Passenger logging and STDOUT - ruby-on-rails

When developing rails applications I usually use thin for my development environment. I like thin because the logs are not outputed directly on STDOUT but instead written in log/{development,production}.log.
Sometimes I just insert a p <some object> inside a controller's action just to have a quick look at some object and debug my code. I know that I could use the rails loggin api but I don't want to do that when for every request you get 1000+ loggin lines.
On my production servers I used thin in the past (I configured apache to work as a proxy for my thin instances). In the log directory thin created a file called thin.log where you can see thin's STDOUT-output.
But in new production server I started using Passenger for my production environment. log/production.log is created and I can see the logs the whole time. But what I really would want to do is to see somewhere Passaneger's STDOUT-output, to get something like log/passenger.log (like thins does).
I've already searched in google about this but I couldn't find anything useful there. Is there a way I could archive that?

As it seems that nobody knows if this is possible I found here something that works for me fine.


Reverse Proxy with Heroku (for Wordpress) won't show full pages

I am trying to use a reverse proxy to serve a Wordpress blog running on EC2 at /blog from a rails app running on Heroku. I've used the rack-reverse-proxy gem and followed directions like this:
How can I use a subdirectory instead of a subdomain?
My app is running at, my main target (wordpress) server is running at
The pages on the target server all serve up fine when accessed directly. However, no matter what page I try to get through the reverse proxy, the HTML gets cut off. I've tried serving via both my own custom builds of Wordpress on Ubuntu (EC2) and on hosted examples like Bluehost. I've tried to access simple, handmade HTML and text test files, as well as the php files automatically generated by wordpress. Every time, the file is cut off.
Text files just get randomly cut off after ~1000 characters (this is variable)
Ditto for hand-coded HTML files
Wordpress files seem to get cutoff during the <head> (often mid-word) and render an empty <body>.
If a page should exist (e.g., it will load (at least partially) at, so I don't know that rewrites are the issue.
I've tried enough variables on the wordpress/destination server that I'm inclined to think it's something on the Rails side (I have the same issue whether running "myapp" locally or on a Heroku test server). Beyond that, I'm stuck.
Any thoughts as to what I might be doing wrong? There's nothing in the Apache logs to indicate that anything is getting cut off. I'm pounding my head over this to no avail, and would really appreciate any help.
Digging into the rack-reverse-proxy gem, I found that I'm not the only person that had an issue with this:
Seeing some issues with Content-Length being corrupted, this ensures it matches body length as delivered.
The fix hasn't been merged into the master branch, but I forked my own copy, applied the fix, and it's working great. Hopefully it'll be merged into the master and nobody else will have to worry about this.
One more thing that might be helpful for somebody else, if they are having problems with Visual Editing Mode not working under wordpress: Make sure that you also include this update to have the headers get passed in properly. The gem just hasn't really been updated in a couple of years, so it's up to you to go through and copy in fixes from other people. Applying those two fixes has everything working fine for me with a Heroku app/AWS&Ubuntu Wordpress setup.
Heroku will cut the request after a certain amount of time which would cause the behavior that you're seeing.
You basically have to pull the page from the wordpress blog and reserve it via Rack in the time for one request - think that could be the problem?

Rails server running in command prompt causing conhost.exe to crash

I have a Rails application that requires a bunch of environment stuff to get set up, and right now the easiest way for me to do it is to run a batch file to configure the environment and then launch the server from the command prompt. (Perhaps one day I will bite the bullet and transcribe all of the various environment variables into the project config, but I'd rather not...)
But when I do this, I occasionally manage to crash conhost.exe! It does not seem like I should be able to do this. Stranger still, it seems to happen most often if I access certain records in the application. I can't imagine it could crash if there were too much console output???
I am also having mscvrt-ruby.dll crashes, although I may have resolved those by doing some gem finagling. The conhost issue may or may not be related, I'm not sure. But if I launch the server from within RadRails, I don't seem to get these issues (the app doesn't completely work because of the missing environment stuff, but it seems much more stable).
Technicals: Windows 7, Rails 2.3.5, Ruby 1.93, Mongrel 1.2.0pre, uh, not sure what else...

Rails log shifting is keeping old log open and filling it up

I help to maintain a Rails website. It's running JRuby 1.5.5, Rails 2.3.10, on a Solaris Sparc machine. I have a problem related to logging.
To stop our logfiles growing too large and filling the disk, we're using the log-shifting that's built in to the Logger class. In config/environments/production.rb we have:
config.logger =, 10, 100.megabyte)
Which should rotate the logfiles when they reach 100 megabytes, and only keep 10 files.
The problem is two-fold: Rails is not rotating the logs properly, and it is keeping open the old log file to write to it -- but what it is writing is just repeated content of a few requests. So if I do ls -l log I see something like this:
-rw-r--r-- 83040892 Oct 4 15:07 production.log
-rw-r--r-- 3303158664 Oct 4 15:07 production.log.0
-rw-r--r-- 104857616 Oct 2 23:13 production.log.1
-rw-r--r-- 104857618 Oct 1 17:12 production.log.2
Note how the most recently cycled log is still open and still being written to (running pfiles confirms that it the Rails server still has three file handles to the log). Note also that it has reached 3 gigabytes in two days, where usually we do 100MB a day. This is because it is full of repeated requests. I can't easily paste it in here, but the log is full of the same 1000 line chunk of requests from 18:50 on Oct 3 (which I believe is the point at which the logs rotated), printed over and over again. From past experience, the log file will keep filling with this repeated content until the disk fills up.
Is log shifting/Rails logging just plain broken? (There's nothing odd about our logfile usage: we don't do any direct logging, it all just comes from the Rails framework.) The obvious next step is to try something like logrotate, but if Rails is refusing to close old log files and is writing junk to them forever, I suspect it won't solve my problem (because the log will never be closed, and thus the disk space never recovered).
The symptom seems to be that one old logfile still keeps getting used, although you successfully rotated the logs.
The cause is most likely that one or more of your Rails instances or threads is still using the old file handle.
The solution is to make sure that all the Rails instances restart completely after logs are rotated, so they all use the new file handle / name.
Use logrotate instead of config.logger to rotate your logs!
I'd suggest to use the UNIX logrotate to rotate your logs, instead of config.logger.
IMHO that's a better solution, more reliable, you have more control over the log rotation, and you can provide some post-rotation commands to restart your Rails processes. (either via logrotate's postrotate or endscript option)
See: (logrotate Package for Solaris) (logrotate tutorial with examples)
Can you use Unicorn?
- Unicorn is has built-in support for re-opening all log files in your application via USR1 signal - this allows logrotate to rotate files atomically...
- Unicorn keeps track of and restarts it's workers! You can kill the workers after log rotation and Unicorn will restart them, making sure they use the new log file.
See: (many advantages for Unicorn over Mongrel)
If you're using Mongrel and can't switch to Unicorn:
use logrotate, and restart your Mongrels via the postrotate option.
hope this helps..
I've always used the platform's log rotation mechanism when dealing with the Rails log files. Following the advice from and because I run Passenger from as well.
The first method uses the logrotate copytruncate method of creating the new log file, so processes that still have a handle to it will always write to the current log file.
Other things to check on the server are:
Make sure that none of the gems or plugins have a handle to the Logger inside the ruby context.
Since you're using JRuby ensure that there isn't a stuck/runaway thread somewhere that's trying to fulfill a request but getting stuck logging.
Just like with Passenger, consider restarting the Rails server processes every now and again. I know this is effectively a hack but it might work.
I don't know if this works for your particular situation, but I was having a similar problem and I think I just solved it. In my case, I had two symptoms. The first was the same issue as you -- my log rotation was particular, the production.log.1 file was kept open and continued logging to is was happening while production.log was also getting logged to. The second symptom was that the log files ownerships and group memberships would keep changing to root. My Rails app is deployed via Capistrano, using a 'deployer' user, so I'd get all sorts of neat errors whenever the app tried to write to a log file that was no longer owned by deployer.
I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize what the cause of both problems was. Somewhere along the way, I updated cron with the app's crontab as root. This must have been when I messing around at the command prompt...if I had just stayed with my deployment recipe via Capistrano, I wouldn't have inadvertently done that. In any case, I finally looked in /var/spool/cron/crontabs and I found two copies of my crontab for deployer and one for root. So, the processes that cron fired off for my app were getting duplicated -- one was run under deployer and a second under root. It was that second one that was screwing things up. Once I deleted root's crontab, all was better.
Some caveats: on my setup, there were no non-app-related tasks in root's crontab, i.e. it was an exact duplicate of deployer's deleting it had no side effects for me. Also, my server is running Ubuntu...the path to your crontabs may be different.
Hope that helps.
I think you forgot the 's' in megabytes
or instead use something like this
config.logger =, 10, 102400)
also check this link it's very helpful

Problem getting ar_mailer/ar_sendmail working on new server

Hey all. I've got a new app up and running on a new ubuntu server. It's working fine generally but i can't get ar_sendmail working. I'm following the instructions on this page:
The setup is all done, ie i can "deliver mails" which just saves records in my Email table. Now i want to get the ar_sendmail daemon running to actually send them. (so i'm at 'Running ar_sendmail in daemon mode' in that web page).
First thing:
ar_sendmail --mailq
>>ar_sendmail: command not found, where is ar_sendmail? I have a look and there's an ar_sendmail file in the bin folder of the ar_mailer plugin, so i add the location of that to my path. I don't know if this was the right thing to do or not.
Ok, so try again.
ar_sendmail --mailq
/var/www/apps/millionaire/vendor/plugins/ar_mailer/bin/ar_sendmail:3:in `require': no such file to load -- action_mailer/ar_sendmail (LoadError)
from /var/www/apps/millionaire/vendor/plugins/ar_mailer/bin/ar_sendmail:3
hmm. Here's the offending file, there's not much there.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'action_mailer/ar_sendmail' it literally is just trying to require this and can't find it. The file, action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb is in the ar_mailer plugin, in it's lib folder. So, given that it's being called from inside the plugin, it should be able to see this right?
I've got a feeling that i'm way off the track here and have missed something simple. Can anyone set me straight? I'm using rails 2.3.4 in case that's relevant.
EDIT - i just realised something kind of dumb: when i call ar_sendmail from the command line like this, i'm just loading that one file, which doesn't know where it's supposed to look for the rest of the stuff, i think. Which really makes me think that i'm not trying to run the right thing. Is the ar_sendmail daemon a seperate program altogether, that i would get with apt_get or something?
EDIT2 - i made some progress by installing the ar_mailer gem (which the guide said i shouldn't do) and that does seem to run. It's sending some mail request somewhere and clearing the Email table of pending emails. Running ar_sendmail in -ov (oneshot verbal) mode i see it report this for example:
sent email 00000000019 from to #
So, it actually looks like it's working now and i just need to set up the ACTUAL THING WHICH SENDS EMAILS. sigh. still grateful for any advice.
thanks, max
What you need is an smtp server. Checkout

How to deploy a Rails app to Dreamhost?

I'm kind of lost, I try to deploy my application on a shared dreamhost server.
Now everything works fine locally. It's my first try at Rails, and I'm not really a programmer or sysadmin, just hacking something together.
On Dreamhost, if I start webrick, it works fine on port 3000, but webricks gets killed pretty quickly, I guess that makes sense.
So what do I have to do to make it run?
I enabled fastcgi support and mod_rails.
Now, how do I get the app constantly running?
I keep reading about having to do things to .htaccess and to dispatch.fcgi.
But I can't find any dispatch file in my rails app (2.3.2).
Do I have to create that one manually? Doesn't really feeld very rails-like to me. I didn't really manage to find out what this dispatch file does, and why it's needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I looked at the DH Wiki, but couldn't figure it out (
I enabled mod_rails and pointed to the public directory (I had already done that).
I keep getting an error:
Hm, server logs look like there is actually no request, so this might be a problem on dreamhosts end. It's strange I see that the access.log show a new change date, when I try to access the page, but there is no request noted, error.log is empty too.
Dreamhost Support Answer:
The server was up to date, so that wasn't the problem.
They proposed freezing the Gems, which I did (see:
But it didn't help.
I guess I'm giving up, and looking into hosting which is specialized for rails.
Thx for all your help!
Changed to
I got the app working on, passenger on showed me errors, which weren't shown by dreamhost or mongrel. By correcting these errors, I got the app working.
Dreamhost won't let you use webrick if you're using shared hosting. You can either use FastCGI or Passenger to host Rails on shared DH (mongrel is an option if you upgrade to DreamhostPS, but that's obviously more expensive).
For FastCGI, you will need a dispatch.fcgi file (older versions of Rails would generate one when you created a new Rails app, but that stopped around 2.2 if I remember correctly) as well as code in your .htaccess to send requests to the dispatcher. See the Dreamhost Ruby on Rails wiki page for details about setting up FastCGI.
The more preferable option is to set up your application to run on Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails). It should be pretty simple through your Dreamhost panel, you just need to enable the domain to use mod_rails, and then set the directory for the domain to the public directory of your application. See the Passenger wiki page for more details.
