Localize Wix Bundle Bootstrapper - localization

I localized file hyperlinkthemt.wxl (pl-pl). But my bootstrapper just shows up and then disappears in a second and nothing more happens. I was trying to solve the problem and noticed that I can't use polish letters in hyperlinktheme.wxl.
Is there any way to change that. I was trying to do something with HyperLinkTheme.wxl:
<WixLocalization Culture="pl-pl" Language="1045" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/localization">
but it didnt help. As you may know for bundle projects one can't change localization.

There will be a log file in your %TEMP% folder that should show a little more detail what is wrong. Chances are the .wxl file is not saved in UTF8 and cannot be loaded.


A problem comes when I add chinese,simplified to localization

I want to add chinese, simplified to localization file and a message shows:
“Localizable.strings” couldn’t be copied to “zh-Hans.lproj” because an item with the same name already exists. To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or delete the existing file, and try again.
There is not chinese, simplified in the list and I just can't add it. By the way, other languages works fine when I try to add them.Anyone know how to deal with it?
I find the reason at last. Maybe my colleague add the chinese, simplified before and he didn't delete the file in the project but just delete the cell in the list. After I delete the chinese, simplified file in the project, it works fine.

CN1 - unable to use localization after activating css

Recently I switched over from the legacy css integration to using the current method of css support via the CN1 Preferences dialog. Ever since then, I've had repeated problems accessing strings from the localization resource file.
A few important points:
I have two theme files, but even importing the strings as a csv file into the theme generated by css doesn't work
I've tried all possible combinations of theme initialization with the two theme files, including initializing just one of them, with no consistent success (occasionally it works, but then if I modify the css and the theme file gets regenerated it stops working again)
I created a brand new project and copied my code into it, imported the string files, and it worked - until I turned on css support. Then I was back to square one
When it fails to work, the method UIManager.getL10NResourceNames() returns an empty array
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
CSS controls the file and as a result you can no longer change the theme.res file by other means. You need to keep a separate localization.res file and load that strictly for the localization functionality of your application. You can use Resources.open("/localization.res") to load an arbitrary resource file.
After much poking around, I found the solution. It turns out my situation was the result of a few non-standard things I did. First of all, I had a theme.res file which I renamed using IntelliJ's Refactor >> Rename function, which renamed the hardcoded css theme name in the build.xml file to my new name. I needed to manually revert that string in order to prevent the css compile task from overwriting my theme file. The second thing I noticed is that sometimes (I'm not clear on what caused this) the theme file was not being refreshed in the /out directory when running the app locally. This would manifest itself, for instance, when I would add an image in the theme file, but when running the code it wouldn't be able to find it in the Resources hashtable. Every time this happens, I now know to just delete the contents of /out, thereby forcing the IDE to rebuild/recopy the theme file (I could probably just copy it manually to the /out directory, but I think deleting it is safest).

Show bundle render options when coding (Style.Render-Script.render)

So I’m starting with mvc and I find hard to remember the name of my bundles. When using visual studio it seems easier to just drag and drop the script I need instead of going to my app_start folder and check the name of my bundle.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there any way to show my bundles when I write Styles.Render.
I’m using reshaper too but no option is showed.
Here is an example.
Seems easier to drag and drop my script/style:
Than writing #styles.render() because it won’t show my bundles so I have to go to my app_start folder and copy-paste it (What I actually do).
If there is an easier way please let me know.
Normally you'd create a _layout.cs that imports the styles for most pages, that solves most of your issues, since you only have to do it once. Then what I normally do is create a bundle config for a specific page that has the same name as the controller or view (easy to remember) which has the page specific styles and scripts. The Bundle Config is where I set this up. Resharper (8.1) does help me when selecting paths from my bundle configuration.

iOS: Deleting localized string files in an update

I have an application in the App Store with the string files localized. The thing is I want to submit an update with the string files only in english,but when I install the app from xcode(only with the string files in english) in a device that has already the application installed(from the App Store) I can see the strings in other languages than english.
If I install the app in a device without the application already installed I can only see the strings in english,regardless the selected language on the device.
I know one option is to change the name of the string files,but I was wondering if there is a smarter way of doing this.
Thanks a lot
The problem is likely that your old localised.strings file is still hanging around in a different location. When you add or change languages using localisation, the strings file may be moved to a different folder. When the delta update occurs it obtains the new strings file, but fails to delete the old one because it's in a different location. However that location is higher up the search tree, and so gets found first when the app looks for a string.
One potential solution, though not a nice one, is to rename your localized.strings file to something different, then use the localizedStringFromTable command in all places you previously used localizedString, naming your new file as the table of origin. It's not a pretty fix, but it should work.
Another potential solution if you only need one language is to ensure that the strings file is stored in exactly the same bundle location as the one in the previous version.
I solved the problem with this line in the file main.m, right before calling to UIApplicationMain():
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"en"] forKey:#"AppleLanguages"];
Basically it forces the app to be available in English only.

File name encoding at Knoppix

I am getting file list in my Java program using list() method of File class. When I run my program on Knoppix I get ???? instead of Cyrillic file names. It seems that problem is in knoppix, not java. I tried to use options for mounting file system, such as nls and iocharset, but it has no effect (or may be I use it in wrong way). Somebody can help me?
I think that problem is as you said with Knoppix. Probably you do not have Cyrillic font bundled, so there is no way to display these code points.
If you want to fix this, you will need fix distribution, as there is nothing wrong with the program. I am not sure if this is the question for https://serverfault.com/ or https://superuser.com/, but you can read their FAQ's and ask how to fix it there (probably you will need to re-create Knoppix distribution).
