Using Dictionary in MonoTouch - ios

I am very confused on the MonoTouch dictionary limitation:
My understanding that code like this is not allowed:
var foo = new Dictionary<int, int>();
But I see code in books like this, which doesn't make sense:
protected Dictionary<int, CustomCellController> _cellControllers = new Dictionary<int, CustomCellController>();
Also, someone posted that if you use nullable types, it convers the values into reference so the following works (as long as the key is not null):
var foo = new Dictionary<int?, int?>();
That also doesn't make sense, because nullable types are structs which are value types.
So what are the real rules about using dictionaries on a device?

Since no JITin is allowed on devices all code must be compiled with the AOT (ahead of time) compiler.
My understanding that code like this is not allowed:
This limitation is about the difficulties, for the AOT compiler, of determining what will be used at runtime. Such code might work and you'll see such code in samples - but it can also fail depending on what you do with the code (creating a Dictionary is not the problem).
So what are the real rules about using dictionaries on a device?
Using value-types means that the generated code cannot be shared (like it can for reference types). E.g. Using a generic Dictionary with int and long requires separate code, while the same code can be shared for string and CustomCellController.
Finding what Dictionary<int,int> needs is not the issue (it's pretty clear). However it's often in the internals that things gets complicated, e.g. ensuring the right KeyValuePair is generated. Nested generics are also hard to get right.
This is why the first general workaround is to try to hint the AOT compiler about what's needed. If the AOT compiler can find code that requires it to generate what's needed then it will be available at runtime.
The next workaround is to try to use a reference type (e.g. a string) instead of the value-type (since that case is simpler to handle for the AOT compiler).
Finally the AOT compiler is getting better (by each release) and works continues to reduce this (and other) limitation(s). So what you read here might not apply in 3, 6, 12 months...


Why is using final, with no type, considered good practice in Dart? ie `final foo =;`?

I see this recommended in the dart style guide, and copied in tons of tutorials and flutter source.
final foo =;
I don't understand it, how is this considered best practice when the readability is so poor? I have no clue what foo is here, surely final String foo = is preferable if we really want to use final?
This seems the equivalent to using var, which many consider a bad practice because it prevents the compiler from spotting errors and is less readable.
Where am I wrong?
In a lot of cases is does not really matter what type you are using as long the specific type can be statically determined by the compiler. When you are using var/final in Dart it is not that Dart does not know the type, it will just figure it out automatically based on the context. But the type must still be defined when the program are compiled so the types will never be dynamic based on runtime behavior. If you want truly dynamic types, you can use the dynamic keyword where you tell Dart "trust me, I know what I am doing with this types".
So types should still be defined where it matter most. This is e.g. for return and argument types for methods and class variables. The common factor for this types is that they are used to define the interface for using the method or class.
But when you are writing code inside a method, you are often not that interested in the specific types of variables used inside the method. Instead the focus should be the logic itself and you can often make it even more clear by using good describing variable names. As long the Dart analyzer can figure out the type, you will get autocomplete from your IDE and you can even still see the specific type from your IDE by e.g. Ctrl+Q in IntelliJ on the variable if you ends up in a situation where you want to know the type.
This is in particular the case when we are talking about the use of generics where it can be really tiresome to write the full specific type. Especially if you are using multiple generics inside each other like e.g. Map<String, List<String>>.
In my experience, Dart is really good to figure out very specific types and will complain loudly if your code cannot be determined statically. In the coming future, Dart will introduce non-null by default, which will make the Dart compiler and analyzer even more powerful since it will make sure your variable cannot be null unless this is something you specifically want and will make sure you are going to test for null when using methods which are specified to not expecting null.
About "Where am I wrong?". Well, a lot of languages have similar feature of var/final like Dart with the same design principle about the type should still be statically determined by a compiler or runtime. And even Java has introducing this feature. As a experienced Java and Dart programmer I have come to the conclusion for myself that typing inside methods are really not that important in a lot of cases as long I can still easily figure out the specific type by using an IDE when it really matters.
But it does make it more important to name your variables so they are clearly defining the purpose. But I am hoping you already are doing that. :)

When are module level "constant" arrays being initialized in F#

The question came up while I was trying to write a lookup table and during debugging I had the impression, that the array might not be initialized at compile or load time, but rather in a lazy way... Unfortunately I could not find the answer in the MSDN chapter about arrays.
Lets look at some sample code first. The code is in a compiled application, not a script, btw.
module Foo =
let bar = [| for i in 0..9 -> yield (i*i) |]
When does get initialized?
At compile time?
At load time?
Lazy, when first accessed?
Never? (Stays an IEnumerator based sequence despite its array type?)
On a side note, my sequence expression is more complicated than the example above and also uses other functions within scope.
Are there cases which are handled in different ways, such as trivial vs complex eypression or long vs short array etc? gets initialized at load time - or, when your application starts.
There are slight differences between how this is done for libraries and for applications. For applications, the compiler inserts appropriate initialization into the Main method. For libraries, the initialization check is inserted into static constructors of (I believe) all types, so when you access any type from a library, the initialization is done (this may be sometime after Main, but still before you run any code from the library).
It does not really depend on what the code is - if it is a value, it will be initialized. There are some values like Lazy<T> or IEnumerable<T> that do not immediately fully evaluate, but the value is initialized nevertheless.

Safe to use Numeric.Complex with PInvoke? (It does not have LayoutKind.Sequential)

I want to use System.Numerics.Complex in an unmanaged PInvoke scenario. Using ILSpy, I noticed it does not have a LayoutKind.Sequential attribute assigned.
/// <summary>Represents a complex number.</summary>
public struct Complex : IEquatable<Complex>, IFormattable
private double m_real;
private double m_imaginary;
Is it safe to give a pointer to an Complex[] array without conversion to a native function expecting the common memory layout, ie.: Real first, imaginary second? Or could the CLR possibly disorder its real and imaginary attributes for some reason?
LayoutKind.Sequential is default for all major .NET compiler:
Even if it wouldn't: theonly reason to alter the order of attributes would be for alignment issues. Since System.Numerics.Complex does only have two double members there would be no reason to exchange them. So IMO you are safe.
You are fine because this is a struct. It has an implied [StructLayout] that's sequential. Something you can see from typeof(Complex).IsLayoutSequential. The same is not true for a class, it requires an explicit declaration.
And yes, fields can get swapped in the internal representation of the object. But that won't matter since the pinvoke marshaller must marshal the object. There's an implied Marshal.StructureToPtr() built into the marshaller. Fwiw, this swapping won't happen because the packing for two doubles is already optimal. They fit without leaving any padding. So the marshaller just creates a pointer to the object and won't have to copy it.
All good news :)

Do Delphi generic collections override equals?

This is a question for the generic collection gurus.
I'm shocked to find that TList does not override equals. Take a look at this example:
"Result" is false, even though the two Lists contain the same data. It is using the default equals() (which just compares the two references for equality).
Looking at the code, it looks like the same is true for all the other generic collection types too.
Is this right, or am I missing something??
It seems like a big problem if trying to use TLists in practice. How do I get around this? Do I create my own TBetterList that extends TList and overrides equals to do something useful?
Or will I run into further complications with Delphi generics...... ?
[edit: I have one answer so far, with a lot of upvotes, but it doesn't really tell me what I want to know. I'll try to rephrase the question]
In Java, I can do this:
List<Person> list1=new ArrayList<Person>();
List<Person> list2=new ArrayList<Person>();
boolean result=list1.equals(list2);
result will be true. I don't have to subclass anything, it just works.
How can I do the equivalent in Delphi?
If I write the same code in Delphi, result will end up false.
If there is a solution that only works with TObjects but not Strings or Integers then that would be very useful too.
Generics aren't directly relevant to the crux of this question: The choice of what constitutes a valid base implementation of an Equals() test is entirely arbitrary. The current implementation of TList.Equals() is at least consistent will (I think) all other similar base classes in the VCL, and by similar I don't just mean collection or generic classes.
For example, TPersistent.Equals() also does a simple reference comparison - it does not compare values of any published properties, which would arguably be the semantic equivalent of the type of equality test you have in mind for TList.
You talk about extending TBetterList and doing something useful in the derived class as if it is a burdensome obligation placed on you, but that is the very essence of Object Oriented software development.
The base classes in the core framework provide things that are by definition of general utility. What you consider to be a valid implementation for Equals() may differ significantly from someone else's needs (or indeed within your own projects from one class derived from that base class to another).
So yes, it is then up to you to implement an extension to the provided base class that will in turn provide a new base class that is useful to you specifically.
But this is not a problem.
It is an opportunity.
You will assuredly run into further problems with generics however, and not just in Delphi. ;)
What it boils down to is this:
In Java (and .NET languages) all types descend from Object. In Delphi integers, strings, etc. do not descend from TObject. They are native types and have no class definition.
The implications of this difference are sometimes subtle. In the case of generic collections Java has the luxury of assuming that any type will have a Equals method. So writing the default implementation of Equals is a simple matter of iterating through both lists and calling the Equals method on each object.
From AbstractList definition in Java 6 Open JDK:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof List))
return false;
ListIterator<E> e1 = listIterator();
ListIterator e2 = ((List) o).listIterator();
while(e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) {
E o1 =;
Object o2 =;
if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : o1.equals(o2)))
return false;
return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext());
As you can see the default implementation isn't really all that deep a comparison after all. You would still be overriding Equals for comparison of more complex objects.
In Delphi since the type of T cannot be guaranteed to be an object this default implementation of Equals just won't work. So Delphi's developers, having no alternative left overriding TObject.Equals to the application developer.
I looked around and found a solution in DeHL (an open source Delphi library). DeHL has a Collections library, with its own alternative List implementation. After asking the developer about this, the ability to compare generic TLists was added to the current unstable version of DeHL.
So this code will now give me the results I'm looking for (in Delphi):
PersonsEqual:=list1.Equals(list2); // equals true
It works for all types, including String and Integer types
StringsEqual:=stringList1.Equals(stringList2); // also equals true
You will need to check out the latest unstable version of DeHL (r497) to get this working. The current stable release (0.8.4) has the same behaviour as the standard Delphi TList.
Be warned, this is a recent change and may not make it into the final API of DeHL (I certainly hope it does).
So perhaps I will use DeHL instead of the standard Delphi collections? Which is a shame, as I prefer using standard platform libraries whenever I can. I will look further into DeHL.

Delphi : Handling the fact that Strings are not Objects

I am trying to write a function that takes any TList and returns a String representation of all the elements of the TList.
I tried a function like so
function ListToString(list:TList<TObject>):String;
This works fine, except you can't pass a TList<String> to it.
E2010 Incompatible types: 'TList<System.TObject>' and 'TList<System.string>'
In Delphi, a String is not an Object. To solve this, I've written a second function:
function StringListToString(list:TList<string>):String;
Is this the only solution? Are there other ways to treat a String as more 'object-like'?
In a similar vein, I also wanted to write an 'equals' function to compare two TLists. Again I run into the same problem
function AreListsEqual(list1:TList<TObject>; list2:TList<TObject>):boolean;
Is there any way to write this function (perhaps using generics?) so it can also handle a TList<String>? Are there any other tricks or 'best practises' I should know about when trying to create code that handles both Strings and Objects? Or do I just create two versions of every function? Can generics help?
I am from a Java background but now work in Delphi. It seems they are lately adding a lot of things to Delphi from the Java world (or perhaps the C# world, which copied them from Java). Like adding equals() and hashcode() to TObject, and creating a generic Collections framework etc. I'm wondering if these additions are very practical if you can't use Strings with them.
[edit: Someone mentioned TStringList. I've used that up till now, but I'm asking about TList. I'm trying to work out if using TList for everything (including Strings) is a cleaner way to go.]
Your problem isn't that string and TObject are incompatible types, (though they are,) it's that TList<x> and TList<y> are incompatible types, even if x and y themselves are not. The reasons why are complicated, but basically, it goes like this.
Imagine your function accepted a TList<TObject>, and you passed in a TList<TMyObject> and it worked. But then in your function you added a TIncompatibleObject to the list. Since the function signature only knows it's working with a list of TObjects, then that works, and suddenly you've violated an invariant, and when you try to enumerate over that list and use the TMyObject instances inside, something's likely to explode.
If the Delphi team added support for covariance and contravariance on generic types then you'd be able to do something like this safely, but unfortunately they haven't gotten around to it yet. Hopefully we'll see it soon.
But to get back to your original question, if you want to compare a list of strings, there's no need to use generics; Delphi has a specific list-of-strings class called TStringList, found in the Classes unit, which you can use. It has a lot of built-in functionality for string handling, including three ways to concatenate all the strings into a single string: the Text, CommaText and DelimitedText properties.
Although it is far from optimal, you can create string wrapper class, possibly containing some additional useful functions which operate on strings. Here is example class, which should be possibly enhanced to make the memory management easier, for example by using these methods.
I am only suggesting a solution to your problem, I don't agree that consistency for the sake of consistency will make the code better. If you need it, Delphi object pascal might not be the language of choice.
It's not cleaner. It's worse. It's a fundamentally BAD idea to use a TList<String> instead of TStringList.
It's not cleaner to say "I use generics everywhere". In fact, if you want to be consistent, use them Nowhere. Avoid them, like most delphi developers avoid them, like the plague.
All "lists" of strings in the VCL are of type TStringList. Most collections of objects in most delphi apps use TObjectList, instead of templated types.
It is not cleaner and more consistent to be LESS consistent with the entire Delphi platform, and to pick on some odd thing, and standardize on it, when it will be you, and you alone, doing this oddball thing.
In fact, I'm still not sure that generics are safe to use heavily.
If you start using TList you won't be able to copy it cleanly to your Memo.Lines which is a TStringList, and you will have created a type incompatibility, for nothing, plus you will have lost the extra functionality in TStringList. And instead of using TStringList.Text you have to invent that for yourself. You also lose LoadFromFile and SaveToFile, and lots more. Arrays of strings are an ubiquitous thing in Delphi, and they are almost always a TStringList. TList<String> is lame.
