XCode Compatibility Issue with different versions - ios

I recently made a project using XCode 4.5.1 on iOS 10.8.
I want to run this project on a different computer using XCode 4.4.1 on iOS 10.7.5.
It is currently giving me the error:
XCode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Is there a way to open the project on the other computer without having to redo all the delegations and such?
I have tried turning off AutoLayout and running it on the iOS 10.7.5 computer and it is still giving the same error.

Change the deployment target to the ios version you want to run the project on.


Is there a way to run an app on iOS 12.2 with an outdated version of Xcode and macOS?

I'm developing a React Native application that I test and build on a real iPhone 7 using Xcode. However, the iPhone recently automatically updated to iOS 12.2, which requires Xcode version 10.2. The problem is that I can't update Xcode because my Mac is running on High Sierra 10.13.6 and is too old to get the Mojave update (2011).
So the question is: Is there any way I can still use the Mac to run the app on my real device, or am I forced to use the emulators/buy a new Mac from now on? Most importantly, is there I way I can still get the Mojave update on my old Mac?
You can download the support files that you want from this repo
Close your xcode, right click on xcode ->Show Package Contents->Contents->Developer->Platforms->iPhoneOS.platform->DeviceSupport, and unzip your file there.
Restart xcode and voilĂ , your device is supported.
check this for more info.
There is some trick for you to install Mojavae and so Xcode 10.2.
I hope that can help you, and think to deactivate the auto update.

Apple - iOS - Testing on iOS 10.3 with XCode 8.2.1

I have a MacBook with El Capitan installed on it. I cannot upgrade to sierra! Because of that, I cannot install XCode 8.3.
Now I need to test an App with iOS 10.3 but I cannot build it with XCode 8.2.1 for iOS 10.3. I have an pyhsical device with iOS 10.3 but XCode wont let me run it on that device.
What to do now?
Doing so is still possible with this simple workaround:
Download the latest Xcode
Right click on the downloaded Xcode.app, select Show Package Contents. Navigate to Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport subfolder
Move the 10.3 folder to the identical location in your local Xcode 8.2.1 installation
Don't get disappointed. There is one way.
If you have access any of the mac that is running the latest xcode and up to date simulators, then navigate to this directory copy the simulators you need and past it on the same directory in your OSX.
You can then be able to run the app on the latest simulator and the updated physical device!
Unfortunately, you're out of luck. As this answer specifies, iOS 10.3 requires Xcode 8.3 or greater, which in turn requires macOS Sierra.

can't add simulator to xcode 7.3.1

I installed xcode 7.3.1 and started a new project with single page template, but when i try to run it it says that "build only device cant run the application and i should add new device or simulator".
when i go to "window->devices" there is only one device and it mymac system, when i hit + button and add simulator i have ios version 9.3 and after selecting the device type and giving it a name and hitting the create button, nothing happens.
/Library/Developer folder dose not exist.
Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.2
Just to be sure, i uninstalled xcode 7 using cleanmymac3 and restarted system and installed xcode 6.4, it installed successfully and had multiple simulators already defined and a test project successfully run in the simulator. Then i installed xcode 7 witch told me that a older version already exist and if i want to keep them both or replace the older and i choose to replace.Then started a new project with xcode 7 and it was still the same no simulator and i am still not able to add any.
any solution? I am a xcode and MAC noobi ...
Try to Update your OSX to latest version i.e. 10.11.5 because XCode 7.3.1 requires updates OSX / macos
hop it will help you
Ok, it seems iOS 9.3 simulators are not compatible with AMD cpus :D (go figures) or that my MAC's AMD kernel was not good or ..., anyway the same file installs the components correctly with Intel cpu. poor AMD ...

How to test IOS 6 on XCode 7 El Capitan?

I am not an IOS developer. I have a Cordova app with two small errors on IOS6. The app has been compiled in Xcode 7.2 on El Capitan usign the following configuration:
The app compiles and works ok on an IPhone 3GS device running IOS 6.1.6; however, our customer has found some errors on an IPhone 4 running IOS 6.0.
I don't have any device like that. I tried to install an old version of the simulator that crashed my XCode so I had to reinstall it.
Then I decided to try on a Mountain Lion virtual machine running XCode 4.5. I copied the project and tried to execute it to find this error:
Failed to load project at '/Users/holamundo2/Desktop/IOS_original/isosmed/platforms/ios/holamundo2.xcodeproj', incompatible project version. I don't know how to make the project "compatible".
Finally, I even tried wildly to copy from the simulator in El capitan to the simulator in the Virtual machine. Obviously, it didn't work either.
So I have two questions:
1. How can I change an Xcode project created from XCode 7 to one I can run from my virtual machine?
2. Is there any other way to copy/paste one simulator image to another in order to run the application?

MonoTouch: how to run app in Simulator 6.0 with SDK 4.4?

On my machine I have installed:
Xcode 4.5
Xcode 4.4
MonoTouch 6.x
MonoTouch 5.2.13
For an older app, I build using Xcode 4.4 and MonoTouch 5.2.13. To do so, I change the paths in the SDK section of MonoDevelop's settings.
However, now I need to test run the app that was built with SDK 4.4 and MT 5.2.13 on the iOS Simulator 6.0. How can I tell MonoDevelop what path for the simulator to use?
The dropdown of the Simulator itself doesn't offer v6.0 because back than with SDK 4.4, there was no v6.0.
This is currently not supported in MonoTouch (nor in Xcode for that matter).
That said, you might be able to do the following:
Build & run your app using the Xcode 4.4 SDK / iOS 5.1 Simulator. Copy the app directory from the simulator (one way to figure out where the app resides is to run it in the simulator using MonoDevelop, then execute ps aux | grep debugtrack from a terminal window - this should show the simulator process and the path to the binary).
Build & run your app using Xcode 4.5 SDK. Figure out again where the app resides like above (since it's a different simulator the directory will change), and replace the contents of it with what you saved in the previous step.
Now you might be able to run the app in the iOS 6 simulator (either with MonoDevelop or by tapping it). Note that since Xcode itself doesn't really allow you to do this, many things may break. The only supported way to test a build using an older SDK is to test it on a real device.
