SWFAddress used to change INDIVIDUAL params in the url - url

I am using SWFAddress in actionscript 3 to control urls for navigation and controls, and while I am able to target and change specific parameters, I feel like I am missing a cleaner and more consistent way of handling it, perhaps even a feature or method I am not aware of.
Say I have a url and I want to change just the second param of def to xyz.
http://localhost/some-page/#/?param1=abc&param2=def&param3=ghi changed to
I currently am doing:
if (SWFAddress.getParameterNames().indexOf("param2") >= 0) {
SWFAddress.setValue(SWFAddress.getPath() + "?"
+ SWFAddress.getQueryString().replace("param2=" + SWFAddress.getParameter("param2"), "param2=xyz"))
Essentially, checking if the param exists, checking what its current value is, then recreating the whole url using base, '?", and query, making sure I replace the the parameter and the parameter's value, making sure I don't miss the equal sign. This get's sloppy, and is error prone if the param exists but is not set to anything, or whether or not there is an equal sign, and a host of other pitfalls.
So, I can not just tell SWFAddress to update that one parameter in the url? A theoretical function of SWFAddress.setParam("param2, "xyz").
Has anyone coded their own method to micro-manipulate SWFAddress and the url, beyond the single function they supply you with of setValue(val:String)?

I think the short answer is no. According to the documentation there is no setParameter to go with the getParameter method. Looking at the code, it seems that the URL is not cached as a property in the class and therefore cannot be manipulated other than via the setValue method which, of course, updates the URL in the browser.
Presumably you're already parsing the URL in your onChange event so you can use the values to set your application state? If so, you shouldn't need to do so again when you come to rebuild the URL prior to updating it from Flash. If you store the deep-link properties on a Model class somewhere you can handle the defaulting, updating, and error checking without needing to resort to String manipulation. You would then rebuild the URL using those properties, a process you could abstract into a method in your Model class if required.
You should also note that the following line is not particularly robust since it will return true for properties such as param22 and sparam2:
if (SWFAddress.getParameterNames().indexOf("param2") >= 0) { }


How to force a fetch in Relay modern

My top-level component includes a settings dialog that includes the user's credentials. When a change is made in that dialog and the dialog is dismissed (state is changed to dialogOpen=false), I want to force a new fetch from the server since the credentials may have changed. In Relay classic, the top-level component includes a Relay.RootContainer and so I just passed forceFetch=true to that RootContainer. In Relay modern, my top-level component includes a QueryRenderer. So how do I force the refetch in this case?
I found this issue, https://github.com/facebook/relay/issues/1684, which seems to indicate that the QueryRenderer always refetches, but this doesn't seem to be the case in my testing. At least, I'm not seeing my fetchQuery get called after the state change/refresh when the settings dialog is closed. I think I'm probably not completely understanding the statements in that issue.
Can anyone clarify?
OK, I think I figured out my disconnect here. In checking the source for QueryRenderer (don't know why I didn't do this in the first place), I saw that a fetch will occur if props.variables changes. So I just defined a boolean instance variable called refetch and flip its value when my dialog is dismissed:
variables={{refetch: this.refetch}}
Since this doesn't seem to well documented, I'll mention here that QueryRenderer will re-fetch when any of the following conditions is true:
current query parameter is not equal to the previous query parameter.
current environment parameter is not equal to the previous environment parameter.
current variables parameter is not equal to the previous variables parameter.
You can use the retry function that's passed to QueryRenderer's render.
query MyQuery($exampleUserId: String!) {
user(userId: $exampleUserId) {
render={({ error, props, retry }) => {
// Here, you could call `retry()` to refetch data
// or pass it as a prop to a child component.
return (
<IceCreamSelectionView refetchData={retry} user={props.user} />
}} />

How to update value in angular ui typeahead directive if no matching option is found

I've an array of objects containing title and salary which is used in typeahead directive.
I display department name and get entire object as value.
If none of the options match, I want user entered string to be converted to object still. Is there any way to update that?
This answer is pretty late, but I would just use ng-blur (to trap the end of the users input) along with a variable bound to typeahead-no-results. Then test if the variable is true in the method bound to ng-blur, and, if so, make an object out of the String supplied by the user and push it to your data source. Simple example found here.

Replace a string with another in request.rawurl not working

I want to replace some string in my url like this
request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest")
but it s not working why is it so?
For example, the original url is like
and I want it like this
I'm guessing that this is .NET. If so, you should be aware the String.Replace() returns a new string containing the result of the replacement (as do all other methods that purport to modify a string).
So you need to assign the result to a variable or field to hold the result. In some circumstances, you might assign the result back to the same place you obtained the original string from. But you're not allowed to overwrite RawUrl (and, it would be potentially confusing for you to do so).
The statement you are using is working, but you are not assigning the result of the replace function, just executing it.
request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest")
If you want to keep the result, you will need to assign it to a string.
String result = request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest");
Otherwise, you can assign it to the same RawURL but I think that is a URI so you'll need to use a new URI, something like:
request.RawUrl = new URI(request.RawUrl.ToString().Replace("sometext566666", "othertest"));
Nevertheless, I'm not sure if you can actually edit that property.

What's best way to make rails flash entries persist until the next action?

I've put some code like this
flash[:task_loader] = flash[:task_loader]
flash[:task_loader_params] = flash[:task_loader_params]
in a function in my controller which all my actions can call. This has the effect of keeping those two flash entries in the FlashHash. (I presume this rather odd-looking code works because the '=' does more than just assign values.)
My question is, is there a better way to do this? Something like
Flash is a convenient wrapper for storing data in cookies and expiring them in the next request. So that your notification messages will work through 2 (or multiple) request response cycles.
If you want some more persistence, you can use session:
session[:task_loader] = my_task_loader
Note that one cookie can hold only 4KB of data.
(I presume odd-looking code works
because the '=' does more than just
assign values.)
This is because it is not simply an assignment, but a method []=, with a signature similar to this:
def []=(k, v)

Using OGNL to return data from a Map<String,Object>

Using Struts 2.1.6, xwork 2.1.2 and ognl 2.6.11
In my struts action I have a Map that I am fetching elements from using OGNL. If the key I am using to fetch with does not exist in the map then OGNL returns an empty object array, that OGNL converts to a string and I get the object reference java.lang.Object#6.... This occurs in several places and seems to be the the map having the value generic specified as an Object. This is not something I can change.
I have traced the problem for a while, but when I ended up deep into the guts of the OGNL code and I did not see a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently I am going to go with an ugly hack of checking the string return to see if it starts with "java.lang.Object#" and if so return an empty string. I don't like the solution but thats what time permits.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Also, where did OpenSymphony go? updates to their webiste appear to have dried up, the user forums say they are being converted to Google Groups no later than Nov-12-09
This is a problem with null values: if value is null, default behavior is to create a value using default constructor. Since the value type of your map is Object, new Objects are created where null is.
In order to stop this behavior:
use #CreateIfNull( value = false )
use mapName_CreateIfNull=false in classname-convertion.properties file.
