We plan to use Mahout for a movie recommendation system. And we also plan to
use SVD for model building.
When a new user comes we will require him/her to rate a certain number of movies (say 10).
The problem is that, in order to make a recommendation to this new user we have to rebuild the entire model again.
Is there a better way to this?
Yes... though not in Mahout. The implementations there are by nature built around periodic reloading and rebuilding of a data model. In some implementations this still lets you use new data on the fly, like neighborhood-based implementations. I don't think the SVD-based in-memory one does this (I didn't write it.)
In theory, you can start making recommendations from the very first click or rating, by projecting the target item/movie back into the user-feature space via fold-in. To greatly simplify -- if your rank-k approximate factorization of input A is Ak = Uk * Sk * Vk', then for a new user u, you want a new row Uk_u for your update. You have A_u.
Uk = Ak * (Vk')^-1 * (Sk)^-1. The good news is that those two inverses on the right are trivial. (Vk')^-1 = Vk because it has orthonormal columns. (Sk)^-1 is just a matter of taking the reciprocal of Sk's diagonal elements.
So Uk_u = Ak_u * (Vk')^-1 * (Sk)^-1. You don't have Ak_u, but, you have A_u which is approximately the same, so you use that.
If you like Mahout, and like matrix factorization, I suggest you consider the ALS algorithm. It's a simpler process, so is faster (but makes the fold-in a little harder -- see the end of a recent explanation I gave). It works nicely for recommendations.
This also exists in Mahout, though the fold-in isn't implemented. Myrrix, which is where I am continuing work from Mahout, implements all of this.
Edit: I tried a standalone Spark application (instead of PredictionIO) and my observations are the same. So this is not a PredictionIO issue, but still confusing.
I am using PredictionIO 0.9.6 and the Recommendation template for collaborative filtering. The ratings in my data set are numbers between 1 and 10. When I first trained a model with defaults from the template (using ALS.train), the predictions were horrible, at least subjectively. Scores ranged up to 60.0 or so but the recommendations seemed totally random.
Somebody suggested that ALS.trainImplicit did a better job, so I changed src/main/scala/ALSAlgorithm.scala accordingly:
val m = ALS.trainImplicit( // instead of ALS.train
ratings = mllibRatings,
rank = ap.rank,
iterations = ap.numIterations,
lambda = ap.lambda,
blocks = -1,
alpha = 1.0, // also added this line
seed = seed)
Scores are much lower now (below 1.0) but the recommendations are in line with the personal ratings. Much better, but also confusing. PredictionIO defines the difference between explicit and implicit this way:
explicit preference (also referred as "explicit feedback"), such as
"rating" given to item by users. implicit preference (also referred
as "implicit feedback"), such as "view" and "buy" history.
By default, the recommendation template uses ALS.train() which expects explicit rating values which the user has rated the item.
Is the documentation wrong? I still think that explicit feedback fits my use case. Maybe I need to adapt the template with ALS.train in order to get useful recommendations? Or did I just misunderstand something?
A lot of it depends on how you gathered the data. Often ratings that seem explicit can actually be implicit. For instance, assume you give the option of allowing users to rate items that they have purchased / used before. This means that the very fact that they have spent their time evaluating that particular item means that the item is of a high quality. As such, items of poor quality are not rated at all because people do not even bother to use them. As such, even though the dataset is intended to be explicit, you may get better results because if you consider the results to be implicit. Again, this varies significantly based on how the data is obtained.
The explict data (like ratings) normally comes with bias - people go and rate a product because they like it! Think about your experience shopping and then rating on Amazon.com :-)
On the contrary, implict info often can truly reflect user's favor on a product, like viewing duration, comment length, etc. Even a like/dislike is better that rating because it provides a very simple 'bad' option without bothering a user to think "if I should give a 3, 3.5, or 4?".
I am trying to understand Q-Learning,
My current algorithm operates as follows:
1. A lookup table is maintained that maps a state to information about its immediate reward and utility for each action available.
2. At each state, check to see if it is contained in the lookup table and initialise it if not (With a default utility of 0).
3. Choose an action to take with a probability of:
(*ϵ* = 0>ϵ>1 - probability of taking a random action)
1-ϵ = Choosing the state-action pair with the highest utility.
ϵ = Choosing a random move.
ϵ decreases over time.
4. Update the current state's utility based on:
Q(st, at) += a[rt+1, + d.max(Q(st+1, a)) - Q(st,at)]
I am currently playing my agent against a simple heuristic player, who always takes the move that will give it the best immediate reward.
The results - The results are very poor, even after a couple hundred games, the Q-Learning agent is losing a lot more than it is winning. Furthermore, the change in win-rate is almost non-existent, especially after reaching a couple hundred games.
Am I missing something? I have implemented a couple agents:
(Rote-Learning, TD(0), TD(Lambda), Q-Learning)
But they all seem to be yielding similar, disappointing, results.
There are on the order of 10²⁰ different states in checkers, and you need to play a whole game for every update, so it will be a very, very long time until you get meaningful action values this way. Generally, you'd want a simplified state representation, like a neural network, to solve this kind of problem using reinforcement learning.
Also, a couple of caveats:
Ideally, you should update 1 value per game, because the moves in a single game are highly correlated.
You should initialize action values to small random values to avoid large policy changes from small Q updates.
I am learning about SARSA algorithm implementation and had a question. I understand that the general "learning" step takes the form of:
Robot (r) is in state s. There are four actions available:
North (n), East (e), West (w) and South (s)
such that the list of Actions,
a = {n,w,e,s}
The robot randomly picks an action, and updates as follows:
Q(a,s) = Q(a,s) + L[r + DQ(a',s1) - Q(a,s)]
Where L is the learning rate, r is the reward associated to (a,s), Q(s',a') is the expected reward from an action a' in the new state s' and D is the discount factor.
Firstly, I don't undersand the role of the term - Q(a,s), why are we re-subtracting the current Q-value?
Secondly, when picking actions a and a' why do these have to be random? I know in some implementations or SARSA all possible Q(s', a') are taken into account and the highest value is picked. (I believe this is Epsilon-Greedy?) Why not to this also to pick which Q(a,s) value to update? Or why not update all Q(a,s) for the current s?
Finally, why is SARSA limited to one-step lookahead? Why, say, not also look into an hypothetical Q(s'',a'')?
I guess overall my questions boil down to what makes SARSA better than another breath-first or depth-first search algorithm?
Why do we subtract Q(a,s)? r + DQ(a',s1) is the reward that we got on this run through from getting to state s by taking action a. In theory, this is the value that Q(a,s) should be set to. However, we won't always take the same action after getting to state s from action a, and the rewards associated with going to future states will change in the future. So we can't just set Q(a,s) equal to r + DQ(a',s1). Instead, we just want to push it in the right direction so that it will eventually converge on the right value. So we look at the error in prediction, which requires subtracting Q(a,s) from r + DQ(a',s1). This is the amount that we would need to change Q(a,s) by in order to make it perfectly match the reward that we just observed. Since we don't want to do that all at once (we don't know if this is always going to be the best option), we multiply this error term by the learning rate, l, and add this value to Q(a,s) for a more gradual convergence on the correct value.`
Why do we pick actions randomly? The reason to not always pick the next state or action in a deterministic way is basically that our guess about which state is best might be wrong. When we first start running SARSA, we have a table full of 0s. We put non-zero values into the table by exploring those areas of state space and finding that there are rewards associated with them. As a result, something not terrible that we have explored will look like a better option than something that we haven't explored. Maybe it is. But maybe the thing that we haven't explored yet is actually way better than we've already seen. This is called the exploration vs exploitation problem - if we just keep doing things that we know work, we may never find the best solution. Choosing next steps randomly ensures that we see more of our options.
Why can't we just take all possible actions from a given state? This will force us to basically look at the entire learning table on every iteration. If we're using something like SARSA to solve the problem, the table is probably too big to do this for in a reasonable amount of time.
Why can SARSA only do one-step look-ahead? Good question. The idea behind SARSA is that it's propagating expected rewards backwards through the table. The discount factor, D, ensures that in the final solution you'll have a trail of gradually increasing expected rewards leading to the best reward. If you filled in the table at random, this wouldn't always be true. This doesn't necessarily break the algorithm, but I suspect it leads to inefficiencies.
Why is SARSA better than search? Again, this comes down to an efficiency thing. The fundamental reason that anyone uses learning algorithms rather than search algorithms is that search algorithms are too slow once you have too many options for states and actions. In order to know the best action to take from any other state action pair (which is what SARSA calculates), you would need to do a search of the entire graph from every node. This would take O(s*(s+a)) time. If you're trying to solve real-world problems, that's generally too long.
My platform here is Ruby - a webapp using Rails 3.2 in particular.
I'm trying to match objects (people) based on their ratings for certain items. People may rate all, some, or none of the same items as other people. Ratings are integers between 0 and 5. The number of items available to rate, and the number of users, can both be considered to be non-trivial.
A quick illustration -
The brute-force approach is to iterate through all people, calculating differences for each item. In Ruby-flavoured pseudo-code -
for each (PERSON in (people except USER)) do
for each (RATING that PERSON has made) do
if (USER has rated the item that RATING refers to) do
MATCHES[PERSON's id] += difference between PERSON's rating and USER's rating
lowest values in MATCHES are the best matches for USER
The problem here being that as the number of items, ratings, and people increase, this code will take a very significant time to run, and ignoring caching for now, this is code that has to run a lot, since this matching is the primary function of my app.
I'm open to cleverer algorithms and cleverer databases to achieve this, but doing it algorithmically and as such allowing me to keep everything in MySQL or PostgreSQL would make my life a lot easier. The only thing I'd say is that the data does need to persist.
If any more detail would help, please feel free to ask. Any assistance greatly appreciated!
Check out the KD-Tree. It's specifically designed to speed up neighbour-finding in N-Dimensional spaces, like your rating system (Person 1 is 3 units along the X axis, 4 units along the Y axis, and so on).
You'll likely have to do this in an actual programming language. There are spatial indexes for some DBs, but they're usually designed for geographic work, like PostGIS (which uses GiST indexing), and only support two or three dimensions.
That said, I did find this tantalizing blog post on PostGIS. I was then unable to find any other references to this, but maybe your luck will be better than mine...
Hope that helps!
Technically your task is matching long strings made out of characters of a 5 letter alphabet. This kind of stuff is researched extensively in the area of computational biology. (Typically with 4 letter alphabets). If you do not know the book http://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Strings-Trees-Sequences-Computational/dp/0521585198 then you might want to get hold of a copy. IMHO this is THE standard book on fuzzy matching / scoring of sequences.
Is your data sparse? With rating, most of the time not every user rates every object.
Naively comparing each object to every other is O(n*n*d), where d is the number of operations. However, a key trick of all the Hadoop solutions is to transpose the matrix, and work only on the non-zero values in the columns. Assuming that your sparsity is s=0.01, this reduces the runtime to O(d*n*s*n*s), i.e. by a factor of s*s. So if your sparsity is 1 out of 100, your computation will be theoretically 10000 times faster.
Note that the resulting data will still be a O(n*n) distance matrix, so strictl speaking the problem is still quadratic.
The way to beat the quadratic factor is to use index structures. The k-d-tree has already been mentioned, but I'm not aware of a version for categorical / discrete data and missing values. Indexing such data is not very well researched AFAICT.
I'm doing a university project, that must gather and combine data on a user provided topic. The problem I've encountered is that Google search results for many terms are polluted with low quality autogenerated pages and if I use them, I can end up with wrong facts. How is it possible to estimate the quality/trustworthiness of a page?
You may think "nah, Google engineers are working on the problem for 10 years and he's asking for a solution", but if you think about it, SE must provide up-to-date content and if it marks a good page as a bad one, users will be dissatisfied. I don't have such limitations, so if the algorithm accidentally marks as bad some good pages, that wouldn't be a problem.
Here's an example:
Say the input is buy aspirin in south la. Try to Google search it. The first 3 results are already deleted from the sites, but the fourth one is interesting: radioteleginen.ning.com/profile/BuyASAAspirin (I don't want to make an active link)
Here's the first paragraph of the text:
The bare of purchasing prescription drugs from Canada is big
in the U.S. at this moment. This is
because in the U.S. prescription drug
prices bang skyrocketed making it
arduous for those who bang limited or
concentrated incomes to buy their much
needed medications. Americans pay more
for their drugs than anyone in the
The rest of the text is similar and then the list of related keywords follows. This is what I think is a low quality page. While this particular text seems to make sense (except it's horrible), the other examples I've seen (yet can't find now) are just some rubbish, whose purpose is to get some users from Google and get banned 1 day after creation.
N-gram Language Models
You could try training one n-gram language model on the autogenerated spam pages and one on a collection of other non-spam webpages.
You could then simply score new pages with both language models to see if the text looks more similar to the spam webpages or regular web content.
Better Scoring through Bayes Law
When you score a text with the spam language model, you get an estimate of the probability of finding that text on a spam web page, P(Text|Spam). The notation reads as the probability of Text given Spam (page). The score from the non-spam language model is an estimate of the probability of finding the text on a non-spam web page, P(Text|Non-Spam).
However, the term you probably really want is P(Spam|Text) or, equivalently P(Non-Spam|Text). That is, you want to know the probability that a page is Spam or Non-Spam given the text that appears on it.
To get either of these, you'll need to use Bayes Law, which states
P(A|B) = ------------
Using Bayes law, we have
P(Spam) is your prior belief that a page selected at random from the web is a spam page. You can estimate this quantity by counting how many spam web pages there are in some sample, or you can even use it as a parameter that you manually tune to trade-off precision and recall. For example, giving this parameter a high value will result in fewer spam pages being mistakenly classified as non-spam, while given it a low value will result in fewer non-spam pages being accidentally classified as spam.
The term P(Text) is the overall probability of finding Text on any webpage. If we ignore that P(Text|Spam) and P(Text|Non-Spam) were determined using different models, this can be calculated as P(Text)=P(Text|Spam)P(Spam) + P(Text|Non-Spam)P(Non-Spam). This sums out the binary variable Spam/Non-Spam.
Classification Only
However, if you're not going to use the probabilities for anything else, you don't need to calculate P(Text). Rather, you can just compare the numerators P(Text|Spam)P(Spam) and P(Text|Non-Spam)P(Non-Spam). If the first one is bigger, the page is most likely a spam page, while if the second one is bigger the page is mostly likely non-spam. This works since the equations above for both P(Spam|Text) and P(Non-Spam|Text) are normalized by the same P(Text) value.
In terms of software toolkits you could use for something like this, SRILM would be a good place to start and it's free for non-commercial use. If you want to use something commercially and you don't want to pay for a license, you could use IRST LM, which is distributed under the LGPL.
Define 'quality' of a web - page? What is the metric?
If someone was looking to buy fruit, then searching for 'big sweet melons' will give many results that contain images of a 'non textile' slant.
The markup and hosting of those pages may however be sound engineering ..
But a page of a dirt farmer presenting his high quality, tasty and healthy produce might be visible only in IE4.5 since the html is 'broken' ...
For each result set per keyword query, do a separate google query to find number of sites linking to this site, if no other site links to this site, then exclude it. I think this would be a good start at least.
if you are looking for performance related metrics then Y!Slow [plugin for firefox] could be useful.
You can use a supervised learning model to do this type of classification. The general process goes as follows:
Get a sample set for training. This will need to provide examples of documents you want to cover. The more general you want to be the larger the example set you need to use. If you want to just focus on websites related to aspirin then that shrinks the necessary sample set.
Extract features from the documents. This could be the words pulled from the website.
Feed the features into a classifier such as ones provided in (MALLET or WEKA).
Evaluate the model using something like k-fold cross validation.
Use the model to rate new websites.
When you talk about not caring if you mark a good site as a bad site this is called recall. Recall measures of the ones you should get back how many you actually got back. Precision measures of the ones you marked as 'good' and 'bad' how many were correct. Since you state your goal to be more precise and recall isn't as important you can then tweak your model to have higher precision.