Using Ninject with Udi Dahan's Domain Events -

I'm using Ninject in an MVC project and am trying to implement Domain Events following Udi Dahan's pattern
In the extract below, the "Container" is used to resolve all the event-handlers for the particular type of event that has been raised.
My question (& apologies if I am missing something basic) is how to do this with Ninject? In other words:
How does the "Container" get set in this static class?
Once I have a Container (Kernel?) what would be the Ninject syntax to resolve all the event handlers (which I'm assuming I would have to register before-hand in a Service Module)?
I keep reading in posts that only constructor injection should be used and everything recursively get resolved from that, and that accessing the Ninject Kernel is a no-no. So any advice on how to do this will be much appreciated.
Extract from the article
public static class DomainEvents
[ThreadStatic] //so that each thread has its own callbacks
private static List<Delegate> actions;
public static IContainer Container { get; set; } //as before
//Registers a callback for the given domain event
public static void Register<T>(Action<T> callback) where T : IDomainEvent
if (actions == null)
actions = new List<Delegate>();
//Clears callbacks passed to Register on the current thread
public static void ClearCallbacks ()
actions = null;
//Raises the given domain event
public static void Raise<T>(T args) where T : IDomainEvent
if (Container != null)
foreach(var handler in Container.ResolveAll<Handles<T>>())
if (actions != null)
foreach (var action in actions)
if (action is Action<T>)

How does the "Container" get set in this static class?
You will have to set it during application startup:
DomainEvents.Container = kernel;
what would be the Ninject syntax to resolve all the event handlers:
You can do it like this, for instance:
Udi's static DomainEvents class is an implementation of the Ambient Context anti-pattern (see DI PP&P chapter 5.3). In this case I would rather use dependency injection to inject an IDomainEvents abstraction into code that needs it, instead of letting code depend on a static instance.
The problem however is that your domain objects will need a dependency on the IDomainEvents and constructor injection is (probably) not possible. The trick is to use method injection in that case.
In other words, use constructor injection to inject the IDomainEvents into command handlers or services (or what ever you call your business logic that uses the methods on your domain objects) and pass that dependency into the domain object when calling a method that needs it (method injection).


.net framework- how to create IServiceProvider to get already registered service instance using IServiceProvider?

On .NET Framework 4.6.2 application, where there is no built-in DI container we are using LightInject DI Container to object initialization but don't know how to create 'IServiceProvider' Object in Main() so the other class implementations can get the already registered instance of service via IServiceProvider without using new keyword.
How to create IServiceProvider object? in .net framework 4.6.2 application
public class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new ServiceContainer();
// calls below extension method
public static class LightInjectDIExtension
/// Registers the application dependencies.
public static void RegisterDependencies(this ServiceContainer container)
container.Register<IBackgroundService1, BackgroundService1>();
Once IServiceProvider instance is available to use, I'm intended to do the below
// This is background service app & this class will be
// instantiated once in application lifetime
public class BackgroundService1 : IBackgroundService1
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public BackgroundService1(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public void Method1(string elementName)
// every time call to 'Method1' has to get the new instance
// of registered 'Service2' class rather than using 'new'
// keyword
var service2 = (Service2)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(Service2));
Modification after Steven's suggestion
public class BackgroundService1 : IBackgroundService1
private readonly IServiceContainer_container;
public BackgroundService1 (IServiceContainer container)
//Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in LightInject.dll
_container = container;
public void Method1(string elementName)
// every time call to 'Method1' has to get the new instance
// of registered 'Service2' class rather than using 'new'
// keyword
var service2 = (Service2)_container.GetInstance(typeof(Service2));
In general, injecting an IServiceProvider (or any abstraction that gives access to an unbound set of dependencies is a bad idea, because it can lead to the Service Locator anti-pattern. A discussion on this anti-pattern can be found here.
A Service Locator is something that only exists outside the Composition Root. Your BackgroundService1, however, might be part of the Composition Root, which might injecting a DI Container -or an abstraction there over- a feasible solution. Note that you should strive keeping all business logic out of the Composition Root. This ensures that BackgroundService1 purely functions as a mechanical peace of code that delegates the operation to classes that run the actual business logic.
Though, when operating inside the Composition Root, there is typically no need to use an abstraction over your DI Container, such as an IServiceProvider. The Composition Root already has intrinsic knowledge over all application's dependencies, including your DI Container.
This means that you can inject LightInject's ServiceContainer directly into the constructor of BackgroundService1; there is no need for an IServiceProvider.
If, however, you insist in using the IServiceProvider abstraction, you can create an IServiceProvider implementation that wraps ServiceContainer and forwards its GetService method to the wrapped ServiceContainer. This wrapper class can than be registered in the ServiceContainer.

Using Unity.WebForms in ASP.NET

I am trying to implement DI in a webforms project, so I installed the Unity.WebForms dlls in my UI layer. As soon as I did an App_Start folder was created for me with a UnityWebFormsStart class file. Inside this file there is a method RegisterDependencies which asks to be edited.
What is the next step after registering the dependencies? Is there something I need to add in the Global.asax class file? And how and where do I resolve a type inside a webform? Do I decorate that with any attributes?
The Unity.WebForms dll and NuGet package does a few things for you in the background. It will ensure that a child container is started at the begin of each new web request and disposed at the end of each request. This allows you to register components with a 'per web request' lifestyle (using the HierarchicalLifetimeManager in Unity), which is useful for components such as O/RM unit of works such as Entity Framework's DbContext.
The other thing that the package ensures is that the given HttpHandler (usually your Page) and all its child controls are Built up. The BuildUp method is the way to initialize components that are not created by the container itself.
So the idea is to use property injection in your page classes and controls, but solely use constructor injection in ALL other components in your application. Constructor injection is the preferred mechanism for doing dependency injection, but constructor injection is unfortunately not possible in ASP.NET Page and Control classes.
So your page could look like this:
public class CancelOrderPage : Page
public ICommandHandler<CancelOrder> CancelOrderHandler { get; set; }
void CancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
this.CancelOrderHandler.Handle(new CancelOrder {
OrderId = Guid.Parse(this.OrderIdHiddenField.Value)
For the rest of your application, use constructor injection:
public class CancelOrderHandler : ICommandHandler<CancelOrder>
private readonly IAuthorizedRepository<Order> orderRepository;
private readonly IEventPublisher eventPublisher;
public CancelOrderHandler(IAuthorizedRepository<Order> orderRepository,
IEventPublisher eventPublisher) {
this.orderRepository = orderRepository;
this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher;
public void Handle(CancelOrder command) {
// some implementation
In the RegisterDependencies you will have to register your dependencies. You can do this manually:
container.RegisterType<ICommandHandler<CancelOrder>, CancelOrderHandler>();
container.RegisterType<IEventPublisher, InProcessPublisher>();
Or you can use batch-registration.

Adding Dagger to an existing project

I'm trying to add Dagger to an existing web application and am running into a design problem.
Currently our Handlers are created in a dispatcher with something like
registerHandler('/login', new LoginHandler(), HttpMethod.POST)
Inside the login handler we might call a function like
Services.loginService.login('username', 'password');
I want to be able to inject the loginService into the handler, but am having trouble figuring out the best approach. There is a really long list of handlers in the dispatcher, and injecting them all as instance variables seems like a large addition of code.
Is there a solution to this type of problem?
Based on your comment about having different services to inject. I would propose next solution.
#Module(injects = {LoginHandler.class, LogoutHandler.class})
public class ServicesProvider {
#Provides #Singleton public LoginService getLoginService() {
return new LoginService();
public class LoginHandler extends Handler {
#Inject LoginService loginService;
public class HttpNetwork extends Network {
private ObjectGraph objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(new ServicesProvider());
public registerHandler(String path, Handler handler, String methodType) {
There is one week point in this solution - you can't easily change ServiceProvider for test purpose (or any other kind of purpose). But if you inject it also (for example with another object graph or just through constructor) you can fix this situation.

How to implement UnitOfWork with Onion Architecture without introducing dependencies?

I am setting up an asp.Net Mvc 4 app and looking to configure it using the Onion Architecture Pattern.
In the past I have used the Unit of Work Pattern like this
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private IRepository<CallModel> _callRepo;
private IRepository<UserModel> _userRepo;
public IRepository<CallModel> CallRepo
if (_callRepo == null)
_callRepo = new Repository<CallModel>();
return _callRepo;
public IRepository<UserModel> UserRepo
if (_userRepo == null)
_userRepo = new Repository<UserModel>();
return _userRepo;
I would then pass the instance of the UnitOfWork Class to the Controller to do simple CRUD stuff like this.
public class QuestionsController : Controller
private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public QuestionsController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
I have seperated the app into three projects.
I have my Interfaces all in the Core project and the implementation of the IRepository interface in the Infrastructure project.
If I put the UnitOfWork Class in the Core Project then since it calls for a new Repository in the Infrastructure project I am creating a dependency from the Core to the Infrastructure.
If I include it in the Infrastructure then the Web project (which has the controllers) will have a dependency on the Infrastructure and the whole Solution ends up looking less like an Onion and more like spaghetti.
I have my Interfaces all in the Core project and the implementation of the IRepository interface in the Infrastructure project. If I put the UnitOfWork Class in the Core Project then since it calls for a new Repository in the Infrastructure project I am creating a dependency from the Core to the Infrastructure.
Hmm, not really. Your unit of work class should have a dependency on IRepository, not the Repository implementation itself. If you are using Dependency Injection, this should not pose a problem, as it should find the right type and provide it at runtime. I'm not sure whether the Onion architecture is even possible without using DI.
See david.s's answer as well, as this is exactly how I set things up--have a project for the sole purpose of wiring up dependencies.
What I do is have another project named DependencyResolution which has references to Core and Infrastructure an where I configure my IoC container. Then I can refence only DependencyResolution from the Web project.
I would do like david.s create project named DependencyResolution but let it referance Web, Core and Infrastructure.
In that project you could do:
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Start), "Register")]
namespace DependencyResolution
public static class Start
public static void Register()
and to register DI.
namespace DependencyResolution
public static class UnityConfig
public static void Register()
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver());
So no referance between Web and infrastructure is needed.
Best regards
For what it's still worth, I have implemented my own library that applies the UnitOfWork-pattern a little differently than I've seen in any code sample before, but I have found it to work very well in practice. In short: I kinda copied the way .NET Transactions work by creating a scope and then enlisting resources in the ambient unitofwork(-manager) where necessary. What basically happens is that when a new message/request is being handled, this code is executed:
public void Handle<TMessage>(TMessage message)
using (var scope = CreateMessageProcessorContextScope())
Now just as with transactions, as soon as the Thread is still inside the scope, an ambient UnitOfWork-controller is present in which all resources that are used and changed during the request can enlist dynamically. They do this by implementing the IUnitOfWork-interface that has two methods:
public interface IUnitOfWork
bool RequiresFlush();
void Flush();
Instances that implement this interface can then enlist themselves as follows:
Typically, a Repository-class will implement this interface, and when it detects it's managed aggregates are changed/added/removed, it can enlist itself (double enlistments are ignored).
In my case, the framework assumes that you are using an IOC-framework that will resolve all message-handlers and repositories for you, so I made enlistment to the ambient unit of work controller easier by letting it inject an instance of the current IUnitOfWorkManager into the constructor where required. This way the dependencies of the unit of work manager and the actual pieces that require to be flushed (repositories, services, etc) are reversed:
internal sealed class OrderRepository : IOrderRepository, IUnitOfWork
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _manager;
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, Order> _orders;
public OrderRepository(IUnitOfWorkManager manager)
if (manager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
_manager = manager;
bool IUnitOfWork.RequiresFlush()
return _orders.Values.Any(order => order.HasChanges());
void IUnitOfWork.Flush()
// Flush here...
public void Add(Order order)
_orders.Add(order.Id, order);
As soon as a request has been handled succesfully (no exceptions thrown), scope.Complete() will be called which triggers the controller to check with all enlisted items whether they (still) need to be flushed (by calling RequiresFlush()), and if so, flushes them (by calling Flush()).
All in all, this allows for a very maintainable solution (in my perspective) in which new repositories and other dependencies can be added on the fly without changing any master unitofwork class, just like the TransactionManager doesn't need to know upfront which items may take part in any given Transaction.

Handling dependencies with IoC that change within a single function call

We are trying to figure out how to setup Dependency Injection for situations where service classes can have different dependencies based on how they are used. In our specific case, we have a web app where 95% of the time the connection string is the same for the entire Request (this is a web application), but sometimes it can change.
For example, we might have 2 classes with the following dependencies (simplified version - service actually has 4 dependencies):
public LoginService (IUserRepository userRep)
public UserRepository (IContext dbContext)
In our IoC container, most of our dependencies are auto-wired except the Context for which I have something like this (not actual code, it's from memory ... this is StructureMap):
For 95% of our web application, this works perfectly. However, we have some admin-type functions that must operate across thousands of databases (one per client). Basically, we'd want to do this:
public CreateUserList(IList<string> connStrings)
foreach (connString in connStrings)
//first create dependency graph using new connection string
//then call service method on new database
My question is: How do we create that new dependency graph for each time through the loop, while maintaining something that can easily be tested?
To defer the creation of an object until runtime, you can use a factory:
public interface ILoginServiceFactory
ILoginService CreateLoginService(string connectionString);
public void CreateUserList(IList<string> connStrings)
foreach(connString in connStrings)
var loginService = _loginServiceFactory.CreateLoginService(connString);
Within the loop, do:
where "connectionString" is the name of a string constructor parameter on the concrete implementation of ILoginService.
So most UserRepository methods use a single connection string obtained from session, but several methods need to operate against a list of connection strings?
You can solve this problem by promoting the connection string dependency from IContext to the repository and adding two additional dependencies - a context factory and a list of all the possible connections strings the repository might need to do its work:
public UserRepository(IContextFactory contextFactory,
string defaultConnectionString,
List<string> allConnectionStrings)
Then each of its methods can build as many IContext instances as they need:
// In UserRepository
public CreateUserList() {
foreach (string connString in allConnectionStrings) {
IContext context = contextFactory.CreateInstance(connString);
// Build the rest of the dependency graph, etc.
public LoginUser() {
IContext context = contextFactory.CreateInstance(defaultConnectionString);
// Build the rest of the dependency graph, etc.
We ended up just creating a concrete context and injecting that, then changing creating a wrapper class that changed the context's connection string. Seemed to work fine.
