Disable LiveReload with Yeoman - yeoman

When testing in IE8, LiveReload throws errors since web sockets is not supported. Is there a way to configure yeoman to disable LiveReload?

IE8 isn't supported by Yeoman, for good reason.
However, you could do what Allan describes, or you could override the server task, by putting this in your Gruntfile:
grunt.registerTask('server', 'yeoman-server');

Try to use <!--[if !IE]><!--></body><!--<![endif]--><!--[if IE]></body><!--<![endif]--> instead of </body>.
Generator would try to replace first </body> element and add livereload snippet before it, so code would be placed in invisible for IE space.
P.S. It`s dirty hack so use this carefuly

Put this in your Gruntfile:
grunt.registerHelper('reload:inject', function () {
return function inject(req, res, next) {
return next();

Yes there is one I know.
Go to your project folder and find the file Gruntfile.js
Open the file in a editor
Remove the reload: in watch:
It will look something like this:
// default watch configuration
watch: {
coffee: {
files: 'app/scripts/**/*.coffee',
tasks: 'coffee reload'
compass: {
files: [
tasks: 'compass reload'
reload: {
files: [
tasks: 'reload'
And after you have removed it something like this:
// default watch configuration
watch: {
coffee: {
files: 'app/scripts/**/*.coffee',
tasks: 'coffee reload'
compass: {
files: [
tasks: 'compass reload'
I think i have seen a commandline flag, but I was unable to find it.

Yeoman Livereload consists of two parts: the middleware that inserts the livereload snippet, and the livereload target in the watch task. To disable livereload, remove both:
Livereload snippet at the top of the Gruntfile:
// Generated on ...
'use strict';
var LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35729; // <- Delete this
var lrSnippet = require('connect-livereload')({port: LIVERELOAD_PORT}); // <- Delete this
var mountFolder = function (connect, dir) {
return connect.static(require('path').resolve(dir));
Livereload task in Watch:
watch: {
// Delete this target
livereload: {
options: {
files: [
And the middleware that inserts the snippet:
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: 'localhost'
livereload: {
options: {
middleware: function (connect) {
return [
lrSnippet, // <- Delete this middleware
mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.app)
For updates on fixing the livereload-connect issues in Yeoman, track this issue: https://github.com/yeoman/generator-webapp/issues/63


Browsersync is running but does not refresh the page

I have MacOS + installed Docker container by Mark Shust (https://github.com/markshust/docker-magento) + installed browsersync on the host.
Magento has ".less" files in the folder: app/design/frontend. I set a folder as a current one in the cli. And run this command from the host:
browser-sync start --host "domain.test" --proxy "https://domain.test" --files "**/*.less" --https
I get this output:
[Browsersync] Proxying: https://domain.test
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
Local: https://localhost:3000
External: https://domain.test:3000
UI: http://localhost:3002
UI External: http://localhost:3002
[Browsersync] Watching files...
I can open https://domain.test and it works properly. http://localhost:3002 shows that there are no current connections. However, the output in the cli infoms: "[Browsersync] Reloading Browsers..."
if i change less, i still can find changes on the website but only after a manual reload.
The documentation mentions grunt configuration and there are some recipes as an example. I tried to use standard magento's file but it does not help. It looks like this:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
watch: {
files: 'app/design/**/*.less',
tasks: ['less']
browserSync: {
dev: {
bsFiles: {
src : [
options: {
watchTask: true,
server: './'
// load npm tasks
// define default task
grunt.registerTask('default', ['browserSync', 'watch']);
var _ = require('underscore'),
path = require('path'),
filesRouter = require('./dev/tools/grunt/tools/files-router'),
configDir = './dev/tools/grunt/configs',
tasks = grunt.file.expand('./dev/tools/grunt/tasks/*'),
filesRouter.set('themes', 'dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes');
themes = filesRouter.get('themes');
tasks = _.map(tasks, function (task) {
return task.replace('.js', '');
tasks.forEach(function (task) {
require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
configPath: path.join(__dirname, configDir),
init: true,
jitGrunt: {
staticMappings: {
usebanner: 'grunt-banner'
* Assembling tasks.
* ToDo: define default tasks.
default: function () {
grunt.log.subhead('I\'m default task and at the moment I\'m empty, sorry :/');
* Production preparation task.
prod: function (component) {
var tasks = [
].map(function (task) {
return task + ':' + component;
if (typeof component === 'undefined') {
grunt.log.subhead('Tip: Please make sure that u specify prod subtask. By default prod task do nothing');
} else {
* Refresh themes.
refresh: function () {
var tasks = [
_.each(themes, function (theme, name) {
tasks.push('less:' + name);
* Documentation
documentation: [
'legacy-build': [
spec: function (theme) {
var runner = require('./dev/tests/js/jasmine/spec_runner');
runner.init(grunt, { theme: theme });
}, function (task, name) {
grunt.registerTask(name, task);
Should it work without gruntjs running? And why the page reload is not triggered?
PS: I did not place this question into https://magento.stackexchange.com/ cause i believe it's a general problem and not related to Magento.

Getting Karma, 6to5ify and Istanbul to play ball

I have Browserify, 6to5ify and Karma to play nice, successfully running my specs. When I add code coverage however, things go south. I've tried several approaches:
Add browserify-istanbul transform to my karma.conf.js. However, this results in it trying to run instrumentation on my spec-files as well it would appear.
Run coverage preprocessor on my source files. But because istanbul (even douglasduteil/karma-coverage#next) doesn't read my 6to5ify browserify transform, this crashes immediately on the first file it tries to parse (because of the import statement), or when I use karma-coverage#next, it doesn't respect the browser mapping in my package.json (mobile project, mapped Backbone to Exoskeleton).
Right now my karma.conf.js looks like this:
module.exports = function(karma){
frameworks: ["browserify", "mocha", "chai-sinon"],
browserify: {
debug: true,
extensions: [".js", ".hbs"],
transform: ["6to5ify", "hbsfy"]
reporters: ["dots", "osx", "junit", "coverage"],
coverageReporter: {
type: "text"
junitReporter: {
outputFile: "spec/reports/test-results.xml"
preprocessors: {
"src/javascript/**/*": ["coverage"],
"spec/**/*": ["browserify"]
browsers: ["PhantomJS"],
files: ["spec/unit/**/*Spec.js"],
logLevel: "LOG_DEBUG",
autoWatch: true
I'm kind of lost how to get this all working together. I tried following these instructions, but that didn't work because it didn't follow my browser node in package.json. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So, apparently I need browserify-istanbul, and I need the browserify configure hook, like so:
var to5ify = require('6to5ify');
var hbsfy = require('hbsfy');
var cover = require('browserify-istanbul');
var coverOptions = {
ignore: ['**/*Spec.js', '**/lib/*.js', '**/fixtures/*.hbs'],
defaultIgnore: true
module.exports = function(karma){
frameworks: ["browserify", "mocha", "chai-sinon"],
browserify: {
debug: false,
extensions: [".js", ".hbs"],
configure: function(bundle){
bundle.on('prebundle', function(){
reporters: ["dots", "osx", "junit", "coverage"],
coverageReporter: {
type: "text"
junitReporter: {
outputFile: "spec/reports/test-results.xml"
preprocessors: {
"spec/**/*": ["browserify"]
browsers: ["PhantomJS"],
files: ["spec/unit/**/*Spec.js"],
logLevel: "LOG_DEBUG",
autoWatch: true

how to control how wiredep generates bower file path and how to control which files is added/removed

my app has directory as follows
app -> appName -> index.html (js,css)
and for some reason, this appName wrapper folder is messing up wiredire
{ dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts/vendor.js',
[ '../bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js',
'../bower_components/angular-route/angular-route.js' ] },
this is what would've been produced if directory is as follows
app -> index.html(js,css)
{ dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts/vendor.js',
[ 'bower_components/es5-shim/es5-shim.js',
'bower_components/angular-route/angular-route.js' ] },
and wiredep does change the index.html's script content and how can I control that flow? sometimes its stripping out angular-sanitize from its script[src]
You Should use the replace option of wiredep:
fileTypes: {
html: {
replace: {
js: '<script src="/app/appName/{{filePath}}"></script>'
Will generate:
<script src="/app/appName/bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
This is my gulp setup (same principle apply to Grunt, just pass the same options to it).
gulp.task('wiredep' , function()
return gulp.src('./app/index.html')
'ignorePath': '../'
You can look at the wiredep source code in the lib/inject-dependencies.js (line:80~85)
map(function (filePath) {
return $.path.join(
$.path.relative($.path.dirname(file), $.path.dirname(filePath)),
).replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(ignorePath, '');
It just replace the bit you supply (or not if you don't give it one).
Hope that helps.
Have you tried adding cwd to the options block?
// Automatically inject Bower components into the app
wiredep: {
options: {
cwd: 'app/appName'

yeoman nodemon watching to many files use --watch to reduce

Using the yeoman generator-angular-fullstack.
When launched with grunt serve:debug
I get:
[nodemon] watching 38,946 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch".
How \ where do I add this '--watch' so it only monitors specific folders?
Grunt nodemon's config format has been changed.
nodemon: {
dev: {
script: 'index.js',
options: {
args: ['dev'],
nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
callback: function (nodemon) {
nodemon.on('log', function (event) {
env: {
PORT: '8181'
cwd: __dirname,
ignore: ['node_modules/**'],
ext: 'js,coffee',
watch: ['server'],
delay: 1,
legacyWatch: true
exec: {
options: {
exec: 'less'
Please refer https://github.com/ChrisWren/grunt-nodemon for detal.

Grunt Livereload + Grunt Connect Proxy

I am using Rails for my API, AngularJS on the front and I am having some issues getting livereload / grunt connect proxy to work properly.
Here is the snippet from my gruntfile:
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
// Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
hostname: 'localhost',
livereload: 35729
proxies: [
context: '/api',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000
livereload: {
options: {
open: true,
base: [
'<%= yeoman.app %>'
middleware: function (connect, options) {
var middlewares = [];
var directory = options.directory || options.base[options.base.length - 1];
// enable Angular's HTML5 mode
middlewares.push(modRewrite(['!\\.html|\\.js|\\.svg|\\.css|\\.png$ /index.html [L]']));
if (!Array.isArray(options.base)) {
options.base = [options.base];
options.base.forEach(function(base) {
// Serve static files.
// Make directory browse-able.
return middlewares;
test: {
options: {
port: 9001,
base: [
'<%= yeoman.app %>'
dist: {
options: {
base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
If I 'grunt build' everything works perfectly - off localhost:3000
However if I 'grunt serve' it opens a window through and I get 404 to all my API calls.
Also under serve it is mangling my background images from a CSS file I get this warning:
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: ""
I haven't done this before - so chances are I am doing it all wrong.
I don't like too much code in your connect.livereload.middleware configuration.
Is that all necessary ?
Take a look at this commit - chore(yeoman-gruntfile-update): configured grunt-connect-proxy in some of my projects.
backend is Django
ports: frontend: 9000, backend: 8000
generator-angular was in v.0.6.0 when generating the project
my connect.livereload.middleware configuration was based on: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19403176/1432478
This is an old post, but please make sure that you actually initialize the proxy in the grunt serve task by calling configureProxies before livereload.
Should work fine afterwards.
I have a similar problem with you but I have no use yeoman.
My solution is to add the task 'configureProxies'.
this is my tasks:
grunt.registerTask('serve', ['connect:livereload','configureProxies',
'open:server', 'watch']);
and,'connect:livereload','configureProxies'——After my test, the order of these two tasks will not affect the results.
github grunt-connect-proxy
