Calendar or Agenda plugin for Grails - grails

I need to find a way to detect if any given person is available in a given time... but it needs to be accurate, i will explain with an example:
I have a system that allows to a given person to register, and be contacted to work in a work-by-hour job. So, a given person can be hired to work from 09:00AM to 13:00, and be hired by a completely different person to work from 16:00 to 20:00 (for example). I need a Calendar/Agenda-like plugin to grails that allow me to get the data in a given day, and hourly-accurate
Anybody knows any plugin that dows that? Thank you.

There's not a plugin to my knowledge that is going to give you exactly what you need. There is, however, a very nice jQuery plugin called FullCalendar that I've used to implement Google Calendar like functionality for a client.
There is also a Grails plugin for it, although I generally don't use plugins for JavaScript libraries. Makes it more difficult to customize things.
You're still going to have to manage your agenda/event data yourself. But once you have the data, feeding it to FullCalendar via JSON is cake.

This can be also implemented with DHTMLX JavaPlanner, check out this tutorial


Rally SDK 2 - Given a story A and a story B, how can I say that B is a successor of A thanks to Javascript API?

I'm using the Rally SDK 2 to manipulate user stories from Javascript in a "Custom HTML" application.
I can query a story and retrieve its attributes.
I can update some of the attributes, like the Name of the Iteration for instance.
How can I add a successor to my story?
If I understand well, I should edit the "/HierarchicalRequirement/.../Successors" of my story, but I don't understand how to do that.
Would someone have an example, please?
Unfortunately, I don't have an exact example you can use, but the successors (or predecessors) are 'collections'. As such, you need to 'add' to the collection. There is an explanation of some of this here:!/guide/collections_in_v2
Built into the model for the artefact are routines to handle all the details. If you want more details, then you can download the sdk-debug.js file from the Rally server. To get to it, open up the developer tools in your browser and have a look where a custom app would get the sdk.js file from. The debug variant is formatted for humans to read and a very useful source of how to do things at the low levels. The definition of has some good tips.
One of the recommendations I make to people starting out writing custom apps, is to use the developer tools in the browser to watch the network traffic that the Rally UI makes - and then work backwards to code.

Is it possible to put an info on a webpage (but not our)?

I want to put an information in a webpage recurrently by a cron task (or whatever else), each week, but not on my webpage !
For example : value of gold on a trading website, take it every Monday, is it possible ? (I don't want to do that but something similar, the principle is the same)
From your comment, I guess that you actually want to download data from a web page as a source.
You don't specify which language you are working in but I've personally had some success doing this in .NET using a WebClient.
There is more information about the WebClient here but I think to make better use of StackOverflow, you'd be better trying to tighten up your question to include more specifics.

Calendar needs cannot be meet?

My needs are reasonably simple but I cannot seem to find a working solution. Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't want to start implementing something from scratch if I can use a open source solution that is well stablished and I can eventually contribute in some way.
My Requirements
1- I need to have all events stored in the database so I can fetch them (and their content) with a background process for manipulation. I will process all events once/twice a day for any given day. Processing mainly consists of sending out reminders etc.
2- I need to allow recurring events.
3- I need custom forms and application specific custom fields for all events.(this seemed to leave google calendar out)
4- UI needs to display events depending on user logged in.
5- all day events not required
What I have looked at so far:
FullCalendar: Seems the most plausible although I haven't yet figured out how to accomplish #3 above.
event_calendar: I have no idea how to implement recurring events efficiently using this solution. It seems like I would have to implement it from scratch using iCal's standards etc. Does not sound like fun. Any suggestions here?
Ice_Cube: This would potentially help with the event_calendar recurring event implementation.
I have not worked with calendars before so I might be missing something really simple. Please let me know your thoughts.
Env: Rails 3.1, looking for gem/plugin/JQuery solution. If not found will try to implement from scratch. =) Thank you for your help.
Check dhtmlxScheduler, it solves all above requirements.
Also, there is a ROR integration sample

Display twitter feeds

For an event in a couple of weeks I'd like to make an web page/app which display tweets from a specific user, a specific hashtag and all #reply's at the first user in 3 boxes on the screen.
However I've never tried this. I want to use either .NET (C#) or HTML/CSS/JS since I'm proficient in those. Are there any libraries/API's I can use? Or is there an readily available freeware/open-source app I can use?
Have you seen TweetSharp?
Use Twitter's profile and search widgets. Profile for the first box, a search of the hash tag for the second box, and a search of to:username for the third box.
I actually just posted this as an answer to another question:
I just updated a plugin to work with the Twitter 1.1 API. Unfortunately, per Twitter's urging, you will have to perform the actual request from server-side code. However, you can pass the response to the plugin and it will take care of the rest. I don't know what framework you are running, but I have already added sample code for making the request in C#, and will be adding sample code for PHP, shortly.
The plugin makes a call to statuses/user_timeline, but you will likely want to look at statuses/filter or statuses/search, instead. All you will have to do is add your desired parameters (hashtag, replies, etc.) to the server-side code and it should work (with the addition of your security keys and tokens, of course).
Good luck! :)

ASP.NET Tracking Code & Unique Visitors

I am trying to find a way to track and produce reports for my site (out of interest). Does anyone know of any articles/projects etc that you can
Track pages / unique visitors etc
Tracking 1) relative to timestamp etc
in mvc or just ?
P.S - I know google analytics etc is available but looking to create some basic stats for myself out of interest about how web analytics work ?
There are a couple of good ways to try and determine unique visitors, none of them are exact (which is why different analytics will report different numbers).
The first is to use a cookie. Create a cookie for the user for each time frame that you want to track uniques, so you could create one that expires in a day and one that expires in a month. You can then use both of those to track how many unique daily/monthly visitors you have. Of course this is not perfect since people can clear or refuse cookies, but it is pretty accurate.
The other way is to track uniques using a combination of the IP address and User Agent of the requesting user, this is probably slightly less accurate since if a company has a good IT group lots of internal users will have the same User Agent and since they are all coming from the same internal network could have the same IP address.
If you are interested in reading more about the different methods there is a great article about it here:
I blogged about simple module.
You can check it here
I would recommend using google analytics instead of reinventing the wheel. All you have to do is stick a bit of javascript in your master page and your done.
Yo can check Piwik out. Its an open source web analytics written using PHP and mysql.
you can find great article in
which is upgraded version of
with help of a Session Tracker class that runs in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute and mailing reports on session end and lot of usefull tips
thanks Wayne Plourde for all that stuff
