PlayN iOS Landscape mode - ios

My game is designed for landscape only (screen resolution 1024*768 - iPad resolution).
My game scene is rendered correctly on every platform supported by PlayN (Android, html etc). The problem with iOS only.
I have prepared all the resources for iPad screen resolution, setup info.plist file, registered platform using IOSPlatform.register(app, IOSPlatform.SupportedOrients.LANDSCAPES);
When I run my application everything regarding device orientaton is correct, but game scene isn't fully rendered. It is rendered for the resolution 768*768 (Not all of the scene objects are visible - only objects that belong to 768*768 rect are visible) and the remaining screen space is black.
I've investigated the issue in the following way:
Applied scale transform to rootLayer (to make sure the entire scene is rendered)., 0.75f);
Result - game scene fits in 768*768 rect and I can see all game scene objects.
Applied translate transform to rootLayer (to make sure PlayN doesn't render scene outside of 768*768 rect). ().rootLayer().setTranslation(1024.0f - 768.0f, 0.0f);
Result - game scene is translated, but objects that are not belong to 768*768 screen rect are not visible.
My guess is that PlayN prepares its drawing context for the 768*1024 screen resolution (default iPad orientation resolution). When it renders the screen the objects located outside of 768*1024 rectangle are clipped (not rendered).
Any help or ideas what can cause such strange behavior would be very appreciated.

The problem is in the following:
iOS doesn't change main window frame and root view frame after device rotation (while Android does - I've checked).
PlayN code expects that view size after rotation should be changed from 768*1024 (default orientation) to 1024*768.
Actual result: PlayN transforms game scene using transform matrix but doesn't change OpenGL framebuffer size (framebuffer size is still 768*1024)
I've fixed this issue by adding the next piece of code to IOSGLContext:
public void setSize (int width, int height)
if (UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft == orient || UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight == orient)
Console.WriteLine("Swap IOSGLContext width and height for " + UIDeviceOrientation.wrap(orient));
viewWidth = height;
viewHeight = width;
viewWidth = width;
viewHeight = height;
super.setSize(viewWidth, viewHeight);
Now everything work as expected!
If you have any other ideas how to fix this issue I will be glad to discuss them)

download the latest PlayN-1.5 snapshot (from -> not from google code). This issue is fixed in that version


Sizing a SKScene to fit within iOS screen boundaries

I have written a small macOS application that sizes a 64 x 64 grid of SKSpriteNodes based on the smaller of the height or width of the view:
let pixelSize = min(self.size.width / Double(numColumns), self.size.height / Double(numRows))
...numRows and Columns are both 64. When the window opens at 1024 x 768, it calculates based on 768 and produces a square drawing area centered in the window, and it follows resizes and such.
I then used the Xcode template to add an iOS target. I was surprised to find that the size of the view remains 1024 x 768, in spite of being in a view in Main.storyboard that is 380 x 844. In the storyboard, Game Controller View Scene is set to Aspect Fit and Resize Subviews is turned on. I tried Clips to Bounds and several other settings, but it seems the Scene simply isn't being resized.
Did I miss a setting somewhere? Or should I calculate my sizes some other way?
from within SKScene you can access size via self.view?.frame.size
note however that if you draw your scene once via didMove(to view: SKView) you will
potentially miss important resize events that can and will effect the dimensions
of your scene. for instance, on macOS the storyboard dimensions will often be overridden
with cached values after the application launches. for this reason, i suggest adding responders for resize on macOS
and rotation on iOS.
//macOS -- respond to window resize
class GameViewController: NSViewController {
//called on window resize
//(note: NSWindow.didResizeNotification also accesses this event and may be better in some cases)
override func viewDidLayout() {
print("view been resized to \(self.view.frame.size)")
//iOS -- respond to device rotation
class GameViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
coordinator.animate(alongsideTransition: { context in
// This is called during the animation
}, completion: { context in
// This is called after the rotation is finished. Equal to deprecated `didRotate`
print("view been resized to \(self.view.frame.size)")
ps your code says pixels, but my guess is you probably mean points. a point is aways 1/72th of an
inch, i.e. 72dpi. by contrast, pixels will vary depending on the device's resolution
(x2 for iPhone 8, x3 for iPhone 12, etc.). i basically only ever care about points when
designing an app, not pixels. although this isn't a hard and fast rule and ymmv etc etc.

Spritekit scaling for universal app

I am having trouble properly setting up my app so that it displays correctly on all devices. I want my game to look best for iPhone and I understand that setting my scene size using GameScene(size: CGSize(width: 1334, height: 750)) and use .aspectFill means that on iPads there will be less space to display things which I'm fine with. The problem is, how do I position my nodes so that they are relative to the each devices frame height and width? I use self.frame.height, self.frame.width, self.frame.midX, etc. for positioning my nodes and when I run my game, it positions things properly considering I run on my iPhone 6, but on my iPad, everything seems blown up and nodes are off the screen. I'm going crazy trying to figure this out
I solved this in my game by using scaleFactors, numbers which tell my app how much to enlarge each length, width, height etc. Then I just make my game look well for one phone, and use that phone's width and height to calculate with which factor I need to enlarge it for other devices. In this example I use the iPhone 4 as a base, but you can use any device just change the numbers according to that device.
Portrait mode:
var widthFactor = UIScreen.main.bounds.width/320.0 //I divide it by the default iPhone 4 width
var heightFactor = UIScreen.main.bounds.height/480.0
Landscape mode:
var widthFactor = UIScreen.main.bounds.width/480.0 //I divide it by the default iPhone 4 landscape width
var heightFactor = UIScreen.main.bounds.height/320.0
Then when you make a node, a coin image for example, multiply its coordinates or width/height by the scaleFactors:
let coin = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "coin")
coin.position = CGPoint(x: 25 * widthFactor, y: self.size.height - 70 * heightFactor)
I think what you're looking for might be in this answer:
Specifically I think this part is what you're looking for (edited to fit your example):
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
// Set things only for iPad
// Example: Adjust y positions using += or -=
buttonNode.position.y += 100
labelNode.position.y -= 100
Basically, this just adds or subtracts a certain amount from the iPhone position if the user is using an iPad. It's not too complicated, and you can increase or decrease both x and y values of position by a certain value of percentage of the screen (self.size.width * decimalPercentage).
Another benefit of using this way is that you're just modifying the iPhone positions, so it starts by using the default values that you set. Then if on iPad, it will make changes.
If this is hard to understand let me know so I can clear up the explanation

Swift sprite kit vertical background infinite image

I have 3 images:
I want to set topBg.png at top scene and height = 200
middleBg.png should be infinite scale or repeat vertically
botBg.png - should be in bottom and height = 200
i have next code:
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.bgTopSpriteNode = self.childNode(withName: "//bgTopNode") as? SKSpriteNode
self.bgMiddleSpriteNode = self.childNode(withName: "//bgMiddleNode") as? SKSpriteNode
self.bgBottomSpriteNode = self.childNode(withName: "//bgBottomNode") as? SKSpriteNode
if let bgTopSpriteNode = self.bgTopSpriteNode,
let bgMiddleSpriteNode = self.bgMiddleSpriteNode,
let bgBottomSpriteNode = self.bgBottomSpriteNode {
bgTopSpriteNode.size.width = self.frame.width
bgTopSpriteNode.size.height = 200
bgTopSpriteNode.position.x = 0
bgMiddleSpriteNode.size.width = self.frame.width
bgMiddleSpriteNode.size.height = self.frame.height-400
bgMiddleSpriteNode.position.x = 0
bgBottomSpriteNode.size.width = self.frame.width
bgBottomSpriteNode.size.height = 200
bgBottomSpriteNode.position.x = 0
But how to set Y position of images. Because coordinates begin from center of screen, not from left top and i don't know how to convert them.
There are a couple of different ways to achieve what you're looking to do.
First, you can compute the y position of the top and the bottom of the screen using simply size.height / 2 if you have the anchorPoint of your scene at (0.5,0.5). (Don't use frame - use size. That way, you take into account the scaleMode of the scene.)
It sounds like you are frustrated that the origin of the scene is in the center. If you'd like to move it to the corner, you can easily do so by setting the scene's anchorPoint property, say, to (0.0, 0.0) for the lower left corner. Then, your y-values are 0 and size.height. If you are using the .sks editor, this is exposed in the interface - you can just set it there. Otherwise, you can set it programmatically.
Finally, you can set the scaleMode of your scene to something like .aspectFill, set the size of the scene directly (say, to 1024x768 for an iPad), and just place the images wherever they need to go. This approach works particularly well with .sks files, if you are using them; when you load up a scene, you can set the size of the scene based on the aspect ratio of the view it's in to accommodate different aspect ratios. For instance, you could adopt a 320x480 "reference size" for your iPhone scenes. Whenever you load up the scene, you could set the size of the scene to be 320 points wide and however many points tall to match the aspect ratio of the device. Then, all your graphics would be produced at 320pt wide, and you could slide them up or down proportionally across the scene's size for layout. This is a little more complicated, but it's a lot easier than trying to deal with separate layout considerations for multiple devices.
I should also point out a couple of things.
You can use the anchorPoint property of a sprite to dictate where the sprite's coordinates are measured from. This is handy for cases where you want images to be flush up against something. For instance, if you want an image flush against the left side of the screen, set its position to be exactly the left side of the screen, and then set its anchorPoint.x to 0.0; this will put the left edge of the sprite against the left edge of the screen. This also works for scenes, as you encountered - moving the anchorPoint of the scene moves everything in the scene relative to its size.
You don't need three images for what you're describing. You can use a single sprite and just set its centerRect property to tell it to use the top and bottom of an image and stretch the center part vertically. You have to do a little math to set the right xScale and yScale (not width and height, IIRC), but then you can draw all of that with one sprite instead of three. This would be really handy in your case, because you could just leave the sprite at (0,0), set its scale to match the size of the entire scene, and set the centerRect property - you wouldn't have to do any positioning math at all.

Scaling Image Causes Crash In AS3 Flex AIR Mobile App

Zooming in on image by scaling and moving using matrix causes the app to run out of memory and crash.
Additional Libraries used:
Gestouch -
In my Flex Mobile app I have an Image inside a Group with pan/zoom enabled using the Gestouch library. The zoom works to an extent but causes the app to die (not freeze, just exit) with no error message after a certain zoom level.
This would be manageable except I can’t figure out how to implement a threshold to stop the zoom at, as it crashes at a different zoom level almost every time. I also use dynamic images so the source of the image could be any size or resolution.
They are usually JPEGS ranging from about 800x600 - 9000x6000 and are downloaded from a server so cannot be packaged with the app.
As of the AS3 docs there is no longer a limit to the size of the BitmapData object so that shouldn't be the issue.
“Starting with AIR 3 and Flash player 11, the size limits for a BitmapData object have been removed. The maximum size of a bitmap is now dependent on the operating system.”
The group is used as a marker layer for overlaying pins on.
The crash mainly happens on iPad Mini and older Android devices.
Things I have tried already tried:
1.Using Adobe Scout to pin point when the memory leak occurs.
2.Debugging to find the exact height and width of the marker layer and image at the time of crash.
3.Setting a max zoom variable based on the size of the image.
4.Cropping the image on zoom to only show the visible area. ( crashes on copyPixels function and BitmapData.draw() function )
5.Using imagemagick to make lower quality images ( small images still crash )
6.Using imagemagick to make very low res image and make a grid of smaller images . Displaying in the mobile app using a List and Tile layout.
7.Using weak references when adding event listeners.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
private function layoutImageResized(e: Event):void
markerLayer.scaleX = markerLayer.scaleY = 1;
markerLayer.x = markerLayer.y = 0;
var scale: Number = Math.min(width / image.sourceWidth , height / image.sourceHeight);
image.scaleX = image.scaleY = scale;
_imageIsWide = (image.sourceWidth / image.sourceHeight) > (width / height);
// centre image
markerLayer.y = (height - image.sourceHeight * image.scaleY ) / 2 ;
markerLayer.x = (width -image.sourceWidth * image.scaleX ) / 2 ;
// set max scale
_maxScale = scale*_maxZoom;
private function onGesture(
trace("Gesture start");
// if the user starts moving around while the add Pin option is up
// the state will be changed and the menu will disappear
if(currentState == "addPin")
const gesture:TransformGesture = as TransformGesture;
////trace("gesture state is ", gesture.state);
if(gesture.state == GestureState.BEGAN)
currentState = "zooming";
imgOldX = image.x;
imgOldY = image.y;
oldImgWidth = markerLayer.width;
oldImgHeight = markerLayer.height;
var matrix:Matrix = markerLayer.transform.matrix;
// Pan
matrix.translate(gesture.offsetX, gesture.offsetY);
markerLayer.transform.matrix = matrix;
if ( (gesture.scale != 1 || gesture.rotation != 0) && ( (markerLayer.scaleX < _maxScale && markerLayer.scaleY < _maxScale) || gesture.scale < 1 ) && gesture.scale < 1.4 )
storedScale = gesture.scale;
// Zoom
var transformPoint:Point = matrix.transformPoint(markerLayer.globalToLocal(gesture.location));
matrix.translate(-transformPoint.x, -transformPoint.y);
matrix.scale(gesture.scale, gesture.scale);
matrix.translate(transformPoint.x, transformPoint.y);
markerLayer.transform.matrix = matrix;
I would say that's not a good idea to work with such a large image like (9000x6000) on mobile devices.
I suppose you are trying to implement some sort of map navigation so you need to zoom some areas hugely.
My solution would be to split that 9000x6000 into 2048x2048 pieces, then compress it using png2atf utility with mipmaps enabled.
Then you can use Starling to easily load these atf images and add it to stage3d and easily manage it.
In case you are dealing with 9000x6000 image - you'll get about 15 2048x2048 pieces, having them all added on the stage at one time you might think it would be heavy, but mipmaps will make it so that there are only tiny thumbnails of image are in memory until they are not zoomed - so you'll never run out of memory in case you remove invisible pieces from stage from time to time while zooming in, and return it back on zoom out

AIR iOS scaling entire content, can't see anything

I've created an app with the latest version of AIR ( and I'm trying to scale the content to fit any resolution of the iPhone from 4 to 6+
In desktop debugging I see all perfectly scaled changing the stage dimension to test my solution. Trying on my iPhone 5 I can't see the scaled content.
If I comment the resize function everything is ok (I see all the content, not scaled obviously).
That's my solution
private function resize(e:Event=null):void{
var initW:Number=640;
var initH:Number=960;
var divisor:Number = 640/w;
main.width = Math.floor(main.width / divisor);
main.height = Math.floor(main.height / divisor);
I have tried to temporize the resize call to test it on the iPhone but again after 2000ms I can't see anything.
After this I've tried with a listener addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); calling the resize above at the end of my operations of building UI and so on.
Can't figure why resizing a movieclip that contains my app content make it disappear from iPhone and not from the desktop.
Hope in a solution
Thanks in advance
Capabilities.screenResolutionX and Capabilities.screenResolutionY are what you should use for screen width and height on apps.
Note: the X and Y don't change with rotation - they'll stay the same when screen rotates, so your code to get screen dimensions will look like this:
if (bStagePortrait) {
iScreenWidth = Capabilities.screenResolutionX;
iScreenHeight = Capabilities.screenResolutionY;
} else {
iScreenWidth = Capabilities.screenResolutionY;
iScreenHeight = Capabilities.screenResolutionX;
Also use this code to prevent app from resizing or moving:
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
For a variety of reasons, your resize function could be getting called more than once.
main.width = Math.floor(main.width / divisor);
main.height = Math.floor(main.height / divisor);
will continuously make the main clip smaller. It may be better to use a constant or number for size calculation. I usually do something with scaling, though.
main.scaleX = main.scaleY = percentStageScaled;
