I have three models: User, Product, Offer and a problem with the relationship between these models.
User 1 posts a product
User 2 can send User 1 an offer with an price e.g $ 10
User 1 can accept or reject the offer
My questions are now:
What is the right relationship between User, Product and Offer?
How can I handle those "accept or reject" actions?
Is there maybe a better solution?
User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :avatar, :screen_name
has_many :products
has_many :offers,:through => :products
Product model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content, :price, :title, :tag_list, :productimage, :user_id
belongs_to :user
has_many :offers, :through => :users
Offer model:
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :offer_price, :status, :user_id, :product_id
has_many :products
has_many :users, through: :products
Thanks in advance :)
I am using Rails 3.2.8
Warning: here comes a small novel.
Part 1: setting up the associations
I'd recommend reading the Rails guide on associations thoroughly, bookmark it, and read it again, because this is a key thing to understand properly, and can be a bit tricky - there are lots of options once you go beyond basic associations.
One thing to notice about your app is that your users have two roles, buyers and sellers. You're going to need to be careful with the names of your associations - Does #user.offers return the offers the user has made, or the offers the user has received? You might want to be able to put lists of both these things in the user's profile.
The basic relationships you're describing are fairly simple:
A user can sell many products, so User has_many :products and Product belongs_to :user
A user can make many offers, so User has_many :offers and Offer belongs_to :user
A product may receive many offers so Product has_many :offers and Offer belongs_to :product
That's all well and good, and you could certainly get by just doing this - in which case you can skip down to Part 2 :)
However, as soon as you start trying to add the through relationships the waters are going to get muddy. After all,
Offer belongs_to :user (the buyer), but it also has a user through product (the seller)
User has_many :products (that they are selling), but they also have many products through offers (that they are buying - well, trying to buy).
Aargh, confusing!
This is the point when you need the :class_name option, which lets you name an association differently to the class it refers to, and the :source option, which lets you name associations on the 'from' model differently to the 'through' model.
So you might then form your associations like this:
# User
has_many :products_selling, class_name: 'Product'
has_many :offers_received, class_name: 'Offer',
through: :products_selling, source: :offers
has_many :offers_made, class_name: 'Offer'
has_many :products_buying, class_name: 'Product',
through: :offers_made, source: :product
# Product
belongs_to :seller, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :user_id
has_many :offers
has_many :buyers, class_name: 'User', through: :offers
# Offer
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :buyer, class_name: 'User', foreign_key: :user_id
has_one :seller, class_name: 'User', through: :product
Although if you renamed your user_id columns to seller_id in the products table, and buyer_id in the offers table, you wouldn't need those :foreign_key options.
Part 2: accepting/rejecting offers
There's a number of ways to tackle this. I would put a boolean field accepted on Offer and then you could have something like
# Offer
def accept
self.accepted = true
def reject
self.accepted = false
and you could find the outstanding offers (where accepted is null)
scope :outstanding, where(accepted: nil)
To get the accept/reject logic happening in the controller, you might consider adding new RESTful actions (the linked guide is another one worth reading thoroughly!). You should find a line like
resources :offers
in config/routes.rb, which provides the standard actions index, show, edit, etc. You can change it to
resources :offers do
member do
post :accept
post :reject
and put something like this in your OffersController
def accept
offer = current_user.offers_received.find(params[:id])
# similarly for reject
Then you can issue a POST request to offers/3/accept and it will cause the offer with id 3 to be accepted. Something like this in a view should do it:
link_to "Accept this offer", accept_offer_path(#offer), method: :post
Note that I didn't just write Offer.find(params[:id]) because then a crafty user could accept offers on the behalf of the seller. See Rails Best Practices.
Your models are good enough, except for the relations. The confusion starts when you are trying to differentiate the owned products vs interested products(offered) and product owner vs interested users(users who placed the offer). If you can come up with a better naming convention, you can easily fix it.
1. Better relations
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :avatar, :screen_name
has_many :owned_products, :class_name => "Product"
has_many :offers
has_many :interested_products, :through => :offers
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :offer_price, :status, :user_id, :product_id
belongs_to :interested_user, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :user_id
belongs_to :interested_product, :class_name => "Product", :foreign_key => :product_id
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content, :price, :title, :tag_list, :productimage, :user_id
belongs_to :owner, :foreign_key => :user_id, :class_name => "User"
has_many :offers
has_many :interested_users, :through => :offers
With these relations I think you can get all the basic information you would be interested.
For Example,
#product = Product.find(1)
#product.owner # would give you the user who created the product
#product.interested_users # would give you users who placed an offer for this product
#user = User.find(1)
#user.owned_products # would give you the products created by this user
#user.interested_products # would give you the products where the user placed an offer
2. Handling accept and reject actions.
From your description, I see there can be 2 possible state changes to an offer, "created" -> "accept" or "created" -> "reject". I suggest you to look at state_machine. State machine will add nice flavor to your model with its helper methods, which I think will be very useful in your case. So your Offer model will look something like this,
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
# attr_accessible :title, :body
attr_accessible :offer_price, :status, :user_id, :product_id
belongs_to :interested_user, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :user_id
belongs_to :interested_product, :class_name => "Product", :foreign_key => :product_id
state_machine :status, :initial => :created do
event :accept do
transition :created => :accepted
event :reject do
transition :created => :reject
#cool helper methods
#offer = Offer.new
#offer.accepted? #returns false
#offer.reject #rejects the offer
#offer.rejected? #returns true
I hope this gives you a better picture.
How about
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products # All products posted by this user
has_many :offers # All offers created by this user
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user # This is the user who posts the product (User 1)
has_many :offers
class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :user # This is the user who creates the offer (User 2)
# Use a 'state' field with values 'nil', 'accepted', 'rejected'
For your scenario:
# User 1 posts a product
product = user1.products.create
# User 2 can send User 1 an offer with an price e.g $ 10
offer = user2.offers.create(:product => product)
# User 1 can accept or reject the offer
offer.state = 'rejected'
You could refine this depending on your needs - e.g. if the same product could be posted by different users.
First I'm using Rails 3.1 from the 3-1-stable branch updated an hour ago.
I'm developing an application where I have 3 essential models User, Company and Job, Here's the relevant part of the models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :companies_users, class_name: "CompaniesUsers"
has_many :companies, :through => :companies_users, :source => :company
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :companies_users, class_name: "CompaniesUsers"
has_many :employees, :through => :companies_users, :source => :user
has_many :jobs, :dependent => :destroy
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company, :counter_cache => true
class CompaniesUsers < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :user
The code works just fine, but I have been wondering if it's possible to:
I want to link a job with an employer, so think of this scenario: A user John who's an employee at Example, he posted the job Rails Developer, so I want to access #job.employer and it should get me back the user John, in other words:
#user = User.find_by_name('john')
#job = Job.find(1)
#job.employer == #user #=> true
So I thought of two possible solutions
First solution
class Job
has_one :employer, :through => :employers
class User
has_many :jobs, :through => :employers
class Employer
belongs_to :job
belongs_to :user
Second solution
class Job
has_one :employer, :class_name => "User"
class User
belongs_to :job
Which route should I go? Is my code right ?
I have another question, how to get rid of the class_name => "CompaniesUsers" option passed to has_many, should the class be Singular or Plural ? Should I rename it to something like Employees ?
P.S: I posted the same question to Ruby on Rails: Talk
Unless I'm missing something, I'd suggest simply doing
class Job
belongs_to :employer, :class_name => "User"
class User
has_many :jobs
This would give you methods like
user = User.first
user.jobs # array
job = user.jobs.first
job.employer == user # true
You'll need an employer_id integer field in your Jobs table for this to work.
Typically you want to name your pass through model:
Then you don't need this:
class_name: "CompaniesUsers"
Just make sure the name of your database table is:
What you have works for you, so that's great. I just find when I don't follow convention I
run in to trouble down the road.
I am having a somewhat too nested database layout, however, I seem to need it. That is, Our website visitors may each have a single account with maintaining multiple users (think of identities) within.
Now they may create tickets, which are grouped by ticket sections, and we have ticket manager (operator) to process the incoming tickets.
Not every ticket manager may see every ticket but only those this manager is a member of the given ticket section for.
Now, I am totally fine in querying via raw SQL statements, but I failed to verbalizing those two special queries the Rails way.
Here is the (abstract) model:
# account system
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
has_many :tickets, :through => :users
has_many :managing_ticket_sections, ... # TicketSection-collection this account (any of its users) is operate for
has_many :managing_tickets, ... # Ticket-collection this account (any of its users) may operate on
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
has_many :tickets
has_many :managing_ticket_sections, ... # TicketSection-collection this user is operate for
has_many :managing_tickets, ... # Ticket-collection this user may operate on
# ticket system
class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :assignee, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :section, :class_name => "TicketSection"
class TicketSection < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tickets
has_many :operators
class TicketSectionManager < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :manager, :class_name => "User"
belongs_to :section
I am aware of basic has_many :through-constructs, however, here, I am accessing more than three tables to get the tickets.
Something that actually works for in the User's model is:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :managing_relations, :class_name => "TicketSectionManager" # XXX some kind of helper, for the two below
has_many :managing_sections, :class_name => "TicketSection", :through => :managing_relations, :source => :section
has_many :managing_tickets, :class_name => "Ticket", :through => :managing_relations, :source => :section
Here I am using a helper relation (managing_relations), which is absolutely never used except by the two has_many relations below.
I were not able to describe a User.managing_sections nor User.managing_tickets relation without this helper, which is, where I need an advice for.
Secondly, the customer is to have a look at all of the tickets he can manage on any User (think of an identity) he has logged in, so what I need, is a way to collect all tickets (/sections) this Account is permitted to manage (identified by being a member of the corresponding TicketSection)
Here I even were not able to express this relation the ruby way, and I had to work around it by the following:
class Account
def managing_tickets
Ticket.find_by_sql("SELECT t.* FROM tickets AS t
INNER JOIN ticket_section_managers AS m ON m.section_id = t.section_id
INNER JOIN users AS u ON u.id = m.user_id
WHERE u.account_id = #{id}")
I'd appreciate any kind of advice, and
many thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.
Given the following database model, how and where would you define the deletion relationships between the models? I figured out the basic table association setup but when I want to add dependencies to enable the deletion of nested objects I get lost.
Here is the relationship model I created.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :studies
class Study < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :internships
belongs_to :student, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id"
belongs_to :subject
belongs_to :university, :class_name => "Facility", :foreign_key => "facility_id"
accepts_nested_attributes_for :subject, :university, :locations
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :studies
class Internship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :study
belongs_to :company, :class_name => "Facility", :foreign_key => 'facility_id'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :company, :study
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :internships
has_many :locations
has_many :studies
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :facility
Where would you put :dependent => :destroy and :allow_destroy => true to enable the following scenarios? I do not want to confuse you. Therefore, I leave out my tryings.
Internship scenario: A user wants to delete an internship.
Its associated company (facility) can be deleted if the company is not related to another internship.
If so, the locations of the associated company can be deleted.
The related study will not be affected.
Study scenario: A user wants to delete a study.
Its associated subject can be deleted if no other study refers to this subject.
Its associated university (facility) can be deleted if no other study refers to this university.
Its associated internships can be deleted. The company can only be deleted if no other internship refers to it.
I am totally unsure whether I can add :dependent => :destroy only after has_one and has_many or also after belongs_to.
Edit: To simplify the problem please stick to the following (reduced) example implementation.
class Study < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject
accepts_nested_attributes_for :subject, :allow_destroy => true
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :studies, :dependent => :destroy
In my view I provide the following link.
<%= link_to "Destroy", study, :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure?" %>
The path is based on the named routes given by a restful configuration in routes.rb.
resources :studies
resources :subjects
The study will be deleted when I click the link - the subjects stays untouched. Why?
I think your relations are the wrong way around here...
The accepts_nested_attributes_for should be declared on the model that has_many for the model that it has_many of. Also, in your example, destroying the subject would enforce dependent_destroy on the many studies, not the other way around.
You can add :dependent => :destroy to all three but I'm not sure if that'll give you enough power to do the checks required before determining whether an associated object should be destroyed.
You have a few options.
Add a before_destroy callback on each model that raises an exception or stops the delete from occurring.
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :internships
has_many :locations
has_many :studies
def before_destroy
raise SomethingException if internships.any? || ...
# or
or do it silently by overriding destroy
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :internships
has_many :locations
has_many :studies
def destroy
return false if internships.any || ...
Note: this is basically meant for guidance only and may not be the correct way of overriding destroy etc...
I am building an application with the following model functions
Groups have many Users
Groups have many Expenses (each expense has a :name, :total, :added_by_user_id fields)
Expenses have many owings (1 for each user in the group)
Owings have an :amount and a :user_id, to reference which user the owing is referring
So far, I have set up the models as followings:
# user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :email, :password
has_many :memberships, :foreign_key => "member_id", :dependent => :destroy
has_many :groups, :through => :memberships
has_many :owings
# group.rb
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_many :memberships, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :members, :through => :memberships
has_many :expenses
# expense.rb
class Expense < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :total_dollars, :name, :owings_attributes, :added_by_user_id
belongs_to :group, :inverse_of => :expense
has_many :owings, :dependent => :destroy
# owing.rb
class Owing < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :amount_dollars, :user_id
belongs_to :expense, :inverse_of => :owings
belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :owings
# NB - have left off memberships class (and some attributes) for simplicity
To create an expense, I'm using #group.expenses.build(params[:expenses]), where params come from a nested model form that includes attributes for the owings that need to be created. The params include the 'user_id' for each of the 'owing' instances for that expense.
I have two concerns:
Firstly - I've made 'user_id' accessible in the owings model, meaning that a malicious user can change who owes what in an expense (I think?). I don't know how to get around this, though, because the user needs to see the names of all the other members of the group when they fill out the expense/owings form.
Secondly - I've also made 'added_by_user_id' accessible in the expense model - I also wouldn't want malicious users to be able to change this, since this user_id has special edit/delete priveleges for the expense. Is there some clever way to make an expense 'belong_to' a User AND a group, and set both of these associations when creating WITHOUT having to make either an accessible attribute? If it helps, the 'added_by_user_id' can always be set to the current_user.
Any ideas? Very possible I'm missing something fairly fundamental here.
Thanks in advance!
PS. Long time listener, first time caller. Thanks to all of you for teaching me ruby on rails to date; this website is an incredible resource!
Have you thought about setting them dynamically?
dynamic attr-accessible railscast
Given the following associations, I need to reference the Question that a Choice is attached through from the Choice model. I have been attempting to use belongs_to :question, through: :answer to perform this action.
class User
has_many :questions
has_many :choices
class Question
belongs_to :user
has_many :answers
has_one :choice, :through => :answer
class Answer
belongs_to :question
class Choice
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :answer
belongs_to :question, :through => :answer
validates_uniqueness_of :answer_id, :scope => [ :question_id, :user_id ]
I am getting
NameError uninitialized constant User::Choice
when I try to do current_user.choices
It works fine, if I don't include the
belongs_to :question, :through => :answer
But I want to use that because I want to be able to do the validates_uniqueness_of
I am probably overlooking something simple. Any help would be appreciated.
You can also delegate:
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :employees
has_many :dogs, :through => :employees
class Employee < ActiveRescord::Base
belongs_to :company
has_many :dogs
class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :employee
delegate :company, :to => :employee, :allow_nil => true
Just use has_one instead of belongs_to in your :through, like this:
class Choice
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :answer
has_one :question, :through => :answer
Unrelated, but I'd be hesitant to use validates_uniqueness_of instead of using a proper unique constraint in your database. When you do this in ruby you have race conditions.
A belongs_to association cannot have a :through option. You're better off caching the question_id on Choice and adding a unique index to the table (especially because validates_uniqueness_of is prone to race conditions).
If you're paranoid, add a custom validation to Choice that confirms that the answer's question_id matches, but it sounds like the end user should never be given the opportunity to submit data that would create this kind of mismatch.
My approach was to make a virtual attribute instead of adding database columns.
class Choice
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :answer
# ------- Helpers -------
def question
# extra sugar
def question_id
This approach is pretty simple, but comes with tradeoffs. It requires Rails to load answer from the db, and then question. This can be optimized later by eager loading the associations you need (i.e. c = Choice.first(include: {answer: :question})), however, if this optimization is necessary, then stephencelis' answer is probably a better performance decision.
There's a time and place for certain choices, and I think this choice is better when prototyping. I wouldn't use it for production code unless I knew it was for an infrequent use case.
So you cant have the behavior that you want but you can do something that feels like it. You want to be able to do Choice.first.question
what I have done in the past is something like this
class Choice
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :answer
validates_uniqueness_of :answer_id, :scope => [ :question_id, :user_id ]
def question
this way the you can now call question on Choice
It sounds like what you want is a User who has many Questions.
The Question has many Answers, one of which is the User's Choice.
Is this what you are after?
I would model something like that along these lines:
class User
has_many :questions
class Question
belongs_to :user
has_many :answers
has_one :choice, :class_name => "Answer"
validates_inclusion_of :choice, :in => lambda { answers }
class Answer
belongs_to :question
The has_many :choices creates an association named choices, not choice. Try using current_user.choices instead.
See the ActiveRecord::Associations documentation for information about about the has_many magic.