Three JS select geometry by id - webgl

Background: I'm a dev that knows JS, but is relatively new to Three JS. I've done a few small projects that involve static scenes with basic repeating animation.
I'm currently working on a modified version of Google's Globe project Looking back, I probably should have just started from scratch, but it was a good tool to see the approach their dev took. I just wish I could now update ThreeJS w/o the whole thing falling apart (too many unsupported methods and some bugs I never could fix, at least not in the hour I attempted it).
In the original, they are merging all of the geometric points into one object to speed up FPS. For my purposes, I'm updating the points on the globe using JSON, and there will never be more than 100 (probably no more than 60 actually), so they need to remain individual. I've removed the "combine" phase so I can now individually assign data to the points and then TWEEN the height change animation.
My question is, how do I manually select a single point (which is a Cube Geometry) so that I can modify the height value? I've looked through Stack Overflow and Three JS on GitHub and I'm not sure I understand the process. I'm assigning an ID to make it directly relate to the data that is being passed into it (I know WebGL adds an individual name/ID for particles, but I need something that is more directly related to what I'm doing for the sake of simplicity). That seems to work fine. But again, as a JS dev I've tried .getElementById(id) and $('#'+id) in jQuery, and neither works. I realize that Geometry objects don't behave the same way as HTML DOM objects, so I guess that's where I'm having struggles.
Code to add a point of data to the globe:
function addPoint(lat, lng, size, color, server) {
geometry = new THREE.Cube(0.75, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1, null, false, { px: true,
nx: true, py: true, ny: true, pz: false, nz: true});
for (var i = 0; i < geometry.vertices.length; i++) {
var vertex = geometry.vertices[i];
vertex.position.z += 0.5;
var point = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ({
vertexColors: THREE.FaceColors
var phi = (90 - lat) * Math.PI / 180;
var theta = (180 - lng) * Math.PI / 180;
point.position.x = 200 * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta);
point.position.y = 200 * Math.cos(phi);
point.position.z = 200 * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta);
if($('#'+server).length > 0) {
server = server+'b';
} = server;
point.scale.z = -size;
for (var i = 0; i < point.geometry.faces.length; i++) {
point.geometry.faces[i].color = color;
So now to go back, I know I can't use because obviously that will only reference inside the function. But I've tried '', '', '', and nothing seems to work. I know it is possible, I just can't seem to find a method that works.

Okay, I found a method that works for this by playing with the structure.
Essentially, the scene is labeled "globe" and all objects are its children. So treating the scene as an array, we can successfully pass an object into a var using the following structure:
Globe > Scene > Children > [Object]
Using a matching function, we loop through each item and find the desired geometric object and assign it to a temporary var for animation/adjustment:
function updatePoints(server){
var p, lineObject;
$.getJSON('/JSON/'+server+'.json', function(serverdata) {
/* script that sets p to either 0 or 1 depending on dataset */
var pointId = server+p;
//Cycle through all of the child objects and find a patch in
for(var t = 3; t < globe.scene.children.length; t++) {
if(globe.scene.children[t].name === pointId) {
//set temp var "lineObject" to the matched object
lineObject = globe.scene.children[t];
/* Manipulation based on data here, using lineObject */
I don't know if this is something that anyone else has had questions on, but I hope it helps someone else! :)
EDIT: Just realized this isn't a keyed array so I can use .length to get total # of objects


Google Lighthouse Speed Index 100% visually completed frame definition

I'm looking for a way to optimize our website's Speed Index metric on Lighthouse
I found this helpful article describe Speed Index metric very well, and help me understand how Speed Index is calculated.
But there is a key concept not being described clear on the article, and I search for a lot of other Speed Index related blogs still can't found the answer.
What is the 100% visual completeness frame?
We all know the First Frame is 0% VC because it's blank, but the VC keep increasing during the page load process, so what frame will be consider as 100% visual completeness?
The definition of 100% VC frame is important because it's the baseline for calculate all other frame's visual completeness.
If I have a page that simply print from 1 to 100 with interval 100ms and just enough to fill in the viewport, will the 100% VC frame be the frame that number 100 is printed?
According to Google's description of the Lighthouse "Speed Index" audit:
Lighthouse uses a node module called Speedline to generate the Speed Index score.
sends Speedline
Speedline's Github readme says
The Speed Index, introduced by, aims to solve this issue. It measures how fast the page content is visually displayed. The current implementation is based on the Visual Progress from Video Capture calculation method described on the Speed Index page. The visual progress is calculated by comparing the distance between the histogram of the current frame and the final frame.
(Italics mine.)
a timeline of paints
The Speed Index page goes into painful detail about how visual progress is calculated. Here's a snippet:
In the case of Webkit-based browsers, we collect the timeline data which includes paint rects as well as other useful events.
I believe "timeline data" refers to a JSON object retrieved via the Performance Timeline API.
It seems Lighthouse passes the JSON timeline to Speedline, which then extracts an array of "frames," describing the page load's paint events:
* #param {string|Array<TraceEvent>|{traceEvents: Array<TraceEvent>}} timeline
* #param {Options} opts
function extractFramesFromTimeline(timeline, opts) {
which calculates histograms
Speedline converts the image data from each paint event to an image histogram, interestingly excluding pixels that are "close enough" to pass as white:
* #param {number} i
* #param {number} j
* #param {ImageData} img
function isWhitePixel(i, j, img) {
return getPixel(i, j, 0, img.width, >= 249 &&
getPixel(i, j, 1, img.width, >= 249 &&
getPixel(i, j, 2, img.width, >= 249;
A lot of math goes into calculating and comparing histograms. The project maintainer is the right person to ask about that. But this is where the eventual determination of the "visually complete" happens:
// find visually complete
for (let i = 0; i < frames.length && !visuallyCompleteTs; i++) {
if (frames[i][progressToUse]() >= 100) {
visuallyCompleteTs = frames[i].getTimeStamp();
and infers "progress",
The "progress" of a given frame seems to be calculated by this function:
* #param {Frame} current
* #param {Frame} initial
* #param {Frame} target
function calculateFrameProgress(current, initial, target) {
let total = 0;
let match = 0;
const currentHist = current.getHistogram();
const initialHist = initial.getHistogram();
const targetHist = target.getHistogram();
for (let channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
for (let pixelVal = 0; pixelVal < 256; pixelVal++) {
const currentCount = currentHist[channel][pixelVal];
const initialCount = initialHist[channel][pixelVal];
const targetCount = targetHist[channel][pixelVal];
const currentDiff = Math.abs(currentCount - initialCount);
const targetDiff = Math.abs(targetCount - initialCount);
match += Math.min(currentDiff, targetDiff);
total += targetDiff;
let progress;
if (match === 0 && total === 0) { // All images are the same
progress = 100;
} else { // When images differs
progress = Math.floor(match / total * 100);
return progress;
and "visually complete" is the first frame with 100% progress.
Without fully auditing the code, my interpretation is that the "visually complete frame" is the first frame calculated to have the same total difference from the initial frame as the final frame (which is determined by which frames Lighthouse chooses to send to Speedline).
Or, in other words, it's complicated.
Visually complete is when the page in the viewport stops changing. I.e. the visuals are not changing.
It is calculated by taking screenshots throughout the load and comparing them to each other and to the final end state. So yes in your example when all numbers 1-100 are printed and the page stops changing you are “visually complete”.
So if a page loads the data in view quickly but renders “below the fold” content (e.g. off screen images) more slowly then you will get a quick visually complete, even if the page overall load time is still long.
Similarly if most of the on screen content is drawn early on but one small part is drawn later (perhaps a “click to chat” option) you will get mostly visually complete early on and so a good speed index, even if not as good as the above example.
On the other hand if you load fonts, or perhaps a large hero image, last and it redraws large parts of the page in view you will get a slow visual complete time and also a slow speed index score.
More details here:
I just got the answer from Lighthouse repo contributor, pls check this link guys.

Change background of google slides shape to red

I am trying to find the answer in Google Slides API references for how to set the background color of a shape I have in my Google Slide. I have given it the title (using Alt Text feature) "rectangle1", so my intention is to write the code along the lines of "if shape's property "title" == "rectangle1", then set background color to red."
I can't see a single reference to "SetBackgroundFill" or SetBackgroundColor, or anything of that sort.
Is it possible?
This is another possible answer, using a so-called "container bound script", which is only accessible through the specific Slide's Tools/Script Editor menu (no other way, or else it won't work).
I found that this "container bound script" approach gives me more power over my slide, and it avoids these expensive calls to "batchUpdate", when using "stand alone" scripts as in my other "self-answer".
So, in a way, I recommend it to myself, but, perhaps, to someone else, my other approach would be a better choice.
For one thing, this approach has a much faster response time.
var hex_color = '#54BdeF';
function test1() {
var selection = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getSelection();
var currentPage = selection.getCurrentPage();
var selectionType = selection.getSelectionType();
var shapes = currentPage.getShapes();
for (i=0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
if (shapes[i].getTitle() == 'rectangle1') {
shape_fill = shapes[i].getFill();
Again, as before, I would welcome any comments and suggestions.
To set background color, you need Element Operations.
The Slides API allows you to create and edit a variety of page
elements, including text boxes, images, tables, basic shapes, lines,
and embedded videos. The examples on this page show some common page
element operations that can be achieved with the API.
Following the steps specified here will do the changes in your specified shape or element. Check the example.
Well, here is my solution. If someone sees a way to improve it, I am all ears, but so far, it appears to work for me glitch-free.
First, I find the shape I am after using the following logic:
function ChangeColorMain()
ChangeShapeBackgroundColor('title', 'rectangle1', color_to_repl_r, color_to_repl_g, color_to_repl_b, alpha_value );
function ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(shape_property_name, shape_property_value, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b) {
Logger.log( 'ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(shape_property_name=%s, shape_property_value=%s, color_to_set_r=%s, color_to_set_g=%s, color_to_set_b=%s) ',
shape_property_name, shape_property_value, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b);
var presentation = Slides.Presentations.get(presentationId);
var slides = presentation.slides;
Logger.log('The presentation contains %s slides:', slides.length);
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < slides[i].pageElements.length; j++ ) {
if (shape_property_name == 'title' && shape_property_value == slides[i].pageElements[j].title) {
Logger.log('Found it');
//slides[i].pageElements[j] = color_to_set_r;
SubmitRequest(slides[i].pageElements[j].objectId, color_to_set_r, color_to_set_g, color_to_set_b, alpha_value);
} //end of for that iterates through every element
So, you'll notice that I start my process by calling the function "ChangeColorMain" which also gets my global variables color_to_repl_r... which are defined in a different file of my google script project, but that's not important.
Once inside the ChangeShapeBackgroundColor(), I iterate through all "PageElements" on my slide (see the relevant for loops) and use if statements to check if I got to the shape I am looking for. Finally, once I have located it, I call the all important function SubmitRequest(), which is "expensive". You can't make too many calls in one day, or else Google blocks this function until the day ends. But not a problem if you are making less than 500 calls per day (this number might be wrong/might change).
Here are the details of "SubmitRequest()" which I was able to create by finally figuring out how to make sense of this reference page:
function SubmitRequest(shape_id, r, g, b, a) {
var rgb_color = {
red: r,
green: g,
blue: b
var opaque_color = {
rgbColor: rgb_color
var solid_fill = {
color: opaque_color,
alpha: a
var background_fill = {
solidFill: solid_fill
var shape_properties = {
shapeBackgroundFill: background_fill
var update_request = {
objectId: shape_id,
shapeProperties: shape_properties,
fields: "shapeBackgroundFill.solidFill.color"
var requests = [{
updateShapeProperties: update_request
// Execute the request.
var batch_update_return = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
requests: requests
}, presentationId);
'This is what you get from Google after submitting batchUpdate request:\n%s', batch_update_return);

Getting data from a table

Using Tiled I generated a Lua file which contains a table. So I figured that I'd write a for loop which cycles through the table gets the tile id and checks if collision is true and add collision if it was. But, I've been unable to get the tile id's or check they're properties. But it returned a error saying that I tried to index nil value tileData.
Here is the Map file
return {
version = "1.1",
luaversion = "5.1",
-- more misc. data
tilesets = {
name = "Tileset1",
firstgid = 1,
tilewidth = 16,
tileheight = 16,
tiles = {
id = 0,
properties = {
["Collision"] = false
layers = {
type = "tilelayer",
name = "Tile Layer 1"
data = {
-- array of tile id's
And here is the for loop I wrote to cycle through the table
local map = love.filesystem.load("Protyping.lua")()
local tileset1 = map.tilesets
local tileData = tileset1.tiles
local colision_layer = map.layers[1].data
for y=1,16 do
for x=1,16 do
if tileData[colision_layer[x*y]].properties["Colision"] == true then
world:add("collider "..x*y,x*map.tilewidth, y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight)
Try this:
tileset1 = map.tilesets[1]
instead of
tileset1 = map.tilesets
lhf's answer (map.tilesets[1] instead of map.tilesets) fixes the error you were getting, but there are at least two other things you'll need to fix for your code to work.
The first is consistent spelling: you have a Collision property in your map data and a Colision check in your code.
The second thing you'll need to fix is the way that the individual tiles are being referenced. Tiled's layer data is made of 2-dimensional tile data laid out in a 1-dimensional array from left-to-right, starting at the top, so the index numbers look like this:
You would think you could just do x * y to get the index, but if you look closely, you'll see that this doesn't work. Instead, you have to do x + (y - 1) * width.
Or if you use zero-based x and y, it looks like this:
Personally, I prefer 0-based x and y (but as I get more comfortable with Lua, that may change, as Lua has 1-based arrays). If you do go with 0-based x and y, then the formula is x + 1 + y * width.
I happen to have just written a tutorial this morning that goes over the Tiled format and has some helper functions that do exactly this (using the 0-based formula). You may find it helpful:
The tutorial uses Simple Tiled Implementation, which is a very nice library for working with Tiled lua files. Since you're trying to do collision, I should mention that STI has a plugins for both the bump collision library and the box2d (physics) collision library.

BIng Maps not rendering migrated polygons

I have a map, that has both new and migrated areas. The new areas are being pushed to the map, but the migrated ones are not. They are somewhat loading, as the length of the collection is correct. map.entites.push('polygon') is not working.
here is the code I am using:
var checkExist = setInterval(function () {
var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < viewData.zones.length; i++) {
var zone = viewData.zones[i];
var id = zone["ID"];
var geometricArea = zone["CoverageArea"];
var geography = geometricArea["Geography"];
//console.log("geography object :" + JSON.parse(geography));
//var zoneShape = zoneShapes[i];
// console.log(geography.WellKnownText);
var polygon = WKTModule.Read(geography.WellKnownText)
polygon.shapeType = ('Polygon').toLowerCase(); = id;
Also- Even though the polygon isnt being pushed to the map, the coordinates are there and it has an id. I am not sure what is happening.
What is the zoneEntities variable? If it is a layer/entityCollection this would cause an issue as you already tried adding the shape to the map. Which map control are you using V7 or v8. V8 renders on an HTML5 canvas and has to redraw with every change to your shape. If you are changing the shapes in an interval like this and the interval is too small, the renderer will wait for the changes to stop for a period of time before drawing. Looking at your code you aren't specifying an interval time which means it is firing this even a ridiculous number of times.

iOS slow image pixel iterating

I am trying to implement RGB histogram computation for images in Swift (I am new to iOS).
However the computation time for 1500x1000 image is about 66 sec, which I consider to be too slow.
Are there any ways to speed up image traversal?
P.S. current code is the following:
func calcHistogram(image: UIImage) {
let bins: Int = 20;
let width = Int(image.size.width);
let height = Int(image.size.height);
let binStep: Double = Double(bins-1)/255.0
var hist = Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Int())))
for i in 0..<bins {
for j in 0..<bins {
for k in 0..<bins {
hist[i][j][k] = 0;
var pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage))
var data: UnsafePointer<UInt8> = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData)
for x in 0..<width {
for y in 0..<height {
var pixelInfo: Int = ((width * y) + x) * 4
var r = Double(data[pixelInfo])
var g = Double(data[pixelInfo+1])
var b = Double(data[pixelInfo+2])
let r_bin: Int = Int(floor(r*binStep));
let g_bin: Int = Int(floor(g*binStep));
let b_bin: Int = Int(floor(b*binStep));
hist[r_bin][g_bin][b_bin] += 1;
As noted in my comment on the question, there are some things you might rethink before you even try to optimize this code.
But even if you do move to a better overall solution like GPU-based histogramming, a library, or both... There are some Swift pitfalls you're falling into here that are good to talk about so you don't run into them elsewhere.
First, this code:
var hist = Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Array(count:bins, repeatedValue:Int())))
for i in 0..<bins {
for j in 0..<bins {
for k in 0..<bins {
hist[i][j][k] = 0;
... is initializing every member of your 3D array twice, with the same result. Int() produces a value of zero, so you could leave out the triple for loop. (And possibly change Int() to 0 in your innermost repeatedValue: parameter to make it more readable.)
Second, arrays in Swift are copy-on-write, but this optimization can break down in multidimensional arrays: changing an element of a nested array can cause the entire nested array to be rewritten instead of just the one element. Multiply that by the depth of nested arrays and number of element writes you have going on in a double for loop and... it's not pretty.
Unless there's a reason your bins need to be organized this way, I'd recommend finding a different data structure for them. Three separate arrays? One Int array where index i is red, i + 1 is green, and i + 2 is blue? One array of a custom struct you define that has separate r, g, and b members? See what conceptually fits with your tastes or the rest of your app, and profile to make sure it works well.
Finally, some Swift style points:
pixelInfo, r, g, and b in your second loop don't change. Use let, not var, and the optimizer will thank you.
Declaring and initializing something like let foo: Int = Int(whatever) is redundant. Some people like having all their variables/constants explicitly typed, but it does make your code a tad less readable and harder to refactor.
Int(floor(x)) is redundant — conversion to integer always takes the floor.
If you have some issues about performance in your code, first of all, use Time Profiler from Instruments. You can start it via Xcode menu Build->Profile, then, Instruments app opened, where you can choose Time Profiler.
Start recording and do all interactions in the your app.
Stop recording and analyse where is the "tightest" place of your code.
Also check options "Invert call tree", "Hide missing symbols" and "Hide system libraries" for better viewing profile results.
You can also double click at any listed function to view it in code and seeing percents of usage
