How to combine simple d3.js chart (for example with jQuery.ui range slider?
With this slider I'd to control x-axis scale (begging and end of data series). I expect that my chart will contain large data set and ideally it should be done without redrawing the whole chart.
If you do not mind redrawing the points, then controlling the beginning and end of the x-axis with a scale can be achieved by changing the domain of x in the callback methods of the jQuery range slider.
To make this pretty you can do this using a transition and by adding a clipping rectangle.
The range slider callbacks would look something like this:
<div id="slider">
$(function() {
$( "#slider" ).slider({
range: true,
min: 0,
max: data.length-1,
values: [0,6],
slide: function( event, ui ) {
var maxv = d3.min([ui.values[1], data.length]);
var minv = d3.max([ui.values[0], 0]);;
//this is the main bit where the domain of x is readjusted
x.domain([minv, maxv-1]);
//apply the change in x to the x-axis using a transition
//apply the change in x to the path (this would be your svg:path)
.select(".path").attr("d", line(data));
I added this together with the clipping to get Is this the kind of scaling of the x-axis that you imagined? It does redraw the path and the x-axis but I am not sure how you can avoid redrawing that seeing how you want it to change.
I'd like to get some datalabels showing inside segments of a doughnut chart where there is suitable space to do so.
I know I can use negative distance values on the the data labels config options, but I wonder how I can achieve this dynamically based on the values\size of the segments.
Is such a technique achievable? Can I have a mix of data labels outside of the segments connected with lines (connectors) and others inside the actual segments?
My starting point so far based off the official highcharts example pie chart code:
You can for example use chart.load event and change distance, x or y properties for an individual point. For example:
events: {
load: function() {
this.series[0].points.forEach(point => {
if (point.y > 5) {
dataLabels: {
distance: -50
// avoid redraw after each update
}, false);
Live demo:
API Reference:
I am attempting to create a bar graph that when independent sliders are moved they change two bar graph svg heights at the same time and they are stacked, they are different colors show it shows two separate values in the same graph, basically showing growth vs the current. I am using jquery-ui and D3.js. Currently it only moves the one svg elements instead of both at the same time, Id like them both to move at the same time.
<div id="slider" class="slider">
<label for="amount">Age</label>
<input type="text" id="amount1" style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
<div id="slider1" class="slider">
<label for="amount2">Retirement Age</label>
<input type="text" id="amount2" style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
//initialize sliders
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
max: 100
min: 18
max: 100
min: 18
//slider actions
$("#slider, #slider1").slider({
value: 10,
animate: "fast" ,
slide: function (event, ui) {
//capture the value of the specified slider
var selection = $("#slider").slider("value");
var selection1 = $("#slider1").slider("value");
//fill the input box with the slider value
$( "#amount1" ).val( selection );
$( "#amount2" ).val( selection1 );
//set width and height, actually I'm a little confused what this is for
var w = 200;
var h = 200;
//data arrays for svgs
var dataset = [];
var dataset1 = [];
//fill the data arrays with slider values
dataset.push(selection1 + selection);
//draw rectangle on the page
var rectangle = svg.selectAll("rect")
.classed("collapse", true)
//I draw the second rectangle here, however I choose the same svg element,
//Im not sure what other way to get it to appear in the same space but
//I am sure this is what is causing my issues
var rectangle1 = svg.selectAll("rect")
.classed("collapse", true)
//not sure what this does
rectangle.attr("width", 200).transition().attr("fill", "#A02222").attr("height", function (d) { console.log('d is ' + d);
return d;
}).attr("x", function (d) {
return 40; //I dont know why I return 40?
}).attr("y", function (d) {
return 40; //Same here dont know why I return 40?
rectangle1.attr("width", 200).transition().attr("height", function (d) { console.log('d is ' + d);
return d;
}).attr("x", function (d) {
return 40; //I dont know why I return 40?
}).attr("y", function (d) {
return 40; //Same here dont know why I return 40?
// slider actions ends here
//Create SVG element
var svg =".svgContain").append("svg").attr("width", 125).attr("height", 300);
For starters, you may want to follow this tutorial:
The "return 40;" that you are wondering about are actually what will specify the position and dimensions of the rect's you're appending to the svg. Those shouldn't just be 40, they should be bound to values in the data set, or based on the index of the bar's series in the set of series or something more meaningful than 40.
There is a stacked bar chart data processor that will take a set of series and spit out a new set of series coordinate definitions that make it easier to calculate how rect's will stack in svg coordinate space:
Then, there's the more general issue of how to deal with these "nested" data sets where you have series, and in the series there are values and you don't want to have to manually track and select individual series. There are several ways to handle this sort of situation. If you know you will only ever have two series, and you really want fine-grained control over each independently, you could assign the top level object an id and then start the data join for each of the plots by selecting that top level object by id... eg:
var container1 ="#myContainer1);
var container2 ="#myContainer2);
If you do something like that, the first select basically sets the context of the subsequent selects. So, only the rects inside of the "#myContainer1" or "#myContainer2" will get selected by each "selectAll" based on which context you're in.
The other approach is to use nested selections. Nested selections are a little more complicated to wrap your head around, but 90% of the time, this is the approach I use. With nested selections, you would restructure your data slightly and then apply nested selects/joins to bind each series to a dom element and then the values of each series to subelements of each of the series dom elements.
First, read this:
and then try making your data something more like this:
data = [
{ key: "series1", values: [...]},
{ key: "series2", values: [...]}
Then, you will want to do a nested selection where you start with a selection of the "data" array and bind it to whatever svg or html element you have that wraps each of the two series.
var series ="svg").selectAll("g.series")
.data(data, function(d){return d.key; });
series.enter().append("g").attr("class", "series");
At this point, d3 will have added a "g" element to your svg element for each series and bound the series object (including the key and values array) to the appended elements. Next, you can make a nested selection to add series-specific elements to the g element... ie:
var rect = series.selectAll("rect").data(function(d) { return d.values });
Note that we used a function in our ".data(...)" call. That's because the values we want passed to the join actually depend on which specific series is being processed by D3.
Now, you'd have a rect added to the g element for each value in each series. Since you used d3 to do the data binding and you used the key function in the first select (".data(data, function(d){return d.key;}"), future selects done in the same nested/keyed manner will update the right g and rect elements.
Here's a Fiddle that demonstrates the concept:
A key takeaway is that you can update the data (including adding additional series) and the whole thing will redraw correctly according to the new nested join.
I'm using reveal.js ( together with Highcharts JS but i have problems with tooltips position. For example, if i use a line with the months on the x axis, when i put the mouse over the point in january the tooltip its ok, but when i put the mouse over december the tooltip shows me the october data. The tooltip for each month is displaced more and more.
You can see to see the problem
This may be problem with Highcharts which us already reported here. Also there is suggested workaround:
reveal.js autoscales the viewport with a css zoom tag. If you inspect class="slides" div, you'll see something like this:
<div class="slides" style="width: 960px; height: 700px; zoom: 0.8331428571428572;">
Here the content (the chart) is scaled 80% of normal size and Highcharts loses it's ability to calculate positions properly if the chart is scaled outside of its control.
With that knowledge, a quick stack overflow search talks about the ability to force 'reveal.js` to not auto-scale content.
You must overwrite the normalize of the H.Pointer.prototype (referenced WRAPPING UP A PLUGIN). Add the following code to document.ready function (maybe somewhere else works, I guess). The reasons are:
reveal.js has separate ways when zoom>1 and zoom<1, e.g., zoom:1.25 and transform:scale(0.75).
So, when a section has several charts and zoom>1, must adjust e.chartX by e.pageX.
(function (H) {
H.wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'normalize', function (proceed, e) {
var e =,e);
var zoom = Reveal.getScale();
if(zoom>1) {
var positionX = e.pageX - e.chartX;
var positionY = e.pageY - e.chartY;
e.chartX = Math.round((e.pageX - positionX*zoom)/zoom);
e.chartY = Math.round((e.pageY - positionY*zoom)/zoom);
} else {
e.chartX = Math.round(e.chartX/zoom);
e.chartY = Math.round(e.chartY/zoom);
return e;
I made a small code for panning in yAxis, but its a little slow. it becomes faster if I increase the value of tickInterval. But the downside is that with increased tickInterval, the code starts working oddly when I drag the mouse for less than the tickInterval size (try changing tickInterval to 500 in my fiddle and then drag mouse for a minute increment.
My link to jsfiddle.
Pertinent Code:
var mouseY;
.mousedown(function(event) {
.mousemove(function(e) {
var wasDragging = isDragging;
if (wasDragging) {
if(yVar!=0) {
.mouseup(function (e) {
isDragging = false;
Will also appreciate if someone can provide an alternate route to converting pixels (e.pageY) to y co-ordinate. As you can see in code, currently I am doing a workaround.
I included translate function in this jsfiddle and have put logic such that the panning happens only at mouseup and not at mousemove. The issue I am currently facing is that if the drag is less than tick interval, not only does the code pan, but it also zooms. I presume its happening because the change in yAxis min and max occurs at a floor for min and ceiling for max.
There are a few problems here. Firstly, when you call setExtremes, your range gets bigger ( causing the zoom effect). This is because you are not moving by an exact tick interval. You can cure this by setting set/end on tick on the y axis to false:
yAxis: {
min: -50,
tickInterval: 500,
The way to convert pixels to coordinates is to use 'translate'. I changed your first jsfiddle as follows:
if(yVar<-50 || yVar > 50) {
mouseY = e.pageY;
yVarDelta = chart.yAxis[0].translate(e.pageY) - chart.yAxis[0].translate(e.pageY - yVarDelta);
You can change the scroll amount by changing the calculation of yVarDelta.
Note, I put a range check on the yVar so that we don't redisplay unless the mouse has moved a given amount, and reset the valu of mouseY.
This may not do exactly what you want, but it should be enough for you to modify it as required.
I am using the plugin the ColumnFilter to render filters for each column in Datatables.
ColumnFilter renders two input boxes (From & To) in order to perform 'range' filtering of a table.
I am trying to replace these input boxes with a jqueryUI slider but cannot seem to make it work.
I have managed to make a slider control two separate 'from' & 'too' inputs with the following code:
$(function() {
var $slider = $('#Slider'),
$lower = $('input#Min'),
$upper = $('input#Max'),
min_rent = 0,
max_rent = 400;
orientation: 'horizontal',
range: true,
animate: 200,
min: 0,
max: 400,
step: 1,
value: 0,
values: [min_rent, max_rent],
slide: function(event,ui) {
$lower.change(function () {
var low = $lower.val(),
high = $upper.val();
low = Math.min(low, high);
$slider.slider('values', 0, low);
$upper.change(function () {
var low = $lower.val(),
high = $upper.val();
high = Math.max(low, high);
$slider.slider('values', 1, high);
This works fine and I can see the values change in the two input boxes change as I move the slider.
However, when I swap the input#Min and inut#Max element for the the two input boxes that are rendered by the ColumnFilter plugin. Nothing seems to happen. I cannot see any values update in the input boxes and the table does not auto sort as expected.
Perhaps I am approaching this the wrong way? Is there any other way to make a slider work with Datatables and the Columnfilter plugin?
Many thanks!
The two input boxes used for filtering are being 'listened to' for change event but updating the values via UI sliders does not trigger this.
I had a similar problem and ended up just forcing change() on sliderstop (event triggered by slider on mouseup) because of the dynamic content being loaded on change which I didn't want changing on slide, but you could force change() on slide too.
after updating the values with val();
Should work :)