Accessing logs for ant - ant

I am trying to install a project from github using phpunit. The project uses composer to install the dependencies.
When I run ant to build the project, I get a simple error message, but I would like to access more complete logs of ant. Is it accessible ?

For example using:
-verbose, -v
is quite popular to see what ANT does and how it does resolve dependencies.


How to generate zip file for a grails plugin

I wrote a Grails plugin, lets say PluginA which has dependency on another plugin, lets say PluginB, which I wrote myself too, these both plugins are being used by a main project. I am trying to build a continious integration system for this project using jenkins, so far I managed to setup everything in Jenkins. But while building the project, I get this error
Zip C:\Users\me\project\PluginA\ is not a valid plugin
So, how do I generate that zip file, I noticed that all my other plugins have that zip file but I don't remember building them. I also tried to do a grails compile-plugin but I got an error saying that few classes were not found as they were in PluginB. So, how can I specify that PluginA has dependency on PluginB while running a grails command?
It's not entirely clear, but I believe the problem you are having occurs when trying to build the main project and not the plugins, so I will address that situation.
Since the error message mentions a zip file, I will also assume you are using Grails 2.x. If you are using Grails 3.x, then stop reading now and add info on how you are specifying your dependencies.
Key info: In my experience plugins don't come with their dependencies; I've had to re-declare them in my top-level projects. I have no idea if that is the intent of the grails plugin design, but I have found it works to do so.
Step 1: Build PluginB and install it to your local maven repo using
grails maven-install
Step 2: Specify PluginB as a dependency for PluginA in its app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 3: Build PluginA and install it to your local maven repo using the same command as for PluginB.
Step 4: In your main project, specify dependencies on BOTH PluginA and PluginB in app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 4 is the key.
If I've misinterpreted your problem, sorry about that! Please provide some more detail on exactly which part is failing and I'll let you know if I have any info on it.

xjc with annox running from command prompt

I have tried to run a example from the website The very first schema provided in the webpage and I saved it as schema.xsd under c:\jaxb folder. Then, I ran the command 'xjc -extension schema.xsd' from command prompt and I get the similar error. Apparently xjc doesn't seem to understand this url How do I solve this?
You have to add the annotate plugin with all the dependencies to the classpath. See this Ant build file for what dependencies are
You have to activate the plugin using -Xannotate switch
Here's a sample Ant project. I'll assemble a command-line example for the next version.

How do I install Rascal

Can someone tell me how to install Rascal?
The install instruction say - Eclipse Indigo for RCP/RAP - got it.
Then Install New Software and put in the repository address:
- done that
Check "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" - ok
Hit Next, and it complains can't find Jetty, so set up its repo, can't find some Http lib, and on it goes.
What I have done, after I temporarily gave up on Eclipse, is to compile using the Maven build.
This makes me think, is a dependency missing from the Developer Dependencies list? That being the 'rascal-master' project, which contains not much more than the top-level pom.xml file?
I downloaded that too, and tried to build. It did not work because Tycho could not resolve dependencies correctly, it ended up looking for pdb.values:0.0.0 instead of the correct version, I don't know how it managed to zero out the version.
I notice that there is a Jenkins build server, which presumably runs off the Maven poms? It might be an idea to update the Developer Dependencies page with an accurate list of what needs checked out to build from scratch with Maven. It should be as easy as check out some projects, then type 'mvn install' and it all works nicely. Perhaps that is already the case on the build server, but I can't get into the configurations to see how that works.
In the end I removed Tycho from the build, and found enough dependencies in the Maven central repo by hand to get it building, and just put in statements for each of them.
It really is a sad state of affairs the way that Eclipse disrespects the Maven repository, by creating their own and using their own format and tool; Tycho will not download stuff from Eclipse and put it in your local repository, from where you could use it in a more sane way.
The installation instructions seems to be outdated. I can confirm that Rascal will not install with Eclipse Indigo due to dependency errors. It works fine with Eclipse Juno for RCP/RAP.
Ouch, that's a painfull experience, it should not have been this hard, I will look into this.
As workaround: see Rascal Developer dependencies , if you install these dependencies by hand, it should work.
If you continue experiencing installation problems, leave a Github issue, since that is more suited for back and forward conversations.
To use Maven, you also need to insert the following into the pom.xml of rascal-master (replacing the old modules section if there is one):
Then run "mvn clean install" or "mvn clean install -DskipTests=true" from inside rascal-master.

Can not compile Nutch1.4 with ant

I'm trying to deploy Nutch1.4 to Hadoop cluster(following this page). I got some problems when compiling Nutch with ant.
problem 1
When I run ant command, I got the following error:
/home/xenserver/apache-nutch-1.4-bin/build.xml:71: invalid Date syntax in "01/25/1971 2:00 pm"
I remove attribute "datetime" from line 71 in file build.xml and run ant again. Then I got another problem.
problem 2
The error is:
/home/xenserver/apache-nutch-1.4/build.xml:412: syntax errors in ivy file: java.text.ParseException: in file:/home/xenserver/apache-nutch-1.4/ivy/ivy.xml
at org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.xml.XmlModuleDescriptorParser$Parser.parse(
What's wrong with the steps above? Is there any tutorial for compiling Nutch1.4?
Need your help.Thanks in advance.
For compiling nutch 1.4, all you have to do is run ant clean deploy from the nutch directory. The output is created in the directory named 'runtime' with 2 folders: one for local mode and other one for cluster mode.
please check the date settings and ant installation on your machine. I think that is casing the issue. Also have you tampered/ edited /home/xenserver/apache-nutch-1.4/ivy/ivy.xml ? Please check that file too.
There is some problem with the build file when executed on your Linux box.
Check these out: this and this.
These are the things that you should verify on your setup:
java version and ant version : dont use old ones. get the latest ones or ones that are compatible with your nutch release. FYI: for nutch-1.4 I am using apache-ant-1.8.3 and java jdk1.6.0_18. This combination works perfectly fine with me.
Check that you have installed a JDK and not a JRE
Check if your JAVA_HOME environment variable point to the JDK. System PATH variable must have $JAVA_HOME/bin and $ANT_HOME/bin appended to it. ANT_HOME variable must point to the ant installation directory.
Can you successfully run normal ant targets on any other build files ? try out with small ant build file.
Still facing the same issue, run ant command with -v option. This will provide more information about the error faced.
ant -v clean deploy

Installing Nimble for Grails

I came across Nimble yesterday, but couldn't get past Step 1, configuring BuildConfig.groovy to find the Nimble's remote repository.
My BuildConfig.groovy file is one line:
Here is the message I get when running grails install-plugin nimble 0.2:
Welcome to Grails 1.1.1 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /opt/dev/sdks/grails-1.1.1
Base Directory: /home/wraith/dev/source/demo
Running script /opt/dev/sdks/grails-1.1.1/scripts/InstallPlugin.groovy
Environment set to development
No authentication for svn repo at intient ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Reading remote plugin list ...
Plugin 'nimble' was not found in repository. If it is not stored in a configured repository you will need to install it manually. Type 'grails list-plugins' to find out what plugins are available.
This is the first time I have tried to install a plugin not in the official repository. What is the best way to narrow down if it is a problem at or with my configuration?
Follow these instructions with the following modifications:
Step 1 is correct
Instead of using the remote repository, download the zipped plugin
Move the plugin to ~/dev/plugins
grails install-plugin ~/dev/plugins/
Steps 3-5 are correct
We were performing some maintenance on and the load balancer wasn't providing this content for the last 12 hours or so (oops!).
Should be sorted now but the steps Wraith Monster gave above work for a manual install as well.
Once Grails 1.2 proper hits Nimble will be part of the official plugin repo and we won't need to worry about this at all.
you could always download the zip file for the plugin and install it manually
Download source code from
Unzip under your plugins directory of your project (usually under ${USER_HOME}/.grails/<grails-version>/projects/<myproject>/plugins)
Rename the extracted folder into "nimble-0.2"
Remove from BuildConfig the line grails.plugin.repos.discovery.intient=""
Edit the file of your project and add the line plugins.nimble=0.2
If not installed under your project, you should install the plugins : shiro (version 1.0-SNAPSHOT at least) and mail (>0.6). (run command grails install-plugin <pluginName> <version>)
Start directly from Step 3
It should work (at least, it worked for me). Good luck
