Cannot find ScriptingBridge.framework - ios

I am new to objective-C.
I have programmed my first App in the last 2 months. I am now trying to access iTunes information and the coding appears to be straight forward but I cannot locate the ScriptingBridge.framework.
I am using Xcode 4.5. I have tried using the "+" button in the Link Binaries with Libraries section of Build Phases but ScriptingBridge.framework does not appear on the list. I have tried opening the framework directory in Finder with no luck. I cannot find a way to download the file independently from installing Xcode.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode. Any suggestions?

ScriptingBridge.framework is not available for Cocoa Touch.

I don't think you can use the scriptingBridge framework with an iOS Project. You only can use it with a cocoa application project. In a cocoa application project you can add the framework under
Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries -> +


Universal linking iOS - where is the .xcodeproj file?

I've been trying for days to get Universal Linking working on iOS for React Native.
The docs here say "On iOS, you'll need to link RCTLinking to your project". I'm then told to go to node_modules/react-native/Libraries/LinkingIOS and drag a .xcodeproj file into my project.
None of the libraries in the Libraries folder whatsoever have any .xodeproj files in them.
Is there meant to be? Is my react-native instance missing something? Googling this issue pulls up nothing at all - does everyone else have .xcodeproj files in their Libraries folder??
Starting with version 0.60 React Native provides auto-linking.
To have the library available in RN versions newer than 0.60 you have to:
1) Add reference to LinkingIOS folder into header search paths
Xcode -> project target -> projectName ->Build Settings -> header search paths:
2) Import it in AppDelegate.m
#import "RCTLinkingManager.h"
About the other steps that you need to do:
upload an apple app site association file to your web server,
preparing the app for universal linking in and
setting up universal links in Xcode and RN code
you can check this link:
Just ignore the manual linking paragraph on that page.

Unable to run my app on iOS 13. For a framework problem

I'm trying to test my project on my iPhone with iOS 13, using Xcode 12 beta 6.
The app crash on start and this is the message in the log:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
Someone can help me?
Thank you
This occurs because Xcode fails to sign the frameworks that are provided by SwiftPM with your app’s signing identity. It’s a known issue (SR-13343) in Xcode 12.
You can do these steps on third framework file to try fix :
select:Siging & Capabilites.
find : FrameWorks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.
change : the. "embed" of the third frameworks from "Do not Embed" to "Embed & Sign".
Go to Project Settings -> Target -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content -> Check that your custom framework has "Embed & Sign" option
add AppTrackingTransparency.framework to your project
In my case, I made a SPM framework and embedded then occurred this error.
I unchecked "Copy only when installing" in Build Phase of Embed Frameworks then works fine
you can also check this
Stripe iOS SDK via Swift Package Manager is installing, but crashing because "Library not loaded"
Don't Copy the Framework directly to your project. Adding 'Embed Pods Frameworks' manually works for me. Try It.
If you are asking permission for tracking via AppTrackingTransparency, you must addNSUserTrackingUsageDescription key to the info plist.

How to connect Realm with watchOS and iOS app at the same time?

So, there simple instructions on Realm website:
Installation (Swift 2.1.1):
2) Go to your Xcode project’s “General”
settings. Drag RealmSwift.framework and Realm.framework from the
ios/swift-2.1.1/, watchos/, tvos/ or osx/swift-2.1.1/ directory to the
“Embedded Binaries” section. Make sure Copy items if needed is
selected and click Finish.
Basically, stating that we need to use different Realm libraries for developing apps for Watch and for iPhone.
Problem here, is that if I want to create watchOS app I need to import library specific to it. When at the same time I'm trying to import library for iOS, I get error from xCode (version 7.2.1):
Multiple errors occurred while copying the files
Making it impossible to add both libraries at the same time.
My goal is to share data between Watch and iPhone like instructed in this article, but even there author is missing information on how to setup 2 different libraries.
Appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.
The problem you are having adding both the iOS Frameworks and the WatchKit's frameworks is the exact same one I had
I solved this by copying both folders [iOS] [watchkit] into my Xcode project's folder, then adding the respective libraries to their target's Embedded Binaries section.
In this way, you will not be literally copying the same-named items to the same location and it will not throw the error!

Framework file is always red in iOS Swift Framework Project

I'm trying to build an iOS framework, I did this by going to File -> New Project -> Cocoa Touch Framework.
However, I never was able to locate the .framework file event if I successfully build the project, it is always displayed in red and it's not there when I open the project's files in Finder, here is a screenshot:
What could be the problem?
Choose "Build Only Device -> Generic iOS device" should work
Short Answer = yes
red items in Frameworks and Products, pointing to derived data are normal.
See this related response:

Could not instantiate class named MKMapView

I may be doing something really stupid here as I've done it before and it worked and now...
Created a new iPad project, in the details view I added a MKMapView, added the MapKit.framework to the project, added the property / etc. to the header. Go to run the project and get a SIGABRT with
****Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate
class named MKMapView'**
I found but, like I said, I've already added framework. What am I missing?
I ran into this too, but I was able to get past it by following the instructions of step 2 in your link (thanks, by the way):
Add the MapKit framework to the project. (Control + Click Frameworks
folder -> Add -> Existing Frameworks)
I just searched for MapKit.framework, added it to the project, and the error went away.
I haven't added any map code yet (although I do have a MapViewDelegate connected in IB), but it's working fine so far!
Click on your project to bring the project settings. Under Targets, click your project, select from the upper toolbar "Build Phases". Under "Link binary With Libraries" tab, you will see the list of frameworks included in your project. Click the "+" button and add MapKit library from the shown list to your project.
For Xcode 6.1:
Select your project
In general tab, look for Linked Frameworks and Libraries (last one)
Press + button
Search MapKit.framework
Finally add
Easy way!
Works above Xcode version 7.2
As far as I'm concerned selecting the MAPS from capabilities will automatically link your framework to your project all you have to do is check the Maps button in Capabilities -> Maps.
Heres the attached screenshot. Cheers!!
For xCode 4.2:
Click on your project name ->targets ->building Phase ->link binary with library
-> click on + sign ->select mapKit.framework ->click add
I noticed that I was getting this message (on top of the original one mentioned in this post) when I was building and running on the simulator:
ld: warning: ignoring file
file was built for unsupported file format which is not the
architecture being linked (i386)
Then I just connected my iPhone, build and ran on the device, and the map worked.
So it seems that the MapKit framework cannot be compiled on the 386 architecture, it needs the device.
In regards to #futureshocked's input, I also came across the
Id: warning: ignoring file /blah.../MapKit, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
**Check to make sure you didn't copy the MapKit framework into your local project directory when you added it to your project. I accidentally did this and XCode was giving me the above error. So I removed it from my project directory (in Finder), recompiled, and everything was normal again.
If you don't have the Framework in your project, go ahead and re-link as stated in the answer above.
Found a good tutorial on getting started with MapKit:
I also received this error when trying to deploy to my 5.1 phone (with XC 4.5), even after changing my deployment target to be 5.1. Looks like the maps update wouldn't fly since I still had Google Maps on my phone. After updating my phone's OS, the exception disappeared.
Please import the WebKit at your Build Phases.
