How to manipulate the contents of a DB Grid before display? - delphi

I have a column in a DB table which stores pressure. The pressure is always stored as PSI and can be converted to BAR by diving by 14.5.
The user can toggle display of PSI/BAR with a Radio Group.
I was using a TStringGrid and am converting to a TDbGrid - which is quite new to me.
When the user toggles PSI/BAR, how to I update the display in my DB grid? (I imagine that I just execute it's query again? or Call query.Refresh()?) But how do I do the conversion?
Possibly a stored procedure, although that seems like overkill and stored procedurs are also new to me...
By changing the SELECT statement of my query? But how would I do that? SELECT pressure / 14.5 FROM measurements? Or how?
Or is there an OnBeforeXXX() which I can code? Or OnGetDisplayText() or some such?
I am sure thta this is very basic, but until now I have just been displaying unmanipulated data and now I need a conversion function. Google didn'ty help, but I probably didn't know what to ask for.
I also want to change the text of the column title, toggling between "Presure (PSI)" and "pressure (BAR)".
Thanks in advance for any help.

Code a OnGetText event handler for the pressure field like this:
TPressureMU = (pmuPSI, pmuBAR);
PSIToBarFactor = 1/14.5;
procedure TdmData.qMeasurementsPressureGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string;
DisplayText: Boolean);
case PressureMU of
pmuPSI: Text := FloatToStr(Sender.AsFloat); //Already PSI
pmuBAR: Text := FloatToStr(Sender.AsFloat * PSIToBarFactor); //ConvertingToBAR
I'm using a property PressureMU of the declared enumeration to control if the pressure is shown in PSI or BAR measurement unit.
This way, when the user changes the selection, you just adjust the value of that property.
If you use persistent fields, you can link the event handler directly to you field using the object inspector, and if not, you can do it by code like this:
qMeasurements.FieldByName('Pressure').OnGetText := qMeasurementsPressureGetText;
where qMeasurementsPressureGetText is the name of the method.

Create persistent fields (right-click the query, and choose Add Fields to create fields at design time that are stored in the .dfm). Right-click the query, and add a new field. Make it a calculated field, and in the OnCalcFields event of the query do the conversion from PSI to BAR.
Now when the user toggles the display, you just display either the PSI or BAR column by setting the Column.FieldName, setting it to the actual PSI column or tne newly calculated BAR column.
Of course, if you're not using persistent fields, you can do it all in the query. Simply add a new column in your SQL statement that contains the result of the conversion, and you can still just change the Column.FieldName at runtime to toggle which value is being displayed.


Calc field doesn't post

Hi I want to post calc field(cemi) to table (sql). when I calc all field the last field doesn't post on sql table. because last field (cemi) type fkcalc how can I post fkcalc type field to sql table Thanks in advance!
procedure TForm1.ADOQuery1CalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
((ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk1'] + ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk2'] +
ADOQuery1.FieldValues['boyuk3'])*0.35)+((ADOQuery1.FieldValues['kicik1'] +
ADOQuery1.FieldValues['kicik2'])*0.25) +(ADOQuery1.FieldValues['qara1']*0.30);
I'm not quite sure what you mean by
the last field doesn't post on sql table
If the "last field" you are referring to is your "Cemi" one and that is a column which is in the table on your SQL Server, it will not get posted back there if you have defined it as a calculated field in your AdoQuery1 in the Object Inspector. Fields with a FieldKind of fkCalculated are local to the AdoQuery.
Just assigning a value to the calculated field is sufficient to "post" it locally to the AdoQuery, as I imagine you know. What you want to do to debug your problem (because readers like me cannot debug it fr you) is to more easily see what value, if any, is being assigned to it.
From that point of view, your code is suffering from "premature optimisation" which will make it difficult for you to see what is going wrong. Try this instead:
In your ADOQuery1CalcFields, declare a local variable for each of the fields you are accessing, including the calculated one. Choose the variable types to suit the fields:
Boyuk1 : Double; // or Integer, etc
Cemi : Double;
Assign values to the local variables, using the AsXXXX (type) of the fields:
Cemi := 0;
if not AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Boyuk1').IsNull then
Cemi := Cemi + AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Boyuk1').AsFloat;
That way, at least you'll be able to see the point at which the calculation goes wrong (if it does).
I've used FieldByName().AsFloat, rather than FieldValues[], because FieldValues[] is a Variant, which can be Null, and you don't want that when you are assigning values to it which mat themselves be variants.
Check that AutoCalcFields is set to True for AdoQuery1.
Put a debugger breakpoint on the first line of ADOQuery1CalcFields. Compile and run and check that the breakpoint hits - if it doesn't, there's your answer. Single-step the debugger through each line of the procedure, and, after the final line, use Ctrl-F7 to evaluate the value of AdoQuery1.FieldByName('Cemi').AsFloat.

How to view the content of a resultset in Toad from a stored procedure with unknown number of columns?

In Tsql I can execute a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and view the content of a resultset right there query analyzer window without know anything about the query structure (tables, columns, ...)
--Tsql sample
exec myproc parm1, parm2, parm3
Now I am working with PLsql and Toad (which I am relatively new at for Toad). I need to view the content of a resultset of a convoluted stored procedure, and I don't know what the number of columns is -- let alone their data types (this proc is composed of several freaky subqueries -- which I can view individually, but they get pivoted, and the number of columns varies in the final resultset). How can I view the content of this resultset in Toad when I execute the procedure when I don't know how many columns there are or their data types?
Below is code that I have mustered together for viewing the content of a result set of stored procedures where I know how many columns there are and their data types ahead of time. In my code sample below I use a sys_refcursor that I named x_out and I also create a temporary table to store the content of the resultset for additional viewing. Is there a way I can do this when I don't know how many columns there are in the resultset? How to do this with PLsql -- Toad?
create global temporary table tmpResult (fld1 number, fld2 varchar(50), fld3 date);
x_out sys_refcursor;
tmpfld1 number;
tmpfld2 varchar2(50);
tmpfld3 date;
myschema.mypkg.myproc(parm1, parm2, x_out);
FETCH x_out INTO tmpfld1, tmpfld2, tmpfld3;
DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('fld1:-- '||tmpfld1||': fld2:-- '||tmpfld2||': fld3:-- '||tmpfld3);
-- I also insert the result set to a temp table for additional viewing of the data from the stored procedure
Insert Into tmpResult values(tmpfld1, tmpfld2, tmpfld3);
Toad can automatically retrieve the cursor for you. You have a few options, #3 perhaps is the easiest if you just want to see the data.
If you have the myschema.mypkg loaded in the Editor you can hit F11 to execute it. In the dialog that shows select your package member to the left and select the Output Options tab. Check the option to fetch cursor results or use the DBMS Output options. Click OK and the package executes. Depending on your Toad version you'll see a grid at the bottom of Editor for your results or you'll see a PL/SQL results tab. If you see the latter double click the (CURSOR) value in the output column for your output argument. I suggest using the fetch option as long as your dataset isn't so large that it will cause Out of Memory errors.
Locate your package in the Schema Browser and rt-click, Execute Package. You'll see the same dialog as mentioned in #1. Follow the remaining steps there.
Use a bind variable from an anonymous block. Using your example you'd want something like this...
x_out sys_refcursor;
myschema.mypkg.myproc(parm1, parm2, x_out);
:retval := x_out;
Execute this with F9 in the Editor. In the Bind Variable popup set the datatype of retval to Cursor. Click OK. Your results are then shown in the data grid. Again if your dataset is very large you may run out of memory here.
StackOverflow not letting me post this other solution:
I try posting part of this other solution (if SOF lets me) - this the 2nd half of the other way:
myschema.mypkg.myproc(parm1, parm2, parm3 x_out);
FOR rec_ IN get_columns LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( || ': ' || rec_.VALUE);
and here is the 1st half of the other way:
CURSOR get_columns IS
You should bind the cursor to ":data_grid" in order to show SP result in Toad Data Grid pane.
Call Store Procedure in PL/SQL Script:
Run with F9 not F5
Toad is the best I know when it comes to DB IDE.
Press "F9" and bind it. That is all

Number of rows in DBCtrlGrid on Delphi

When I use DBCtrlGrid Delphi component, setting the RowCount property to 5, for example, it will always display 5 lines on the component, even if the table has only 3 records. I need to know how do I hide the additional lines and show only the lines that my table has records.
You can use the AfterScroll event of the dataset connected to the DBCtrlGrid to set its RowCount:
procedure TForm1.qApplsAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
DBCtrlGrid1.RowCount := DataSet.RecordCount;
Be aware, though, that not all types of Delphi dataset return meaningful numbers for their RecordCounts. If yours doesn't, you'll need to do something like running a "SELECT COUNT(*) ..." query in the AfterScroll event to get the value you need to set RowCount to.
Btw, the main use of datasets' AfterScroll event is to allow you to do things like this, where some action needs to be taken when the dataset's cursor moves.

Dbgrid calculation

I have a DBGrid and I´m trying to do a billing sheet but sometimes it doesn't do the calculations. How can I avoid that??
procedure TOrcamentos.DBGridEh1ColExit(Sender: TObject);
percent: double;
Unid: double;
tot: currency;
vaz: string;
if Dorcamen_SUB.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert] then
vaz := DBGridEh1.Columns[3].Field.text;
if (vaz<> '') then
Unid := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('QT').AsFloat);
tot := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat);
percent := (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Desconto').AsFloat);
tot := tot+(tot * percent)/ 100;
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := unid*tot;
The better way to implement calculations is actually to move the calculation to your TTable component that the grid is linked to. The Total field shouldn't actually be a field in the database since but rather a calculated field based on values from other fields. Simply add an extra field using the field editor of the table, type in the field name Total, select the correct datatype and then select the field type as Calculated. Click Ok and then add code similar to this for the OnCalcField event of the table:
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('QT').AsFloat * (
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat + (Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Precovenda').AsFloat * Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Desconto').AsFloat)/100) ;
A general rule of thumb is that calculated values shouldn't be saved to the database unless really really necessary. It's best to simply add them as calculated fields to the dataset and then link the grid to the dataset. All calculated fields will then be displayed in the grid and each row will show the correct calculated value based on the values for that row.
I think you're mixing a business logic (like calculating a total) with User Interaction logic (like the event on which some grid column loses the focus) and that's the source of the erratic behavior of your application.
Looks like not even you know where it happens and where it doesn't happen.
Consider using the Field's events (for example, OnChange event) to perform that kind of calculations.
Lucky you if you're using a dataset with aggregation capabilities (like TClientDataSet), because you can just declare what you want in a TAggregateField and forget about doing calculations "by hand".
Not your question but... be careful with the way you're using try/finally also... for example, in this bit of code:
tot := tot+(tot * percent)/ 100;
Torcamen_SUB.FieldByName('Total').AsFloat := unid*tot;
//other things
be aware that if for some reason an exception occurs on the line between the try and finally clauses, the variable tot will have an undefined value (in this case, the result of the previous assignment), so the Assignment to the field will be wrong, after all. I'm not sure if it is really what you want.

Sorting a table physically in Delphi

Delphi does not seem to like multi-field indexes.
How do I physically sort a a table so that I wind up with a table that has the rows in the desired order?
Field Field-Name Field-Type Size
0 Payer Character 35
1 Payee Character 35
2 PayDate Date
3 Amount Currency
I need to produce a table sorted alphabetically by "Payee"+"Payer"
When I tried using an index of "Payee+Payer", I got an error:
"Field Index out of range"
The index field names need to be separated by semicolons, not plus symbols. Try that and it should work.
Ok, let's try to put some order.
First, isn't advisable to physically sort a table. In fact the most RDBMS even don't provide you this feature. Usually, one, in order to not force a full table scan (it is called sometimes natural scan) creates indexes on the table fields on which he thinks that the table will be sorted / searched.
As you see, the first step in order to sort a table is usually index creation. This is a separate step, it is done once, usually at, let's say, "design time". After this, the DB engine will take care to automatically update the indexes.
The index creation is done by you (the developer) using (usually) not Delphi (or any other development tool) but the admin tool of your RDBMS (the same tool which you used when you created your table).
If your 'DB engine' is, in fact, a Delphi memory dataset (TClientDataSet) then you will go to IndexDefs property, open it, add a new index and set the properties there accordingly. The interesting property in our discussion is Fields. Set it to Payee;Payer. Set also the Name to eg. "idxPayee". If you use other TDataSet descendant, consult the docs of your DB engine or ask another question here on providing the details.
Now, to use the index. (IOW, to sort the table, as you say). In your program (either at design time either at run time) set in your 'Table' the IndexName to "idxPayee" or any other valid name you gave or set IndexFieldNames to Payee;Payer.
Note once again that the above is an example based on TClientDataSet. What you must retain from the above (if you don't use it) is that you must have an already created index in order to use it.
Also, to answer at your question, yes, there are some 'table' types (TDataSet descendants in Delphi terminology) which support sorting, either via a Sort method (or the like) either via a SortFields property.
But nowadays usually when one works with a SQL backend, the preferred solution is to create the indexes using the corresponding admin tool and then issue (using Delphi) an SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY Field1.
If you're still using BDE you can use the BDE API to physically sort the DBF table:
DbiProcs, DbiTypes, DBIErrs;
procedure SortTable(Table: TTable; const FieldNums: array of Word; CaseInsensitive: Boolean = False; Descending: Boolean = False);
DBHandle: hDBIDb;
RecordCount: Integer;
Order: SORTOrder;
if Length(FieldNums) = 0 then
RecordCount := Table.RecordCount;
if RecordCount = 0 then
DBHandle := Table.DBHandle;
if Descending then
Order := sortDESCEND
Order := sortASCEND;
Check(DbiSortTable(DBHandle, PAnsiChar(Table.TableName), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
Length(FieldNums), #FieldNums[0], #CaseInsensitive, #Order, nil, False, nil, RecordCount));
for example, in your case:
SortTable(Table1, [2, 1]); // sort by Payee, Payer
Cannot check, but try IndexFieldNames = "Payee, Payer".
Sure indexes by these 2 fields should exist.
You can create an index on your table using the TTable.AddIndex method in one call. That will sort your data when you read it, that is if you use the new index by setting the TTable.IndexName property to the new index. Here's an example:
xTable.IndexName := 'NewIndex';
// Read the table from top to bottom
while not xTable.EOF do begin
