Embed API credentials in iOS code - ios

I have to call payment gateway API from iOS code. Problem is it needs merchant credentials and I feel insecure embedding the merchant credentials in code. If someone somehow reverse engineer the code and get the credentials then the client is dead. Any advice?
I found this post Does Apple modify iOS application executables on apps submitted to the App Store? which says that app binaries are encrypted by Apple be default. Does it mean I can safely embed the credentials in code?

NO! Instead of adding the credentials to iOS app you should think about setting up a server which handles the interaction with the API, you are talking about, and let the app only interact with your server. So you can store the API key on your server and can limit whats possible by the user on server side (which will be much harder to abuse).


Connecting a desktop app to Google Photos without disclosing the app's secret key

I'm writing an open-source stand-alone desktop app in Java that handles photos, and I'm adding a feature to let users upload pictures to their Google Photos account, but I'm faced with an authentication/security question.
I've registered my project to use the Google Photo API and have downloaded my credentials JSON file. I've been able to use it successfully with the samples from the java-photoslibrary Github project, so all is good.
However, the credentials file contains a "client_secret" key which, if I'm not mistaken, should not be disclosed (am I correct here ?). But those credentials have to somehow be distributed with the app and, as it is open-source, will be basically public. So my question is: How can I authenticate my app's user to his/her Google Photo account without disclosing my app's secret key ?
Note: I've integrated Dropbox upload, and their procedure for desktop apps clearly explains how to authenticate without embedding the secret key in the Desktop app using OAuth's token flow. Is there an equivalent for Google Photos ?
Edit: made some progress (see my own answer below), but after I finally got time to implement it, I realized that after user has authorized the app and a valid code has been returned (Yay!), step 5 (Exchanging the code for a token) again requires the client_secret ! :-(
I tried the call without it but I'm receiving a "client_secret is missing" error, so that's not a typo.
After more search (with the [google-oauth] keyword instead of [oauth-2.0], which says it all), it seems "secret" does not mean it is actually "secret" in Google world. In other terms, it's OK to embed it in your apps because, well, it's secret but it cannot be used in a malicious way (hopefully)...
See answers to these related questions:
Safely distribute OAuth 2.0 client_secret in desktop applications in Python
Why does Google provide a client secret for a Native application?
Integrate oauth2 with native (iOS/Android) mobile application
One Google page even mentions that "In this context, the client secret is obviously not treated as a secret."
Come on Google, explain me how security works :-)
OK I think I found the answer.
Similar to Dropbox, Google can use OAuth 2 with PKCE, they just use the full spelling "Proof Key for Code Exchange", that's probably why I didn't find it at first :-). The details are here:
I didn't find the equivalent process in the Google APIs, but those API are megabytes of classes so I may have missed it. Basically, all it takes is just sending a few requests and listening to the response, so I think I'll implement it from scratch (and will probably also get rid of Dropbox's client libs as the process is so similar).
Hope it helps...
Edit: that doesn't address the point because after the clean PKCE procedure, the app still has to send its private key to exchange the authorization code for a token. See edit in my question

Kahuna API - Is the secret key/API Key supposed to be kept private?

I'm trying to setup Kahuna for my iOS app, and haven't been able to find a clear answer - the docs says that the secret key is meant to be used with the API Key for authenticating requests, but I can't find anything that states clearly if either of these should be kept secret/out of source code. Are these safe to put in my code, or should they be kept on the server side?
Are these safe to put in my code, or should they be kept on the server side?
Short Answer is no for keeping them on the mobile app code and yes to keep them on the server side.
Because they will be static secrets in your mobile app code, thus they are easily extracted by using any reverse engineer tool, like using the Mobile Security Framewrok(MSF) to decompile the app binary.
Well you can try code obfuscation, to generate the secrets dynamical in the mobile app or to store the secrets in the iOS keychain, but once more they can be reverse engineered at run-time, once more by using the MSF tool.
Possible Solution?
The best approach is to use a Mobile App Attestation service to protect the connection between the mobile app and the API server, that will guarantee at run-time that your App is not being man in the middle attacked, being tampered with, that is not running in a rooted or jail broken device and that is the same original one uploaded into the app store. This is done in the background without impacting the user experience by using an SDK integrated in your App and a service running in the cloud.
With this guarantees in place we don't need any-more to store secrets in the mobile app for Authentication, Authenticity and Integrity purposes, thus any access to third part services within the App can now be delegated to the API server that will be able to do a better job of protecting all the necessary secrets to access the third part services, like storing them in a vault.
You can find a Mobile App Attestation service in Approov(I work here) that provides SDKs for several platforms, including iOS. The integration will also need a small check in the API server code to verify the JWT token. This check is necessary for the API server to be able to decide what requests to serve and what ones to deny.

Mobileiron: iOS App authorization in Active Directory

We are developing an iOS application in Xamarin, which will be distributed via MobileIron. We are also developing the Backend WebServices (rest).
What I need to know is, when a web service call comes to my API, I want to make sure, that the call is coming from a client who is logged-in to my app with his Active-Directory credentials, using MobileIron.
The MobileIron website has plenty of information, but is also a bit chaotic.
What MobileIron products are needed for my use case?
Whats the best way to protect my WebServices and allow just requests from our iOS Application with correct AD-Credentials?
Do I need the AppConnect SDK or can I just wrap the iOS Application in MobileIron? If I need the SDK, are there any examples?
Thanks in advance!
Here is one way how it should work, we have this built up in our environment.
Assuming that the target devices are managed by the MobileIron MDM system with MobileIron Core (MDM) & MobileIron Sentry (Gateway -> Intranet).
You can configure MobileIron Sentry in this way, that a webrequest from an AppConnect enabled app (no matter if SDK included or wrapped!) will be authenticated with user certificate from device, Sentry obtains Kerberos ticket from domain controller for the user and then forwards the web request to a website / webservice where Kerberos authentication is enabled and the user has access granted.
There are many things to configure for this to work (CA, user certificate -> device, service account with delegation configured in AD, SPN for website configured in AD,...) and there is a good support document available from MobileIron to make this up & running.
It's to extensive to describe here all steps.
If this is already setup in the target environment (if there is already another AppConnect app), there are only a few steps left (SPN and MI app-specific AppConnect Config).
The good news is, that the app itself does not have to take care of the authentication. The MobileIron stuff does this on its own...

Accepting Paypal Payment directly with iOS without server

Is it possible to accept paypal payment directly inside an iOS App (i don't mean via the Paypal iOS app, but my own app) without having our own server to validate the return token? I think it is possible with a javascript button inside a webview, but can it be a native iOS function?
You could do it... but it would involve enormous risk. The reason is that you would have to store your credentials inside the app and then make the call directly. Anyone could then extract the credentials and start using them for their benefit (i.e. MassPay themselves from your account).
The only way to ensure they don't get your credentials is to keep them server-side, where the client has no access to them.

Building a private API with rails

Hello me and friends are planning on taking on a big project. My two friends are going to be building iOS and Android apps and I will be making the server back end. I recently started developing with RoR and have fallen in love with Ruby. Now here are my questions:
Little more background:
I only want a private API for the android and iPhone app. I do NOT want a full fledged OAuth authentication process. Doing some research I think I will go with basic HTTP authentication.
1. My App uses cookie based authentication meaning a cookie has to be passed with each subsequent request. So will my friends need to have to store a cookie and on each subsequent request to the server send the cookie along with it?
2. How do I go about making the API private? I know in OAuth there are consumer secret and consumer key. I know if anyone could simply figure out the URL schema they will be able to have access to the API. How do I protect my back end from request from unknown users? (Hard coding strings in the Apps themselves?, Checking headers for device type?)
3. Should I only build the API now and worry about a web app later? Or would it be too horrific of an experience to go back and build a web app (Although I really do actually want the web app to be more significant than the mobile app
Here is a great article explaining exactly what you're looking for : securing an API without setting up a full OAUTH provider :
Works great (even if the solution is finally not so far from oauth ;)
