Take photos in iOS without preview screen - ios

Is there a way to use a UIImagePickerController to take photos without each photo going to the Preview screen?
I need for my users to be able to take multiple photos and right now they must hit a button to open the camera, hit the shutter button, and then hit the Use button on the Preview screen. Is there any way cut off this last step and skip the Preview screen altogether?

Here's a tutorial using AVFoundation with which you can take photos using a live camera preview styled and sized as you wish and without the annoying confirmation wiew.


How to make a screen-record guiding video for iOS device

I'm creating an iOS app on recording screen by using ReplayKit.
I want to make a user operation video to guide user on how to use my app to record screen.
So I need to record a video on how to record screen and this approach is a bit awkward.
I tried several ways: Screen Mirroring such as AirPlayer and QuickTime, but the recording button on control-center is disabled whilst using Screen Mirroring.
The effect I want is as follows:
How was this video made?
I think you could recreate that video by recording your screen showing every action you want, save the video and edit it on top of an iPhone image asset.

How to add image picker with camera button to iOS app

I'm adding a button that opens a view of the saved images on device, but also has a button to open the camera. The iOS Facebook app currently does this.
I've played with both AVCapture to create my own camera ui and UIImagePickerController to use the default UI but have been unable to find a view that displays both the saved images and camera button.
My question is, did facebook implement their own image picker or is it an Apple included library?
Facebook has their own imagepicker subclass but that doesnt matter for you - just implement a different method for each button that changes the imagepickertype to UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera or UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum and then displays the picker.
This came across this control AQPhotoPicker. Hopefully it will help you, it's easy to use

Is it possible to re-present the camera after taking a picture and selecting "Use" with ImagePickerController?

After taking a picture using the ImagePickerController and selecting "Use", I want the camera screen to appear again to continue taking more shots, how do I achieve this so I can keep taking shots without stopping? I am not using AVFoundation but ImagePickerController.
If you set showsCameraControls of your UIImagePickerController to NO and provide your own camera controls you can take multiple pictures after each other and dismiss the interface when you see fit.

How can I access the photo library in iOS?

Is there any way to jump into photo library ?
I'm not asking about UIImagePicker.
In original camera app of iPhone, when I touch a thumbnail of one of the last photos (at the bottom left corner), it goes into photo library (actually, camera roll).
Is that private API or can i use it somehow? Well, I think I can implement that using ALAsset but I'm just wondering if there is any API
I believe you can launch the photo app, in order to view it as you would normally. However you cannot return to your app after launching the photo library.
You'll need to launch com.apple.camera

iPhone UIImagePicker Video

I make application with one button. When I press this button media browser appear. I want when I select video from my library to appear in previous view with button. But I don't know in what kind of component to put it? I don't want video in full screen. I want something like thumbnail of video. Thanks :)
