Statistics on Game Center Achievements - ios

Is there a way to gather/download/view statistics on my iOS app's achievements for all of my users?
For example, is there a way I could see the percent of my app's users that have completed each achievement?

Not using Game Center. You could certainly use another system of tracking this.


How can you contact the winner on an Apple Game Centre leaderboard?

I'm about to launch an iOS game, with game centre support. At the end of each month I would like to contact the winner and offer them a prize. Is it possible to do this though the iTunes connect, or some other system?
I can't find much within the Apple developer doc's and the alternatives all seem a bit long winded.
You cannot do that. The Apple guidelines strongly suggest that they want to keep the personal details of the user away from the developers. Also, it is not a good practice to incentivise the winners outside the app!
Plus as Paulw11 put it, the Game Centre leaderboards are usually spammed, and you finding a player with a genuine high score is difficult.
Hope this helps.

iOS Game Center - designing game achievements for offline use

I am designing and developing iOS game with achievements and leaderboards. I understand the mechanic of creating achievements within iTunes Connect, and loading/unlocking them in iOS game.
But I am not aware of the best practice how to include the achievements for users that refuse using the Game Center. I want to offer these users the achievements too, so is the approach to keep a duplicate, offline list of achievements in the iOS binary and unlock these in local application?
I am not talking about "offline" in context of "network connection", but in context of "not using Game Center".
Or is this thought off-topic today, and should I hard-wire the achievements to only GC users? My intention is to offer Achievements to all users, even those who don't authorize game in GC.
Any advice in approach would be appreciated, thanks!

Game Center list all achievements for current user

I would really like to know what information can I get for logged in user from Game Center.
Is it possible to get all achievements that user has in Game center? And I do mean all of them, including the achievements in other games?
What about all the games user has played?
I cannot find any information about this in Apple docs, so I am assuming Apple keeps this to themselves.
What information is available to us, outside of our own application?
Thanks for your help!

Game Center challenges feature

When implementing Game Center, do we need to implement all features such game challenges. I have implemented Invite and Autoplay. But just curious, do we need to handle all features?
No, you don't need to implement all features. But for the most part challenges are handled automatically if you have set up achievements or leaderboard scores. Game Center will send your app messages about challenges (if it is in the foreground), but in general it handles the outcome without your app knowing about it. (So if you submit a new score to a leaderboard which completes a challenge, it will notify the challenger that their challenge has been completed).

Build own 'Game center' possible?

I'm searching through internet, but I haven't found a clear answer.
I'm going to develop a game which, as many games, have score, badges, etc. The question is: can I have my own web page to show this values, with stats, names, leaderboards... or Apple will reject the app if it doesn't use the Apple Game center?
You don’t have to use Game Center. There are plenty of games that use other achievement / leaderboard / etc. platforms—Zynga has their own thing, and OpenFeint was pretty popular for a while.
