Adding a gif to a larger background - imagemagick

I'm using imagemagick to resize uploaded files but while they're processing I want to show a rotating gif wheel to the user where the thumbnail would normally be. I serve about 7 sizes of thumbs and would like the wheel to remain at it's 32x32 size in the middle, that's the simple bit.
What I need to know is, can I do the above while still retaining the animation
This Image:
Starting at this size
With Animation

Check out this fiddle, it might contain what you want:
It uses jQuery, but should be easily adaptable...

Ended up doing this manually by Photoshop after not being able to find an automated way of doing this through imagemagick. I found the 'coalesce' flag but not much else.

there is a solution in php witch i use to watermark gif animated images ....
it create an black bacground put an image on it and then put watermark ...
watermarkpath = 'path to wathermarkimage.jpg|gif|png';
$imagepath= 'path to the image';
$watermark = new Imagick($watermarkpath);
$GIF = new Imagick();
$animation = new Imagick($imagepath);
foreach ($animation as $frame) {
$iWidth = $frame->getImageWidth();
$iHeight = $frame->getImageHeight();
$wWidth = $watermark->getImageWidth();
$wHeight = $watermark->getImageHeight();
if ($iHeight < $wHeight || $iWidth < $wWidth) {
// resize the watermark
$watermark->scaleImage($iWidth, $iHeight);
// get new size
$wWidth = $watermark->getImageWidth();
$wHeight = $watermark->getImageHeight();
$bgframe = new Imagick();
$bgframe->newImage(($iWidth), ($iHeight + 80), new ImagickPixel('Black'));
$x = ($iWidth) - $wWidth - 5;
$y = ($iHeight + 80) - $wHeight - 5;
$bgframe->compositeImage($frame, imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
$bgframe->compositeImage($watermark, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);


thin border when printing pdf

We use Version 8.1 from ABCPDF to generate some nice PDF documents from html.
Now we discovered that printing from within Adobe Reader, will add some thin borders at the top and bottom of the page, that are not visible when the document is displayed. Also when printing to XPS, those lines are not visible.
I guess we must have missed some setting that avoids that?
At the moment we print pages like that:
using (var doc = new WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Doc())
doc.HtmlOptions.DoMarkup = false;
doc.HtmlOptions.AddLinks = false;
doc.HtmlOptions.FontEmbed = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.Gecko;
//in case that we need to create more than 1 page, we need go get the PageId and use it
int pdfPageId = doc.AddImageHtml(html);
while (true)
if (!doc.Chainable(pdfPageId))
doc.Page = doc.AddPage();
pdfPageId = doc.AddImageToChain(pdfPageId);
for (int i = 1; i <= doc.PageCount; i++)
doc.PageNumber = i;
I know the websupergoo guys are very friendly and reply fast.
But I think this could help other people as well, so I write it here instead of sending them an email.
I tried to get rid of the linex by changing the size of the printed document. I actually try to print for A4 Papersize. I added a line of code to change the setting for the MediaBox (the documentation suggested that this should be possible "doc.MediaBox = "A4"", but it's not directly assignable):
//set the printed area to A4
doc.MediaBox.String = "A4";
Result: The lines got thicker and can now even be seen before printing in both AdobeReader and Foxit Reader. this is not yet the solution.
I need to set the Rect of the document as well:
//set the printed area to A4
doc.Rect.String ="A4";
doc.MediaBox.String = "A4";
Result: the lines are now drawn on the sides and can only be seen when printing. That's still not the complete solution.
Well well, copy pasting code from the web has it's dangers!
This line adds the Frame around the content:
all I had to do was remove it.. and no more lines are displayed.
I completely overlooked that until now.
Before I also tried the following, which didn't work as expected:
//set the width to 0, so Rectancles have no width
doc.Width = 0;
// set the color to white, so borders of Rectangles should not be black
doc.Color.String = "255 255 255"; //Edited based on the comments.

how to embed a watermark on an image using edge in matlab?

in a school project i would like to do the following step to have a watermaked image in matlab
extract the edges from an image
insert a mark on this edge
reconstruct the image
extract the mark
could some one give me a link to have a good idea how to do it or help me to do that?
thank you in advance
You want to add a watermark to an image? Why not just overlay the whole thing.
if you have an image
img = imread('myimage.jpg')
wm = imread('watermark.jpg')
You can just resize the watermark to the size of the image
wm_rs = imresize(wm, [size(img,1) size(img,2)], 'lanczos2');
img_wm(wm_rs ~= 0) = wm_rs; %This sets non-black pixels to be the watermark. (You'll have to slightly modify this for color images)
If you want to put it on the edges of the image, you can extract them like this
edges = edge(rgb2gray(img),'canny')
Then you can set the pixels where the edges exist to be watermark pixels
img_wm = img;
img_wm(edges ~= 0) = wm_rs(edges~=0);
Instead of direct assignment you can play around with using a mix of the img and wm_rs pixel values if you want transparency.
You'll probably have to adjust some of what I said to color images, but most should be the same.
Here, is a nice and simple example how you can embed watermarks using MATLAB (in the spatial domain):
see example below(R2017b or later release):
% your params
img = imread('printedtext.png');
Transparency = 0.6;
fontColor = [1,1,1]; % RGB,range [0,1]
position = [700,200];
%% add watermark
mask = zeros(size(img),'like',img);
outimg = insertText(mask,position,'china', ...
'TextColor', 'white');
bwMask = imbinarize(rgb2gray(outimg));
finalImg = labeloverlay(img,bwMask,...

imagemagick resize to exact size

It's question more about "know-how". I have a bunch of images of completely different sizes: one could be 360x360 and another 1200x800. And I would to make thumbnails for a webpage of exact size, for example 150x150. Because of different sizes I can't just use convert -resize or just crop it some way, I need both.
How would you solve this?
This question is quite old, but a current answer would be to use resize:
convert "input_filename" -resize '400x400!' "output_filename"
Note the exclamation point "!", which at least some shells require you to quote or escape to avoid history expansion.
Note that in requesting exact size, you may be asking for distortion.
You need a function that will calculate what the thumbnail sizes should be based on the source image width and height, and the max thumbnail width and height:
function setWidthHeight($srcWidth, $srcHeight, $maxWidth, $maxHeight){
$ret = array($srcWidth, $srcHeight);
$ratio = $srcWidth / $srcHeight;
if($srcWidth > $maxWidth || $srcHeight > $maxHeight){
$ret[0] = $maxWidth;
$ret[1] = $ret[0] / $ratio;
if($ret[1] > $maxHeight){
$ret[1] = $maxHeight;
$ret[0] = $maxHeight * $ratio;
$ret[0] = intval(ceil($ret[0]));
$ret[1] = intval(ceil($ret[1]));
return $ret;
You can then use whichever thumbnail image generating procedure you like imagecopyresampled(...) or the $imageMagick->thumbnailImage($newWidth, $newHeight);

Image class in C#

Can anyone help me out in setting blank image using Image class in C#? I mean, i have few images to be displayed based on some manipulations.If any condition is met, i shouldn't display any image in tat case.And i dont hav any default image to display for the above said scenario.How can i implement this?
Like this?
Image blank = new Bitmap(width, height);
This will produce a new image with the specified width and height (integers).
If you want the image to have a specific color, you will need to set each pixel with SetPixel:
// Set each pixel in blank to black. Use a different if you wish
for (int Xcount = 0; Xcount < myBblankitmap.Width; Xcount++)
for (int Ycount = 0; Ycount < blank.Height; Ycount++)
blank.SetPixel(Xcount, Ycount, Color.Black);
Alternatively, you can create an actual default image (using an image editor of your choice) and display that.

Get image original width & height in actionscript

I use AS3 in Flex 3 to create new image and seem unable to get the exact size of the original image. percentHeight & percentWidth to 100 can do the job, but limitation in ObjectHandlers require me to set the image scale in pixel.
Any solution?
Note: this is also applicable for displaying Image original dimension without ObjectHandler control, just remove those lines that are not applicable.
After struggle hours for solution, I found my own answer thru in actionscript forum, in fact, only one solution, I surprise there was no such topic elsewhere.
private function init():void {
var image:Image = new Image();
image.source = "";
image.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
/* wait for completion as Image control is asynchronous,
* which mean ObjectHandler will attempt to load asap
* and you are not able to get the correct dimension for scaling.
* EventListener fixed that.
//whenever you scale ObjectHandler control, the image is always fit by 100%
image.percentHeight = 100;
image.percentWidth = 100;
private function imageLoaded(e:Event):void{
var img:Image = as Image;
trace("Height ", img.contentHeight);
trace("Width ", img.contentWidth);
var oh:ObjectHandles = new ObjectHandles();
oh.x = 200;
oh.y = 200;
oh.height = img.contentHeight;
oh.width = img.contentWidth;
oh.allowRotate = true;
oh.autoBringForward = true;
