How to print response headers to console and save content to file? - httpie

How can I print the response headers to console and save the response content to a file?
I tried
http GET --output
But this printed both the headers and content to the file, making it nonsense.

It is possible in an updated version, the --output option will print the output into a file, and the --download option will make sure that the headers are print to the console, and only the content to the output file.
Here is an example:
http GET "" --download --output bla.txt

This is what HTTPie does by default:
When the output is not redirected, the whole message is printed to the terminal (headers & body). However, binary data is not printed to the terminal.
When the output is redirected to a file, then only the body is printed (headers & body). It doesn't matter whether the body is binary or not.
So, the output depends on where it is being printed to. You can overwrite the default context-sensitive behaviour with one of the output options. For example, the following saves the headers as well as the body to a file:
http --output --print=hb
HTTPie currently doesn't allow outputing binary data to the terminal.

It's not possible. Reported issue
Update 2013: Fixed. Try
http -h --download


How do I send output from the terminal to a text file in Visual Studio Code with the proper encoding?

I'm having issues sending output containing Unicode box-drawing characters to a text file.
The string ┌───top───┐ prints to the terminal fine using the print command. It also renders properly if I open and write directly to a file in my code.
However, if I pipe the terminal output into a text file using
<run command> > out.txt, I get the result
Everything else prints fine, but why doesn't it handle certain Unicode characters?
Is there a quick fix for this?

Handling Binary (excel) file in Multi-data Post data in Suave.IO

I am trying to build a simple Suave.IO application to centralize the sending of emails. Currently the application has one endpoint that takes subject, body, recipients, attachments, and sender as form data and turns them into an EWS email message from a logging email account.
Everything works as intended in most cases, but I get a file corruption issue when one of the attachments is an excel file. In those cases, the file seems to get corrupted.
Currently, I am filtering the request.multipartFields down to only the ones that are marked as attachment files, and then doing this:
for (fileField: (string*string)) in fileFields do
let fname = (fst fileField)
let fpath = "uploadedFiles\\" + fname
File.WriteAllBytes(fpath, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (snd fileField)) |> ignore
The file path and the attachment names are then fed into the EWS message before sending.
Again, this seems to work with all attachments except attachments with binary. It seems like Suave.IO automatically encodes all multiPartFields as (string*string), which may require special handling when it's binary data.
How should I handle upload of binary files?
Thanks all in advance.
It looks like the issue was one of encoding. I was testing using python's request interface, and by default the files are encoded as multipart/form-data. By specifying a specific encoding for each file, I was able to help the server identify the incoming data as a file.
instead of, data=data, files={filename: open(filepath, 'rb')})
I needed to make it, data=data, files={filename: (filename, open(filepath, 'rb'), mimetypes.guess(filepath)})
With the second python script, files do end up in the files section of the request and I was able to save the excel file without corruption.

Encryption in RoR using gpgr package fails to write output file?

I have a script that's a plugin for redmine which enhances the application to send encrypted mail using gpg. At some point this stopped working. Unfortunately the one who wrote that script is not available anymore and I am an admin with only very limited knowledge of RoR.
The problem is, that obviously the script creates a file with the mail body, saves it to temp, encrypts it to an output file, reads this output and then sends the mail.
With an empty /tmp directory (such as after rebooting the whole server), the file gets created when I try to send a test mail. But then I get an error that the gpg.out file was not available. Creating it using touch does cause an empty email being send so obviously the script does not write anything to that file.'/tmp/', 'w') do |f1| #<--- Works, file is created
list_of_keys = [ rec ]
Gpgr::Encrypt.file('/tmp/', :to => '/tmp/gpg.out').encrypt_using(list_of_keys) #<- gpg.out wird nicht erzeugt.
text = ""'/tmp/gpg.out', 'r') do |f2| #<- throws file not found error, if file not there. When file was created empty using touch, it sends an empty mail
With my limited RoR knowledge, I can't figure out how to debug this. Permissions on /tmp are 777 so the script should be allowed to write there and obviously has because'/tmp/', 'w') works correctly all the time without an error. Hence I expect the problem in Gpgr::Encrypt.file not working correctly, but I also don't get any error from that function it fails silently.

Produce a download file from CGI in Lua

I am writing a simple CGI program in lua. What I want to achieve is produce a response from CGI which enables a file to be downloaded from the browser. But I just can't print the data. I have no idea what's going on here. Here is the code below:
print("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8")
print("Content-Length:" .. sys.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"))
file=io.popen("some command")
output = file:read('*a')
The problem is I just can't print the output whose content is binary. I can see the type of output is string.
What is the problem? Please give some hints about it. Thank you.
ADD : I have no idea about this and Where is the issue. Let me put more info about the command I want run. But I don't think that matters.
Actually, I work in openwrt, the web server uhttpd. (No LuCI here)
The command is:sysupgrade -b - 2>/dev/null. This command is used to backup the config file. I want to write a CGI to download the backup file from the web.
But I can not print the output to the server. Even in the terminal(in lua IDE) I cannot print out the output except one or two messy code. But I can write the output to a file in terminal. Maybe it has some relationship with the content of out.
When I print the content line by line, it prints some, but not all of it. After I download the file. I can't open it.
I think you have way too many new lines. First of all, you can newline in Content-Disposition and this is in addition to the newline that print adds, which ends the headers and makes Content-Type a part of the payload (which breaks the content). You also have two newlines in Content-Type where you only need one (as one is added by the print command).
I think something like this should work:
local file = io.popen("some command")
local output = file:read('*a')
print("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8")
print("Content-Length: " .. #output)
print("Content-Disposition: " .. 'attachment;filename="backup.tar.gz"')
print("Content-Type: application/x-tar-gz\r\n")

Using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to access data from a web page returns truncated data in Lua

I am trying to download a source code file from a web site which works fine for small files, but a couple of larger ones get truncated.
The example below should be returning a file 146,135 bytes in size, but returns one of 141,194 bytes with a status of 200.
I have tried winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1 as well, but both seem to truncate at the same point.
I have also found quite a few people with similar problems, but have not been able to find a solution.
http = luacom.CreateObject('MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP')
print('Status: '..http.Status)
headers = http:GetAllResponseHeaders()
data = http.Responsetext
print('Data Size = '..#data)
I finally worked out what was going on so will post it here for others.
To avoid the truncation I needed to use ResponseBody and not ResponseText, what appears to be happening is the file is being sent in binary format, the ResponseText data is the same number of bytes as the ResponseBody one, but is in UTF-8 format, this means the number if special characters in the file (which are double byte in UTF-8 are dropped from the end of the ResponseText. I am not sure at what level the "mistake" in the length is made, but the way to avoid it is to use ResponseBody.
