I need a theorem prover for some simple linear arithmetic problems. However, I can't get Z3 to work even on simple problems. I'm aware that it is incomplete, however it should be able to handle this simple example:
(assert (forall ((t Int)) (= t 5)))
I'm not sure if i'm overlooking something, but this should be trivial to disprove. I even tried this simpler example:
(assert (forall ((t Bool)) (= t true)))
That should be solvable by making an exhaustive search, since boot only contains two values.
In both cases z3 answers with unknown. I'd like to know if i'm doing something wrong here or if not if you can recommend a theorem prover for these types of formulas.
For handling this kind of quantifiers, you should use the quantifier elimination module available in Z3. Here is an example on how to use it (try online at http://rise4fun.com/Z3/3C3):
(assert (forall ((t Int)) (= t 5)))
(check-sat-using (then qe smt))
(assert (forall ((t Bool)) (= t true)))
(check-sat-using (then qe smt))
The command check-sat-using allows us to specify an strategy to solve the problem. In the example above, I'm just using qe (quantifier elimination) and then invoking a general purpose SMT solver.
Note that, for these examples, qe is sufficient.
Here is a more complicated example, where we really need to combine qe and smt (try online at: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/l3Rl )
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(assert (forall ((t Int)) (=> (<= t a) (< t b))))
(check-sat-using (then qe smt))
Here is the same example using the C/C++ API:
void tactic_qe() {
std::cout << "tactic example using quantifier elimination\n";
context c;
// Create a solver using "qe" and "smt" tactics
solver s =
(tactic(c, "qe") &
tactic(c, "smt")).mk_solver();
expr a = c.int_const("a");
expr b = c.int_const("b");
expr x = c.int_const("x");
expr f = implies(x <= a, x < b);
// We have to use the C API directly for creating quantified formulas.
Z3_app vars[] = {(Z3_app) x};
expr qf = to_expr(c, Z3_mk_forall_const(c, 0, 1, vars,
0, 0, // no pattern
std::cout << qf << "\n";
std::cout << s.check() << "\n";
std::cout << s.get_model() << "\n";
I am using Z3 to solve my horn clauses. In the body of Horn clauses uninterpreted predicates should be positive. However, I need negation of some of uninterpreted predicates.
I have seen some examples in which negation works fine. For instance Z3 would return sat for the following example:
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int) Bool)
(assert (inv 0))
(assert (forall ((k Int)) (or (> k 10) (not (inv k)) (inv (+ k 1)))))
But my example looks like the following for which Z3 returns unknown.
(set-logic HORN)
(declare-fun inv (Int ) Bool)
(declare-fun s ( Int ) Bool)
(assert (forall ((k Int) (pc Int))(=>(and (= pc 1)(= k 0)) (inv k ))))
(assert (forall ((k Int)(k_p Int)(pc Int)(pc_p Int))
(=>(and (inv k )(= pc 1)(= pc_p 2)(= k_p (+ k 1))(not (s pc ))(s pc_p ))
(inv k_p ))))
I wonder if there is a way to rewrite my clauses to Horn clause fragment of Z3.
Your clauses are not in the Horn fragment because the predicate s is used with both polarities in the last assertion. So there are two occurrences of a predicate with positive polarity (both (s pc) and (inv k_p) are positive polarity).
A basic method to avoid polarity issues is to introduce an extra argument to s of type Bool. Consequently, you would also have to say what is the specification of s using Horn clauses so it all makes sense. The typical scenario is that s encodes the behavior of a recursive procedure and the extra Boolean argument to s would be the return value of the procedure s. Of course this encoding doesn't ensure that s is total or functional.
There is a second approach, which is to add an extra argument to "inv", where you let 's' be an array. Then the occurrences (not (s pc)) becomes (not (select s pc)), etc.
It all depends on the intent of your encoding for what makes sense.
I'm new to Z3 and I'm trying to understand how it works, and what it can and cannot do. I know that Z3 has at least some support for exponentials through the power (^) operator (see Z3py returns unknown for equation using pow() function, How to represent logarithmic formula in z3py, and Use Z3 and SMT-LIB to define sqrt function with a real number). What I'm unclear on is how extensive this support is, and what kind of inferences z3 can make about exponentials.
Here's a simple example involving exponentials which z3 can analyze. We define an exponential function, and then ask it to verify that exp(0) == 1:
(define-fun exp ((x Real)) Real
(^ 2.718281828459045 x))
(declare-fun x1 () Real)
(declare-fun y1 () Real)
(assert (= y1 (exp x1)))
(assert (not (=> (= x1 0.0) (= y1 1.0))))
Z3 returns unsat, as expected. On the other hand, here's a simple example which Z3 can't analyze:
(define-fun exp ((x Real)) Real
(^ 2.718281828459045 x))
(declare-fun x1 () Real)
(declare-fun y1 () Real)
(assert (= y1 (exp x1)))
(assert (not (< y1 0.0)))
This should be satisfiable, since literally any value for x1 would give y1 > 0. However, Z3 returns unknown. Naively I might have expected that Z3 would be able to analyze this, given that it could analyze the first example.
I realize this question is a bit broad, but: can anyone give me any insight into how Z3 handles exponentials, and (more specifically) why it can solve the first example I gave but not the second?
It is hard to say in general, since non-linear solving is challenging, but the case you presented is actually not so mysterious. You wrote:
(assert (= y (exp x)))
(assert (not (=> (= x 0) (= y 1))))
Z3 is going to simplify the second assertion, yielding:
(assert (= y (exp x)))
(assert (= x 0))
(assert (not (= y 1)))
Then it will propagate the first equality, yielding:
(assert (= y (exp 0)))
(assert (not (= y 1)))
Now when exp is expanded, you have a case of constant^constant, which Z3 can handle (for integer exponents, etc).
For the second case, you are asking it a very very basic question about variable exponents, and Z3 immediately barfs. That's not too odd, since so many questions about variable exponents are either known uncomputable or unknown but hard.
The following Z3 code times out on the online repl:
; I want a function
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
; I want it to be linear
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
; I want f(2) == 4
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
So does this version, where it is looking for a function on the reals:
(declare-fun f (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real) (b Real)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
It's faster when I give it a contradiction:
(declare-fun f (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real) (b Real)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
(assert (= (f 4) 7))
I'm quite unknowledgeable about theorem provers. What is so slow here? Is the prover just having lots of trouble proving that linear functions with f(2) = 4 exist?
The slowness is most likely due to too many quantifier instantiations, caused by problematic patterns/triggers. If you don't know about these yet, have a look at the corresponding section of the Z3 guide.
Bottom line: patterns are a syntactic heuristic, indicating to the SMT solver when to instantiate the quantifier. Patterns must cover all quantified variables and interpreted functions such as addition (+) are not allowed in patterns. A matching loop is a situation in which every quantifier instantiation gives rise to further quantifier instantiations.
In your case, Z3 probably picks the pattern set :pattern ((f a) (f b)) (since you don't explicitly provide patterns). This suggests Z3 to instantiate the quantifier for every a, b for which the ground terms (f a) and (f b) have already occurred in the current proof search. Initially, the proof search contains (f 2); hence, the quantifier can be instantiated with a, b bound to 2, 2. This yields (f (+ 2 2)), which can be used to instantiate the quantifier once more (and also in combination with (f 2)). Z3 is thus stuck in a matching loop.
Here is a snippet arguing my point:
(set-option :smt.qi.profile true)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun T (Int Int) Bool) ; A dummy trigger function
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int)) (!
(= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b)))
:pattern ((f a) (f b))
; :pattern ((T a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
(set-option :timeout 5000) ; 5s is enough
(get-info :reason-unknown)
(get-info :all-statistics)
With the explicitly provided pattern you'll get your original behaviour (modulo the specified timeout). Moreover, the statistics report lots of instantiations of the quantifier (and more still if you increase the timeout).
If you comment the first pattern and uncomment the second, i.e. if you "guard" the quantifier with a dummy trigger that won't show up in the proof search, then Z3 terminates immediately. Z3 will still report unknown, though, because it "knowns" that it did not account for the quantified constraint (which would be a requirement for sat; and it also cannot show unsat).
It is sometimes possible to rewrite quantifiers in order to have better triggering behaviour. The Z3 guide, for example, illustrates that in the context of injective functions/inverse functions. Maybe you'll be able to perform a similar transformation here.
This is the reduction of a more interesting problem, in which the missing property was (for positive k,M and N), that ((k % M) * N) < M*N. Below is an encoding of the simpler problem that a <= b ==> (a*c) <= (b*c). Such a query succeeds (we get unsat), but if the expression b is replaced by b+1 (as in the second query below) then we get unknown, which seems surprising. Is this the expected behaviour? Are there options to improve the handling of such inequalities? I tried with and without configuration options, and various versions of Z3, including the current unstable branch. Any tips would be much appreciated!
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(assert (> a 0))
(assert (> b 0))
(assert (> c 0))
(assert (<= a b))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* b c))))
(assert (<= a (+ b 1)))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* (+ b 1) c))))
This falls into nonlinear integer arithmetic (which has an undecidable decision problem, see, e.g., How does Z3 handle non-linear integer arithmetic? ), so it's actually not too surprising Z3 returns unknown for some examples, although I guess a bit surprising that it toggled between unsat and unknown for quite similar examples.
If it works for your application, you can try a type coercion: encode the constants as Real instead of Int. This will allow you to use Z3's complete solver for nonlinear real arithmetic and returns unsat with check-sat.
Alternatively, you can force Z3 to use the nonlinear solver even for the integer encoding with (check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) as in the following based on your example (rise4fun link: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/87GW ):
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(assert (> a 0))
(assert (> b 0))
(assert (> c 0))
(assert (<= a b))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* b c))))
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) ; unsat
(assert (<= a (+ b 1)))
(assert (not (<= (* a c) (* (+ b 1) c))))
; (check-sat)
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) ; unsat
Some more questions and answers on similar subjects:
Combining nonlinear Real with linear Int
z3 fails with this system of equations
Using Z3Py online to prove that n^5 <= 5 ^n for n >= 5
Can z3 always give result when handling nonlinear real arithmetic
Z3 Theorem Prover: Pythagorean Theorem (Non-Linear Artithmetic)
I am trying to prove an inductive fact in Z3, an SMT solver by Microsoft. I know that Z3 does not provide this functionality in general, as explained in the Z3 guide (section 8: Datatypes), but it looks like this is possible when we constrain the domain over which we want to prove the fact. Consider the following example:
(declare-fun p (Int) Bool)
(assert (p 0))
(assert (forall ((x Int))
(and (> x 0) (<= x 20))
(= (p (- x 1)) (p x) ))))
(assert (not (p 20)))
The solver responds correctly with unsat, which means that (p 20) is valid. The problem is that when we relax this constraint any further (we replace 20 in the previous example by any integer greater than 20), the solver responds with unknown.
I find this strange because it does not take Z3 long to solve the original problem, but when we increase the upper limit by one it becomes suddenly impossible. I have tried to add a pattern to the quantifier as follows:
(declare-fun p (Int) Bool)
(assert (p 0))
(assert (forall ((x Int))
(! (=>
(and (> x 0) (<= x 40))
(= (p (- x 1)) (p x) )) :pattern ((<= x 40)))))
(assert (not (p 40)))
Which seems to work better, but now the upper limit is 40. Does this mean that I can better not use Z3 to prove such facts, or am I formulating my problem incorrectly?
Z3 uses many heuristics to control quantifier instantiation. One one them is based on the "instantiation depth". Z3 tags every expression with a "depth" attribute. All user supplied assertions are tagged with depth 0. When a quantifier is instantiated, the depth of the new expressions is bumped. Z3 will not instantiate quantifiers using expressions tagged with a depth greater than a pre-defined threshold. In your problem, the threshold is reached: (p 40) is depth 0, (p 39) is depth 1, (p 38) is depth 2, etc.
To increase the threshold, you should use the option:
(set-option :qi-eager-threshold 100)
Here is the example with this option: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/ZdxO.
Of course, using this setting, Z3 will timeout, for example, for (p 110).
In the future, Z3 will have better support for "bounded quantification". In most cases, the best approach for handling this kind of quantifier is to expand it.
With the programmatic API, we can easily "instantiate" expressions before we send them to Z3.
Here is an example in Python (http://rise4fun.com/Z3Py/44lE):
p = Function('p', IntSort(), BoolSort())
s = Solver()
s.add([ p(x+1) == p(x) for x in range(40)])
print s.check()
Finally, in Z3, patterns containing arithmetic symbols are not very effective. The problem is that Z3 preprocess the formula before solving. Then, most patterns containing arithmetic symbols will never match. For more information on how to use patterns/triggers effectively, see this article. The author also provides a slide deck.