Genetic Algorithms - Crossover and Mutation operators for paths - path

I was wondering if anyone knew any intuitive crossover and mutation operators for paths within a graph? Thanks!

Question is a bit old, but the problem doesn't seem to be outdated or solved, so I think my research still might be helpful for someone.
As far as mutation and crossover is quite trivial in the TSP problem, where every mutation is valid (that is because chromosome represents an order of visiting fixed nodes - swapping order then always can create a valid result), in case of Shortest Path or Optimal Path, where the chromosome is a exact route representation, this doesn't apply and isn't that obvious. So here is how I approach problem of solving Optimal Path using GA.
For crossover, there are few options:
For routes that have at least one common point (besides start and end node) - find all common points and swap subroutes in the place of crossing
Parent 1: 51 33 41 7 12 91 60
Parent 2: 51 9 33 25 12 43 15 60
Potential crossing point are 33 and 12. We can get following children: 51 9 33 41 7 12 43 15 60 and 51 33 25 12 91 60 that are the result of crossing using both of these crossing points.
When two routes don't have common point, select randomly two points from each parent and connect them (you can use for that either random traversal, backtracking or heuristic search like A* or beam search). Now this path may be treated as crossover path. For better understanding, see below picture of two crossover methods:
Black and gray paths are parents, pink and orange paths are
children, green point is a crossover place, and red points are start
and end nodes. First graph shows first type of crossover, second graph is example of another one.
For mutation, there are also few options. Generally, dummy mutation like swapping order of nodes or adding random node is really ineffective for graphs with average density. So here are the approaches that guarantee valid mutations:
Take randomly two points from path and replace them with a random path between those two nodes.
Chromosome: 51 33 41 7 12 91 60 , random points: 33 and 12, random/shortest path between then: 33 29 71 12, mutated chromosome: 51 33 29 71 12 91 60
Find random point from path, remove it and connect its neighbours (really very similar to the first one)
Find random point from path and find random path to its neighbour
Try subtraversing the path from some randomly chosen point, until reaching any point on the initial route (slight modification of the first method).
Each graph corresponds to each mutation method in appropriate order. In last example, the orange path is the one that would replace original path between mutation points (green nodes).
Note: this methods obviously may have performance drawback in the case, when finding alternative subroute (using a random or heuristic method) will stuck at some place or find very long and useless subpath, so consider bounding the time of mutation execution or trials number.
For my case, which is finding an optimal path in terms of maximizing sum of vertices weights while keeping sum of nodes weight less than given bound, those methods are quite effective and give a good result. Should you have any question, feel free to ask. Also, sorry for my MS Paint skills ;)
One big hint: I basically used this approach in my implementation, but there was one big drawback of using random path generating. I decided to switch to semi-random route generation using shortest path traversing randomly picked point(s) - it is much more efficent (but obviously may not be applicable for all problems).

Emm.. That is very difficult question, people write dissertations for that and still there is no right answer to that.
The general rule is "it all depends on your domain".
There are some generic GA libraries that will do some work for you, but for the best results it is recommended to implement your GA operations yourself, specifically for your domain.
You might have more luck with answers on Theoretical CS, but you need to expand your question more and add more details about your task and domain.
So you have a graph. In GA terms, a path through the graph represents an individual, nodes in the path would be chromosomes.
In that case I would say a mutation can be represented as deviation of the path somewhere from the original - one of the nodes is moved somewhere, and the path is adjusted so the start and end values in the path are remaining the same.
Mutation can lead to invalid individuals. And in that case you need to make a decision: allow invalid ones and hope that they will converge to some unexplored solution. Or kill them on the spot. When I was working with GA, I did allow invalid solution, adding "Unfitness" value along with fitness. Some researchers suggest this can help with broad exploring of the solution space.
Crossover can only happen to the paths that are crossing each other: on the point of the crossing, swap the remains of the path with the parents.
Bear in mind that there are various ways for crossover: individuals can be crossed-over in multiple points or just in one. In the case with graphs you can have multiple crossing points, and that can naturally lead to the multiple children graphs.
As I said before, there is no right or wrong way of doing this, but you will find out the best way only by experimenting on it.


Shortest path in games (StarCraft example)

In games like StarCraft you can have up to 200 units (for player) in a map.
There are small but also big maps.
When you for example grab 50 units and tell them to go to the other side of the map some algorithm kicks in and they find path through the obsticles (river, hills, rocks and other).
My question is do you know how the game doesnt slow down because you have 50 paths to calculate. In the meantime other things happens like drones collecting minerals buildinds are made and so on. And if the map is big it should be harder and slower.
So even if the algorithm is good it will take some time for 100 units.
Do you know how this works maybe the algorithm is similar to other games.
As i said when you tell units to move you did not see any delay for calculating the path - they start to run to the destination immediately.
The question is how they make the units go through the shortest path but fast.
There is no delay in most of the games (StarCraft, WarCraft and so on)
Thank you.
I guess it just needs to subdivide the problem and memoize the results. Example: 2 units. Unit1 goes from A to C but the shortest path goes through B. Unit2 goes from B to C.
B to C only needs to be calculated once and can be reused by both.
In this wikipedia page it specifically mentions dijkstra's algorithm for path finding that works by subdividing the problem and store results to be reused.
There is also a pretty good looking alternative here where it takes into account dynamic stuff like obstacles and still performs very well (video demo:
Another interesting technique, does a completely different approach:
Calculate the shortest path from the goal position to every point on the map: see the full explanation here: - although this one is inefficient for large maps
First of all 100 units is not such a large number, pathfinding is fast enough on modern computers that it is not a big resource sink. Even on older games, optimizations are made to make it even faster, and you can see that unit will sometimes get lost or stuck, which shouldn't really happen with a general algorithm like A*.
If the map does not change map, you can preprocess it to build a set of nodes representing regions of the map. For example, if the map is two islands connected by a narrow bridge, there would be three "regions" - island 1, island 2, bridge. In reality you would probably do this with some graph algorithm, not manually. For instance:
Score every tile with distance to nearest impassable tile.
Put all adjacent tiles with score above the threshold in the same region.
When done, gradually expand outwards from all regions to encompass low-score tiles as well.
Make a new graph where each region-region intersection is a node, and calculate shortest paths between them.
Then your pathfinding algorithm becomes two stage:
Find which region the unit is in.
Find which region the target is in.
If different regions, calculate shortest path to target region first using the region graph from above.
Once in the same region, calculate path normally on the tile grid.
When moving between distant locations, this should be much faster because you are now searching through a handful of nodes (on the region graph) plus a relatively small number of tiles, instead of the hundreds of tiles that comprise those regions. For example, if we have 3 islands A, B, C with bridges 1 and 2 connecting A-B and B-C respectively, then units moving from A to C don't really need to search all of B every time, they only care about shortest way from bridge 1 to bridge 2. If you have a lot of islands this can really speed things up.
Of course the problem is that regions may change due to, for instance, buildings blocking a path or units temporarily obstructing a passageway. The solution to this is up to your imagination. You could try to carefully update the region graph every time the map is altered, if the map is rarely altered in your game. Or you could just let units naively trust the region graph until they bump into an obstacle. With some games you can see particularly bad cases of the latter because a unit will continue running towards a valley even after it's been walled off, and only after hitting the wall it will turn back and go around. I think the original Starcraft had this issue when units block a narrow path. They would try to take a really long detour instead of waiting for the crowd to free up a bridge.
There's also algorithms that accomplish analogous optimizations without explicitly building the region graph, for instance JPS works roughly this way.

Calculating a full matrix of shortest path-lengths between all nodes

We are trying to find a way to create a full distance matrix in a neo4j database, where that distance is defined as the length of the shortest path between any two nodes. Of course, there is the shortestPath method but using a loop going through all pairs of nodes and calculating their shortestPaths get very slow. We are explicitely not talking about allShortestPaths, because that returns all shortest paths between 2 specific nodes.
Is there a specific method or approach that is fast for a large number of nodes (>30k)?
Thank you!
There is no easier method; the full distance matrix will take a long time to build.
As you've described it, the full distance matrix must contain the shortest path between any two nodes, which means you will have to get that information at some point. Iterating over each pair of nodes and running a shortest-path algorithm is the only way to do this, and the complexity will be O(n) multiplied by the complexity of the algorithm.
But you can cut down on the runtime with a dynamic programming solution.
You could certainly leverage some dynamic programming methods to cut down on the calculation time. For instance, if you are trying to find the shortest path between (A) and (C), and have already calculated the shortest from (B) to (C), then if you happen to encounter (B) while pathfinding from (A), you do not need to recalculate the rest of the cost of that path; it is known.
However, creating a dynamic programming solution of any reasonable complexity will almost certainly be best done in a separate module for Neo4J that is thrown in into a plugin. If what you are doing is a one-time operation or an operation that won't be run frequently, it might be easier to just do the naive solution of calling shortestPath between each pair, but if you plan to be running it fairly frequently on dynamic data, it might be worth authoring a custom plugin. It totally depends on your needs.
No matter what, though, it will take some time to calculate. The dynamic programming solution will cut down on the time greatly (especially in a densely-connected graph), but it will still not be very fast.
What is the end game? Is this a one-time query that resets some property or creates new edges. Or a recurring frequent effort. If it's one-time, you might create edges between the two nodes at each step creating a transitive closure environment. The edge would point between the two nodes and have, as a property, the distance.
Thus, if the path is a>b>c>d, you would create the edges
a>b 1
a>c 2
a>d 3
b>c 1
b>d 2
c>d 1
The edges could be named distinctively to distinguish them from the original path edges. This could create circular paths, which may neither negate this strategy or need a constraint. if you are dealing with directed acyclic graphs it would work well.

What can be safely assumed about neighborhood operations near the edge/border?

What can be safely assumed, when authors of a research article do not say/mention/hint anything about how they dealt with neighborhood operations close to image border?
My question may seem naive as some options are mentioned on
I am replicating a work reported in a journal article, where a 300x300 neighborhood around the current_point is used for computations. The authors did not mention how they dealt with border cases.
There's a couple ways to deal with borders:
1) Crop: Just get rid of the pixels. Typically implemented in software as filling in these outside values as 0s. Example:
123 01230
456 ----> 04560
789 07890
2) Extend: Simply "copy" the nearest edge pixels to the out of bounds areas. Example,
123 11233
456 ----> 44566
789 77899
or, keep going for however far your neighborhood/kernel needs to be.
3) Wrap: Just like Pacman. Example:
123 31231
456 ----> 64564
789 97897
In this case I arbitrarily chose to wrap diagonally (copied opposite corners). Some people like to interpolate the corners. I think this type of edge handling can be particularly useful if you plan on doing a Fourier Transform on your data (or maybe if it's already in frequency space, same idea as any type of spectral periodic wrapping), but I'm not really sure, I've never used it in practice.
4) Reflection: This is a method I've also never used, but have heard of it.
For example:
123 2112332
456 ----> 5445665
789 8778998
I chose not to pad in the top/bottom there, as it would be verbose.
It gets kind of tricking doing off-diagonals with some of these methods as well. You can either extend columns as needed to try to find the diagonals you might need, or interpolate to get the value.
In case of edge points, it is totally dependent on the operation you are performing. You need to see what kind of operation you are doing with an image (Specially at the edges/boundary).
The simplest way is to use zero padding.
123 => 01230
I don't know how you are implementing it (MATLAB/ OpenCV)?
Following link may be helpful for MATLAB implementation.
MATLAB Neighborhood Operations

Which Improvements can be done to AnyTime Weighted A* Algorithm?

Firstly , For those of your who dont know - Anytime Algorithm is an algorithm that get as input the amount of time it can run and it should give the best solution it can on that time.
Weighted A* is the same as A* with one diffrence in the f function :
(where g is the path cost upto node , and h is the heuristic to the end of path until reaching a goal)
Original = f(node) = g(node) + h(node)
Weighted = f(node) = (1-w)g(node) +h(node)
My anytime algorithm runs Weighted A* with decaring weight from 1 to 0.5 until it reaches the time limit.
My problem is that most of the time , it takes alot time until this it reaches a solution , and if given somthing like 10 seconds it usaully doesnt find solution while other algorithms like anytime beam finds one in 0.0001 seconds.
Any ideas what to do?
If I were you I'd throw the unbounded heuristic away. Admissible heuristics are much better in that given a weight value for a solution you've found, you can say that it is at most 1/weight times the length of an optimal solution.
A big problem when implementing A* derivatives is the data structures. When I implemented a bidirectional search, just changing from array lists to a combination of hash augmented priority queues and array lists on demand, cut the runtime cost by three orders of magnitude - literally.
The main problem is that most of the papers only give pseudo-code for the algorithm using set logic - it's up to you to actually figure out how to represent the sets in your code. Don't be afraid of using multiple ADTs for a single list, i.e. your open list. I'm not 100% sure on Anytime Weighted A*, I've done other derivatives such as Anytime Dynamic A* and Anytime Repairing A*, not AWA* though.
Another issue is when you set the g-value too low, sometimes it can take far longer to find any solution that it would if it were a higher g-value. A common pitfall is forgetting to check your closed list for duplicate states, thus ending up in a (infinite if your g-value gets reduced to 0) loop. I'd try starting with something reasonably higher than 0 if you're getting quick results with a beam search.
Some pseudo-code would likely help here! Anyhow these are just my thoughts on the matter, you may have solved it already - if so good on you :)
Beam search is not complete since it prunes unfavorable states whereas A* search is complete. Depending on what problem you are solving, if incompleteness does not prevent you from finding a solution (usually many correct paths exist from origin to destination), then go for Beam search, otherwise, stay with AWA*. However, you can always run both in parallel if there are sufficient hardware resources.

Package for fast determination of similarity between two bit sequences

I need to compare a query bit sequence with a database of up to a million bit sequences. All bit sequences are 100 bits long. I need the lookup to be as fast as possible. Are there any packages out there for fast determination of the similarity between two bit sequences? --Edit-- The bit sequences are position sensitive.
I have seen a possible algorithm on Bit Twiddling Hacks but if there is a ready made package that would be better.
If the database is rather static, you may want to build a tree data structure on it.
Search the tree recursively or in multiple threads and per search keep an actual difference variable. If the actual difference becomes greater than what you would consider 'similar', abort the search.
E.g. Suppose we have the following tree:
0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
If you want to look for patterns similar to 011, and only want to allow 1 different bit at most, search like this (recursively or multi-threaded):
Start at the root
Take the left branch (0), this is similar, so difference is still 0
Take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 1, which is still acceptable
take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 2, which is too high. Abort looking in this branch.
take the right branch (1), this is equal, so difference remains 1, continue to search in this branch (not shown here)
Take the right branch (1), this is equal, so difference remains 0, go on
take the left branch (0), this is different, so difference becomes 1, which is still acceptable, go on.
This goes on until you have found your bit patterns.
If your bit patterns are more dynamic and being updated in your application, you will have to update the tree.
If memory is a problem, consider going to 64-bit.
If you want to look up the, let's say 50, most matching patterns, and we can assume that the input data set is rather static (or can be dynamically updated), you can repeat the initial phase of the previous comment, so:
For every bit pattern, count the bits.
Store the bit patterns in a multi_map (if you use STL, Java probably has something similar)
Then, use the following algorithm:
Make 2 collections: one for storing the found patterns, one for storing possibly good patterns (this second collection should probably be map, mapping 'distances' to patterns)
Take your own pattern and count the bits, assume this is N
Look in the multimap at index N, all these patterns will have the same sum, but not necessarily be completely identical
Compare all the patterns at index N. If they are equal store the result in the first collection. If they are not equal, store the result in the second collection/map, using the difference as key.
Look in the multimap at index N-1, all these patterns will have a distance of 1 or more
Compare all the patterns at index N-1. If they have a distance of 1, store them in the first collection. If they have a larger distance, store the result in the second collection/map, using the difference as key.
Repeat for index N+1
Now look in the second collection/map and see if there is something stored with distance 1. If it is, remove them from the second collection/map and store them in the first collection.
Repeat this for distance 2, distance 3, ... until you have enough patterns.
If the number of required patterns is not too big, and the average distance is also not too big, then the number of real compares between patterns is probably only a few %.
Unfortunately, since the patterns will be distributed using a Gaussian curve, there will still be quite some patterns to check. I didn't do a mathematical check on it, but in practice, if you don't want too many patterns out of the millions, and the average distance is not too far, you should be able to find the set of most-close patterns by checking only a few percent of the total bit patterns.
Please keep me updated of your results.
I came up with a second alternative.
For every bit pattern of the million ones count the number of bits and store the bit patterns in an STL multi_map (if you're writing in C++).
Then count the number of bits in your pattern. Suppose you have N bits set in your bit pattern.
If you now want to allow at most D differences, look up all the bit patterns in the multi_map having N-D, N-D+1, ..., N-1, N, N+1, ... N+D-1, N+D bits.
Unfortunately, the division of bit patterns in the multi_map will follow a Gaussian pattern, which means that in practice you will still have to compare quite some bit patterns.
(Originally I thought this could be solved by counting even 0's and uneven 1's but this isn't true.)
Assuming that you want to allow 1 difference, you have to look up 3 slots in the multi_map out of the 100 possible slots, leaving you with 3% of the actual bit patterns to do a full compare.
