Getting twitter replies - twitter

Is it possible to get replies (tweets) for a given tweet in twitter? I am searching for a API in twitter but couldn't find the same. Can some one help me on this?
That is an experimental API.
By experimental API, this means that until we officially document it on, it's not necessarily production-ready and could be unstable both in the parameters it takes and the format of its responses. It also may just disappear one day.
As for related_results itself, it won't necessarily return every reply for a tweet nor are its responses necessarily limited to just replies. That said, for your own personal use or experimentation you may find some utility in the method. If you choose to use it in any software you're developing, I would proactively wrap its use with significant exception handling.


Yahoo finance no longer work?

I used to get exhange rate from yahoo finance api by javascript with following url:,eur=x/quote?format=json
but now it no longer work! I have search on the net but no luck.
Any help would be great, Thank!
Update: it is working if open with chrome mobile
Yes, it seems like Yahoo! has discontinued the (private, mostly-undocumented) Yahoo Finance API that many have been using for their currency data. All responses seem to be returning "Not a valid parameter". I suppose there's a chance they may switch it back on, but they don't officially support that API anywhere as far as I can tell.
I created Open Exchange Rates about five years ago, and our exchange rate API now supports a community of tens of thousands of developers - and their tens of millions of users - with accurate, up-to-date information.
Please feel welcome to check out our Forever Free service at
Our API is in a simple, original JSON format, which has actually caught on as a standard method for displaying rates because it's so simple to work with (unlike the Yahoo API, which required you to parse the obscure nested objects to pull out the basic info you needed...)
If you need assistance porting from the deprecated Yahoo! API, we'll be happy to assist via email.
(I am the founder of Open Exchange Rates.)
indrakula is right, and their response helped me, but...
I also needed to retrieve exchange rate tickers (i.e. USDGBP=X). This was not trivial, and I had to do some searching. The URL format in this case is This URL returns a JSON body and not something else as the alternative URLs mentioned in one of the comments for that reply. Also note the link with the parameter descriptions seems to be out-of-date, but I found most of them are self-explanatory. So don't rely on that link.
Note: I wanted to post this as a comment to indrakula's answer, but one needs 50 reputation to comment! I'm new! I tried to submit this as an edit to their answer but it was (rightly) refused.
use google
paramater description here

looking for twitter api create favorite rate limit

I tried to find information on the maximum number of tweets/statuses you can favor using the twitter api but couldn't find any information.
This is the post to use
Does anyone know the limit?
It's not precised but experimentally, it looks like around 1000 per day.
Supposedly there isn't one but I've received a message stating this recently.
It's great that you like so many updates, but we only allow so many
updates to be marked as a favorite per day. (More info can be found

How does the "Sneak peak" Twitter account work?

So I came across this Twitter account while I was wasting time on Failblog. I became very intrigued by it. The way it works is this person tweets 'I think you mean "sneak peek"' whenever someone tweets something with the string "sneak peak" in it. And it is automated as I discovered by tweeting "Sneak peak" myself, and getting a response within seconds:
So my question is, how is this done?
Can you get notifications somehow when someone tweets something containing a certain string? Consider that this already happens when someone tweets your username, so it is technically possible.
Or does this person have a computer running all the time that searches twitter every few seconds for the string?
Or are both possible?
This almost certainly uses the Twitter Streaming API.
The set of streaming APIs offered by Twitter give developers low latency access to Twitter's global stream of Tweet data. A proper implementation of a streaming client will be pushed messages indicating Tweets and other events have occurred, without any of the overhead associated with polling a REST endpoint.
So, there is a server somewhere which is continually streaming the Twitter API, filtered for the specific term.
Whenever the server sees a new tweet come through the stream, it tweets the response automatically.
So, to answer your questions:
1) Yes.
2) Yes, but it's not constantly polling, it's receiving the data automatically.
Not sure about 1), but 2) is easily manageable using the search API : will get you the recent tweets containing 'sneak peak'. (including the time of the tweet)
Then the program can answer to those people, and keeping the time of the tweet in order to not tweet to people which the program has already tweeted to.

Track multiple search terms with twitter streaming

I would like to build a web application that tracks some user defined search terms in real-time and provides a real-time visualization. is an app I've found that is similar in its requirements. What is the appropriate API to use for it? Initially I thought the streaming API was the obvious choice, but the limitation of one concurrent connection means that I can only track one search term at a time(with one user account). I could get around this by making multiple user accounts, but that seems like the wrong approach.
I looked at user streams but the language for that API seems to be more geared towards desktop applications.
So, what is the most best API for my use case? Thanks.
Actually you can track up to 400 keywords/terms via one streaming API connection.
Depending on language you are using there are multiple interfaces you can use.
If you are using PHP, then I can suggest Phirehose as it works quite well and has multiple examples for different usages scenarios included.
Whats not there - when processing received tweets you will need to figure out how to match which tweet corresponds to which keyword/term because twitter streaming API gives all matching tweets in one stream.
Investigating further using Firebug, I found that simply polls the REST search api every second or so on the client side. This is what I ended up doing as well.

Retweets by a given user

I am trying to get a full list of a user's tweets. I do not particularly care what order they come in, but I need all of them, including what the user has ReTweeted. Essentially, I would like to have status/retweeted_by_me, but for specified user.
Is this at all possible?
This was addressed recently by the Twitter devs. You can now add a include_rts=true to your call to user_timeline. See the full discussion here:
Nope. Twitter's API leaves a lot to be desired (especially in terms of actual RESTfulness), but this particular issue is also my biggest gripe with it. You can only get your own retweets, but not the retweets of others. Look at any Desktop Twitter client, and compare a user's timeline in there with the actual timeline on the web. The latter contains all the retweets. This has been a big problem ever since they introduced the new retweets, and in my opinion is one of the reasons why acceptance of new-style RTs is slower than it could be among Twitter users. I've tried to make #twitterapi aware of the issue but never got a reply; maybe you (and anyone reading this) could do the same thing.
Their argument regarding BC is, of course, utter nonsense. It does not break BC at all, since these retweets never showed up in the first place. And even if they did, a ?retweets=true query argument would be enough to fix that. I really have no clue why they're not implementing this; their own website shows the retweets fine already, they just need to expose it in the API.
