Replace.string with a URL as parameter - url

Below I have this code:
string _strTemplate = _strDownloadTemplate + IDReq + "/" + _strFileName;
Uri url = new Uri(_strTemplate);
As you can see, I'm converting the strTemplate (which carries the link of a page that I need to sent by email for the user) to a URL Format. My email body has several fields that I'm replacing with the correct value:
strMailMessage = strMailMessage.Replace("_LinkTemplate", url);
I'm getting an error because the method string.Replace takes strings as parameters only.
Is there a way to get around this?
I was thinking about pass the URL value through my page (page.aspx) but if there's a way to do so through this method, it would be better for me.

Assuming this is C# and .NET, yes, String.Replace() works with strings.
Did you try:
strMailMessage = strMailMessage.Replace("_LinkTemplate", url.ToString());


How to send array (a text with commas) as HTTP-param using Rest Assured (Java)

I use Rest Assured framework (Java).
I need to send integer array as http-param in get request:,22,33
Integer[] ids = new Integer[] {11, 22, 33};
RequestSpecificationImpl request = (RequestSpecificationImpl)RestAssured.given();
String ids_as_string = Arrays.toString(ids).replaceAll("\\s|[\\[]|[]]", "");
request.params("data_ids", ids_as_string);
System.out.println("Params: " + request.getRequestParams().toString());
System.out.println("URI" + request.getURI());
What I see in the console:
Params: {data_ids=11,22,33}
Why do my commas transform into '%2C'?
What needs to be done to ensure that commas are passed as they should?
Disable URL encoding, simple as that
Official documentation
Verified locally,

Kohana 3.3 get url parameters

My question can look stupid but I need to get in touch and get a decision. I want to pass parameters to url without the parameters being seen in the url. this is to secure my server. Because the url looks like this
and the '123' is the user ID in the database.
I can simple do this
public function action_edit($id) {
Is it possible to hide the parameter while redirecting to this url from a view? ie in the view file
// Do something to set the ID
<?php Kohana_Request::post("user_id", $id); ?>
and get the ID like this
public function action_edit() {
$id = $this->request->post("user_id");
But the problem I can't access the KOhana_Request instance and get this error
*Non-static method Kohana_Request::post() should not be called statically*
Can someone gives a secured approach to this ?
I think I found a solution by encoding and decoding the parameters.
Since Kohana 3.3 do not allow parameters in controller functions see .
I do this in my view
$user_id = Encrypt::instance()->encode($liste->user_id);
$encode_id = base64_encode($user_id);
$encode_ure_id = urlencode($encode_id);
And from the controller,
$encoded_id = urldecode($this->request->param('uri_id'));
$encode_base_url = base64_decode($encoded_id);
$user_id = Encrypt::instance()->decode($encode_base_url);
If this can help others.

Call Back Url With Url In A Query String Not Creating Request Token With TweetSharp

I am trying to send a returnurl query string to the GetRequestToken, but I either get a "?" as the token response, or the "#" gets stripped out on the return callback. When I do get a valid response back, the # and everything after it is stripped out on the returnurl.
var service = new TwitterService(Config.Twitter.ConsumerKey, Config.Twitter.ConsumerSecret);
var requestToken = service.GetRequestToken(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri));
var uri = service.GetAuthorizationUri(requestToken);
Seems like Twitter doesnt like the "#" in the callback url. So I split the left and right parts of it and added that as a query string, then combined them on the result back for the real redirect.

How make WCF allow dots(.) in url?

I use WCF and have a method like this:
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "LoadProducts/{key}/{price}")]
XmlDocument LoadProducts(string key, string price= null);
price is string, inside LoadProducts I will try to parse it from string to double and do my other operations.
But in url, I can not get request any parameter for price like '24.25', '0.253' etc. It does not allow any value with dot.
I get error "Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly. "
How can I solve this?
Dots already have a meaning in a URL, they separate the target hostname, IP address or in the path they separate the resources from its extension. You will need to URL encode your request URL.
In .NET there is a method called UrlEncode to help you encode URLs. It is:
string url = "http://localhost/MyService/MyKey/24.25";
string encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url);
Check out the MSN documentation for UrlEncode for more details.
I solved my issue. I switched server from Visual Studio Development Server to Local IIS Web Server, url took dot symbol inside parameter.

JSON API request app (rails), rendering results

I need to develop a small Rails app that makes a request to an JSON API, introducing the parameters into an initial form, check if we get a real response and then render the results into a view (html.erb).
Do you know where can I get good material to do these steps? Any help is welcome.
I'm reading some near example:
params_string = "whatever"
params_string_with_api_key = params_string + "&" + ##API_KEY
hashkey = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params_string_with_api_key)
params_string += "&hashkey=#{hashkey}"
res = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/some/url.json?#{params_string}")
res_sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(res.body + ##API_KEY)
#verified = res["X-Somecompany-Response-Signature"] == res_sha1
parsed_json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(res.body)
#results = parsed_json["results"]
Is it always needed to encode the parameters string when you do the Net::HTPP request? Is there another way?
What does exactly params_string += "&hashkey=#{hashkey}"?
Thank you!
What does exactly params_string += "&hashkey=#{hashkey}"?
params_string is a string that looks like ?param1=val&param2=val2.... Your last piece of code is just appending another param to the string. If your issue is with the #{} fragment, this syntax, in a ruby double-quoted string, allows you to use the value of a var.
Is it always needed to encode the parameters string when you do the Net::HTPP request? Is there another way?
I don't see the parameters string being encoded here. All I see is a checking of the results, done by comparing a response header with a SHA1'd response body.
Not really related to your questions : I went away from Net::HTTP a while back, having troubles with segfault. I now use Typhoeus for all requests through the network.
