Google drive API combining image and text - ios

I am trying to upload a file and an image using the google drive api example for iOS.
It's easy to upload text and image separately but I can't figure out how to upload both.
How do you combine an image and text?
If I do this:
NSData *fileContent = [self.textView.text dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(self.someImage.image);
NSMutableData *uploadData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:fileContent];
[uploadData appendData:imageData];
uploadParameters = [GTLUploadParameters uploadParametersWithData:uploadData MIMEType:#"multipart/related"];
It will upload both but I can't view it on my drive.
Do I have to create a google doc?
If so, what is the format of a google doc?
I create a doc on my drive and added some text and image to it so that works, so google docs can definitely handle text and images in the same file.
I searched for Google doc format but nothing comes up there either (if this is the right approach).

If you're trying to upload a formatted document that contains both text & images, that is considered a single file and must be uploaded that way. There isn't a way to directly upload in the native Google Docs format, but you can use one of the other supported formats like DOCX, PDF, etc and convert them.


Recover a PDF on iOS from a web service

I have a strange problem with my iOS application that calls a .NET web service to recover a PDF.
The web service does some stuff, and returns a PDF document as a reference of the web service (via an out parameter)
The iOS application call the web service, receives an answer and deals with the XML received.
To begin, the web service just returned a "simple" pdf (created in Word). I test my application and all was running well.
I was happy :). Then, I used Microsoft Report Viewer to really generate the PDF...
So I really implement my web service for create the PDF with ReportViewer ( The pdf generated was correct, I can open it on my server when it was generated. But when I receive the answer in the iOS application, I can't open it because it was corrupt.
Here is the difference of the XML I receive from the web service :
When I return the pdf generated with Word :
When I return the pdf generated with ReportViewer :
So the main difference is the image parameter that is one-part with the simple PDF and split with the ReportViewer PDF.
Actually I have no idea why the byte array is split as it, and I don't know what I could do to receive a valid PDF.
Once again, the PDF generated with ReportViewer is good, I can open it on the server, and when I send it by e-mail I can open it on my iPad. The problem comes when the web service returns me the PDF as a byte array...
The "split" image is actually an artifact of the web service trying to parse the image for line separators (ie 0d0a == carriage return / new line). If you're lucky, you can reassemble the image by taking each one of the records, including the 0d0a, and just concatenating them. This may be easier than fixing the real problem, which is that your web service is not sending you a single blob, but trying to parse an image into "lines".
It's ok, I solved my problem by concat all the data contains in the image array.
So, considering the XML I receive from the web service (, here is my objective-c code to build the correct NSData (the pdf) :
NSMutableData *concatData = [NSMutableData data];
NSArray *partsData = [result objectForKey:#"image"];
for(NSDictionary *dicPdfDataLine in partsData) { // Foreach parts of data
NSArray *arrayPdfDataLine = [dicPdfDataLine allValues];
NSData *dataLine = [arrayPdfDataLine objectAtIndex:0]; // Get the NSData of the current part part
[concatData appendData:dataLine]; // Concat the data

Issue on attaching csv & pdf file- Objective c [duplicate]

I'm working with PDF generation,it generated the PDF, viewed using QLPreviewController, all worked fine except mail forwarding, I have two attachments of type .pdf and .csv. I have the following issues while emailing.
sometimes no attachments while emailing
pdf size will be very huge when pdf contains image(10 mb for one page pdf, if it contains image)
Problem is when testing in device,in simulator it all works fine...,
I come to know some exporting or importing UTI associated issues here
since I am a starter I feel difficult to understand it, I think some UTI's I have to add somewhere.. Can anyone please help me to identify the issue and solve, please. Thanks in advance.
1. Attachment issue
set mime type as text/csv instead of application/csv or image/csv. code is as shown below
[mailComposer addAttachmentData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.csvFilePath]
mimeType:#"text/csv" fileName:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"csvPage.csv" ]];
1. Size issue
I struggled a lot.. at last when wrote image in jpeg format to pdf page using below code, size got reduced ten times!!
UIImage *lowResImage = [UIImage imageWithData:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(plotImage, 0.02)];

Getting Image URLs in a Web Directory

I want to get URLs of all images or lets say "JPEG" files in a web directory ( I just want their URLs in an array.. I couldnt manage that. Could u pls help me with this?
Thanks in advance..
Assuming you have access to an index file you could simply load via NSURL the whole html file and cut out the link lines. This however will not work (or hardly work) when you want to search ("spider or crawl") for links in more complex documents. On iOS i would suggest you use the simple, yet quite powerfull "hpple" framework ( It is used to parse html. You can search with it for certain html elements, such as <a href...> constructs.
a sample with hpple could looks like this:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSData *data = [NSData url];
TFHpple *hppleParser = [TFHpple data];
NSString *images = #"//img"; // grabbs all image tags
NSArray *node = [hppleParser searchWithXPathQuery:images]
find a bigger example at
Create a server side script(eg php) which gives you a list of all images in that directory as xml or json. From iOS send a request to that script get the xml or JSON parse it and use the image urls.

Move data/images between two iOS apps using custom URL handler

After googling around and searching SO for a while, I stil couldn't find an answer -
I've wondered, How could I transfer data between two of my apps using custom URL handlers? Specifically images or an NSData object for that matter.
I know about being able to open specific parts of my app using custom handlers such as myapp1://start , myapp2://start , but I'm not sure how to go on transferring large amounts of data (~80k) through these handlers.
Would love to hear any creative solutions :)
p.s. The solution should be iOS >= 4.3 Compatible
Use the custom URL handlers in combination with UIPasteboard. Save something from your first app (say, an image) to the general pasteboard, like so:
UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
[[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard] setImage:myImage];
Then use the custom URL schemes to switch apps.
Then retrieve your image from within the new app when you need it:
UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
UIImage *tempImg = pasteboard.image;
Battle-tested. ; )
One Solution could be:
Implement a Webserver
Open up your second app via the custom url scheme with the IP-adress and the port of your custom web server included in the url
Add the route or parameters to your image also to your URL
Download and enjoy your photo :-)
Another Solution:
Start a Bonjour service
in a network the second app can find this service
do some magic to pass the data in between the apps
Just found another, but much more efficient way to do exchanges of larger data sets:
It is called UIPasteboard
Best reference for that:
And another resource:
That should do it.
For a webserver: There are tons of implementations found using Google
As you know many of the controls in UIKit now come pre-loaded with the ability to copy and paste text. You can also use this new ability in your own apps to copy and paste other things including: images, SQLite databases, text or any file. This is a great way to share data between your apps if you want to provide users with a suite of apps with integrated functionality.
CopyFrom Source Code
UIPasteboard *appPasteBoard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:#"CopyFrom"
appPasteBoard.persistent = YES;
NSData *data = UIImagePNGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:#"Old-Time-Photo.jpg"]);
[appPasteBoard setData:data forPasteboardType:#"com.appshop.copyfrom.imagedata"];
UIPasteboard *appPasteBoard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:#"CopyFrom"
appPasteBoard.persistent = YES;
[appPasteBoard setString:textView.text];
PasteTo Source Code
UIPasteboard *appPasteBoard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:#"CopyFrom"
NSData *data = [appPasteBoard dataForPasteboardType:#"com.appshop.copyfrom.imagedata"];
imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];
UIPasteboard *appPasteBoard = [UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:#"CopyFrom"
textView.text = [appPasteBoard string];
Using UIPasteBoard in iPhone programming is amazingly simple and opens up some possibilities that we did not have a year ago. To use UIPasteBoard you simply create a instance using pasteboardWithName, put stuff into the paste board and then set the persistant property equal to YES. Then any app can get a reference to your paste board and use the data contained within. You can use it for simple strings and even data that you can put into NSData like SQLite databases.
Well, as far as I can tell ~80k is too much for a custom URL handler. But you could try to Base64-encode your data and append it to the custom URL. But I doubt that it will work with lots of data.
You could also have a look on the UIDocumentInteractionController, which is intended to open files with other applications that support them. This is what the Mail application does when you open an attachment with another app.
using custom URL handler
it is specified, so it will not meet your specification.
But if you don't care about that, I would write to internal memory (file system)the 80k image, even if 80Mb and pass the "url" for the other app.
Big ego, and 0 effort in research:
copy to images folder
IPC communication via url
and my solution doesn't work... I am not giving fish, just teaching hot to get a fish.

Get copied data from UIPasteboard

i have copied image from UIwebView using clipboard and i want to mail it.For this,I use general pasteboard to get data,but there is a problem in retrieving data.When i check the pasteboard current data,it says the it has Apple Web Archive pasteboard type data,how to read is my code of retriving text.
UIPasteboard* pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
NSArray* array = [pasteboard pasteboardTypes];
for (NSString* type in array) {
NSString* item = #"Apple Web Archive pasteboard type";
NSData* val = [pasteboard dataForPasteboardType:item];
I tried to create a UIImage using this data but that didn't work.
I don't understand what you mean by mail it? You can paste the webpage image copy right into the mail app and it will appear as an image.
You can rebuild the data from the Apple Web Archive pasteboard type if you need to manual. It is essentially a XML document with html and the actual image data all within. The html and accompanying images are base64 encoded. If you want to look at an archive example save this, or perhaps a simple webpage in safari as an archive. Open the archive file in something like Text wrangler. Text edit will probably try to render it.
I've written a post on how to make an Apple Web Archive pasteboard type that might help you understand the process.
I take it you are trying to mail it from within your app and not using the mail app?
If this is the case you will probably have to get the xml from the pasteboard, find the tag that holds the encoded image data, decode it and create an image from the decoded data.
