Titanium iOS camera - showCamera error - ios

I'm using Titanium and testing the camera on iOS. I'm getting an issue where code after the camera page is being run before I've gone through the camera page. In the below code, the line 'alert('Picture uploaded successfully.') is executed before the camera screen has even opened up.. Any ideas?
var wincam;
wincam = Titanium.UI.createWindow();
if (Ti.Platform.osname === 'android') {
win.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
} else {
var cropRect = event.cropRect;
var image = event.media;
Ti.API.debug('Our type was: '+event.mediaType);
if(event.mediaType == Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO)
var imageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
alert("got the wrong type back ="+event.mediaType);
//open next page
var w3 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
alert('Picture uploaded successfully.');

showCamera is an asynchronous event it does not stop the execution context. If you want an alert on the successful capture of an image, put the alert in the success event.
— answered 1 hour ago by Anthony Decena


Xamarin forms: jamesmontemagno/MediaPlugin: Selected picture is rotating when added to UI in IOS app

I followed this blog for taking photos from the gallery and camera. But the selected picture is showing in right rotated form when it comes to the UI in IOS. Problem only occurs when using the camera and I have no issues with the gallery. This feature is working fine in android and UWP.
Screenshot added below:
Code of Camera:
async void CameraClick()
await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
await DisplayAlert("Camera", "No camera available.", "OK");
_mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
Directory = "Sample",
Name = "test.jpg",
AllowCropping = true
if (_mediaFile == null)
profileImage.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() =>
isPicture = true;
return _mediaFile.GetStream();
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception:>" + ex);
Device : IOS SE
Version of the media plugin: 3.1.1
Control I am using to display the image : Xam.plugins.Forms.Imagecircle 2.0.2(For android and UWP I am using 1.8.1)
Gallery pictures are working fine and the issue is only when taking pictures using the camera. No issues in android and UWP part.
This is a common experience even outside of Xamarin. It is caused by iOS.
A UIImage has a property imageOrientation, which instructs the
UIImageView and other UIImage consumers to rotate the raw image data.
There's a good chance that this flag is being saved to the exif data
in the uploaded jpeg image, but the program you use to view it is not
honoring that flag.
In the Issues part in jamesmontemagno/MediaPlugin in Github, there are several issues like the problem you meet. Seems using GetStreamWithImageRotatedForExternalStorage will fix this issue.
You can refer to:
In another way, you can rotate the image yourself.
Here are some links that might help you:
iOS Image Orientation has Strange Behavior
iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload
iOS: Image get rotated 90 degree after saved as PNG representation data
I faced this problem in the last few months on iOS.
The solution for this is add one more line in your code that is:- SaveMetaData = false,
async void CameraClick()
await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
if (!CrossMedia.Current.IsCameraAvailable || !CrossMedia.Current.IsTakePhotoSupported)
await DisplayAlert("Camera", "No camera available.", "OK");
_mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new Plugin.Media.Abstractions.StoreCameraMediaOptions
Directory = "Sample",
Name = "test.jpg",
AllowCropping = true,
SaveMetaData = false
if (_mediaFile == null)
profileImage.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() =>
isPicture = true;
return _mediaFile.GetStream();
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception:>" + ex);

Air for IOS Webview - apple app review says every tab and/or button launches mobile Safari.?

I pulling my hair out trying to figure out where I have gone wrong.
I created a very simple app for ios that uses webView to load certain webpages within app. from my knowledge and every ios air webView reference I have found online I have coded everything correctly. Runs beautifully on android.
apple app review says every tab and/or button launches mobile Safari.?
I don't see how this is possible because they even said my button that only has gotoAndPlay(2); apparently that navigates to Safari also. ?
here's the code I used for webView:
QMBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, QMB);
function QMB(event:MouseEvent):void
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle( 0, 135, stage.stageWidth, 600 );
webView.stage = this.stage;
webView.loadURL( "http://mywebpageeurl.com.au" );
and this is the code for my internal frame nav.
Menu_BTN2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoMenuSRC);
function GoMenuSRC(event:MouseEvent):void
webView.stage = null;
Am I missing something or ????
The only other thing I could think could be the culprit might be my error handler to handle errors when I click tel: or mailto: links on my webpages.
The code for the tel: / mailto: error handling.
// Error handle
var openLinksInDefaultBrowser = false;
//Check tel: func
function cdCTfunc():void
var NEWtelLNK = webView.location.substr(0,4);
if (NEWtelLNK=='tel:')
openLinksInDefaultBrowser = true;
}else{openLinksInDefaultBrowser = false;}
webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGING, function (ev:LocationChangeEvent):void
if(openLinksInDefaultBrowser == false)
webView.loadURL(ev.location); //'ev.url' changed to 'ev.location'started with prerelease build - [07/20/10]
if (openLinksInDefaultBrowser == true)
trace('page loaded in default browser');
var phStr:String=ev.location;
var callPH:URLRequest= new URLRequest(phStr);
webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGE, function (ev:LocationChangeEvent):void
if (webView.location.indexOf('authentication_complete') != -1)
trace('auth token is: ' + webView.location.substr(webView.location.indexOf('token=') + 6));
trace('the new location is: ' + webView.location);
webView.addEventListener('complete', function(ev:Event):void
trace('complete event');
webView.addEventListener('error', function(ev:ErrorEvent):void
var phStr:String=webView.location;
var callPH:URLRequest= new URLRequest(phStr);
trace('SOME Bloody Error Loading The Page: ' + ev.text);
but I still don't see how this could cause a gotoAndStop(); to launch safari.
I am absolutely stumped.
Please Help?
Thank you in advance.
Before submitting your app for review you should run it through Testflight.
This allows you to test an 'AppStore' build of your binary so you will see exactly what the reviewer will see.

How to set currentTime in video.js in Safari for iOS

Other is ok, but the setting of currentTime:
I tried some ways like:
videojs("example_video_1", {}, function() {
And this is not working.
This also doesn't work.
var dom = document.getElementById('example_video_1');
dom.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function() {
dom.currentTime = 100;
}, false); // ok for no video.js
Not working. Even reverse the line of addEventListener and init videojs.
And I tried the videojs event.
var player = videojs("example_video_1");
these API all not exists, so how do I bind Event in videojs?
This is how I got the video playback on a defined position at startup (it removes the problem that the video first started and only afterwards jumped to a video position):
var timecode = 120;
var initdone = false;
// wait for video metadata to load, then set time
video.on("loadedmetadata", function(){
// iPhone/iPad need to play first, then set the time
// events: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#mediaevents
video.on("canplaythrough", function(){
initdone = true;
}); // END ready
Oh, by lucky, i found an example in https://github.com/videojs/video.js
var dom = document.getElementById('example_video_1');
videojs(dom, {}, function(){
this.on('loadedmetadata', function(){
this is work, the API to bind event is player.on('event', fn);
videojs is cool~

ajaxStart() on forge.request.ajax

For showing a loading screen, we listen to the jQuery ajaxStart() event the following way:
$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
//show loading screen
However, this event doesn't get fired sending forge.reques.ajax() requests (at least is seems so).
Is there already a solution like that for forge or do I have to write that event by hand?
This doesn't currently exist in forge, but its pretty easy to implement:
var onAjaxStart = function () {
// show loading screen
var onAjaxEnd = function () {
// hide loading screen
var myAjax = function (params) {
var success = params.success;
params.success = function () {
success && success();
Then us myAjax(...) instead of forge.request.ajax(...).

Phonegap: BarcodeScanner & Childbrowser plugins

I'm facing a problem using this 2 PhoneGap plugins: "BarcodeScanner" & "ChildBrowser" (inside an iOS app, with XCode 4 & PhoneGap 2.0).
I've a button "Scan" on my app UI. When the user clic on this button, the barcode scanner is launched.
So, in the Success function of the barcode scanner callback, I need to open the recovered URL from the scan in a new Childbrowser window (inner the app).
But the new Childbrowser window is never been opened, while the console displays "Opening Url : http://fr.wikipedia.org/" (for example).
Here is my JS part of code:
$("#btnStartScan").click(function() {
var scanBarcode = window.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan(
function(result) {
if (!result.cancelled){
function(error) {
navigator.notification.alert("scanning failed: " + error);
function openUrl(url)
try {
var root = this;
var cb = window.plugins.childBrowser;
if(cb != null) {
alert("childbrowser is null");
catch (err) {
And all works fine if I call my openURL() function inside a Confirm alert callback for example, like this:
if (!result.cancelled){
function (b) {
if (b === 1) {
'Yes, No');
But I need to launch the ChildBrowser window directly after a scan, without any confirm alert etc.
Does anybody know how to solve this please?
I also have this same problem.
Solve it by set timeout.
var scanBarcode = window.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan(
function(result) {
if (!result.cancelled){
setTimeout(function(){ openUrl(result.text); },500);
function(error) {
navigator.notification.alert("scanning failed: " + error);
I'm running into the exact same problem.
My application also has another mechanism to show a webpage besides the barcode reader and when I do that action I can see that the barcode-related page HAD loaded, but it never was shown.
In ChildBrowserViewController.m, I'm looking at the last line of loadURL() which is webView.hidden = NO; and I'm thinking that the child browser is set visible after we barcode but something about the barcode reader window caused the child browser to get set to the wrong z-order, but I'm not familiar enough with the sdk to know how to test that or try to bring it to the front.
Hope this helps target a potential area.
