Background request with delegate in iOS - ios

In my app i am uploading image(to AWS S3 server) in background with delegates. I do not want to wait till it reaches delegates callback methods. So after 1 second I go back to previous screen with
Problem is when request is complete it doesn't find the delegates. And throws error.
How to handle this scenario?

Make the request's delegate an object that doesn't get deallocated when you pop the view controller.


I call URLSession.share.datatask and before it can complete the user pops the uiviewcontroller

I am not sure how to prevent an error in my app. I need to call a server using URLSession.shared.dataTask which works perfectly fine if I allow it to complete. However, if I pop the uiviewcontroller off the stack before the URLSession.shared.dataTask has completed a run time error occurs because the viewcontroller no long exists. It occurs in different places in the json parsing and network call. Usually in the call back or the displaying of an error if the network call fails. Does anyone know how to either stop the network call when the uiviewcontroller deinits or detect in the network call code that the uiviewcontroller has disappeared so I don't call the callback. I am using Xcode 8 and iOS 10 with Swift 3. Thanks.
Before you pop your VC, call these:
[dataTask cancel]
dataTask = nil // if needed
(you might need to convert o Swift, since these are in Obj-c but you get the idea)
If you want you can also detect if it is the last VC you are popping and do this accordinly in the viewWillDisappear method if you wish.

Does delegate have function which is executed every time app comes from background

I have application with lot of view controllers and on every time when app comes from background I have to make some request to server and reinitialise some global variables. At the moment I am doing this by repeating code in every view controller in didViewLoad but I wonder is there way to this in delegate to avoid repeating on 10 places ? ( I check didFinishLuanchingWithOptions in delegate but it is called only first time not when app comes from background ).
I think you want to look at these two:
Check out the documentation for more details.

How to remove all callbacks of a popped screen in Blackberry java

I have a blackberry application in which i want to show a "please wait" modal screen(which is a FullScreen push as modal screen) while sending a server request and if the user hitting the device back button , pop the modal screen and current active screen.This works fine.
My problem is that : I used a callback for server request in the active screen.But the callback executed even after popped up the screen.
Exactly whats happening while calling popScreen()? How can i remove all callbacks and refresh the screen if the user pressing back button while server request happens?
Thanks in Advance
There are several solutions to this problem of course. I guess the server request is sent asynchronously.
The simplest way I think out is having a flag and when the callback
is triggered check whether the user cancelled the action (pressing
the back button).
Another solution, perhaps not that nice is to check whether the
Loading Screen is still in the display stack.
What I think would be a proper solution is to have a stack of
cancelled http operations, so you can stop requests at any time. Then
if the request to the server has been sent, before calling the
callbacks you can check if the operation has been cancelled.
Otherwise, you just avoid sending the request to the server.
When you call popScreen, the screen which is on top of the display stack (the screen in the foreground) is removed from the stack and the Screen is refreshed (a paint event is triggered) to reflect the changes. Make sure you execute Screen.pop() on the UiThread:
In your scenario, how is the callback handled? Is it a delegate you passed along with the request or is a listener you register?
When I refer to delegate I mean something like the following:
Server.sendRequest(request, objectWithCallbacks)
and callbacks of the objectWithCallbacks (and only objectWithCallbacks) will be called accordingly. On the other hand, a listener would be something like:
Server.addListener(objectWithCallbacks, request)
this way, all the objects listening to "eventName" will get their callbacks triggered accordingly.
As far as I see, your callback will be always executed but in the callback itself you can check if the screen is currently displayed.
if( this.isDisplayed() ) {
// Do the magic
// Do nothing
Good Luck

Synch call on willFinishLaunchingWithOptions (AppDelegate)

I would to do a remote call before the app is started (in AppDelegate, when the splash screen is showed). Then i would to choose which view controller to load based on url response.
Is right to do this on AppDelegate? Or I need a different approach?
I think the best approach is creating a ViewController where you make this choice. Once this VC is loaded you make your remote call while showing in the UI that your app is actually working and waiting for a network response - the best approach is probably showing a message with a UIActivityIndicatorView spinning.
Once you get the response you load the VC that you need. You should also handle errors - what are you going to show if the network request fails? Are you showing an error message?
You should not do any synchronous network calls from willFinishLaunchingWithOptions. If you take more than a few seconds to return that method or (didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, or the other app delegate methods that the system calls in the process of launching your app) then the springboard will terminate your app as unresponsive.
#Tanzolone has the right idea. Have your app display a view controller that shows your app's UI, THEN invoke the network request and decide what second screen to switch to based on the response.

Terminating asynchronous NSURLConnection loading prematurely

I'm making an app that loads data asynchronously for a data picker, then reloads the data picker, and everything's fine.
The problem is that if the user taps on the text field, the app makes the network request for the info, but if it hasn't loaded and then the user taps the back button, then the view disappears, but the data is still loading in the background.
I've tried running this loading method on a custom thread and then calling [myThread cancel]; on viewWillDisappear, but the data still loads. I want to avoid the user using data when he cleary doesn't want to load it anymore. Any help?
I was thinking of killing but I have no idea how to do that.
Few things to note here, canceling an NSThread will not terminate it immediately, it will only mark it for termination.
What I would do instead is implement your NSURLConnection delegates within an NSOperation, and when you want to cancel your download you can call cancel on the operation, which will set its isCanceled property to YES. You can then use this as a flag to terminate the operation's runloop, and the download will not continue.
Apple has an excellent technote on using NSOperation here
