Core Data Migration for a Clean Install - ios

Working on a project that has had a long history of development. There have been several successful core data migrations in the past (before I started working on the app). I'm now working on a few version which requires a manual migration (custom policy, all that).
The manual migration is working when upgrading from an existing version of the app. But if I uninstall the app and deploy the latest version, the app fails to launch with the error message, "Can't find mapping model for migration".
Any thoughts on what is missing in the configuration? do I need to provide a migration from "v1" to the latest version?

A fresh install shouldn't need to have a migration. If the app is copying over a "starter" database, that database should be updated and repackaged into the bundle to be copied over on a fresh install. It'd be like downloading an app from a website and it not being the latest version.


iOS App with IBM MobileFirst server , issue {"error_description":"Client authentication failed","error":"invalid_client"}

In Production, IBM MobileFirst server running with version and Project war file with version
Recent deployment of project war was deployed with, unfortunately.
iOS throws below error:
{"error_description":"Client authentication failed","error":"invalid_client"}
Rolled back the deployment to avoid issues.
While investigating, there was an APAR with similar fix but the version used in the deployment doesn't include this APAR.
Question 1: If same version( of MF Plugin used to build Project .war, will this issue be addressed.
Question 2: Where can I download the Eclipse Plugin of
Thanks in advance
It is not clear what steps you took to update your server. In your MobileFirst server Operations console , if you see the version as "" , then you should definitely update.
If that is the case, merely building a new project runtime war file in latest MobileFirst Eclipse Studio and deploying it will not help. The iFix level in the server will have to be updated too. You can use Server Config Tool or ANT scripts to update your iFix level as well to the latest while you deploy the new runtime war.
You can download the latest versions of the iFix ( Server and Studio plugin) in FixCentral.
Finally achieved by clearing out the keychain items and defaults which work light library has been internally maintaining.
So what's happening behind the scenes is the work light client is creating and maintaining some keychain items and also few user defaults. This is done for storing some information like session id's and stuff. Sometimes the data in the keychain or defaults is getting corrupted during the initial work light handshake with MFP server. In this scenario we get the above error. Once we clear them out and kill the app and launch again. the app will now behave as a new device.

Ruby 1.9.3 or latest stable build (2.3.x)?

I'm about to install ruby for an application I am developing is there a particular reason I should do the latest stable build or is 1.9.3 going to be fine for my application? (it's a simple Rails app that will call a mongoDB with some queries visualize data, download it do some analysis) What are the primary advantages to using 1.9.3 over the latest build?
Simply for safety reasons, support and updates I would decide to use the newest stable release for a new project. That's my opinion and suggestion.

Errors when upgrading a Grails Project Groovy\Grails Tool Suite

I'm trying to run a Grails Application from the Grails In Action website. I've imported the 'hubbub' project into the GGTS app and have encountered build errors. The project was originally built with Grails 2.3.7 whereas I have version 2.4.4 on my system. Based on another Stack Overflow question I've changed the 'app.grails.version' in the file to grails version 2.4.4 which prompted a flurry of downloads in the command prompt terminating in a series of errors regarding problems with plugins. I can't run the app because I'm told that "Project 'hubbub' is missing required source folder: grails-app/utils". If I try to change 'app.grails.version' back to 2.3.7 I'm told that I need to configure a Grails installation of 2.3.7.
Am I doing something wrong here in trying to upgrade this Grails project? Or do I really have to install Grails 2.3.7 in order to get this to work?
(Sorry, I haven't posted the errors regarding plugin downloads but I can't seem to recreate them).
Thanks in advance!
Grails 2.4 is a big change over 2.3, mostly due to the use of the asset pipeline instead of resources.
Also simply changing the version in isn't enough, you also need to actually run the matching Grails framework.
See here for upgrading an app from 2.3 to 2.4: . From experience upgrading Grails apps from older versions must be done manually. One reason is that the upgrade command is obsolete and has been removed. Read the docs for breaking changes and address each change individually in the code. Upgrading patch levels are no problem (usually), but upgrading minor and major versions often are a lot of work.
Since you are learning, I would stick to 2.3.7 for your exercise (meaning that you must run 2.3.7, which you aren't doing). What you'll learn will remain valid. Do use 2.4.4 when building your own project from scratch.
If your project only missing grails-app/utils, try just to create it.
Take a look in your Project Properties -> Build Path. There are all the source folder defined. It can be helpful

Umbraco install UmbracoExamine

Hi all I am getting this error message on a clean install of the latest version of umbraco
Can anyone advise on why this may be occuring or what needs setting up differently
I would check file system permissions first (if this is your dev environment then I would give the 'Everyone' account full control) to the folder your website project is in.
Also if you installed via Nuget, did you build the solution?
Those are 2 common reasons for errors on install, if no joy then report back.

How to upgrade existing project scaffolded with Yeoman

I used generator-angular a few months ago to scaffold a project and the whole ecosystem (karma, Node versions, grunt packages) has moved on quite significantly. I keep running into problems running tests, building things, and so on.
I know I can use nvm to downgrade my Node version and install older packages, but that kind of sucks, especially when there are many developers on the team. I have used the generators for 10+ projects over the past few months so I'm very interested in a solution.
Is there a recommended upgrade path for when new versions of generators are released, apart from just regenerating the project and copying files across?
(Just to note: this isn't a problem with upgrading a Yeoman 0.9 project.)
First make sure you have committed everything or have a backup, then just scaffold out over the project again. yo will ask you for each file if you want to overwrite. For those files you haven't edited, just say yes. For the other ones, type d for diff and see what's changed. Then manually do the changes, and run npm install & bower install to get the latest dependencies.
As mentionned in comments by Markus Gattol :
yo <generator-name> now already run bower install & npm install i.e. no need to run them explicitly again – Markus Gattol
