WSDL and WEB Service - ios

I am new to web services even after watching a lot of videos and reading a large number of tutorials on WSDL I am unable to understand how to get URL for a method of web service from WSDL. the WSDL file I am provided with is this I want to call a login method of this web service. Can somebody explain that how to extract exact url for a web service/web service method from a WSDL file and how to pass parameters to a web service (in this particular case I want to call login). All the tutorials I watched tells that service tag of WSDL file has an address tag which tells about the url of the service but this WSDL does not contains one.
One last thing, can I call this service with soap, even soap is not used in binding. And what if I want to call it using HTTP GET / HTTP POST method, how parameters will be provided.
My main concern is how to get url of a web service / web service method from WSDL? The platform for which I want to use it is IOS.
Thanks in advance.


WSO2 API Manager WSDL Endpoint

I am trying to Expose a WSDL in WSO2 API Manager, by selecting WSDL Endpoint in the Implementation tab.
And providing the service name and Port respectively.
But while testing the same, from Api Store, the response is 0 - No response body. Also the WSDL is not being invoked.
Please help with this.
I have checked many blogs and videos, but can't find exact solution.
Ex WSDL that I am using is:
Used the same wsdl and expose the service using api manager and got the response from the web server. But as per the query posted above you are testing the soap service using api store. There may be mismatch the param you are posting to web service. Therefore use tool like soapUI to test the web service.
User the followings while exposing the SOAP Service
SOAP Endpoint -
Reference -

API Manager 1.7.0: disable WSDL from being loaded into registry

When you register a service in the WSO2 API Manager via the Web or through REST interface, you can add a WSDL to your service description. This WSDL is interpeted and loaded into the WSO2 API Manager registry. Is it possible to disable this? Only register the WSDL URL itself.
In our case we have the WSDL and XSD stored somewhere else. We do not want the API manager stores this defintion again in his own registry.
The purpose to store WSDL is, if we store only the actual wsdl url and if we display that in store, user can directly invoke the backend service.(not via gateway)So, user will not use throttling there.
What we do is, when we store wsdl in APIManager, we change the service URLs in the original wsdl to point the gateway URL. So, when user creates request from the WSDL , always he will see the gateway URL only.

consume secure web service asmx in mvc

I want to consume secured web service in mvc, I need to create proxy class to this service
I tried to use wsdl.exe tool but it gave me the following errors
There was an error downloading
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
is there another way to create proxy class
or there is another technique to call this secured web service in my application
It looks like the WSDL requires authentication in order to be downloaded. I suppose the Web Service also. The WSDL.exe utility allows you to specify the username and password to be used when downloading the WSDL. So go ahead, talk to the author of the web service to understand what account you need to use in order to access it and then try the /username and /password parameters:
wsdl.exe /username:john /password:secret

Changing URL for JSON calls to ASMX web service

We are making calls from our web app to a 'local' ASMX web service via JSON. I.e. the service is located in the same application.
The URL is configurable. When we change the URL, the call to the JSON service no longer works. We can see via fiddler that the URL is being called and appears correct.
We can also retrieve the WSDL via the new URL.
Are there any settings hard wired into an ASMX service that we might have missed?

Need some Instruction about WCF SOAP Service and ASP.NET MVC

This is my homework, the hard one!
I need to build an online quiz, using ASP.NET MVC, include a desktop version (WPF) that can share the data with the web version using a XML Web Service - WCF. My teacher does not specific what kind of XML Web Service, after some research I choose SOAP because SOAP is a W3C recommendation and here is my plan:
A. When user write a quiz, in the Web site oe Desktop app, the submitsion will send data to WCF service. A list of different type of Item send to the server and save it to database.
B. When user do a quiz, all the data will submit to WCF service, and the total point is return by WCF service too.
After do some research on MSDN, I see that WCF can handle SOAP, but I can't find any document that show me how to do that. Either I'm very new to SOAP to process A and B action.
I have found some documents about using WCF with Entity framework and Code First:
These documents help me to build a Web service and retrieve data from my database, I think that is not in SOAP style.
SO now, I think what I need is:
Some recommends about what kind of XML Web Service.
Some documents show me how to handle SOAP with WCF if you say SOAP is ok for may app.
Thanks you alot for sharing!
I'm not going to do your homework for you fully... but I'll get you started on how to consume a WCF service the easy way.
First, WCF can use SOAP, JSON, or many other transport methods. By default if you are using a application and it calls a WCF service it uses SOAP. The XML that WCF uses is much more complex than a simple SOAP call you might hand build.
Second, to consume a WCF service from a app you can have Visual Studio create you "proxy" code that handles all the nitty gritty xml stuff for you.
To accomplish that, in Visual Studio in the Solution Explorer right click on the project name and click "Add Service Reference". Type in the URL of your service (http://localhost:9821/service.svc). It will auto discover the WCF service information there. Note the "Namespace". That Namespace is where the proxy code is kept.
If your service namespace was "MyService", then in your application code you would "imports/using" that namespace.
AKA: Imports MyService
Then your code would use it:
Dim serviceclient as new MyService.ServiceClient
