Create TYPO3 Fluid link for typolink fields generated by a link wizard - hyperlink

I regularly use the link wizard in my TCA.
Its horrible to find out with conditions which kind of link I have to render in Fluid (page/email/external). Is there a solution for this or do I have to create my own ViewHelper?

It seems to be undocumented, but you can pass it to <> and it will be rendered correctly, even if it is external, email, or file link. This is because internally, <> uses UriBuilder to build the URL, and that UriBuilder uses Typolink.
< pageUid="{myLinkFieldValue}">My link</>

This is the ViewHelper i´m using for this (+a helper Class):

I think the link.typolink ViewHelper is what you are looking for, at least for TYPO3 7.0 and above.
<f:link.typolink parameter="{link}">
See Changelog Feature #59396 - TypolinkViewHelper (TYPO3 7.0)
see link.typolink in ViewHelper Reference

External Link --
<f:link.external uri="" target="_blank">external link</f:link.external>
Email --
< additionalAttributes="{foo: 'bar'}" email="NULL" class="NULL" dir="NULL" id="NULL" lang="NULL" style="NULL" title="NULL" accesskey="NULL" tabindex="123" onclick="NULL" name="NULL" rel="NULL" rev="NULL" target="NULL">
<!-- tag content - may be ignored! -->
Internal Link --
< pageUid="1" additionalParams="{extension_key: {foo: 'bar'}}">page link</>

In Fluid, there are different link view helpers:
<f:link.action action="show">action link</f:link.action>
< email="foo#bar.tld" />
<f:link.external uri="" target="_blank">external link</f:link.external>
<>page link</>
The Code (and some examples) can be found at: typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Link


How to get pseudo elements in WebdriverIO+Appium

I want to get a value (content) from the CSS of a pseudo element (::before) while inside a test made using WDIO and Appium for an Android hybrid app because the designer has stored the current responsive-design state there. So my tests would know which layout (elements) to expect.
Multiple answers to related questions (1; 2; 3) indicated that using .getComputedStyle() might be the only solution. But this does not seem to work in my tests. The error is window is not defined for window.getComputedStyle(...) or document is not defined if I use document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(...). Also selectors themselves can't address pseudo-elements it seems.
Example of one of my many attempts:
Question: Do I need to somehow import window or document to my test? Is there some other way to get window or document from inside the test?
Ultimately: how can I get the content value of ::before of the <body> of a hybrid Android app?
Thanks to Jeremy Schneider (#YmerejRedienhcs) & Erwin Heitzman (#erwinheitzman) for help!
One solution is to use the execute function:
let contentMode = browser.execute(() => {
let style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body'),'::before');
return style.getPropertyValue('content')
Alternatively maybe something could also be done with getHTML.

ioArgs in Dojo 1.10, dojox DialogSimple

Got myself a bit of a problem (only occurring in Tomcat 8.5, but I'll need to handle it)...
I'm trying to open up a dojox.widget.DialogSimple, using an href, that has a long url/data string. Setting the HREF on instantiation causes it to fail as a malformed URL, because it's too long. So, I want to be able to do it as an xhrPost. Is there a way to set this up using the ioArgs property? I haven't been able to find any documentation giving examples of this.
You are correct. An over-long URL string for an HTTP "GET" can cause problems: Web Services: maximum length of HTTP GET request?. In general, the solution is to do a "POST" instead.
Would this solution work for you?
Dojo - how to submit data using a Dialog form
<div dojotype="dijit.Dialog" id="subscription" title="subscription form" execute="alert('Transmitted');">
<form action="PATH_TO_PHP_PAGE" method="POST">
<!--input widgets-->
<!--submit button widgets-->

Can the document.location.protocol value be changed in a WinRT webview?

I'm currently having an issue with the WebView control used in a Universal WinRT app (Windows 8.1/Windows Phone 8.1).
I currently load the following piece of JavaScript into the WebView using the NatigateToString method:
<base href='MY_BASE_URL'>
var idcomments_acct = 'MY_ACC_ID';
var idcomments_post_id='POST_ID';
var idcomments_post_url='POST_URL';
<span id='IDCommentsPostTitle' style='display:none'></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
This is the piece of code for the IntenseDebate generic install that can be found here.
The issue is with this line of code in the referenced IntenseDebate code:
This piece of code fails because document.location.protocol is set to about: in the WebView, leading to a 404 error on this call.
On the Android/iOS webviews simply setting the base URI to a http: or https: based address using their loadDataWithBaseUrl methods worked fine, but the WinRT WebView is missing a similar method. And setting the Base url in the HTML itself (like shown in the piece of code above) does work for resolving image url's and sortlike, but this method doens't change the document.location values.
Since I can't modify the referenced JS file and putting the above piece of HTML on a server isn't an option in this apps usecase, is there any way you can force the document.location.protocol to be a certain value in the WinRT webview? Or is there any other way to get this bit of HTML to work in a webview?
There isn't a direct way to do this. WebView doesn't provide any interface to override the document.location . If branching off of the protocol is a common pattern then this may be a good feature to request on .
I'm not familiar enough with HTML/JavaScript best practices to say for sure, but most of the references I find searching for document.location.protocol warn against assuming that the protocol will always be http: or https. This may be something that IntenseDebate should fix.
That said, you may be able to get past this by injecting code into your page which finds the problem location in the DOM and changing it live. You can't change just the protocol, but you may be able to find where it is referenced and change that there. I assume it gets loaded into the commentScript.src from genericCommentWrapper2.php referenced in genericCommentWrapper2.cs and then added to the document's head.

TYPO3 RTE (htmlarea) - How can I disable options on Link Wizard (mail,file, etc.)

in Backend TYPO3: How can I disable one of these options on RTE (htmlarea), when the editor click on the LINK-Button (anchor). The Link Wizard starts in new window and the editor can choose the link to a page, folder, mail or ext. website.
I want to remove some of these options. Only "Page" and "Mail" will be allowed.
I thought it was on the pageconfig.ts
RTE.default.blindlinkoptions = spec,url
But it doesn't work. Anyone an idea? Thanks.
There it is: = page,file,url,mail,spec, folder
You could try this:
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor.default.url >
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor.default.file >
or this, or both:
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor := removeFromList(internal-link,
internal-link-new-window, mail)
I'm not so sure about this solutions. I just looked the pathes up in the Backend in the Info module under PageTSConfig.

web2py URL helper not building good URL's

I'm starting in web2py and I need to link my static files in my view files.
I'm trying to use URL() helper to make the links but I doesn't work properly...
My application is called red, my controller default and my function index.
My view is called index.html and is inside default folder, when I go to the page I see the view correctly but my URL are all wrong...
So far I tryed:
URL('static', 'css/bootstrap.min.css')
which gave back: "/static/css/bootstartp.css"
URL(a=request.application, args='static/css/bootstrap.css')
which gave: "/default/red/static/css/bootstrap.min.css"
URL(r=request, arg='static/css/bootstrap.min.css')
which gave: "/index/static/css/bootstrap.min.css"
which gave: "/default/static/css/bootstrap.min.css"
URL(a=request.application, c='static/css/bootstrap.min.css', f='')
which gave: "/red/red/static/css/bootstrap.min.css"
I may have tried some more but with no success...
My index function only returns dict().
And my router:
routers = dict(
# base router
BASE = dict(
applications = ['red', 'admin'],
default_application = 'red',
default_controller = 'default',
default_function = 'index',
map_static = True
I think it's also important to say I'm testing it on google app engine.
I want to get "/red/static/css/bootstrap.min.css".
I hope you want to link the css files in your view.
You can do this is tow ways.
1.In controller file (inside index():)
the same command you can use in view (index.html) also:
{{response.files.append(URL(request.application,'static/css','bootstrap.min.css'))}} the view (index.html) you can mention the normal css linking.
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{=URL('static/css','bootstrap.min.css')}}">
if you want to link this file for the entire application. Then mention the above line in the layout.html page.
To get "/red/static/css/bootstrap.min.css":
URL('red/static', 'css/bootstrap.min.css')
I found the solution.
URL('static', 'css/bootstrap.min.css')
This line is correct, however I needed to turn map_static off in the routers file.
