How do I retrieve cumulative views using the YouTube APIs? - youtube-api

I can't find anything on the web or the API docs for how to retrieve the very simple graph that shows up when you check the stats of a YouTube video right on the video page; that is, when you click the "Video Statistics" button to the right of the View Count on a video.
I just want a graph that starts at 0 views when the video was first uploaded to the number of views now; it should increase cumulatively with time. Anyone know how to get this?
Note -- I don't want data broken down per day (I'm aware of the new Analytics API).

The newly public YouTube Analytics API should allow you to get that sort of data (views broken down by day over a period of time).


YouTube Analytics vs YouTube Data API Discrepancy

I've been using the YouTube Analytics API (I'm using the Java library), to retrieve analytics data for a YouTube Channel - I've been filtering the API calls to specific videoIDs.
However the data for the same date range, when I look in YouTube Analytics (the web interface) seems to differ.
Data from the YouTube Web Interface:
Data from the API:
Does anyone have an explanation for this ?
It says from this SO post that it is an intended behavior of both the API and the Youtube Analytics web interface.
To support this similar post, based from the documentation - How video views are counted:
If you're looking at a video you uploaded, you can monitor your views
more closely using YouTube Analytics. However, keep in mind that the
Realtime report only shows estimates of potential view activity and
might not match the number you see on the watch page.
Also, there are called Frozen View Count where on some videos, the view count might seem frozen or not show all the views that you expect. Video views are algorithmically validated to maintain fair and positive experiences for content creators, advertisers, and users. To verify that views are real and accurate, YouTube may temporarily slow down, freeze, or adjust the view count, as well as discard low-quality playbacks.

How to find views per day with Youtube API

I'm able to get view count with Youtube API v3, but does anyone know how get the number of views per day? Any suggestions on how to scrape this data would be great.
Apparently it's possible:
How does one pull statistics (either daily or over time) from the YouTube API
but the person who commented how to do it now has a broken link.
Thanks in advance!
You'll have to pull in the total views every day and calculate the difference yourself.

Youtube Analytics: Filter videos only uploaded in given time period

I am totally stuck in finding a solution to this.
I am trying to easily filter the data for Yooutube videos uploaded in given time period to check only their Views and other metrics. Currently if I check the views in the Youtube Analytics, there are all the videos uploaded only the views in given period are considered.
Can somebody help?
You could create a group of the videos you are looking for. On the top right of YTA, click on Groups -> Create video group.

YouTube Monthly views checker API and PHP?

My question is if there's a way to get the monthly original views. From a YouTube channel with Google Authentication system and YouTube APIs. Because i'm writing a little script that say's like when a curtain person get over a amount of, monthly views they will get sended further in to the site and get a document send through. Else they go back to the homepage, Is it possible to do this so yes how because i can't seem to find a way
You can use the YouTube Analytics API to run a report against a given video to request the number of "uniques" aggregated by month, for an arbitrary date range. The report definition would look something like
You'd have to run that report once against every video in the channel, though, and add up the totals.
Note that the end-date is NOT the last day of the month you're looking for, it's the first day of that month again (i.e. it's a "month identifier", not a range of days).
You should note that you need to have an OAuth 2 token for the owner of the channel with the appropriate YouTube Analytics (and Data API, to get the list of videos) scopes in order to run that report; you can't just run an arbitrary Analytics report for an arbitrary video without being authorized.

Youtube player for multiple videos from various accounts

I have a page that has many videos on it and the page has become so slow it is unusable. These are all Youtube videos and I changed to the new iFrame tags hoping that would help the loading. I need a solution to make this page more useable.
I would be happy if I could just pull a frame from the video and display that, when clicked it would load the video. Or I would be happy with a multi-video player. The custom play from Youtube will not work because the videos I am serving are not all from my account and as I understand the custom player you reference a group from your account. I have also considered using AJAX to load the iframe, which would be okay too if I could figure out how to get a thumbnail of the video to show as a link.
Ideas and suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
YouTube API is made up of 2 different sets - one for the player and one for the data.
You can start here ...
... then click on "Data API" link and after looking over that page, click on the "Reference Guide" link.
In essence, the gData API will allow you to get videos in numerous ways (feeds, channels, tops, etc) in chunks of up to 100 videos at a time, using a startIndex (or whatever it may be called) option for paging. What you get is an XML document with parts or everything that YT has about a video, including not one but several different thumbnail images.
HTH helps you and/or another Web 0.2 Fellow (like me)
