UICollectionView - replicate Photos.app functionality - ios

I'm trying to create a UICollectionView that behaves like the photos.app on the iPad (pinch to group and expand).
How do you think photos.app is built?
Is it one UICollectionView with one layout, and the pinch just does a
batch update and moves cells in to sections?
Or is it one UICollectionView with two different layout?
Or the last option, could it be two UICollectionViews?
What do you think is the best approach?

It is the second suggestion - two different layouts.
I'd recommend checking the almost identical example in iOS6 by Turorials book (paid content, but probably worth it in your case).

In case you didn't buy the book yet,
I also wrote a blog post about the basic idea (and some code for the flow layout subclass).


Horizontal scrolling in section of UICollectionView in iOS, Swift

I develop an app for online shop that should has some design features that I don't know how to implement. Lurking for it second day, but no profit. I suggest, that it should be the simple CV with some custom cells for different needs (banners, products).
Problem - design has scrollable horizontally content in each section and I see no simple way to implement it instead of writing custom flow layout.
I tried to make a tableView with collection view in its rows, but its not working correctly.
May be you know some examples of implementation of same thing in swift or a good way to make such feature without flow layout?
Refer mention link May be help you from this link:- https://ashfurrow.com/blog/putting-a-uicollectionview-in-a-uitableviewcell-in-swift/

Implementing chat layout with UICollectionView with AutoLayout

Is what I'm trying to accomplish here even possible? I've been searching for hours for sample code and/or SO answers that demonstrate this simply enough to follow, but so far no luck.
Goal: implement something that looks roughly like this mock:
Yes, I know this is easy with a tableview, but the full design includes custom interactions, multiple columns, UIKit dynamics, and custom animations when adding/deleting cells, so UICollectionView is the better candidate. Until I can get this core layout to work, though, the rest of it is just a pipe dream.
So far I've started with a subclass of UICollectionViewCell that has a single label with constraints to all 4 sides of the content view. At which point I run into these issues:
It's unclear how I can calculate collectionViewContentSize() when the cells don't exist yet, esp. given that the majority of cells are actually offscreen most of the time!
If I just throw in an arbitrary content size (e.g., 320x1000), my views show up, but their heights don't adjust to the label content…I can't seem to read the cell height from within my UICollectionViewLayout subclass.
Seen or done anything like this? I'd include code, but after hours of futzing with it. I'm just looking for a clearer tutorial or sample code that fits this scenario.
There's a project you might want to look at. It's fairly involved and probably has a lot of code for situations that don't quite match yours, but does indeed create a chat view using a UICollectionView.
It can be found here:
For item 1 - with regards to calculating collectionViewContentSize, I think you'll find you may not need to calculate that, at least as long as you're using a UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass for the layout.
And for item 2 - rather than set a fixed 320x1000 take a look at the JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout.m for sizeItemAtIndexPath.
Sorry, this probably should have been a comment, but I lack the reputation to comment & so I made it an answer (doesn't that seem backwards? Ah well.)

Creating an app similar to Facebook feed page

I'm just wondering what's the best way to do a screen that looks pretty much like the feed view in the Facebook app. I guess the most obvious answer would be to use a UITableView but there are lot of challenges.
There are comments in every feed item and for that we will have to use another UITableView. And that means a UITableView sitting inside a UITableViewCell.
We can't re-use the cells as there are several different content types.
Determining the height of the cell is again a problem as that depends on the number of comments in a feed item.
I'm not planning to do an app that looks like Facebook but this is just a food for thought! I guess there is a better approach that using UITableView. What do you guys think ?
You can design this type of complex interfaces also with hard code but if the code is organised it will save you more time than taking the challenge of using UITableView.

iOS Design implementation recommandations

I would like to know how to handle, for my iOS app, the following situation:
I have to deal with something like this (basicly this is an article with comments, received from a server):
=- Text and Images -=
=- UIWebView -=
=- List of Comments -=
Now, I came up with two solutions:
Have the content above the list of comments wrapped in a UIScrollView, and create Views for each and everyone of the comments (don't know many of them could be), and
Make the list of comments a UITableView, and the above content its Header.
Which of these (or possibly another if you have any recommandations) should I choose? It may look not very important, but I would like to know this, so I could use the idea in further developing.
I would use a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell wich holds the comments.
It will definitely have a better performance the UITableView than the UIScrollView since the UITableView re-uses the cells.
Using a UITableView you will just have to worry about customising the cells for the comments.
Otherwise if you want to use the UIScrollView in case you have a lot of comments you will have to create manually a way to reuse them which is what the UITableView does.
If you want something like facebook, so that the context + comments both are movable,then go with option 2.
But, if you want content always at the top, go with option 1.
Indeed, UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView.
And If you think you might have many comments like (50+),
If you use scrollView, then you should have to supply scrollView with those number of UIView objects.
But, if you use tableView, it perfectly reused already created views.So evenhough you have 1000+ comments, it just uses 5 UIView objects

iOS Universal App - UITableView/UICollectionView

I'm trying to develop a universal iOS app and ideally I'm trying to get as much code re-use as possible.
I'm using storyboards so the UI is segmented into scenes.
In the iPhone storyboard the particular scene in question is best suited to a table view.
In the iPad storyboard, the equivalent scene in the storyboard would ideally implement a UICollectionView and so render the content in a grid.
Both views should implement a pull-to-refresh control which in one case is going to call a [UITableView reloadData] and in the other a [UICollectionView reloadData].
Anybody any advice on how to get the maximum amount of code re-use, ie. what does the controller class look like?
1 option would be to have 1 monolithic class that conforms to both the UITableView protocols and the UICollectionView protocols but this doesn't feel right.
Another option would be to have a base class and then subclass it with specialisations for iPhone and iPad. Whilst this feels cleaner, I'm still thinking there might be a better way. In my first attempt at this it felt like there was more code in the specialisation classes than there was in the base class.
The third plan I've considered is simply to use a UICollectionView in both apps therefore eliminating the complexity of the controller. Hopefully I could force the layout of the collection view to be a grid on the iPad whilst tell it to mimic a table view on the iPhone.
Whilst on the face of it this sounds easy I'm struggling to make a UICollectionView work exactly like a table view would do normally.
Any advice guys?
Many thanks,
If you are not using some of the specific UITableView features[1], making UICollectionView look exactly like a table is trivial. I think I would go for using UICollectionView as it will allow more flexibility in the future and you will have to use it anyways.
When you are talking about code reuse you probably mean the DRY principle. It just says you should not write the same code or the same information twice, but I don't think this is your main issue here.
I would use a UITableViewController on the iPhone and a UICollectionViewController on the iPad. I think this is the cleanest and easiest way to go. What exactly do you hope to reuse among both controllers? The both require two different delegate protocols, so most of the methods will be specific to one platform. You will need two NSFetchedResultsController if you're using Core Data, but reusing the fetched results controller code only makes sense if you need the same data on both platforms.
If you create a new universal project in Xcode you will get a basic project setup that looks different on iPhone and iPad. Try to understand it (there are some details to pay attention to) before you start programming, I think it will answer at least some of your questions.
