TYPO3 limit to language binds content - localization

I'm using TYPO3 for a multi language web site and I want the localization mode of the frontend to be not binding. Meaning a user limited to the portuguese language should be able to create new elements in portuguese only. If it was binding he couldn't create but only translate the original (official explanation)
The issue is I'm limiting the user to portuguese only and when logging with that user he's not able to create any content element be it in default or portuguese only.
And if I give the user default content permissions he's able to delete and create default content which I don't want.
Am I missing somehting? Shouldn't the default behavior be not binding?

You can set User rights based on language in Backend User Admin in the user group settings.
1) select your user
remove everything in the Access Rights tab -> all settings here need to be done now in user group settings.
tab "General" -> Group -> define new groups with the plus icon
2) User group: default language read-only
Tab Access Lists -> check "show secondary tabs" and "Include Access lists"
Tables(listing): Page, Page Content
Tables (modify): nothing
limit to languages: Default
Set additional fields as you need them
3) User group: portugese read/write
Tab Access Lists -> check "show secondary tabs" and "Include Access lists"
Tables(listing): Page, Page Content
Tables (modify): Page Content
limit to languages: Portugese
Set additional fields as you need them
About Binding:
Binding is something that is based on records - and is not about user rights. It means: Record Nr. 123 in language english corresponds to record nr. 334 in language danish. Usually this is created with the duplicate content button. This is quite usefull, if you want to translate text with image - you don't have to upload the image again if you duplicate your content in another language.
If you need more Rights on subparts of the Tree, check you Access module, and if this is not sufficient, use be_acl Extension.


find where file is in umbraco media section using id

I have a file being picked up externally which I've been told has been deleted by the author.
If I go into the Media section on the server I can find the folder with the id 343565 which has the "deleted" file in it.
There is a deep folder tree in our Media section when using the Umbraco backend, is there an easy way to search in the back end using the 343565 id to find it so I can check whether it has been deleted?
It would be useful to know how to do this in v7 too (if it is different) as I will be upgrading to v7 soon
Unfortunately, that id doesn't relate to the media id.
If you are using v6 or v7, you can use Examine to search the for folder id in the umbracoFile field.
Go to the Developer section
Select the Examine Management tab
Open the Internal Search under the Searchers section
Paste this into the search box: umbracoFile:/media*343565*
Select the Lucene Search radio button
That should bring up the media node and from there you can get the id, path, etc

How to include more search items in iOS spotlight search

I created a project, settings its name, say: ABCXYZ. When I use iOS Search app (swipe down in the main menu), type XYZ, my app doesn't appear.
What do I have to include in my XCode project in order to get more option in search? Like, type A, type X, they show my App. In case of ABC-XYZ also.
Additional, I want user can search our company name also. Like Company1, they search Company1 and show our company's apps (in this case is ABCXYZ).
You can't do much about it since the spotlight's search mechanism is built-in in iOS. When user types a keyword, iOS will search the following two names of all installed apps:
The app's bundle display name (the name used in your home screen).
The (usually) longer name used in the App Store.
When searching, iOS will do a case-insensitive match from the beginning of each "word" in the name. For example, if your app is called ABCXYZ, both A, ABC and ABCX will match the name, but not XYZ. However, it's worth pointing out that each "component" of the camel-case styled name will be treated as a different word. So if your app is named AbcXyz, keyword of abc and xyz will both match your app.
AFAIK there is no way to alter the search mechanism or add new keywords to your app. All you can do is to optimize the aforementioned two names that are used for searching. For example, you can include some relevant information in your "App Store name," but I wouldn't recommend to abuse it.

Localization in nopcommerce

I change language on nopcommerce and in admin panel and when i'am log in is all ok..but when unknown user visit my site, they see onlu tags. You see this when you are logged into the system IMAGE and this is what user see when he is not loged in IMAGE You cna see differences you can see in the fist top menu [log in, wishlist, cart..].
I try to change language in menu configuration>language>..
And i try to import new language too.. but always i have that problem..
It means the language you have chosen doesn't have entries for those resources. You can add them manually in Admin -> Configuration -> Languages -> the language and then add a record for each using that tag as the ResourceName.
I just follow these steps to change language on nopcommerce and they worked fine for me :-
go to Configuration → Languages.
To add a new language, click Add new. In the Add a new language
Fill all the fields :-
1.The Name of the new language.
2.The Language culture — a specific language code
(Eg- (France). fr-FR etc.)
When updating the Language culture field, please make sure the
appropriate CLDR package is installed for this culture. You can
set CLDR for the specified culture in the Localization panel of
the Configuration → Settings → General Settings page.
Localization settings
The Unique SEO code — two-letter language SEO code(Eg- fr).
The Flag image file name — enter the flag image file name. Which
is saved under the …/images/flags directory.
Select Right-to-Left if needed (eg- Arabic or
Select the Default currency for a specific language.
Limited to stores option allowing to set this language for a
specific store(s).
Publish the language to enable it to be visible and selected by
visitors to your store.
Display order of the language.(Eg 1 top of the list).
Here is the screen shot of add new language :-
After adding a new language, you will be able to import and export
string resources using the Import resources and Export resources
buttons at the top of the page. The String resources panel on the
language edit page will allow you to view the existing language
resources and add new ones manually.
Click on Save button to save the langauge.
After saving the new language, if you refresh the page you can see a
dropdown at the top of the banner in Admin panel and if you navigate
to the Public store you can also see it below the Administration
but if u select that language from the dropdown it will show you
only the Resource Name not the value for that you need to import the
language pack.
Without Importing language Pack
Import language pack
Download the language pack from :-
Choose the nopCommerce version and download the desired language
After that click on the Edit button beside that language in the
Language List page.
Click Import resources on the top of the Edit page or you can see
it during the add new language after click on the save and
continue button. And specify the path to the language pack
file (*.xml) that you downloaded and click on Import Resources
NOTE: It can take up to several minutes.
After sucessfully Import of the file you can check the resources for
that language in the String Resources or you can simply search for
that resource after click on string resource at the bottom of the
info tab by the Resource Name or value.
String resources
Just select the language that you want from the dropdown and it
will look like this
After Importing Language Pack
Follow this link to see more about how to add new language.
Hope this Help.

TYPO3 alternative page language configuration

I'm trying to join a bunch of pages that are in different languages to a single page whith multiple alternative page languages.
This way, instead of having 3 Home pages, each one with its own language, I have 1 with several alternative page languages. So I'll have one page but the content is in different languages, depending on the language record it uses.
The issue is that TYPO3 extensions should behave differently depending on the language, i.e: form fields should be translated.
For that I was thinking on having a local storage folder for each page language record in order to hold the extension configurations. Chinese language would have a separated storage folder from the english version and the extension running for the chinese version would use the correct storage folder.
But how can I specify which storage folder the extension in the chinese language record should use if I don't use a new page?
Because if I use a language record to differentiate chinese from english I can't have different typoscript configurations. The language record properties page doesn't have a ts config field and as such I can't tell that the extension should use a different storage folder (different pid) for this language.
For each language you can add a cObj plugin and thus edit the plugin configuration. You can also use a condition and getText to assign a new pid to the plugin. For example plugin.test_pi1.sysfolder < 666.
The first option is when you look in the mysql table language overlay you have a separate record ctype plugin of your plugin and thus you can edit the plugin configuration.

Why can I not create a node of a specific Document Type in Umbraco 4?

How do I get an existing Document Type to show up in the Create dialogue of Umbraco 4.
I installed the BlogForUmbraco4_1.0.0 package, which I realize tries to install as the primary site, but it also installs all of the necessary Document Types, including Blog, and BlogPost. Why are they not an option when creating a new item within my site.
Umbraco uses a permission based Document Type Hierarchy, to ensure that editors doesn't create weird page types in wrong places (like a 'Homepage' beneath a blog or a 'News Item' inside a Gallery).
So you'll need to allow the Document Type that you wish to appear in your create dialog to the Document Type of the page you're using as the parent (this might sound like non sense ;-)).
So, say that you've imported the Blog4Umbraco package and wants to allow a blog below a Home page, you should find out which Document Type that home page is (look at the properties tab on the document and look at the 'Document Type').
Go to settings section and open Document types and click on that doc type (let's just say it's called 'Homepage')
Click on the 'Structure' tab and you'll see a list of all Document Types in your install. Some of them are already checked and those are the ones that are allowed beneath that type. To allow blogs, simply check the 'Blog' document type as well :-)
