How to create Virtual Host - wampserver

I am using WAMP-2.4.2/Windows-7/PHP-5.4.3 I wanted to create Virtual Host during google I found but I could not be able to edit host file located at
I also tried ref:
net user administrator /active:yes
on command prompt after run this command it shows successful message but when I tried again to edit host file it say Access Denied

Do you have any security software installed some time we set system file protection while installing antivirus or other security s/w, I had also faced that issue
Follow this as it is detailed article


When connecting to owncloud i get 'You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain'

Just installed owncloud using the instructions in and when I try to connect to the server from my machine I get the following error message...
You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain.
Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the "trusted_domains" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php or at the documentation.
IK what the error message means and how I would normally fix it in a standard apache setup, but how do I change these in the docker images?
I tried changing the line OWNCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS in the .env file to a wildcard (originally it said localhost) and that did not help.

TFS Release, running PowerShell, cannot create DtlDownloads

I am trying to get some automatic deployments up and running using TFS 15 (on-premise). I have a powershell script on the deployment target to call.
The deployments starts fine by downloading the artifact. But when the agent runs the script it wants to create a folder C:\Windows\DtlDownloads (thats not part of my script but part of preparing things for TFS I guess). That fails:
##[debug]System.AggregateException: Failed to install 'VisualStudioRemoteDeployer20597940-38b2-4ba8-9a4d-fcc894308730' from service executable path VisualStudioRemoteDeployer.exe . Consult the logs below:
Access to the path 'DtlDownloads' is denied.
CategoryInfo :PermissionDenied: (C:\Windows\DtlDownloads:String) [New-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
FullyQualifiedErrorId :CreateDirectoryUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand
The user used to logon is a server-local user named deploy who is also a local administrator on that machine. I also checked the effective access for that user on the windows folder and it should be able to create directories.
Something similar happens with the copy step. Robocopy signals two errors:
2017/03/16 08:57:21 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Getting File System Type of Destination \\\c$\abc\def\
Access is denied.
2017/03/16 08:57:21 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Creating Destination Directory \\\c$\abc\def\
Access is denied.
The second is a bit unexpected as the folder def already exists but I guess it is a follow up because getting the type failed beforehand.
The user itself must have been recognized because I get different errors when using invalid credentials. I have enabled WinRM using Enable-PSRemoting and ConfigureWinRM.ps1 from WinRM-Http-Https-Without-Makecert.
What could still restrict the permissions?
Update: Using a domain user instead of a local one of that server solves the issue. But I do not understand why. Can someone explain or even provide information how to make it work with a local user?
The username of either a domain or a local administrative account on
the target host(s).
Formats such as username, domain\username, machine-name\username, and .\username are supported.
UPN formats such as and built-in system accounts such as NT Authority\System are not supported.
Source Link
Both the domain account and local admin should be work. Please double check your format and give a try with another format.
One problem could be if that you have the agent as a service, that service has not the proper privileges, like being on Network Account. Try to change that to the user account which has administrative privileges.
Running "winrm quickconfig" fixed this problem for me
winrm quickconfig

WARNING! ejabberd can not start Admin user is not created Please check your configuration

My title is my "error" that I am facing in the Terminal when setup the ejabberd.
What I did.
Download package from this website and choose Mac OS X Intel Installer.
I'm following this tutorial.
Where I'm reach at /Applications/ejabberd-16.06/bin by Terminal.
And run ./ cesare jerry.local password
And got below error message in terminal.
WARNING ! ejabberd can not start Admin user is not created Please check your configuration
But I know there is instruction that '' script, which has to be run right after the installation to create the admin user.
So For create admin user I go on official site of ejabberd.
But there I can't understand 5th step and my registering process alway in progress .
In short how can I create admin user or how can I remove WARNING from the terminal?
COMMENT : After couples of the days, I found that instead of insall ejabberd with Operating System Specific Packagesr you should try to install ejabberd with Binary Installer.
You do not need to run script as it is already run by the installer and create the admin user for you. If you have had no error message from the installer, you should already be set. You can just call ejabberd start script.
Please make sure that you also approve listening on ports if OSX firewall ask you to authorise it. Ensure also that the user installing ejabberd has admin rights.

Forgot Neo4j Server Password

Because this question was never answered, I was hoping someone could help me reset the password to connect to my neo4j password (at localhost:7474). Zachary wrote a post on solving this by someone restarting the service using:
sudo service neo4j-service restart
but I did not find this helpful. In the terminal, I ran bin/neo4j restart (which I think is the equivalent command), and was not able to reset my password.
Depending on environment and installation type you need to look for a file named auth under directory dbms and remove it.
In MacOs, for dmg installations (adjust for custom locations):
or (homebrew install)
Windows users should look for same file in the default.graphdb/dbms directory.
In Ubuntu
In docker containers
Alternatively, you might choose to disable auth in the configuration file, usually found in
and set this property to false
After doing this, you need to restart the server for changes to make effect, you will be asked for a new password.
In window machine, I deleted the auth file at following path :
Users\systemUser\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\data\dbms and then I restarted the neo4j server.
Navigate to http://localhost:7474. It will ask you to enter the password for user neo4j. Enter default password (neo4j)
After this you will be navigated to change password screen. Change your password.
Note : for other operating systems auth file path may be different
I am running version 4.0.7. Many answers I found on the internet state "Delete /data/dbms/auth". That does not work for 4.0.7, that file does not exist.
I followed these instructions, and they worked.
Mainly do this:
Stop neo4j if its running
edit /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf, and uncomment
connect to the database and run
ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD 'mynewpass';
Stop neo4j
comment out the
start neo4j
For the Mac, I had to remove ~/Documents/Neo4j/default.graphdb/data/dbms/auth
Then restart the server, and reset the password.
In addition to deleting the auth file, sudo rm /data/dbms/auth, I also had to set up local port forwarding for the browser port 7474 and the bolt connector port 7687. This is due to the outbound firewall for browsers of the network I am using.
On a DB and on a Windows installation of Neo4j Desktop (others can chime in if it works on Mac and Lnx), you can simply:
stop the DB,
click anywhere along the ribbon with the DB name and the "Open" button (this is hidden until you do a mousehover on this area) - I just click the name as there's no event on that label control and
you'll see along the RHS, the "Details", "Pluggins" and "Upgrade" options - select the "Details".
at the bottom, open the "Reset DBMS password" and you're good to go.
It's a bit scary as you don't need to know the original pwd...but since this should be used only for dev tasks and/or by the dba, that seems good for my lazy needs :)

Copy File from UNC Path Server - Using Delphi 7 Services

I created one service which is running in one server and I need to copy directory from another server to directory in this server through this service. The service is failed when finding directory specified in another server. Like If DirectoryExists("\\ServerName\DirectoryName"). It is not working even, I set up the service with Network Authority.
Please give solution for this. It will be helpful.
A possible explanation is that the service runs as a user that does not have read rights to the other server's volumes. Authenticating with NETWORKSERVICE does not help you. That's just a user that has access to TCP etc.
What you need to do is to run your service as a user which has read access to the other server's volumes. As a test try your personal login, but in the longer run you may wish to use a dedicated user just for this task.
