EnCase EnScript edit context menu - contextmenu

Is it possible to a add new item to the context menu (for example, to the Evidence window)? I have to write a script, which will create a new item in the context menu. This new item will run another script.


How to append a empty row to a list/table which is bound to a OData(List Binding) in sapui5?

I have have a list/table which is bound to a entitySet from OData Model V2. I have a add(+) button on screen on clicking that button a empty row(s) need to be appended to the list/table. After that if I enter any data that should be saved into the backend on clicking of save button.
This is possible using JSONModel, but I want to use the OData model .
Suman Kumar
It does work with two way data binding.
You can do that using odataModel createEntry method.
The createEntry expects a parameter, the path to your entitySet that you want to create (It should be something like XXXXset). Imagine the following:
1 - User clicks an "Add" button that renders a dialog Window with some fields and two buttons (save and cancel) for him to add his brand new entity.
2 - On the "open event" before you open the dialog, you create a new entity with the createEntry method. Its return gives you a context that you can bind to the dialog.
that.contextCursoIniciativaEmpregadoASerCriada = that.getView().getModel().createEntry('/CursoIniciativaEmpregadoSet');
3 - The dialog pops up with the bind in place.
4 - The user fills the dialog with the entities properties
5 - The user clicks on the save button and you submit your changes

Bloc pattern in Flutter with Single page opening multiple times

How do I implement Bloc pattern in Flutter where I want to open a page multiple times.
Suppose I have a detailed list, and from the detailed list I can click on an item and open the detail page of Item A.
The detail page has a bloc for it. From detail page of item A I can open detail page of item B and from detail that I can open detail page of item A.
Page stack: (1)A -> (2)B -> (3)A
Now for every invocation of a new detail page, should I create a new bloc? or should I have a global detail_bloc that manages a stack of opened detail pages. Also I need a way to update details of previous opened page of item (1)A if there are any changes (due to user input) on page of top level item (3)A.

vaadin, allow new typed item in combobox

I've faced with the issue with Vaasin's Combobox. I'd like to allow the user be able as select existed item from the list same provide his own value typing in the text field. I thought that it has to be easy, but... What I have now is
ComboBox roles = new ComboBox();
roles.setInputPrompt("Select Role");
Here I've found that setNewItemsAllowed allows such behavior, but for some reason it doesn't work for me. When I start typing some new value I can see an empty drop-down and when I select another field the value in checkbox reverts to prompt text.
It is not enough to allow new items in the ComboBox.
You must alos set the new item handler, until you do so, the ComboBox has no way to know what a new item should look like.
roles.setNewItemHandler(....your handler....);
Example code and the Docu for it.

Open a form in Libreoffice/Openoffice Base with a specific filter/query

I am creating a Libreoffice Base with multi forms. Form1 is linked to "Projects" table and each Project has multiple tasks, I can display the tasks as sub form within the same Form1, however, each project has many tasks and each task also has sub tasks so I want to have the tasks be in their own form, lets call it Form2.
I created a push button in Form1 that will open Form2, however, I don't know how to make it open that form and only display the tasks that are related to the project that was being displayed while pressing the push button.
So far here is what I have been able to do:
Reading the projectID which I want to display the tasks for (it is in a textbox called txtProjectID inside Form1):
Doc = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
Form = Doc.DrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
ProjID = Form.getByName("txtProjectID").Text
To open the tasks form Form2 i found two ways:
Dim Args(1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Args(0).Name = "ActiveConnection"
Args(0).Value = Form.ActiveConnection
Args(1).Name = "OpenMode"
Args(1).Value = "open"
oForm = thisComponent.Parent.getFormDocuments
oForm.loadComponentFromURL("Form2","_blank",0, Args())
oForm = ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocuments.getByName("Form2")
both works to open the tasks form but I couldn't find a way to pass the projectID to only load records related to that project. I couldn't also find a good documentation for the Args().
The question is, how can I open Form2 and display only records related to the projectID from Form1?, also I want to be able to add new records to Form2 under the same projectID (not just a view).
I was able to apply the filter with this code:
odoc2 = thiscomponent
FormModel = odoc2.drawpage.forms.getbyindex(0)
FormModel.Filter =("Tasks.projectID = " & ProjID)
FormModel.ApplyFilter = True
However, since I am running it from the same Sub that opens Form2 it get applied to Form1 (which called the Sub). How can I get it to work on Form2 instead?
Your question provided most of the answer, which only needed some exploring with dbg_methods. The object variable FormModel2 in example below is what you are looking for:
frm_container = ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocuments.getByName("Form2")
FormModel2 = frm_container.component.getDrawPage.getforms.getbyindex(0)
FormModel2.Filter [....]
This works when run from "Form1".
Alternatively, you could permanently store the value that is supposed to be the subject of the filter in a separate table/row.

where is my "Create strongly-typed view" menu option in MVC 5 Visual Studio 2013

I am starting to create MVC 5 applications. But in controller, right click inside Create action method, select Create View. Menu comes up, where I can select model, etc., but there is no longer an option to select "Create strongly-typed view". See screenshot below
Hi MVC3/ or Visual Studio 2015 does not give option to select 'Strongly typed view', instead following steps need to carry out to implement strongly typed views.
Build your project before starting following steps so that you will get model in the list to select as strongly type.
Right click on the controller to generate view.
By default you will see following screen
Change options from Template : Empty (without model) to 'Empty' like below
This will allow you to choose your 'Strongly typed' View.
When View is created it will look like following
Let me know in case of any queries.
VS2013 changed the language a bit. To create "strongly typed" view, trigger the create a view dialog and choose any template other than "Empty (without model)". You should now be able to choose your Model from the "Model Class" dropdown. Doing this will create the equivalent of a strongly typed view.
