Ruby on Rails Heroku set first part of domain - ruby-on-rails

I have developed a RoR app. I would like to update it to handle more than one customer. For instance, one customer might use and another would be
Currently on Heroku, I have and
I was told that I need to have * --> is that correct?
If yes, why won't Heroku let me add it?

From the command line in the directory of your app do:
$ heroku domains:add *
You can also do it from the heroku dashboard.
Then setup a CNAME in your DNS accordingly to point to
Try this guide for more info:
Basically what you wanna do is a multitenant app, there are a couple railscasts on the subject:
But thats beyond the scope of the question.


Ruby on Rails run at Blogspot?

I tried to build a ruby-based website. but I want to start on blogspot which is free for beginners. can the ruby system be placed on blogspot, I am very happy if this happens.
No Blogspot does not support ruby on rails. Even it is just a blogging platform where you already have CMS to serve you. But you should have a development environment. Please try if you want free.
check this tutorial to launch your first application on Heroku.
You can add the following lines after
rails generate controller welcome
rails generate scaffold product name 'price:decimal{7,2}'
rails db:migrate
This will create a sample application where you can do all CRUD operation on product. you can try following
rails s
Now visit localhost:3000/products
After installation on Heroku you will get your url where you can run app and do all CRUD operation. Just try it is very easy to do.
If you are working with Ruby on Rails, consider to work with another platform like Wordpress instead. But I think it takes time.

Renaming Heroku App for Custom Domain

I'm about to rename my Heroku app from the default one that it started with - just some jibberish, really - to something that's a little more sensical. I'm also about to wire it up with a custom domain. Is changing the app name going to cause any problems? I've read the docs and it seems like it'll be okay but wanted to ask to be sure that there weren't any namespace issues, etc. Thanks!
If you have already configured custom domain on Heroku app. And then changed the name of the application on heroku, then you will need to update the required CNAME and A record which are pointing to
If you haven't added the custom domain yet, rename the app first, then add the domain.
Good luck
You can use command line also just use below command from your project folder, by below command you no need to point to new from your git. It will automatically update your git too.
heroku apps:rename NEWNAME --app APP
NEWNAME is your new name for your heroku app
APP is old name already existing one.
If you don't know exatly the old name then you can able to view list of names and their addresses by below command
git remote -v

Deploy rails site from local to justhost server

I am new to rails and this question might be very basic. I learnt ruby on rails to create a small site which i have tested on herokuapp as well.
Now, I want to deploy it in the actual site which is hosted on justhost.
How should the application be deployed? Is there any way we could move the herokuapp directly to the server?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried checking their help section? This tutorial from their website should show you everything you need:

Heroku App with a Wordpress Blog

I recently discovered that Heroku now allows PHP which means that a wordpress blog can be hosted on it. I also found this project template:
I have a ruby on rails app which is to be hosted on heroku with a domain, and in that app, i need a way for to show the wordpress blog.
Can someone help me out, with details on how I can do this?
Whilst I've not used the new PHP platform I don't think what you're asking for is going to be possible.
When you deploy an application to Heroku it detects the type of application during the push process and sets up the application accordingly, Heroku use Apache to host PHP as you can see from the output in this post - there's not been any mention of mixing platforms in a single application yet so would imagine that it's not supported.
The nearest you'd get is hosting your site and your blog in two seperate applications with the blog on and then put a redirect on to the url.
Im Still working on this
the closest to getting a solution is using the reverse proxy gem
see the answer here:
How can I use a subdirectory instead of a subdomain?

Heroku app url made out of random words

I'm new to rails and heroku, and this may very well seem like a daft question, if so I appologise, but would appreciate someone at least telling me so.
I've followed the heroku "getting started" guide, and managed to deploy a copy of the rails default project. But the url preovided by heroku was, my question is this:
Does heroku assign a randomly generated url, or have I done something wrong because I don't recognise radiant-ice-84?
Before you closing this question, I would like to say that you in fact could specify the first when you create the app (no need to change again in the setting page) by using:
heroku create your-app-name
If you don't specify a name, Heroku generates one for you. You can change it in your app settings (as you noticed), although a lot of people just buy a domain name and map it to the Heroku-generated name.
