iOS iTunes app icon - ios

I am bit confused on how to use the iTunes app icon when getting ready to distribute. I understand it has to be 512 x 512. But the part I don't get is it has to have no extension? I have extracted a couple apps and their iTunesArtwork is a unix executable. In the iTunes icon sample code from their website, for type, it just says Default data. How do I go about adding my iTunesArtwork to my project.

The 512x512 (or better 1024x1024, I think this is a recent requirement as of the new iPad intro) icon file shall be a PNG file.
Don't worry about what you see when extracting the file from a binary. The icon file can be uploaded through the browser and a PNG will just do fine.


What is projectname.iOS file which is huge in size created using Xamarin ios shown inside payload

When we create IPA in Xamarin using visula studio and we check the contents of the IPA using below method.
Create IPA.
Change the extension of IPA from .ipa to .zip
Payload folder will get created
In the Payload folder Projectname.iOS file will be there
Right click on that file and Show Package contents
It will lists some the project files along with one Projectname.iOS document file
So our concern is that Projectname.iOS(Shown after doing Show package Contents) is huge in size and not able to understand what that file contains and if there is any scope for the size reduction of that file?
It is the app bundle. Look at the size of the .ipa or .xcarchive directly is misleading. The binaries (The APP file, the XCARCHIVE bundle that you create when you archive your app, the IPA file that you upload to App Store Connect) contain resources and files that aren’t part of the bundles that your users download from the App Store.
It won't be that big when it gets downloaded to user's device because it will cut the slices that users' device needed. For example, A devices can download some resources when we download the package, but B devices may only need to download the package.
If you want to determine the real size, you can upload the ipa to App Store Connect, select your app, go to TestFlight, select the version under iOS Builds, under Build Metadata tab, click App Store File Sizes, the Download Size means this is the compressed size of the app downloaded over the air. The Install Size means this is the amount of disk space the app will take up on the customer's device.
The only way to make it really smaller is to use Link all assemblies, which basically tries to extract unused code from all symbology, not just framework assemblies. But you have to be careful to preserve the required types/methods/etc. (could cause some runtime issues) You need to make sure that any code and user assemblies you need or 3rd party assemblies you need to maintain are not directly referenced in your code.

Xcode build not showing up on iTunes Connect

I am trying to upload my app to TestFlight. I have created new provisioning profiles and have code signed the app as following:
In Xcode, the app successfully uploads to iTunes Connect, and soon after, I see the "processing build" screen on the Activity tab on iTunes Connect:
A few minutes later, the processing build disappears and there are no builds on the screen. I am unable to select a build as it simply says, Submit your builds using Xcode 6 or later, or Application Loader 3.0 or later.. How can I find the build on iTunes Connect? Thanks!
My solution... is terrible, but I have found success uploading builds until they show up. It sometimes takes like 30 uploads, and other times it only takes one. This problem is affecting every build I have tried since I switched to Xcode 8 in December. It's horribly inefficient but it's the only thing I have found that works.
EDIT: Right after I sent this answer, I got my build processed at upload 13. Good luck, buddy.
I also faced the same problem With xCode 9.
The reason behind it was, the new icon we have to include in App Icon for App Store (1024 * 1024) was in .jpg format instead of .png.
Here is the mail, I received from Apple.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MyAppName". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Image - For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the PNG format.
If your application supports the iPhone device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 57x57 pixels.
If your application supports the iPad device family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions: 72x72 pixels.
For macOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the ICNS format and must include a square 512x512#2x image.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
So my advice is
Look into your/client's mail box, you must have received email from Apple regarding the issue
Make sure you have included every image file in .png format
Make sure you have included every privacy description correct regarding the exact usage
For example, for Location usage description, instead of "App would like to use location", please write something like "Location is required for driver to find out where you are as well as for nearby suggestions."
Add missing items in info.plist, such as icon files, privacy usage description, requirements etc. It works for me.

How do we enable/Disable App slicing feature of iOS 9

AS iOS 9 is supporting App slicing feature just by adding needed images to image assets and you will get sliced app when download from appstore.
1) My question is do we need to do extra steps for App slicing feature or by just adding image to image assets it will work on Appstore (not like we are checking bitcode feature at the time of upload)
2) How can i deactivate App slicing feature even if i am using image assets.
1) No. You are right as per apple doc it clearly states here
2) I think we can not disable it.
Trying to answer your comment:
Theoretically:- i think if you some how forget to provide #....x image, still app store process will provide an alternative image to specific device. It may be same as #3x/#2x/#1x (what ever developer have provided ). If developer have provided more than 1 image like #1x and #3x both then #3x will be download to all device except #1x supported device.
Delete #1x or #2x what ever you want from image.xcasset.
Create archive.
Export the app for the target device to get ipa.
Change the .ipa extension to .zip and unpack the archive.
You should be able to see what images are there #1x/#2x/#3x. These
are the images which user will be downloading for his device.

iTunes Store rejected 114x114 icon

I'm still trying to get my first App approved in the iTunes Store. Now they want a 120 x 120 icon. That's nice, but xCode won't accept a 120 x 120 icon.
What am I missing?
As off today, all submitted apps should have an 120x120 app icon. You can just add it to your bundle. No need add it the icon list.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent
delivery for “…”. Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to
correct the following issues in your next delivery: Invalid Image –
For iOS applications, icons included in the binary submission must be
in the PNG format. If your application supports the iPhone device
family, you must include square icons of the following dimensions:
57×57 pixels and 120×120 pixels. If your application supports the iPad
device family, you must include square icons of the following
dimensions: 72×72 pixels, 76×76 pixels and 152×152 pixels For Mac OS X
applications, icons included in the binary submission must be in the
ICNS format and must include a square 512×512#2x image. If you would
like to update your binary for this app, you can reject this binary
from the Binary Details page in iTunes Connect. Note that rejecting
your binary will remove your app from the review queue and the review
process will start over from the beginning when you resubmit your
Regards, The App Store team
Here is a Q&A where there is all the files required in your bundle and how they have to be named in your info.plist file.
EDIT mentions that 120x120 icons are for ios 7 app. More informations are available on the apple developer forums.

iOS Mobile Safari File Upload renames file

I have a web app designed for use on an iOS device. The web app includes file uploaders, which are meant to allow the user to upload an image from their iOS device or take an image from their camera.
The issue I'm running into is that I want the user to be able to upload PNG images through this interface, as well.
What is happening, though, is that it seems iOS renames the file image.jpg before it is sent to the web app, not honoring the original file extension. This is only an issue because I am trying to preserve transparency in the .png files, and this is lost in the extension renaming.
Any thoughts on how to handle this? Thanks, in advance, for any assistance on this front.
Mobile Safari only allows the uploads of jpeg's at this time. If you try to upload a png it will be (heavily) compressed into the jpeg format and then uploaded to the server.
The only way we have been about to get around this is by creating a native app for iOS and uploading the image through the Cocoa-Touch API's.
I've filed a Bug report with apple for this issue. Bug ID: 14494395
