UISlider is not smooth on first generation iPad - ios

I am developing an iPad application and in my application I have used UISlider and I have tested my app in Ipad1 but it is not responding very smooth. But, the same application is responding very smooth in iPad 2nd gen.
In iPad first gen, every time I move the slider the slider value changed action is called but I'm not doing anything on that function. I am doing all my actions only on touch up inside and touch up outside. It is not working fine because it is not always called. Is there is any way to overcome this issue?

Using many UIImageView with partial transparent images or glow/shadow effects on UILabels and similar can slow down the application. It can be anything different from the UISlider which slows down the displaying of the UI.
Otherwise you have made something very CPU intensive in the observer of the UISlider.


scrolling freezes and scroll not working in iphone devices ionic3?

I have create the app in ionic3 it working perfectly but in the iphone devices scrolling not working and screen freezed.
if I use in the app.scss from this link:
.content-ios:not([no-bounce])>.scroll-content::before { bottom: 0; }
above css remove the bouncing effect but in the segment section screen are bouncing again where we have to used segment section.after add above css scrolls perfectly with native momentum. But, div itself sometimes freezes and does not respond my finger moves. After 2-3 seconds later, it becomes again scrollable
I don't know how I am reproducing this problem. But, as I see there are two main behavior creates this situation.
First, If I wait for a while, for instance, 20 seconds, and touch the div, it does not respond. I wait a couple of seconds, and it becomes working again.
Second, I touch several times quickly, and then, it becomes freezing, and again, after a couple of seconds later, it starts working again.
How can I prevent this freezing as well scrolling
below we have create the video for that issue please check and let me know:

UIWebView HTML 5 game Canvas drawing slowness in iOS 9, or WebGL crashing in iOS 8.0 and above

I've having an issue with UIWebView and running HTML 5 games (that another developer is working on). We've tried two different options, and neither is optimal.
Option 1: He renders the HTML 5 game with "canvas drawing". When he does it this way, nothing crashes, however in iOS 9 when we go back into the app from the background, the Web View loads back up, but the game is moving much slower than normal (issue not on iOS 7.1 and above). By much slower I'm talking about the animations are not moving the same velocity that they were when we first load the game. The weird thing about this issue is that even if the user opens up a different HTML 5 game (we're adding multiple games) the animations are slower for that game as well. I've tried dismissing the Web View Controller when the UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification gets posted. When I set the game up this way, the slowness only happens if the app is in the for 4 seconds (it's very strange).
Option 2: He renders the game with "WebGL". When he renders it this way, the app crashes when the app gets backgrounded on iOS 8.0 and above. My research into the crash is that iOS can't draw OpenGL ES in the background. I'm assuming that the WebGL commands are running similar commands as OpenGL ES would do, hence the crash. Dismissing the Web View Controller on UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification still causes the crash to happen.
Has anyone else ever dealt with a situation like this?
I've not found a good solution to the problem, but I did find a work around.
When I get the App Will Resign Active message, I remove the UIWebView from the UIWebViewController's subview. When I get the Did Become Active message, I add the UIWebView to the UIWebViewController's subview.
This solution works for both cases.

Animation in Launch Screen in xcode 6

I want to animate a set of images in my Launch Screen, but I do not know how. I have seen some tutorials telling me to put code in the App Delegate (DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions) and nothing has worked.
Could someone help me animate my Launch Screen?
I am supposing that you do quite a bit of work on launch, and you do not want your user to stare at a static image while this work is going on. What you need to do is do the work in the background (using gcd). This way, the launch screen will be gone quickly. However, you are not ready of course: hence your need for animations. So what I do is add my own equivalent of the start screen on top of my first visible UIView, do my animations and then tear down my start up screen. If you want to see what I do in action, try it out with my App (The Opera Player)

iOS: How do paint/draw apps eliminate the initial delay in response to touches?

When I've used painting/drawing apps, I never notice a delay between pressing my finger and being able to see something drawn on the display. However with my app, the initial touches are received very slowly. The second and third and fourth gestures are received a 60 per second, but the first gesture is maybe 2-3 touch events per second. Furthermore if I let the app sit idle for a 10 seconds, the same delay happens again. It's as though iOS forgets that the app needs attention, or the device (iPad 3, iOS 5.1.1) goes into a kind of sleep where the display is on but touch response slows.
UPDATE: If I put the iPad 3 to sleep/lock by closing the display and leave it for 10 seconds, then open the display, the initial sluggish touches response happens every time.
UPDATE: This problem is not occurring on my iPad 1 running iOS 5.1.1. Even when I bring the iPad 1 back from sleep/unlock, there is no delay.
I haven't really worked with this kind of thing before, but I recall reading somewhere about using a UIBezierPath to create a drawing app. You could try to use that. According to this question, it's faster:
Why is UIBezierPath faster than Core Graphics path?
A tutorial is here: http://soulwithmobiletechnology.blogspot.com/2011/05/uibezierpath-tutorial-for-iphone-sdk-40.html

UISlider not smooth

I'm developing an iPad app and using a lot of UISliders. But when I test the app on an iPad 1, the sliders are not responding very smooth. I'm not doing anything when the value of the slider changes. Only when the slider is released (touch up inside/outside).
Also the touch up inside/outside method is not always called.
Is this a common problem on iPad 1 or is it caused by my app?
If you want to get an animation with slider, you should use [slider setValue:0.5 animated:YES] method of UISlider instance.
