ASP.Net MVC Default Files Structure -

Is there any functional reason of the default files structure on new ASP.Net MVC Application (Grouped by controllers, model, views etc. ?
Otherwise I would structure it in a way that would be more convenient for me.

Technically, you can put models and Controllers anywhere, since they're just code files that get compiled into a DLL. Other files, however, have stricter location requirements if you want to take advantage of the conventions that MVC asssumes.
Strictly speaking, you can place views anywhere. However, doing so has a number of consequences. You must specify the full path to the view in your View() method, and if you don't put views in the ~Views folder, then it's possible for people to download them directly (which you don't want).
In general, MVC works a lot more smoothly if you follow the conventions. If you go your own way, you lose a lot of automation and productivity.


Battle-hardened strategy for naming files and folders in mvc projects

In French, a "donkey bridge" is some apparent difficulty in a subject to be learnt that throws off newcomers - the donkeys. The expression is used with patronizing assurance by educators who know the difficulty is apparent, not real, and the donkeys just have to cross the bridge.
Well I'm the donkey, and I'm having real trouble settling down with the folder structure and "virtual" urls of mvc projects. Urls are now a blend of pseudo-path information, encoded in routes, and arguments, that resolve to controller classes that, being classes, have no notion of their directory. So, it seems, there is no simple way of using relative paths/urls to reference static resources associated with a dynamic page: script file, stylesheet, razor view, images. .Net helpfully gives me default search locations for views, and default folders for "Content", "Scripts", "Images". I get the feeling they want me to file things by type. But this obliges me to invent file and subfolder names in each of these locations, then to hardcode the resulting paths in the controller and the view. Since a given controller generally has only a handful of tightly coupled views, and 99.9% of views have 1 script file and 1 stylesheet, all this name invention, and categorization by type, introduces needless brittleness and complexity, and masks any expression of what the project actually does.
Is anyone else fighting this? Is their a tried-and-tested strategy for naming in large mvc projects that
Expresses what the project does at the top level of the folder structure (or any level of the folder structure!).
Provides a default location or generated names for .cshtml, .js and .css, such that I don't need to search through code to find the names of associated resources.
Preserves the flexibility and decoupling of naming/indirection where this has proved useful.
I'm aware of areas as a way subdividing an mvc project into functional groupings, but this just seems to recreate the problem inside each area. I've looked at this method for customizing the search location for views, but there's no dynamic element. I've implemented a view engine to have fine-grained run-time control over the view path, which is fine if you're brave but I'm still unsure how best to use it, and I'm put off by the potential caching issues. For all the dissing of opinions, I'm particularly interested in answers addressing what I should do.
Thanks to all the downvoters, intolerant village folk. The donkeys that refused to cross the bridge are right, and they're all hanging out in a green field, munching happily on Nancy and building fabulous Owin pipelines. Feature folders are the future.
I agree with you that trying to arrange elements by type is usually problematic. For example putting C# interfaces for a customer and a product in the same "Interfaces" folder is not something I am keen on personally, I'd rather have a Customers folder and a Products folder, each with an Interfaces folder inside.
However, with MVC, there is a lot of enforced and unenforced convention in place which you will probably have to live with. As an example, if you have a controller called ProductContoller, it will automatically look for views in the Views\Product folder. So your product index.aspx/cshtml view is nicely segmented from your other index views.
For things like scripts and CSS, these are not enforced and technically you could put them anywhere, but it's a convention across many web frameworks to keep them in the same root folder. In some frameworks you would be explicitly allowing public access to certain folders to read files, so you'd want to do this for all scripts or CSS files together.
It's not an answer but I hope it helps.
then to hardcode the resulting paths in the controller and the view
Use UrlHelper (Url property in controllers and views). Extends it with ad-hoc functions for resolving your specific urls, as this blog post do.
For resolving views, stick to MVC conventions as explained in Dorian's answer.

Asp.Net MVC5, structuring large projects. Areas?

I come from an Asp.Net background and I'm evaluating Asp.Net MVC for a new project. I can't see how to structure a large project adequately.
I'm happy with the Model/View/Controller architecture and I'm presently trying to get Areas to work (which seems quite complicated for what it is).
Can you have Areas within Areas?
Can you put Views in dlls?
I really need a starting point here, are there are resources which show how to structure large MVC projects, assume that eventually there will be 100+ views in the project, I don't want them all in the same folder and ideally I'd like sub folders
thanks for any help
I can see that each controller maps to a View folder, what I want is something more like this
Edit2: Perhaps this is more of a routing question, can I map from:
to Mail/Absence/SimpleAbsenceController
Fundamentally I want a way of structuring my project into folders
I hate answering my own question as I feel it undermines the work of others who try to help, at the same time others may look at this later and these really are newbie questions, so...
(this is all from reading Pro ASP.Net MVC5, good book)
I wanted to know how much flexibility there is in Asp.Net MVC with regard to using subfolders or dlls. This answer address the subfolders question.
You can put controllers where-ever you like in terms of folders on the disk, these are compiled, but...
When you use areas the MapRoute in the AreaRegistration.cs file automatically limits
the routes to the namespace for the area. So if for example you move a controller to an area you -must- change the namespace or methods like Url.Action will fail
Views must stay where they are, so for a controller called Fred there must be this structure:
- Fred
- Action1
- Action2
- etc
You can work around all of this using your own routing system, you could probably work around the namespace issue with a custom route, but my view is as a newbie you should work with the system until you know enough to fully understand the consequences of breaking the rules
So this means you could have a large project with a few hundred Views all lumped together in one folder. It's not quite as bad as it seems as the controllers can be in sub folders and you can directly map from them to the Views.
You also have flexibility in the routing system, so regardless where controller are on disk you can have any urls you like!
e.g. this route maps from to with no changes necessary
routes.MapRoute("NewRoute", "App/Do{action}", new { controller = "Home" });
NB If you do this make sure to use Html.ActionLink or Url.Action (or equivilents) as opposed to direct links, these are clever enough to generate the correct urls based on the routing.
As I say, complete newbie issues but I'm sure others will have the same questions, thanks to MiniRagnarok for his example of a real life project
What we're talking about here is very opinion based. I've seen people that prefer to have lots of Controllers with a mapping of every object to a Controller. I've also seen people that prefer to have tons of Views. So my example is what our team has decided to do and not necessarily the same as you would see in sample tutorials.
Take a project we did that has 200+ Views for example. The site is an auction and retail site.
For us, we name all partial views with an underscore first. We also utilize DisplayTemplates and EditorTemplates. All of this really helps us keep things separate. You'll notice that our controllers are split by role or function. We were never bothered by the fact that there are many ActionResults within our controller since all of our logic is really in the models.

How can I move a view to a different project?

I have a standard MVC 5 project created from the VS Template. Now I want to move the Account related controller and views to different project so it becomes a module. (That way it can easily be include/excluded from the site.)
I have been able to put the Controller in another project and reference the project, but the account views are not located at runtime.
How do I tell the View Engine to look in the other project for the account views?
After a lot of working with this, it seems that having views in a different DLL may not be the best pattern. First, while it can be done, it requires some extra plumbing. Second, it seems to violate the MVC pattern in that now you have two MVC patterns working side by side. What has worked for me is simply moving the Model part to a different dll. In other words, the plugin becomes a Model provider which is simply used by the Controller and then combined with the view. This is very easy to work with, requires nothing special, and yet separates the responsibilities.

MVC 3 project structure

I am trying to find the best way to layout my MVC 3 project. When searching online I came across a suggestion that basically said right click on project and add area. What this did was create an area folder with same controller/view/model structure in the same project. This is not what I want. I want the flexibility of having separate projects. I will keep only the views in the main web project. Everything else in a separate project.
Towards that attempt I created a separate project for my controllers. Now I am stuck with pointing a controller action to a view. In all the online examples it was right click and add view. This being a class library project I don't have that flexibility. Where am I going wrong?
All examples that I have found including the ones I have gone through on basically explain how to create study applications, which is only good for learning purposes. A large commercial application can't possibly have all the views/models/controllers in one project. Or is that the way it is supposed to go in MVC? I am not sure if doing everything with mouse clicks is also a good idea. In the webforms world also there were a lot of study-for-beginners applications that used mouse clicks to create basic CRUD applications, but in real commercial projects, we never used those methods.
What are your thoughts, guidance on this?
Thanks for your time...
MVC is based on a convention; the convention is you put all the views on /views, the models in /models and the controllers in /controllers. You can change the convention but it will not make your life easier.
From a conceptual point of view this does make sense. If you keep all domain logic and data access in separate projects all you are left with is the web related stuff, your controllers, view models and views. That's your MVC project.
Note that if you want to split off parts into separate projects you may find portable areas useful.
I don't see why you can't use the built in generators as a base for your views and controllers? Nothing says that you have to leave them as generated. I personally thinks that's it's really nice to get a base generated for me (with mouse clicks).
The MVC project is just a UI layer. It's madness to put logic in it for large scale applications. It's therefore usually fine to have one project for all the UI. It actually makes it easier to get an overview of the UI.
That said, there are ways to get a plugin based solution where you can move the controllers (, models and views) to class libraries. But it's not easy.
You need to create a virtual path provider (to find the views)
Make all views embedded
Modify the project file to get the "Add view" dialog etc.
Use areas (makes it easier)
Tell the BuildManager that your plugin DLL exists.
You also need to modify the virtual path provider to access the views from your plugin folders if you want to be able to modify the views during runtime in visual studio. Any change would otherwise require a rebuild of the plugin DLL.
Video for MVC2 (MVC3 areas works the same):
Do note that that video is for areas in the same project. Having areas in separate class libraries are more complex. The easiest solution is to use the portable areas as suggested by someone else.
Why keep only your views in the 'main web project' - I think you are missing the point with MVC.
It's the controllers that are your 'main web' part. They are what your users request and post back to, not the view.
The view is only there to provide a means to layout HTML for the controller to push to the browser.
The Models which I think should really be ViewModels, are there to provide substance (i.e. real data) for your views.
So you can see that the MVC layout really wants all three of these to be grouped sensibly together. Controllers interact with your user, get the view (the layout) and populate it with your ViewModel/Model (the data). This is your user interface, all three parts of MVC (if you go with the ViewModel anyway) are only for UI.
Where the data comes from, your real models and whatever you want to do with it can easily reside in a dll somewhere or on the other side of a set of web services or whatever.

ASP.NET MVC - separating large app

I've been puzzled by what I consider a contradiction in terms: ASP.NET MVC claims to be furthering and supporting the "separation of concern" motto, which I find a great idea.
However, it seems there's no way of separating out controllers, model or views into their own assembly, or separating areas into assemblies.
With the fixed Controller, Model and View folders in your ASP.NET MVC, you're actually creating a huge hodge podge of things. Is that the separation of concerns, really?? Seems like quite the contrary to me.
So what I'm wondering:
how can I create an ASP.NET MVC solution that will either separate out controllers, the model, and the folders full of views, into separate assemblies?
how can I put areas of ASP.NET MVC 2 into separate assemblies?
or how else do you manage a large ASP.NET MVC app - which has several dozen or even over a hundred controllers, lots of model and viewmodel classes, and several hundred views?
I think you're looking for Areas in ASP.Net MVC 2. There are some things to uncomment in the CSProj files, but after that it will copy the views over when you build. I don't think there is any requirement that the Controller or Model classes be in the same assembly as the views.
Walkthrough: Creating an ASP.NET MVC Areas Application Using Multiple Projects
Controllers: AFAIK you shouldn't have to do anything special to throw controllers into their own assembly. At the very most all you'd have to do is override the GetControllerType method of your ControllerFactory.
Models: Zero restrictions on where you put your models. Although this is frowned upon I regularly use persistent objects from an Nhibernate/other ORM layer or WCF/service layer DTO thats are located in a separate assembly as my views. This works the same way using WebForms.
Views: Views in a separate assembly must be marked as embedded resource and then you must use a custom VirtualPathProvider that knows how to get the views from an resource instead of the file system. views from an resource instead of the file system. Again this is the exact same technique you would use for WebForm development.
Regarding mcintyre321 and his Portable Areas answer: The linked project does barely anything custom and simply wraps up the existing MVC 2 extensibility points into an easier to use abstraction. Its barely "custom" and more syntactic sugar.
You manage a large MVC app just like you'd manage any other large app. I dread opening up a 500 page WebForms project because you never quite know whats in each of those code behinds. With MVC distinct functionality is mostly within its right place. Its not contrary at all.
Separating code into separate assemblies is orthogonal to separation of concerns. Where the code lives is not a "concern". Separation of concerns has to do with responsibilities and direction of dependencies of various components. For example, Views are responsible for rendering the output, and the controller knows about the views, but the views don't really have intimate knowledge of the controller.
Likewile, Models don't know anything about either views or controllers, but both views and controllers will know about the model.
However, back to your question. As jfar points out, moving controllers and models into another assembly is trivially easy and will work. Moving views into another assembly is trickier. Embedded resources with a custom virtual path provider is one way, but not one we generally recommend for a high performance site. But if it meets your needs, go for it.
MVC is very extensible and does not require to adhere to the Controller, View, and Model folder structure. You can place the controllers anywhere you would like, however if they are located in another assembly you will need to implement your own controller factory that knows how to locate them. Here is an example for locating your controllers with Windsor.
Your models/view models can be where ever you want. You simply need to reference their namespace in the web.config so views know where to look. (At least I know this is true with the Spark view engine.)
You put your views in any web project. My usual strategy is to create a plain web (non-mvc) project that contains the views folder. (This could even be a legacy web app!) Then all my controllers go in a separate class library. My view models and services go in another.
As far as structuring folders, I usually center my hierarchy around domain concepts. I'd have a folder in each project for Users, Products, Orders, etc. I never have a Models or Controllers folder anywhere.
You need to use portable areas see
