.innerHTML = html;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
And hit enter. This is what the result will look like:
I am using katex to render math.
Generally, to get this to work I link to the files katex.min.js and katex.min.css from a cdn, which is one of the ways the directions suggest.
I wrap what needs to be rendered in tags and give all the same class. For example:
<span class='math'>\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\c & d\end{bmatrix}</span>
And inside a script tag I apply the following:
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].innerHTML, math[i]);
So, my implementation works but there is a problem in what katex returns. The output of the above gives me:
This exact same question is asked here:
But I can't understand any of it.
The solution is to use element.textContent, not element.innerHTML.
If I use a form like what follows, the matrix will be rendered properly.
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].textContent, math[i]); // <--element.textContent
A solution that works for me is the following (it is more of a hack rather than a fix):
<script type="text/javascript">
//first we define a function
function replaceAmp(str,replaceWhat,replaceTo){
replaceWhat = replaceWhat.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var re = new RegExp(replaceWhat, 'g');
return str.replace(re,replaceTo);
//next we use this function to replace all occurences of 'amp;' with ""
var katexText = $(this).html();
var html = katex.renderToString(String.raw``+katexText+``, {
throwOnError: false
//hack to fix amp; error
var amp = '<span class="mord mathdefault">a</span><span class="mord mathdefault">m</span><span class="mord mathdefault">p</span><span class="mpunct">;</span>';
var html = replaceAmp(html, amp, "");
function convert(input) {
var input = input.replace(/amp;/g, '&'); //Find all 'amp;' and replace with '&'
input=input.replace(/&&/g, '&'); //Find all '&&' and replace with '&'. For leveling 10&x+ &3&y+&125&z = 34232
var html = katex.renderToString(input, {
throwOnError: false});
return html
Which version are you using?
Edit the src/utils.js and comment line number 51 to 55 after updated run in terminal npm run build command.
I have a client who specifically does not like the numbers next in the headers of the columns when doing a sort. This is rooted in UI-Grid's multi-sort, which gives each column a numbered priority. Is there a way to disable the multi-sort in order to remove those numbers? I still want to keep sorting activated, but only on one column at a time.
I've had this problem myself. If you look carefully in the ui0grid.js code you'll see that there is (at this time) no option to diable it. The writers of ui-grid state that they would welcome a request for such a function in this thread
However, you want a fix, not a promise ;-)
You can spot how many sortColumns have been chosen in the sortChanged method.
Try something like this:
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
// Register a handler that is fired everytime someone changd the sort params.
$scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged($scope, function(grid, sortColumns) {
if (sortColumns.length > 1) {
// We have more than one sort. Kill the first one.
// If this works we'll only ever have 0, 1 or 2 sortColumns,
// and only ever 2 for the lifetime of this method.
var column = null;
for (var j = 0; j < grid.columns.length; j++) {
if (grid.columns[j].name === sortColumns[0].field) {
column = grid.columns[j];
if (column) {
sortColumns[1].sort.priority = 1; // have to do this otherwise the priority keeps going up.
This is against the 3.0.0 release of ui-grid.
To prevent sorting on multiple columns, I added these two lines in the Grid.prototype.sortColumn function, ui-grid.js file.
column.sort.priority = undefined;
works for me..
I wanted to limit multiple sort columns to a maximum of 2. This is how I did it.
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
$scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged($scope, function(grid, sortColumns) {
if (sortColumns.length == 3) {
//limit multi column sort to max 2 columns
for (var j = 0; j < grid.columns.length; j++) {
if (grid.columns[j].name === sortColumns[2].name) {
grid.columns[j].sort = {};
Looks like this is supported now in the HTML element:
This in the latest version. No need for tough scripts.
I use this code to replace text of bookmark in word :
using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open("doc3.docx", true))
var bookmarkStarts = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>();
foreach (var start in bookmarkStarts)
OpenXmlElement elem = item.NextSibling();
while (elem != null && !(elem is BookmarkEnd))
OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling();
elem = nextElem;
item.Parent.InsertBefore<Run>(new Run(new Text("Hello")), item);
But this not work where the bookmark is in the table.
Have you checked that you don't delete any bookmarks with your approach?
I've run your test code after editing a little (you don't have a var name items in your example code), and I've succesfully inserted Hello in 2 bookmarks out of a table, and 2 in a table, without any issues.
Which leads me to believe your problem lies elsewhere.
Have you looked at the open-xml in your document after you've run your program?
Is there any errors?
I've experienced bookmarks being placed the oddest places in a word-document when you leave the placing to word, and not you.
You can also end up with bookmarks overlapping each other like this
<bookmark1 start><xml xml><bookmark2 start><bookmark1 end><xml xml><bookmark2 end>
If you run into that case, your code will delete the bookmarkstart 2 before it reaches bookmarkend 1, and that will cause your bookmark to not be replaced.
You'll easily run into that problem with larger complex documents.
The way I solved it was to "sort" the bookmarks before doing any editing.
So the example above would become
<bookmark1 start><xml xml><bookmark1 end><bookmark2 start><xml xml><bookmark2 end>
after the sort
The code I use to do this look like this:
var bookmarks = mainPart.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>();
for (int i = 0; i < bookmarks.Count(); i++)
var bks = bookmarks.ElementAt(i);
var next = bks.NextSibling();
if (next is BookmarkEnd)
var bme = (BookmarkEnd)next;
if (int.Parse(bks.Id) - int.Parse(bme.Id) == 1)
var copy = (BookmarkEnd)next.Clone();
bks.Parent.InsertBefore<BookmarkEnd>(copy, bks);
Which i'll admit isn't totally fool-proof but have worked well for me.
Another check you can add, to avoid deleting bookmarks is in your replace method
This will make sure you don't delete bookmarkstarts as you remove elements when inserting text
while (elem != null && !(elem is BookmarkEnd)) //fjern elementer
OpenXmlElement nextElem = elem.NextSibling();
if (elem.LocalName != "bookmarkStart")
elem = nextElem;
Good luck :)
Is it possible to filter numbers from the variable.
I can show you one example here from the link http://jsfiddle.net/sweetmaanu/82r5v/6/
I need to get only numbers from the alert message
Simply replace the box string out of it.
for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
order[i] = order[i].replace('box', '');
So instead of box1, box2, box3, box4 you want to see 1,2,3,4
You can use a regular expression like this:
var order = $("#boxes").sortable("toArray") + "";
alert(order.replace(/[^0-9,]/g, ''));
I also had to append an empty string to order because it wasn't being recognized as a string object even though the jQuery documentation says it should be when you call sortable("toArray").
change var order = $("#boxes").sortable("toArray");
to var order = $("#boxes").sortable("toArray").join(',').replace(/[a-zA-Z]/gi, "");
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/82r5v/13/
// Remove all non-digits from the string
'box1'.replace(/\D/g, ''); // => '1'
// Same, but try to make the string a number
Number('box1'.replace(/\D/g, '')); // => 1
// Shorthand for making an object a number (+o is the same as Number(o))
+'box1'.replace(/\D/g, ''); // => 1
// parseInt(s) works if the number is at the beginning
parseInt('1box'); // => 1
// but not if it occurs later
parseInt('box1'); // => NaN
Maybe using regular expressions something like this:
To return the array as numbers.
(\d matches all digits, g signifies a global match wildcard)
One way to do it by using regular expressions - http://jsfiddle.net/holodoc/82r5v/14/
$(document).ready(function() {
var arrValuesForOrder = ["2", "1", "3", "4"];
var ul = $("#boxes"),
items = $("#boxes li.con");
for (var i = arrValuesForOrder[arrValuesForOrder.length - 1]; i >= 0; i--) {
// arrValuesForOrder[i] element to move
// i = index to move element at
ul.prepend(items.get(arrValuesForOrder[i] - 1));
handle : '.drag',
update: function() {
var order = $("#boxes").sortable("toArray");
var sorted = [];
$.each(order, function(index, value){