IIS 7 URL Rewrite config issue or MVC Route? - asp.net-mvc

I have an account with Gearhost.com and when it comes to setting up sub-domains you are currently required to go in and configure an URL Rewrite entry using IIS Remote Admin.
The directory folder structure follows the pattern:
The Gearhost KB Article on how to do it can be found here:
This works just fine, but I ran into a scenario that revealed the ability to access the sub-domain by using the master.com/sub-domain path.
subdomain1.site.com (works)
www.site.com/subdomain1 (displays site also --which I don't want)
I don't know if the KB article is the correct way to configure sub-domains in IIS or if I need to manage the routing in my Microsoft MVC 3 Application.
Let's say it is the correct way to setup/configure a sub-domain. Is there a way to restrict the path for the 2nd option, so it returns as page not found or access forbidden or something to this effect?
I'm developing a Microsoft MVC Application and if I use a "Request.Url" call, it actually returns the full path of the 2nd option even when I'm sitting on what looks like a perfect path to the sub-domain home page.
So I don't know if this needs to be handled a different way, if the URL Rewrite entry needs to be changed, or what the solution may be.
Looking for feedback from any engineers who may have more knowledge on the topics.

I ran across an article which solved my original request for help.
It involved creating Outgoing rules in IIS, to rename the path. The rule looks for the path in question and then rewrites it.
Per the article I used Outgoing rule # 2.
Pre-Condition: None
Matching Scope: Server Variable
Variable Value: Matches the Pattern
Using: Regular Expressions
Pattern: ^(?:MyMasterSiteSubFolder/MySubDomain|(.*//[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]*)?/MyMasterSiteSubFolder/MySubDomain)(.*)
[x] Ignore case
Action: Rewrite
Action Properties Value: {R:1}{R:2}
[x] Replace existing server variable value
[ ] Stop processing of subsequent rules


Running jira behind an apache: what is the proxyName configuration for?

from the documentation it seems that I have to edit the server.xml file to set: proxyName, proxyPort, scheme.
Not only doesn't it explain what those settings are for, but I also can't find any motivation behind it. Doesn't the usual apache reverse proxy configuration just suffices?
The specific parameters you refer to in server.xml file are Tomcat <Connector> attributes.
The practical impact is that Jira or third-party apps will sometimes use these attributes to construct fully-qualified URLs to refer back to Jira, and which also sometimes get passed on to the client browser. The attributes configured here should match the base URL configured in the main Jira system configuration.
For example, Jira may send redirects to the user's browser if it detects that you are accessing Jira from something other than the canonical URL as configured here. It will also occasionally construct fully-qualified URLs (rather than relative URLs) in certain parts of the application.
You also generally need to have correct values set for these attributes (as well as the base URL) if you want Application Links and the UPM (app manager) to work correctly.
For local testing or development purposes, it is generally acceptable to remove these attributes entirely (it will stop auto-redirection from happening), so long as you're always accessing Jira from the base URL, and knowing that you may have issues with AppLinks or the UPM. Removing them is certainly better than having an incorrectly-configured proxyName, which would otherwise generate redirects to the wrong place.

Traefik Path Based Routing

I have two backends I want to serve from one Host. One from host.domain.com and the other from host.domain.com/path. The first frontend rule is straightforward: Host:host.domain.com.
The second is giving me some trouble. Based on the documentation I believe I should be using Host:host.domain.com;PathPrefixStrip:/path. This returns a 200 on host.domain.com/path, but when I click the link to somepage.html, it sends me to host.domain.com/somepage.html, so it returns a 404. If I go directly to host.domain.com/path/somepage.html it returns a 200. The link to somepage.html behaves correctly when I go directly to host.domain.com/path/index.html.
Are my assumptions/interpretations of the documentation incorrect or is this not an issue with Traefik at all?
This isn't really specific to traefik, any virtual path based reverse proxy that doesn't rewrite the contents of the web page returned (and few do this) have problems when the contents of that web page have absolute paths. The web page needs to either know about the "/path" and modify all the links it gives you, or use relative links, without a leading "/". This should be fixed within your website, web application, or hopefully a configuration for a web application. Depending on the application, once reconfigured, you may need to adjust the traefik rule to just "PathPrefix" instead of "PathPrefixStrip".
You should use a PathPrefix instead a PathPrefixStrip . The Strip rules remove the path before presenting it to the backend.
Since the path is stripped prior to forwarding, your backend is expected to listen on /.

How can I use Domain-based routing?

I have a simple web server running Windows 2012 with IIS. I have half a dozen domains linked to this server that are basically not in use yet. I have a few more domains which are used but they could all have various subdomains that aren't supported by any site yet. So I have a default site in IIS set to catch all incoming requests that aren't handled by any other site on the server or any other server. And it's main purpose is to show a "Page not in use yet" message.
That's easy to set up but I want these pages to be a bit more fancy. So I want to have some kind of routing based on the domain name so example.com and sub.example.com and sub.sub.example.com would all be handled by the same view, but anotherexample.com would be handled by a different view and thirdexample.com by yet another view. And any domain that is not caught by this routing system would go to the default view.
And I wonder if there's a simple way to do this. Something like [route("example.com")] as a controller attribute which the system would recognize as the controller for a specific domain and it's subdomains. (And the URL path can be ignored.) I don't know if something like this already exists and have used Google but found nothing yet.
I can create a custom route, of course. But this tends to result in an if-then-else situation for all potential domain names. I need to know if there's a better method.
Use the URL rewrite module for IIS:

Asp.net MVC Domain Routing or Setting domain on optional MVC URL

How to set payed domains on optional URLs in one Asp.net MVC project like this:
http://domain.com/Controller/Action?id -----> www.example.com
domain.com/Controller/Action?id2 -----> www.sample.net
In another words we want to map each URL to separate domain name in 1 MVC project.
It's necessary to say, that a question near this have been asked before in Stackoverflow with some changes. And also asked before in official asp.net site by me. To clarifying the Problem, I reproduced question to achieve great answer. This question also asked from Mr. k.Scott Allen before, so he suggest me to read IRouteConstrain topic in MVC.
Any way, the required configuration in Mapping routes at the Global.asax file are not bright for me.
The information that I have gathered until now are:
First of all, Consider we have configured required DNS options to handle requests connect to related Authoritative DNS server.
And now, We need to do some changes in Global.asax file by configuring MapRoutes.
Please Answer this question by implementing above samples.Thanks a lot.
One easy and external way is to use dns Redirects like bellow:
www.example.com ----redirect to----> www.domain.com/Controller/Action/id
can be performed at the authoritative(local) dns Server. Note that we must use possible characters in url to store in a dns RR. this can be solved changing identifiers in action or using Url Rewrite methods in IIS.
Url Rewrite allow us to have some mappings due to optimizing Urls for SEO and shortening theme like a sub domain. But, because of not using sub domains in reality, we can't have Url aliases in dns like below:
www.domain.com/Controller/Action?id=optional ----map to --> www.domain.com/optional
www.domain.com/optional is not equal to optional.domain.com
so we can't use this aliasing:
www.domain.com/optional ---domain aliasing ---> www.example.com
Finally, The mapping techniques available in global.asax or C# or VB files such as Route, IRoute, etc... can be used for internal mappings and setting up MVC Routing Engine to represent different Url information but not aliasing for a domain.

How do you see the client-side URL in ColdFusion?

Let's say, on a ColdFusion site, that the user has navigated to
The server-side code typically used to tell you what URL the user is at, looks like:
however, "cgi.script_name" automatically includes the default cfm file for that folder- eg, that code, when parsed and expanded, is going to show us "http://www.example.com/sub1/index.cfm"
So, whether the user is visiting sub1/index.cfm or sub1/, the "cgi.script_name" var is going to include that "index.cfm".
The question is, how does one figure out which URL the user actually visited? This question is mostly for SEO-purposes- It's often preferable to 301 redirect "/index.cfm" to "/" to make sure there's only one URL for any piece of content- Since this is mostly for the benefit of spiders, javascript isn't an appropriate solution in this case. Also, assume one does not have access to isapi_rewrite or mod_rewrite- The question is how to achieve this within ColdFusion, specifically.
I suppose this won't be possible.
If the client requests "GET /", it will be translated by the web server to "GET /{whatever-default-file-exists-fist}" before ColdFusion even gets invoked. (This is necessary for the web server to know that ColdFusion has to be invoked in the first place!)
From ColdFusion's (or any application server's) perspective, the client requested "GET /index.cfm", and that's what you see in #CGI#.
As you've pointed out yourself, it would be possible to make a distinction by using a URL-rewriting tool. Since you specifically excluded that path, I can only say that you're out of luck here.
Not sure that it is possible using CF only, but you can make the trick using webserver's URL rewriting -- if you're using them, of course.
For Apache it can look this way. Say, we're using following mod_rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$
index.cfm?page=$1&noindex=yes [L]
Now when we're trying to access URL http://website.com/page/10/ CGI shows:
QUERY_STRING page=10&noindex=yes
See the idea? Think same thing is possible when using IIS.
Hope this helps.
I do not think this is possible in CF. From my understanding, the webserver (Apache, IIS, etc) determines what default page to show, and requests it from CF. Therefore, CF does not know what the actual called page is.
Sergii is right that you could use URL rewrting to do this. If that is not available to you, you could use the fact that a specific page is given precedence in the list of default pages.
Let's assume that default.htm is the first page in the list of default pages. Write a generic default.htm that automatically forwards to index.cfm (or whatever). If you can adjust the list of defaults, you can have CF do a 301 redirect. If not, you can do a meta-refresh, or JS redirect, or somesuch in an HTML file.
I think this is possible.
Using GetHttpRequestData you will have access to all the HTTP headers.
Then the GET header in that should tell you what file the browser is requesting.
<cfdump var="#GetHttpRequestData()#">
to see exactly what you have available to use.
Note - I don't have Coldfusion to hand to verify this.
Edit: Having done some more research it appears that GetHttpRequestData doesn't include the GET header. So this method probably won't work.
I am sure there is a way however - try dumping the CGI scope and see what you have.
If you are able to install ISAPI_rewrite (Assuming you're on IIS) - http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite/
It will insert a variable x-rewrite-url into the GetHttpRequestData() result structure which will either have / or /index.cfm depending on which URL was visited.
