Proof that (prev n) <= m starting from n <= m - agda

I have the next definition:
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
succ : Nat -> Nat
prev : Nat -> Nat
prev zero = zero
prev (succ n) = n
data _<=_ : Nat -> Nat -> Set where
z<=n : forall {n} -> zero <= n
s<=s : forall {n m} -> (n<=m : n <= m) -> (succ n) <= (succ m)
It easy to proof the next lemma:
lem-prev : {x y : Nat} -> x <= y -> (prev x) <= (prev y)
lem-prev z<=n = z<=n
lem-prev (s<=s t) = t
But I can't find a way to proof the next lemma:
lem-prev' : {x y : Nat} -> x <= y -> (prev x) <= y
I can change definition of <= to the next:
data _<='_ : Nat -> Nat -> Set where
z<=n' : forall {n} -> zero <=' n
s<=s' : forall {n m} -> (n<=m : n <=' m) -> (succ n) <=' m
In that case I can proof lem-prev':
lem-prev' : {x y : Nat} -> x <=' y -> (prev x) <=' y
lem-prev' z<=n' = z<=n'
lem-prev' (s<=s' t) = t
But now I can't proof lem-prev.
Is there a way to proof both lemmas for <= and/or <='?
If no, then how should I change the definition to make it possible?
ADD: The solution using hammar's helper lemma:
lem-prev : {x y : Nat} -> x <= y -> (prev x) <= y
lem-prev z<=n = z<=n
lem-prev (s<=s prev-n<=prev-m) = weaken (prev-n<=prev-m)

you can find a proof of that lemma in the standard library

Try this lemma:
weaken : {x y : Nat} -> x <= y -> x <= succ y
weaken z<=n = z<=n
weaken (s<=s n<=m) = s<=s (weaken n<=m)


Agda error when checking the inferred type

I'm trying to show that the sum of two odd numbers is even.
What is wrong with the last line?
data odd : ℕ → Set
data even : ℕ → Set
data even where
ezero :
even zero
esuc : ∀ {n : ℕ}
→ odd n
→ even (suc n)
data odd where
osuc : ∀ { n : ℕ }
→ even n
→ odd (suc n)
e+e≡e : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ even m
→ even n
→ even (m + n)
o+e≡o : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ odd m
→ even n
→ odd (m + n)
e+e≡e ezero en = en
e+e≡e (esuc om) en = esuc (o+e≡o om en)
o+e≡o (osuc em) en = osuc (e+e≡e em en)
o+o≡e : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ odd m
→ odd n
→ even (m + n)
o+o≡e (osuc em) on = esuc (o+e≡o on em)
I'm getting this error:
➊  - 660 Experiment.agda  Agda   ∏  unix | 50: 0  Bottom
n != n₁ of type ℕ
when checking that the inferred type of an application
odd (n + _n_31)
matches the expected type
odd (n₁ + n)
But the types seem fine to me. For example, if I replace the right side with ? and check the goals, Agda shows:
Goal: even (suc (n + n₁))
on : odd n₁
em : even n
n₁ : ℕ (not in scope)
n : ℕ (not in scope
So I'm passing evidence on that n is odd and em that m is even. And passing these to o+e≡e, which expects arguments of exactly those types. So where did I go wrong?
And in general, how can I read Agda's error messages? Are the subscripts after variable names meaningful?
It's telling you that em is not equal to on: you want a proof of odd (m + n), but you get odd (n + m) - Agda can't see addition is commutative. You should swap the arguments.
o+o≡e on (osuc em) = esuc (o+e≡o on em)
This produces a different error. That error tells you that Agda is unable to work out that suc (m + n) is equal to m + suc n, which means you need to introduce a lemma that establishes the equality. Then recall transport (a function that transports a value of a dependent type B x along equality x ≡ y to a value of a different dependent type B y), and that will give you a way to obtain a value of the needed type from the value that esuc (o+e≡o on em) constructs.
Working solution with zero imports:
data _==_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A -> Set where
refl : x == x
-- congruence
cong : forall {A B : Set} {x y : A} -> (f : A -> B) -> (x == y) -> (f x) == (f y)
cong f refl = refl -- note these refls are of different types: of x == y on the left, and of (f x) == (f y) on the right
-- transport: given two values are "equal", transport one dependent value along the equality path into a different dependent value
transport : forall {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> B x -> B y
transport refl bx = bx -- proof relies on the circumstance that the only way to construct x == y is refl, so (B x) is (B y)
-- then induction at the heart of Agda can work out that this must be valid for any x == y
-- commutativity of _==_
comm : forall {A : Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> y == x
comm refl = refl
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat -> Nat
_+_ : ∀ (m n : Nat) -> Nat
zero + n = n
(suc m) + n = suc (m + n)
-- Proving the necessary commutativity of suc.
-- Agda can see things like "(suc m) + n == suc (m + n)" by definition
-- but other equalities need proving, and then you can transport
-- the values from one type to another
n+1≡1+n : forall (m n : Nat) -> (m + (suc n)) == (suc (m + n))
n+1≡1+n zero n = refl
n+1≡1+n (suc m) n = cong suc (n+1≡1+n m n)
data odd : Nat → Set
data even : Nat → Set
data even where
ezero :
even zero
esuc : ∀ {n : Nat}
→ odd n
→ even (suc n)
data odd where
osuc : ∀ { n : Nat }
→ even n
→ odd (suc n)
e+e≡e : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ even m
→ even n
→ even (m + n)
o+e≡o : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ odd m
→ even n
→ odd (m + n)
e+e≡e ezero en = en
e+e≡e (esuc om) en = esuc (o+e≡o om en)
o+e≡o (osuc em) en = osuc (e+e≡e em en)
-- Prove commutativity of even based on a known proof for commutativity of suc.
e-comm : forall {m n : Nat} -> even (suc (m + n)) -> even (m + (suc n))
e-comm {m} {n} esmn = transport {B = even} (comm (n+1≡1+n m n)) esmn -- transport needs hinting what B is
-- otherwise Agda cannot infer what B is based on the definition as found in this snippet
-- the error may seem a bit obscure, but you can see it is wrangling with
-- the dependent type of B:
-- Failed to solve the following constraints:
-- _74 := λ {m} {n} esmn → transport (comm (n+1≡1+n m n)) (_72 esmn)
-- [blocked on problem 166]
-- [165] (even (suc (m + n))) =< (_B_73 (suc (m + n))) : Set
-- [166] _B_73 (m + suc n) =< even (m + suc n) : Set
-- _71 := (λ {m} {n} esmn → esmn) [blocked on problem 165]
-- See, it is stuck trying to work out a type _B_73 such that even
-- would be a subtype of it, and a different even would be a supertype of it.
o+o≡e : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ odd m
→ odd n
→ even (m + n)
o+o≡e {m} om (osuc en) = e-comm {m} (esuc (o+e≡o om en)) -- Agda had a problem working out m, so extracting it from implicits
-- Failed to solve the following constraints:
-- _81 := λ {.n} {.m} om en → e-comm (_80 om en)
-- [blocked on problem 188]
-- [188, 189] _m_74 om en + suc (_n_75 om en) = .m + suc .n : Nat
-- _79 := λ {.n} {.m} om en → esuc (o+e≡o om en)
-- [blocked on problem 185]
-- [185, 186, 187] .m + .n = _m_74 om en + _n_75 om en : Nat
-- See, if e-comm is not given {m} and {n}, then it is stuck working out
-- _m_74
transport joining dependent types is one of the key concepts. For example, congruence and commutativity of _==_ can be reduced to transport:
-- congruence
cong : forall {A B : Set} {x y : A} -> (f : A -> B) -> (x == y) -> (f x) == (f y)
cong {x = x} f xy = transport {B = (\y -> (f x) == (f y))} -- just making explicit that B is a type (f x) == (f _)
xy refl -- this refl is of type (f x) == (f x), which gets transported along x == y to (f x) == (f y)
-- commutativity of _==_
comm : forall {A : Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> y == x
comm {x = x} xy = transport {B = (_== x)} xy refl -- this refl is of type x == x, which gets transported along x == y to y == x

How to convert the J axiom to the fixed-argument form?

I was trying to prove that true ≡ false -> Empty assuming the J axiom. It is defined as:
J : Type
J = forall
{A : Set}
{C : (x y : A) → (x ≡ y) → Set} →
(c : ∀ x → C x x refl) →
(x y : A) →
(p : x ≡ y) →
C x y p
My attempt went like this:
bad : J → true ≡ false -> Empty
bad j e = j Bool (λ { true _ _ => Unit; false _ _ => Empty }) _
Now, to proceed with the proof, I needed a term c : ∀ x -> C x x refl. Since I instantiated C, it becomes c : ∀ x -> (λ { true _ _ => Unit; false _ _ => Empty } x x refl. Then I got stuck. c can't reduce further because we don't know the value of x. I wasn't able to complete this proof. But there is a different version of J:
J' : Type
J' = forall
{A : Set}
{x : A}
{C : (y : A) → (x ≡ y) → Set} →
(c : C x refl) →
(y : A) →
(p : x ≡ y) →
C y p
With this one, this problem is solved, because t can be fixed to be true. This makes the c argument reduce to Unit, which we can provide. My question is: can we convert the former version to the later? That is, can we build a term fix_x : J → J'? Does that hold in general (i.e., can indices be converted to parameters)?
First, regarding true ≡ false -> Empty: this is unprovable if you can only eliminate into Set0 with J, so you need an universe polymorphic or large definition. I write some preliminaries here:
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level
data Bool : Set where true false : Bool
data Empty : Set where
record Unit : Set where
constructor tt
JTy : ∀ {i j} → Set _
JTy {i}{j} =
{A : Set i}
(P : (x y : A) → (x ≡ y) → Set j) →
(pr : ∀ x → P x x refl) →
{x y : A} →
(p : x ≡ y) →
P x y p
J : ∀ {i}{j} → JTy {i}{j}
J P pr {x} refl = pr x
J₀ = J {zero}{zero}
Now, transport or subst is the only needed thing for true ≡ false -> Empty:
transp : ∀ {i j}{A : Set i}(P : A → Set j){x y} → x ≡ y → P x → P y
transp P = J (λ x y _ → P x -> P y) (λ _ px → px)
true≢false : true ≡ false → Empty
true≢false e = transp (λ {true → Unit; false → Empty}) e tt
Considering now proving the pointed J' from J, I know about three solutions, and each uses different features from the ambient theory.
The simplest one is to use universes to abstract over the induction motive:
JTy' : ∀ {i j} → Set _
JTy' {i}{j} =
{A : Set i}
{x : A}
(P : ∀ y → x ≡ y → Set j)
(pr : P x refl)
{y : A}
(p : x ≡ y)
→ P y p
JTy→JTy' : (∀ {i j} → JTy {i}{j}) → ∀ {i}{j} → JTy' {i}{j}
JTy→JTy' J {i} {j} {A} {x} P pr {y} e =
J (λ x y e → (P : ∀ y → x ≡ y → Set j) → P x refl → P y e)
(λ x P pr → pr) e P pr
If we only want to use a fixed universe level, then it is a bit more complicated. The following solution, sometimes called "contractible singletons", needs Σ-types, but nothing else:
open import Data.Product
JTy→JTy'withΣ : JTy {zero}{zero} → JTy' {zero}{zero}
JTy→JTy'withΣ J {A} {x} P pr {y} e =
J (λ {(x , r) (y , e) _ → P x r → P y e})
(λ _ px → px)
(J (λ x y e → (x , refl) ≡ (y , e))
(λ _ → refl)
There is a solution which doesn't even need Σ-s, but requires the beta rule for J, which says that J P pr {x} refl = pr x. It doesn't matter whether this rule holds definitionally or just as a propositional equality, but the construction is simpler when it holds definitionally, so let's do that. Note that I don't use any universe other than Set0.
transp₀ = transp {zero}{zero}
transp2 : ∀ {A : Set}{B : A → Set}(C : ∀ a → B a → Set)
{x y : A}(e : x ≡ y){b} → C x b → C y (transp₀ B e b)
transp2 {A}{B} C {x}{y} e {b} cxb =
J₀ (λ x y e → ∀ b → C x b → C y (transp₀ B e b)) (λ _ _ cxb → cxb) e b cxb
JTy→JTy'noΣU : JTy' {zero}{zero}
JTy→JTy'noΣU {A} {x} P pr {y} e =
transp₀ (P y) (J₀ (λ x y e → transp₀ (x ≡_) e refl ≡ e) (λ _ → refl) e)
(transp2 {A} {λ y → x ≡ y} P e pr)
Philosophically, the third version is the most "conservative", since it only assumes J. The addition of the beta rule is not really an extra thing, since it is always assumed to hold (definitionally or propositionally) for _≡_.
can indices be converted to parameters?
If you have propositional equality, then all indices can be converted to parameters, and fixed in constructors using equality proofs.

How exactly can cong be well-typed?

I was looking at the definition of cong:
cong : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} (f : A → B) {x y} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
cong f refl = refl
And I couldn't understand why it is well-typed. In particular, it seems like the implicit argument of refl must be both f x and f y. To make things more clear, I wrote a non-implicit version of equality, and attempted to replicate the proof:
data Eq : (A : Set) -> A -> A -> Set where
refl : (A : Set) -> (x : A) -> Eq A x x
cong : (A : Set) -> (B : Set) -> (f : A -> B) ->
(x : A) -> (y : A) -> (e : Eq A x y) -> Eq B (f x) (f y)
cong A B f x y e = refl B (f x)
This results in a type error:
x != y of type A when checking that the expression refl B (f x) has type Eq B (f x) (f y)
As one would expect. What could I possibly have instead of (f x)? Am I missing something?
Dependent pattern matching at your service.
If we make a hole in your cong
cong : (A : Set) -> (B : Set) -> (f : A -> B) ->
(x : A) -> (y : A) -> (e : Eq A x y) -> Eq B (f x) (f y)
cong A B f x y e = {!refl B (f x)!}
and look into it, we'll see
Goal: Eq B (f x) (f y)
Have: Eq B (f x) (f x)
so the values are indeed different. But once you pattern match on e:
cong : (A : Set) -> (B : Set) -> (f : A -> B) ->
(x : A) -> (y : A) -> (e : Eq A x y) -> Eq B (f x) (f y)
cong A B f x y (refl .A .x) = {!refl B (f x)!}
the fact that x is the same thing as y is revealed and the context is silently rewritten: each occurrence of y is replaced by x, so looking into the hole we now see
Goal: Eq B (f x) (f x)
Have: Eq B (f x) (f x)
Note that we can write
cong A B f x .x (refl .A .x) = refl B (f x)
i.e. do not bind y at all and just say that it's the same as x via a dot-pattern. We gained this information by pattern matching on e : Eq A x y, because once the match is performed we know that it's e : Eq A x x actually, because that's what the type signature of refl says. Unification of Eq A x y and Eq A x x results in a trivial conclusion: y equals x and the whole context is adjusted accordingly.
That's the same logic as with Haskell GADTs:
data Value a where
ValueInt :: Int -> Value Int
ValueBool :: Bool -> Value Bool
eval :: Value a -> a
eval (ValueInt i) = i
eval (ValueBool b) = b
when you match on ValueInt and get i of type Int, you also reveal that a equals Int and add this knowledge to the context (via an equality constraint) which makes a and Int unifiable later. That is how we're able to return i as a result: because a from the type signature and Int unify perfectly as we know from the context.

How to pattern match against absurd / unconstructable Type?

From what I understand these two definitions a̶r̶e̶ ̶e̶q̶u̶i̶v̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ represent the same behaviour:
data _<_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
lt-zero : {n : ℕ} → zero < suc n
lt-suc : {m n : ℕ} → m < n → (suc m) < (suc n)
lt : ℕ → ℕ → Bool
lt _ zero = false
lt zero (suc n) = true
lt (suc m) (suc n) = m < n
Except that _<_ can be more easily used to prove things about itself, and lt, from what I have found, is easier to use for programming other behaviours. For example I can see how I can easily define a min function using lt:
min : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
min x y where lt x y
... | true = x
... | false = y
Is there a way for me to define min and other similar functions using _<_? From what I have found there is no way to pattern match x < y if y is less than x. Is there a different method to use _<_ in these cases?
EDIT: Would adding a not-true case to _<_ be a sensible idea?
̶E̶D̶I̶T̶ ̶2̶:̶ ̶O̶r̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶'̶c̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶'̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶?̶
EDIT 3: I have changed the below definition of min, in order to be able to omit proofs for x <? y when using min.
data _<?_ (n m : ℕ) : Set where
isLT : n < m → n <? m
notLT : m ≤ n → n <? m
min : (x y : ℕ) → {p : x <? y} → ℕ
min x y (isLT _) = x
min x y (notLT _) = y
This did not work as expected. If I true to evaluate min 1 2, using C-c C-n, it returns min 1 2. I can get it to return the min, if I give it a proof, however if I evaluate min 2 1 (isLT _) it returns 2, instead of giving me an error message. Is there a way for me to define min using _<_, so that Agda could evaluate min 1 2?
There is a way to eliminate impossible patterns in Agda. Using your definition of _<_
you can try to prove transitivity to illustrate this.
le-trans : ∀ {m n k} → m < n → n < k → m < k
le-trans {k = k} lt-zero b = {!!}
le-trans (lt-suc a) (lt-suc b) = lt-suc (le-trans a b)
Goal: 0 < k
b : suc .n < k
We pattern match on the first argument, the step case is a simple application of the hypothesis. In the base case, we have to pattern match on k since the base constructor of your data type says zero < suc n, but we don't know anything about k yet. Upon pattern matching on k we see two cases
le-trans : ∀ {m n k} → m < n → n < k → m < k
le-trans {k = zero} lt-zero b = {!!}
le-trans {k = suc k} lt-zero b = {!!}
le-trans (lt-suc a) (lt-suc b) = lt-suc (le-trans a b)
In the first one, we see something impossible, i.e, Goal: 0 < zero and we have an element of type b : suc .n < zero, which cannot occur. Then, you can pattern match on b and Agda will see that you cannot construct such thing and will eliminate this case le-trans {k = zero} lt-zero (). Whereas in the other case, you can prove it with the base constructor.
le-trans : ∀ {m n k} → m < n → n < k → m < k
le-trans {k = zero} lt-zero ()
le-trans {k = suc k} lt-zero b = lt-zero
le-trans (lt-suc a) (lt-suc b) = lt-suc (le-trans a b)
Therefore, defining a not-true case in datatypes is not appropriate. You define how elements are constructed. Your last definition of _<?_ makes sense and can be, in fact, used.
Edit on min
Once you have the inductive relation for _<?_, you can work as follows. Define a function that gives you m <? n and then for the min function, do a with abstraction calling that function.
data _≥_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
get-z : ∀ {n} → n ≥ zero
get-s : ∀ {m n} → m ≥ n → (suc m) ≥ (suc n)
data _<?_ (n m : ℕ) : Set where
y-< : n < m → n <? m
n-< : n ≥ m → n <? m
f<? : (m n : ℕ) → m <? n
f<? zero zero = n-< get-z
f<? zero (suc n) = y-< lt-zero
f<? (suc m) zero = n-< get-z
f<? (suc m) (suc n) with f<? m n
f<? (suc m) (suc n) | y-< x = y-< (lt-suc x)
f<? (suc m) (suc n) | n-< x = n-< (get-s x)
min : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
min x y with f<? x y
min x y | y-< _ = x
min x y | n-< _ = y

Implementation of Transitivity of Equality in Agda (HoTT)

After hours of trying different versions of it, I give up. I just want to typecheck a proof of the transitivity of equality as stated in the HoTT-Book. I'm new to Agda so it might be just a small flaw or perhaps a bigger one... dont know. I consulted different libs for HoTT in Agda, but the ones I found had (in my eyes) rather complex solutions.
trans : ∀ {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) (x y : A)
→ (x == y) → (z : A) → (y == z) → (x == z)
trans A x y = pathInd (λ p → (z : A) → (y == z) → (x == z))
(λ x → pathInd (λ x → (z : A) → (x == z) → (x == z))) (λ x → refl x))
Its based on the following implementation of path induction.
pathInd : ∀ {m n} {A : Type m} (P : {x y : A} → (x == y) → Type n) →
(∀ x → P (refl x)) → ∀ {x y} (p : (x == y)) → P p
pathInd P r (refl x) = r _
Thanks for any help.
