jQuery sortable - drop between non-sortable items - jquery-ui

Take this example: http://jqueryui.com/sortable/#items. How can I make the list able to drop between elements two and three (both non-sortable)?

I ended up implementing draggable + droppable myself. This is not really an answer, but it is a way to achieve the same results.


Drag & Sort using Kendo UI

I want to implement similar functionality to the jQuery UI Draggable & Sortable, but using Kendo UI.
This should allow me to drag from a list of options and place them within a sortable list.
Here is the jQuery UI functionality: http://jqueryui.com/draggable/#sortable
I want 2 panels, one with items that can be dragged and the other containing the dragged items. The closest thing I could find on Kendo UI is: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/sortable/linkedlists, but the items in the first list (on the left) are sortable and this moves the item from the first list.
I have looked at all of the Kendo UI samples on Teleriks website, but I cannot see any examples of how to do this.
I am now part way there. I have 2 sortable lists and I have added code to stop the 'draggable' items from sortable. However, when I drag an item to the 'sortable' list, it disappears from the 'draggable' list.
Here's the code I'm using to stop the items being sortable:
start: function() {
$("#draggable li").each(function() {
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/kgjertsen/r4xmLevq/
Anyone able to tell me how to stop the items from disappearing?
After a lot of investigation, it turns out that you cannot link draggable with sortable, as you can with jQuery. You need to drop the item into the container, then sort it from its default place, which is at the bottom.
Telerik justify this with a statement saying that they cannot implement this behaviour as the controls cannot know about each other, as this is bad practice.
Personally, I think this is terrible and the functionality would be a great addition to the Kendo UI library.

Swapping table td on drag

I am trying to swap two TD elements in table on Drag&Drop. I found this plugin Swappable and it works in some way. But when I drag some element the cursor change position to some specific value. I do not want changing cursor position. But when I rework this plugin it stops work.
Does anyone have experience with it or know about any other plugin?
Usually I use the jQuery sortable. It does pretty much want you want. You can use it in a table too.
Then I do my stuff (including ajax updates) in a function setted in the receive event
Did you try the JQuery Sortable() option?
See http://jqueryui.com/sortable/#display-grid

jquery droppable not receiving divs from sortable

I want to ask for you help with a problem i have with a sortable and a droppable witj jquery-ui.
I want to have a div (source) where i have lots of items groups by categories (to make it easier to read). The categories are all sortable. I want to be able to move from items from here to a droppable div.It seems like nothing happens when i drop the item as you may see in : http://jsfiddle.net/eUzeu/2/.
The funny thing is that if i echo (alert) $(dropped).attr('id') in the drop function it actually shows the correct div. But for some weird reason seems like it's triggering but the div doesn't gets attached to the droppable.
Any idea ?
I read that it seems that the connectWith allows to connect sortable with droppables but as you may see seems like it'snot working.
Any ideas ?
Although not fully what i wanted, at the end Frederic's solution was the one i used and works. I can't imagine why using two sortables behave better than a sortable and a droppable for what i want.

JQuery UI - Drag from Sortable to Droppable

I have a list of images which are sortable. To delete them, the user will drag them from the Sortable list to a Droppable div representing a trashcan. How can I accomplish this?
Do I need to add a draggable to each of the image for it to work with the droppable?
The accepted answer seems to provide faulty information. For anyone referring to this post in future,
From rjmunro's comment for the accepted answer -
Sortables are already draggable. There's no need to explicitly declare them as draggable.
JSFiddle Demo
From JQuery UI Documentation -
By default, sortable items share draggable properties.
Yes, each image needs to be draggable (even though it is already sortable).
An item needs to be draggable so that you can drop it on your droppable area.
jQuery has a nice demo of how to make Sortable and Draggable items play nicely together:
jQuery UI - Draggable Demos

Sorting multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI

I'm trying to setup a way to sort multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI's Sortable plugin. I have come up with a partial solution, where the checked items go with the drag, but I can't get them all to move positions. Here is what I have: http://jsbin.com/ecela
What do I need to add to ensure the items move to their new location and get removed when dragging starts.
Also, I'm wondering if there is a way to use selectable and sortable together. I'm guessing not because they both require you to click on the items to select and drag/sort them.
There's a jQuery plugin for that: multisortable.
They have a jsfiddle example there too. You select items with shift-click or command-click, then drag them around.
Seems like a good starting off point, at least!
