IOS - how to open a website after application is removed from device - ios

I am new to programming for iOS and need some guidance on how to link to a website after an app gets deleted. For example, when a user clicks the "X" button, removes the app and any data it stored, the code should open a website.
Is this possible?

No, Apple does not allow you to hook in the SpringBoard to detect app deletion.
There is no work around, it's not possible.


App Tracking Transparency on Flutter was rejected by Apple

I need help us
I have an problem with publish my flutter app on Apple Developer. My binary was rejected any times and i does't any more ideas about this.
The support team of apple developer says this problem:
Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
We noticed your app accesses web content you own where you collect cookies. Cookies may be used to track users, but you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before collecting data used to track.
Starting with iOS 14.5, apps on the App Store need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them.
But, i implemented according of docs. For showing permission request dialog i have used this library:
I'm confused because it already implemented everything that was requested.
App Tracking Transparency implemented
Permission is displayed to the user, who selects YES or NO.
App Tracking Information is updated here in the App Store Connect section, including Third Party Cookies.
My app accesses external links in a WebView and for that reason they are questioning the use of "App Tracking". But I implemented everything as requested by them.
My biggest question is if I'm forgetting something that may have gone unnoticed.
Anyone who can help me, please?
The same thing exactly happened with me twice and in both time the issue was resolved by simply sending them a video recording of the app showing the Yes/No App Tracking Transparency dialog. They just want to know when it appears to user if you implemented everything correctly. So try sending them a video recording in the resolution center as a response to that message.
App Store Review team is always questioning the "App Tracking Transparency dialog". Even if this dialog is the first thing that appears after the app launch. (I think they just haven't launched the app).
There's no need to make a video, just add the text "The App Tracking Transparency dialog is appearing after app launch" and they will approve the app.

IOS: App rejected because of App Tracking Transparency on WebView

I'm working on an app made in React Native with Expo.
It uses a web view to show the site in the app.
Everything worked well, but when I submitted my app to the App Store, it got rejected.
The mail said:
We noticed you collect data to track after the user selects "Ask App
Not to Track" on the App Tracking Transparency permission request.
Specifically, we noticed your app accesses web content you own and
collects cookies for tracking after the user asked you not to track
After that, using the expo tracking transparency library, I added a permission request to track data.
If the user doesn't accept it, I disable third party cookies on the web view.
After submitting again to the App Store, I got the exact same message.
I don't know what to do, because I can't control the site, and I'm limited to the React Native web view props
Maybe, I could enable incognito mode if the user doesn't want the app to track, but I'm not sure if this will be accepted too.
i had the same issue i solved it like this:
change the privacy of the app on apple store, go to app privacy and in data types section click edit and select Identifiers (Device ID) and set this one as used for tracking purposes. and make sure that this is the only one selected as used for tracking.
also make sure that the permission is showing on real device (so test it first on TestFlight).
another thing is you need to tell them where you show this permission send them video to tell them where you show the permission.

Is there a way to get back to your application from the settings page of iphone

I have designed an app where the app needs to enable the GPS. There is a page for the user which ask use GPS? To this answer there are 2 options YES and NO. Now my concern is when user clicks on YES he should be directed to settings page and that part is done but now after enabling the GPS from this page the user should redirect to the app again but unfortunately there is no way as there is no back button in the setting page.. Please suggest what I can do in this regards?
As far as I know, the only way to open your app (aside from user tap your app or a related notification) is to do some custom url handling. but unfortunately you can't do such a thing. The other thing you can try is to:
Setup a background thread when your app goes to background
check for location service availability
if it changed to your desired value, open a custom url which in turn will open your app (you should register for hat particular url in your info.plist and such)
but There are some things to keep in mind:
Such Behavior will almost surely get your app rejected by Apple.
in iOS 9+ Apple added a new feature that will help you in this particular problem. when an app gets opened from another app ( for you here) it will add a Back to xxxx in place for network indicator to help user get back were he was.
So, IMHO leave the user experience be as it is for all other applications and don't worry about how he would get back to your app.

Adding Keybinds to IOS with Xcode?

Is there a way to add functions to IOS through an app (preferably that can be done in Xcode) that also work outside of the app itself? For example (while the app is running in the background) every time a user presses the spacebar in safari, any entered text will be copied to the clipboard. Thanks!
No - this is not possible and could lead to apps intercepting sensitive data like bank account password etc. You can receive other notifications like push notifications and gps data though.

Does app-argument on Apple Smart Banner get passed to app on install?

I've implemented a Apple Smart Banner for my app, including a app-argument with a URL I'd like the app to open on my site. I thought that would pass through when the user installs the app, but it doesn't seem to.
The steps - user visits page, doesn't have app installed, clicks View, goes to app store, installs app and then taps Open in the App Store. The app opens, but it doesn't appear to get the app-argument passed in. Note that if they then go back to the web page, the Smart Banner now says Open and that works and passes the app-argument, just not on the first install.
Have I misunderstood what is supposed to happen? If so, this makes the Smart Banner pretty much useless for me.
From the docs:
If the app is already installed on a user's device, the banner intelligently changes its action, and tapping the banner will simply open the app. If the user doesn’t have your app on his device, tapping on the banner will take him to the app’s entry in the App Store. When he returns to your website, a progress bar appears in the banner, indicating how much longer the download will take to complete. When the app finishes downloading, the View button changes to an Open button, and tapping the banner will open the app while preserving the user’s context from your website.
It only sends the URL param if the app is opened via the banner. If it's opened via AppStore or via SpringBoard, it won't send it.
You can do it with More info here.
What Branch does is generate a custom URL specific for your device and uses the same unique configuration to fetch the data when the application is opened. Thus, you need to include their SDK into your app in order to get those arguments you want to send.
Maybe this is a bug?
When the app finishes downloading, the View button changes to an Open button, and tapping the banner will open the app while preserving the user’s context from your website.
