Can Ruby on Rails be deployed on Azure Web Sites? - ruby-on-rails

Can I deploy Ruby on Rails on Azure Web Sites?

Not yet. Only .NET and PHP are supported as of now.

It looks like Microsoft have increased their Azure offering:
Microsoft Azure: Ruby Developer Center
Windows Azure SDK for Ruby (Github, docs)
This project provides a Ruby package that makes it easy to access and manage Windows Azure Services like Storage, Service Bus and Virtual Machines.
Ruby on Rails Web application on an Azure VM
This tutorial describes how to host a Ruby on Rails-based web site on Azure using a Linux virtual machine. This tutorial assumes you have no prior experience using Azure. Upon completing this tutorial, you will have a Ruby on Rails-based application up and running in the cloud.
Their Documentation Centre now (April 2014) lists the following platforms:
iOS, Android, Windows

It's in preview now. I just received notification of this:


How to host core aplication on godaddy windows hosting server

I have an application running on core mvc architecture. I need to deploy and run the application on godaddy Shared hosting windows based server. All my files are already uploaded on godaddy server but the application is still not running. when ever i try to access the application using godaddy domain it says Future home of something quite cool.
Any suggestions or solutions would be much appritiated
I believe that Godaddy is currently using Plesk Onyx which only supports dotnet core versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0.
Godaddy has not upgraded to the latest version of Plesk so they do not support later versions.
This post by their community manager confirms the versions
Note that dotnet core version 2.0 is no longer supported by Microsoft

Using a Rails JSON API as a backend for desktop app

My company is wanting to use a Rails JSON API app as a backend for a desktop app. The Rails JSON API would use a Postgresql database.
However, some customers self host their data, meaning they have a postgresql server installed on a computer the desktop app uses. Because of these users, we would have to deploy this Rails app and customers would have to run the Rails API server on their machines, including Windows machines. Is this a good idea or even possible?
If your customers are running the db themselves, you probably don't need an api, right?
Otoh, there are tools like portable ruby by the phusion team that let you pacakge up a Ruby app. You can also build the app via JRuby as a jar or war and deploy that in any env with Java

Microsoft Web Deploy v3 or higher is recommended. When Deploying a ASP.NET website to amazon ec2

I followed this tutorial
I installed web deploy 3.5,and added the website in iis on ec2 instance im still getting this error .
Im using public dns as the service url
Thanks in advance
Edit: im using visual studio 2012 and website is in .NET 4.5
Install Web deploy 3.5 on your local machine too using WPI

Hosting MVC application on linux server

I am developing an MVC 4 application on windows and that is to be hosted on Debian. I am a newbie to web development. I am using Mariadb in backend.
I don't know how to deploy this application. Can anybody provide help to me?
I am using Mono 3.2.3
There is no way to host a Microsoft mvc 4 Application on Linux UNLESS you use Mono (Never tried it but the honey is here ).
If you don't want to buy mono,
Wait for vNext ! He Will be among us around April 2015 as Microsoft Announced at the DotNet-Conf.
you can download VisualStudio 2014 CTP and taste the golden kvm
More resources
I'm running 4 MVC4 sites on my Ubuntu 16.04 server and all I did was install a ftp server and I put all the sites in my user home dir under public_html (eg: public_html/site1 public_html/site2) then use the ftp publish method of visual studio which will build the site and copy everything over via ftp then you can just browse your site.

How deploy a Ruby on Rails app on Windows Azure?

Does Windows Azure Platform allow to deploy a ruby on rails app?
If yes, in which kind of service? It's a SAAS like Heroku or it is a IAAS?
Thank you!
I used...
For Azure Virtual Machine: [video]
For Azure Web Sites:
Not yet.
You can set up Linux VPS on Azure.
