iOS GLKit, draw text in GLKView - ios

I'm using GLKit to create a game on the iPhone. setting up the GLKit context and drawing sprites on it isn't that hard but when I try to add text to it, it seems impossible to do.
I have searched around for an answer but all the solutions I tried to find can't be mixed in GLKView.
What is the best practice to render text in the GLKView?

"the best" in a sense of easiest would be to make an UILabel, set all the text and background parameters you want and then create UIImage from label's layer to create or update the texture.

The simplest answer is sometimes the best. While the documentation has some words discouraging compositing between GLES and Quartz, it can work quite well to overlay a GLKView with a standard UIKit view, such as a UITextView. You will, of course, want to confirm the performance impact on your least capable supported hardware / software configuration, but on a newer configuration, total rendering time remained below 1ms for an animating model while scrolling an overlaid UITextView with a clear background, set to be non-opaque.


Darken an opaque UIView without blending

My App's background is an opaque UIImageView. Under some circumstances I would like to darken this down in an animated way from full brightness to about 50%. Currently I lower the alpha property of the view and this works well. Because nothing is behind the view, the background image just becomes dark.
However, I've been profiling using the Core Animation Instrument and when I do this, I see that the whole background shows as being blended. I'd like to avoid this if possible.
It seems to me that this would be achievable during compositing. If a view is opaque, it is possible to mix is with black without anything behind showing through. It's not necessary to blend it, just adjust the pixel values.
I wondered if this was something that UIKit's GPU compositing supports. While blending isn't great, it's probably a lot better than updating the image on the CPU, so I think a CPU approach is probably not a good substitute.
Another question asks about this, and a few ideas are suggested including setting the Alpha. No one has brought up a mechanism for avoiding blending though.
An important question here is whether you want the change to using a darkened background to be animated.
Not animated
Prepare two different background images and simply swap between them. The UIImage+imageEffects library could help with generating the darkened image, or give you some leads.
Take a look at GPUImage - "An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing". Based on this you could render the background in to the scene in a darkened way.

What is better way to draw a custom button?

I need to have a few buttons in my iPhone app (which may be then ported to iPad). I know at least 2 methods for making such buttons:
1. Using usual UIButton with an image as a background which can be drawn in any graphics editor.
2. Subclassing UIButton and implementing own drawRect: method using CoreGraphics tools.
I don't know why, but I tend to use the second one, since it seems to be more difficult and lower performing.
Am I right thinking that when implementing the button drawing programmatically, it becomes "cross platform" so that you don't need several icons for different resolutions?
If that is really simple icon, some bezier curve or circle filled with color. Will it still preform slower than an image-button?
And does somebody know any tool which has a graphical interface for drawing a vector image, and than converts it to the CoreGraphics code which one can paste into the drawRect: method?
Thank you.
Don't worry for using drawRect. Unlike Windows, iOS caches the results into a bitmap and will only redraw it when the dimensions of the view change (which is what you actually want - since you want to scale it again).
As for a vector app, you can use Opacity. It has an option to export the icon into CoreGraphics source code:

When does a view (or layer) require offscreen rendering?

Hellothis weekend I started to watch the 2011 WWDC videos. I've found really interesting topics about iOS. My favorites were about performance and graphics, but I've found two of them apparently in contradiction. Of course there is something that I didn't get.
The sessions that I'm talking about are Understanding UIKit Rendering -121 and Polishing your app -105.
Unfortunately sample code from 2011 is still not downloadable, so is pretty hard to have an overall view.
In one session they explain that most of times offscreen rendering should be avoided during visualization in scrollview etc. They fix the performance issues in the sample code almost drawing everything inside the -drawRect method.
In the other session the performance issue (on a table view) seems to be due to too much code in the -drawRect method of the table's cells.
First is not clear to me when an OffScreen rendering is required by the system, I've seen in the video that some quartz function such as: cornerRadious, shadowOffset, shadowColor requires it, but does exist a general rule?
Second I don't know if I understood well, but it seems that when there is no offscreen rendering adding layers or views is the way to go.
I hope someone could bring light about that..
I don't think there is a rule written down anywhere, but hopefully this will help:
First, let's clear up some definitions. I think offscreen vs onscreen rendering is not the overriding concern most of the time, because offscreen rendering can be as fast as onscreen. The main issue is whether the rendering is done in hardware or software.
There is also very little practical difference between using layers and views. Views are just a thin wrapper around CALayer and they don't introduce a significant performance penalty most of the time. You can override the type of layer used by a view using the +layerClass method if you want to have a view backed by a CAShapeLayer or CATileLayer, etc.
Generally, on iOS, pixel effects and Quartz / Core Graphics drawing are not hardware accelerated, and most other things are.
The following things are not hardware accelerated, which means that they need to be done in software (offscreen):
Anything done in a drawRect. If your view has a drawRect, even an empty one, the drawing is not done in hardware, and there is a performance penalty.
Any layer with the shouldRasterize property set to YES.
Any layer with a mask or drop shadow.
Text (any kind, including UILabels, CATextLayers, Core Text, etc).
Any drawing you do yourself (either onscreen or offscreen) using a CGContext.
Most other things are hardware accelerated, so they are much faster. However, this may not mean what you think it does.
Any of the above types of drawing are slow compared to hardware accelerated drawing, however they don't necessarily slow down your app because they don't need to happen every frame. For example, drawing a drop shadow on a view is slow the first time, but after it is drawn it is cached, and is only redrawn if the view changes size or shape.
The same goes for rasterised views or views with a custom drawRect: the view typically isn't redrawn every frame, it is drawn once and then cached, so the performance after the view is first set up is no worse, unless the bounds change or you call setNeedsDisplay on it.
For good performance, the trick is to avoid using software drawing for views that change every frame. For example, if you need an animated vector shape you'll get better performance using CAShapeLayer or OpenGL than drawRect and Core Graphics. But if you draw a shape once and then don't need to change it, it won't make much difference.
Similarly, don't put a drop shadow on an animated view because it will slow down your frame rate. But a shadow on a view that doesn't change from frame to frame won't have much negative impact.
Another thing to watch out for is slowing down the view setup time. For example, suppose you have a page of text with drop shadows on all the text; this will take a very long time to draw initially since both the text and shadows all need to be rendered in software, but once drawn it will be fast. You will therefore want to set up this view in advance when your application loads, and keep a copy of it in memory so that the user doesn't have to wait ages for the view to display when it first appears on screen.
This is probably the reason for the apparent contradiction in the WWDC videos. For large, complex views that don't change every frame, drawing them once in software (after which they are cached and don't need to be redrawn) will yield better performance than having the hardware re-composite them every frame, even though it will be slower to draw the first time.
But for views that must be redrawn constantly, like table cells (the cells are recycled so they must be redrawn each time one cell scrolls offscreen and is re-used as it scrolls back onto the other side as a different row), software drawing may slow things down a lot.
Offscreen-rendering is one of the worst defined topics in iOS rendering, today. When Apple's UIKit engineers refer to offscreen-rendering, it has a very specific meaning, and a ton of third-party iOS dev blogs are getting it wrong.
When you override "drawRect:", you're drawing via the CPU, and spitting out a bitmap. The bitmap is packaged up and sent to separate process that lives in iOS, the render server. Ideally, the render server just displays the data on screen.
If you fiddle with properties on CALayer, like turning on drop shadows, the GPU will perform additional drawing. This additional work is what UIKit engineers mean when they say "off-screen rendering." This is always performed with hardware.
The issue with off-screen drawing isn't necessarily the drawing. The off-screen pass requires a context switch, as the GPU switches its drawing destination. During this switch, the GPU is idle.
While I don't know a full list of properties that trigger an off-screen pass, you can diagnose this with the Core Animation Instrument's "Color Offscreen-rendered layer" toggle. I assume any property other than alpha is performed via an offscreen pass.
With early iOS hardware, it was reasonable to say "do everything in drawRect." Nowadays GPUs are better, and UIKit has features like shouldRasterize. Today, it's a balancing act between the time spent in drawRect, the number of off-screen passes, and the amount of blending. For the full details, watch the 2014 WWDC session 419, "Advanced Graphics and Animation for iOS Apps."
That all said, it's good to understand what's going on behind-the-scenes, and keep it in the back of your head so you don't do anything insane, but you should start from the simplest solution. Then test it on the slowest hardware you support. If you aren't hitting 60FPS, use Instruments to measure things and figure it out. There are a few possible bottlenecks, and if you aren't using data to diagnose things, you're just guessing.
Offscreen rendering / Rendering on the CPU
The biggest bottlenecks to graphics performance are offscreen rendering and blending – they can happen for every frame of the animation and can cause choppy scrolling.
Offscreen rendering (software rendering) happens when it is necessary to do the drawing in software (offscreen) before it can be handed over to the GPU. Hardware does not handle text rendering and advanced compositions with masks and shadows.
The following will trigger offscreen rendering:
Any layer with a mask (layer.mask)
Any layer with layer.masksToBounds / view.clipsToBounds being true
Any layer with layer.allowsGroupOpacity set to YES and layer.opacity is less than 1.0
When does a view (or layer) require offscreen rendering?
Any layer with a drop shadow (layer.shadow*).
Tips on how to fix:
Any layer with layer.shouldRasterize being true
Any layer with layer.cornerRadius, layer.edgeAntialiasingMask, layer.allowsEdgeAntialiasing
Any layer with layer.borderWith and layer.borderColor?
Missing reference / proof
Text (any kind, including UILabel, CATextLayer, Core Text, etc).
Most of the drawings you do with CGContext in drawRect:. Even an empty implementation will be rendered offscreen.
This post covers blending and other things affecting performance: What triggers offscreen rendering, blending and layoutSubviews in iOS?

iOS: Should I Add UIViews or CALayers for animation?

Let's say I want to add 50 images to a view for the purpose of animating them. And let's suppose I'm planning on using Core Animation (e.g., CABasicAnimation) rather than "UIView" animation.
Am I better off implementing this by adding 50 subviews or 50 sublayers? Does it make a difference?
As I describe here, I've used both UIViews and CALayers in animations and found a negligible performance difference between them. UIViews are very lightweight wrappers around the layers. Also, any layer-based animations you need can be applied to a UIView's backing layer easily.
I've used CALayers directly in situations where I wanted to create cross-platform (Mac / iOS) UI elements, because CALayers are almost identical in their implementation on both platforms (unlike the significantly different NSViews and UIViews). CALayers don't have any touch-handling routines out of the box, but you can add that capability if you need to.
There are also some edge cases where you might want to work directly with layers, like when trying to do limited 3-D manipulation of the layers (as in a CoverFlow effect) or when using a CAReplicatorLayer to produce particle effects.
UIViews contain sublayers, so they are heavier weight, and contain stuff you probably don't need for all 50 images, such as event and touch handlers/variables. So using layers would probably be slightly more efficient and use a bit less memory than using views for each image.
The difference for such a small number of images is negligible. Use what's most convenient.
I've not done animation (yet :-), but the stuff I remember reading about it suggests to create one image with all 50 tiled on it and then just offset to the correct image when drawing. That way you only need one layer or UIImage or whatever to display it. I don't know about speed, but I'd guess it would save memory and would probably be easier to manage and code.

UIView animation vs CALayers

I'm struggling with conceptualizing animations with a CALayer as opposed to UIView's own animation methods. Throw "Core Animation" into this and, well, maybe someone can articulate these concepts from a high level so I can better visualize what's happening and why I'd want to migrate UIView animations (which I'm quite familiar with now) to CALayer animations on the iPhone. Every view in Cocoa-Touch automatically gets a layer. And, it seems, you can animate one and/or the other?!? Even mix them together?!? But why? Where's the line? What's the pro/con to each?
The Core Animation Programming Guide immediately jumps into Layer & Timing Classes and I think need to take a step back and understand why these varied pieces exist and how relate to each other.
Use views for control and layers for eye candy. Layers don't receive events so it's easier to use a view for those cases, but when you want to animate a sprite or backgrounds, etc., layers make sense. Events pass right through layers to the backing view so you can have a pretty visual representation without messing up your events. Try to overlay a view that you're just using for visual representation and you'll have to pass tap events through to the underlying view yourself.
An UIView is always rendered to a CALayer. When you use UIView methods to animate a view, you are effectively manipulating the underlying CALayer.
If you need to do simple things, use the UIView methods. For more complex situatins, or if you want layers not associated with any view in particular, use CALayers.
I've done a bunch of apps in the past year. Here's my rule of thumb:
Use UIView until it doesn't do what you want.
Then move to CoreAnimation. But before you get into it too much...
If you write more than a few animations, use Cocos2D.
UIView transforms are only 2D and are restricted to that, LAyer transforms however can be 3D and you should use those if you want to do 3D stuff, UIView animation will work if you change either the UIView transform or the CALayer transform. So at a basic level, you can do a lot more manipulation when you are working with a Layer rather than the View.
I am not sure if I am misunderstanding Chris' response to "What's Cocos2D doing better? Don't you have other problems then, regarding the touch event handling and many other stuff that misses in openGL ES?"
It sounds like the answer suggests Cocos2D is not based on the OpenGL ES framework when in fact it actual is. While it is a great 2D game engine it does implement OpenGL for much of it's rendering - attached to a physics library it allows for a lot of very interesting possibilities for animation - and Chris is correct - it is a lot less coding indeed.
