rails the best way to saving page duration and page loading speed - ruby-on-rails

Hi I'm a beginner of rails and I'm not good at English. so if there is some total nonsense please understand..
I'm trying to record loading speed and page duration in every pages.
I made a database "pages" and method "savepage" in my "Page" model.
To save in every page I put "savepage" method in application controller.
def self.savepage
before_filter :dosave
def dosave
these kind of format..
My question is
1. am I doing correct? using before_filter to do save in very first of loading process?
2. to save after loading all the contents in a page what should I use?
3. to save after user leave this page what should I use?
I saw before_destroy and after_filter, but I can't find what it is... what filter means.... what action means destroy....
thank you in advance!

before_filter is the first thing which loads before giving request to controller.But your need is completely different . Fundamentally filter are used boolean checking.If certain method is true,it will run otherwise it may not. This filter are further extended and we put code into that filters.(And Even sometimes it is consider as best practice) .
Now, before_filter :dosave might be right but is it not true way of knowing page(UI) loading process. I suggest you to use javascript call or use some manually created helper methods and place it into view .erb files.
May be this will interest you
Log user activities in ROR
what action means ?
Action Controller is the C in MVC. After routing has determined which controller to use for a request, your controller is responsible for making sense of the request and producing the appropriate output. Luckily, Action Controller does most of the groundwork for you and uses smart conventions to make this as straightforward as possible.
Source : http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html
I highly suggest you to read above documentation. It is very necessary for you and it covers topic which you asked here.`
And one more thing,
what is action destroy ?
This is simply an action method just like new. Since, rails follow Convention over configuration ( and its developer too) so they put code which do some delete destroy or some destruction. This make thing simple,otherwise more configuration will require which is against rails policy.


Rails. How to put few controllers on one page

I am working on Todo app now and I have troubles. After sign in, I am on persons profile(first controller), on it I have button for new project(projects controller-2d controller) and after pressing it, appears button for new tasks(task controller-3d controller). How I can put all of this 3 controller's views on one page. Here an example of what I mean(approximately):http://todo.kzotov.ru/
You can put anything you want in the view. You could eager load the projects and tasks and put it all on the profile page. You also don't have to map controllers and views to models, so if the PersonsController or whatever is not what you're looking for, maybe do something more specific like ProfilesController and host all this functionality there.
You'll be best reading up on the MVC programming pattern -
The bottom line is that if you send a request to your application, it will only hit one controller#action. Your multiple "controllers" should not be something to consider - you should only look at the single controller action you're accessing at that specific time.
To be more specific about this, let me detail how it all works...
Ruby (on top of which Rails is a framework), is object orientated.
This is not just a fancy phrase - it's a real pattern of programming, which allows you to focus the flow of your application around the data / objects you want to create. The objects in Rails are derived from your Models - collating & organizing the respective data for your controllers
In order to understand how Rails works - you need to appreciate that everything you do is based on objects. Your routes, actions & data all work together to provide the end-user experience we know from Rails. How that happens is down to you.
Specifically, you want to look what what you're accessing
You don't want to load multiple controllers - you want to build several models and show those. This gives you the ability to show the HTML elements / files you want:
I would make sure you can put all your activity on your single view, which will then mean you have to determine your controller's data in order to provide you with the data you need to show:
class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
def index
#your index
<%= link_to "task", task_path %>
What you'll probably want to do is create a separate route / method to give them the ability to pull back ajax data when the initial button was clicked. I can detail this if you need it, but what I've given you should be ample food for thought

Where to store editable content?

I am building a Rails app that is intended to be eventually used by non-technical people. It consists of a few pages with blocks of text and a special page with interactive canvas drawings.
I want to allow them to easily edit any piece of text contained in the application. What are the best ways to achieve that? Currently, text is written in the different views of the application, which does not allow them to edit it without having to connect via FTP or similar and search for the right file.
I am thinking of three solutions:
Store all blocks of text in the database. On each page, fetch the requires blocks and insert them before rendering. Build a page that lists all blocks in the database in editable areas with a save button.
Store all blocks of text in a json file. Create a model that can read the file and fetch the blocks required by the views. Build a page that lets you edit each block and save it in the file.
Create some kind of password-protected admin interface that fetches all file in the views directory, use regexp to find blocks of text and allow the users to edit each block and save.
From my point of view, all of my three solutions look pretty bad. It does not feel okay to do so many calls to the database? Store your entire website text in a file? Parse HTML with regexps?
What are the usual approaches used to solve this problem?
There's a great book out there: Crafting Rails 4 Applications. Here's the link to source code from the book. You will find example in templater folder. Basically, you will be able to create custom templates based on the request parameters (just like Rails does).
Update. Here's a couple of links:
Default views in Rails 3.0 with custom resolvers by José Valim (author of the book, by the way).
Implementing a Rails 3 View Resolver.
Also, here's 5 coins from me. Basically, it works like this. You need to define your own resolver and connect it to your ApplicationController (or any other controller you want):
class Resolver < ActionView::Resolver
# some code here
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
append_view_path Resolver.new
During the rendering process, Rails will ask your controller's resolvers to provide a template (it will go through each of them, until it finds template or until there won't be any resolvers left). In order to provide template, your resolver needs a find_templates method:
def def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
# some processing here
So, based on this method parameters, you're going to provide some database records. But even if you have some kind of model already, Rails expects this method to return ActionView::Template instance. It can be initialized like this:
ActionView::Template.new(source, identifier, handler, details)
So, that's how your find_templates should look like:
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
template = DatabaseTemplate.find... # your custom model for DB templates
ActionView::Template.new... # initializing actual template
Both model and resolver in detail are presented in the book's source code (templater/3_final/app/models/sql_template.rb).
I have done that a couple times with awesome user satisfaction by using this:
There is also a Railscast available which gives you a good overview and step by step instructions:
Hope it helps. It looks good and is easy to use for end users.

Rails global variable

Im using bootstrap & rails and have a user model and post model..users create posts (collections)..
with bootstrap in the navbar i want the user to be able to click a dropdown which displays the name's of their posts..i did this on one controller with a private method and a before_action but i don't want to do this for all the controllers and it didn't work for the application controller...
is there a better way to do this??
I was doing this
def list
#user = User.find_by_username(params[:id])
#collections = #user.collections
and a
before_action :list
at the top of the controller
What's the most semantic way to accomplish this??
If you could move both to your application controller, then it would be available to any controller. More generally, I'm not sure if this is the best approach to solve your problem.
These tips might also be useful.
Are you using devise? Or some other authentication plugin? If so you're likely going to have a current_user helper. This would allow you to simply do #collections = current_user.collections
To the extent possible, I recommend using more descriptive names for your actions and parameters. def fetch_list_collections might be a better name or instead of passing a param named id, perhaps your param should be named username. These naming conventions become extremely important both for others who might look at your code as well as for yourself if you return to it and are trying to remember what you wrote N months ago.
Your list action is generating a N+1 queries. Meaning that you're hitting the database multiple times when you should do so just once. See the rails guide on this. You might also look at ways to avoid this w/ devise. Devise is pretty well documented and I'll bet there is something in the wiki discussing this.
You may want to consider limiting when you call this action - at a minimum - a post request to an update action? What about before they've logged in? current_user might be nil and you'd have an error attempting to call a collections method on nil.
Take your time learning this stuff. You don't have to learn it all at once, but I thought the above might be helpful.
I got it to work with this in the application controller
before_action :list
def list
#collections = current_user.collections
thanks #arieljuod

How to persist data about what page you are on in Rails app

This will probably be easiest if I explain what I'm trying to do. I have three actions in my Rails app controller, each rendering a different page. The page-render is done with a single partial which uses variables that were set in the controller action code. For example, each page has a list on it, but on one page the list is sortable. Up to now I've been handling this by setting a #sortable flag to true or false in the code for my actions.
This works fine when an action is initially run. The problem is that I have AJAX stuff going on (e.g. adding a new element to the list) and when this happens, I need to know the value of the #sortable variable again. It seems to have gone, even though I'm still technically on the same page. What I want is a variable store that is linked to the page you are on.
What are your recommendations for doing this? (Storing it in the Rails session hash seems like overkill - too much chance that the wrong value will get left in there by some yet-to-be-implemented action.)
In rails I've only managed to set page scoped variables for initial setup too.
I think the only solution would be to pass the sortable flag from the page on the ajax request. You can store it either with a javascript variable, in a hidden field, custom attribute on your list or anyway you wish and then in the ajax you simply add that to the request so you can treat that on the server side persistently.
Why do you don't want use session? As for me before_filter works fine for such tasks
in ApplicationController
before_filter :init_actions
def init_actions
session[:action] = action_name
session[:controller] = controller_name

Rails resource_controller with interruption?

I want to use the before action to optionally interrupt the processing if it fails to comply certain criteria (e.g. the object is not owned by such user etc)
I need to use this because I have a more complicated scenario that I
need the object to be loaded before the access rights could be
determined, so I would have situations where I want to interrupt the
action if it is invalid access, anyway I could achieve this?
OK, this is something I was thinking about myself when working with RC.
the usual RC action is something like:
def show
before :show
response_for :show
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
response_for :show_fails
So suppose you want to interrupt the show just after load_object if some conditions fail.
The best way to do it that I could think of (except for modifying RC :) is:
use before_filter to check the condition
in the the before_filter use the object or collection helpers (according to the action). this way the load_object/load_collection in the RC action implementation will use the same value cached from your usage of the helper so no extra queries will be made.
Assuming you are referring to before_filter:
Any render or redirect call should abort the filter chain and the execution of the action. So simply put your access control filter after the one to load 'stuff', then render an error message (with an appropriate status code for good web karma and to prevent a w3c beat down).
It's just another area of rails that works fine as long as you don't think too hard.
Any help or am I missing the point?
Vitaly's approach is probably correct, but I have a interesting over-engineered approach too, so to post as a reference:
Use around_filter
At the before hook, throw AccessDeniedException
Capture the exception in the around filter
That would do the job as well.
If you find yourself writing before_filters for precondition checks very often, you might find Aegis useful. It allows you to define access rules in a single file so you can see at a glance who may access what.
It was also built for easy integration with resource_controller.
